tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV December 5, 2023 2:02am-2:31am IRST
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three separate cases. hello, welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marsia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us. approaching two months is the israeli onslot against palestinians in gaza. it is genocide which is being broadcast in real time, almost 60 days into this genocide, and so far, the death toll is approaching 16,000 people, but it is widely believed to be higher as many bodies. are still trapped
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under the rubble, western regimes continue to talk, but do little about international law and its importance as palestinian infants, tottlers and kids continue to be killed in front of the eyes of the world. where is this all going? well, stay with me as i talked to my guests on the spotlight, like to introduce him to the show. mustafa faturi, libyan academic and journalists out of a... and harley schlingher, spokesman of larus, organization out of germany. thank you both for being with me. i'd like to start this off with mustafa. um, north, south, east and west, all directions now are being targeted by the regime in gaza. what does this mean when it started off, it said, first of all, of that the people should move from the north to the south. we saw them bombing the people as
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they were going to the south, today we saw bombings in the south, north, east, just about everywhere, your take, well thank you for having be in the program once again, and i think the the what what the israeli's ultimate game is is the fact that they just wish to kill, they just want to kill as many people as as possible from. the guzons population and the idea of criming the over two million people or who remained of them in a very limited areas less they the the the place they are talking about they want the palestinis to go to in the western gaza strip is is less than i think is less than four square kilometers as total area it's very small and the ultimate goal as i said they
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they they just want to destroy the whole the whole infrastructure including civilian housing and hospitals and schools and shelters for civilians provided by different united nations organizations as we have seen over the last 60 days and what they want the ultimate goal is for them to satisfy themselves with the revenge they are. prosecuting over gaza is the fact that they want to kill probably 10,000 per each person, each israeli person was killed in october the 7th, there there is no, there is no justification, there is no way to logical way to explain what they are doing, what they are conducting is not a war, actually, it's a war crime, and what they are doing is is and and has never been seen in such a scale since the second world war, right, indeed, well hardly,
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it's simultaneously that this genocide is uh taking place in gaza, the regime has unleashed violent repression in the occupied territories, it means that all palestinians are under attack by the israely regime, why is the regime behaving in this way as if it is running out of time and must eliminate as many palestinas as it can right now, well i think it's very straightforward. if you listen to what the some of the leaders are saying, the people closest to netanyahu, like ben gavier who's the national security advisor, or smuttrick who's the finance minister, they're saying the palestinians are not people, they're animals, there's no difference between civilians and hamas, i think it was smuts are arabs, and it doesn't matter if we kill children because they're the same people, now what's clear here is the
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goal is not to stop hamas, what's going on here is an effort at the final ethnic cleansing of the land of palestine to get rid of the original. to drive them out, mean when you drive uh close to two million people from north to south and tell them they'll be safe in the south and then bomb them as they're going south and then start bombing in the south, where is it left for them to go? there's no sanctuary, there's no safe place, and that's the intent that netanah started out with, now the timing of it is significant because it's occurred at the point at which netanyahu was about to go on trial, and his career as prime minister and as a political leader in israel was about to be ended, and so the so-called intelligence failure was a perfect example of of a government turning its back when there was going to be attack
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because of the use of that attack as a basis for a justification for a brutal revenge, so i think that explains what's going on with israel. your your thoughts on what harley said, because there are various perspectives on that, and uh, lot of times uh, we've seen from the palestinian side, it says that basically um, because of the the major losses, as far as intelligence-wise on october the 7th, that uh, it's trying to be downplayed as far as the astuteness of the palestinian side and organizing this in general. i mean, your take on that. well you are right, i mean the the let me say, i mean let me say this, i mean the the overall idea is is you know the israel, the israeli regime, especially the prime minister benjamin natanyahu are so angry and so deeply
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humiliated because of what happened in october the 7th, and that's why they want to use whatever kind of... little force they have in their possession to kill as many of the palestinians as as possible as it's it's also you know they feel the israeli even the israeli society they feel deep inside badly wonded because of what the palestinian resistance did on october the 7th you know they they just want to see a revenge blind revenge. different by blind anger, it doesn't matter what what what what kind of destruction they bring into into ghaza, it doesn't matter to them how many people are dead or how many hospitals are destroyed or how many schools are bumped out and how many
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clinics and masks and churches uh went up into the air, it doesn't matter to them, they just feel badly wanted. and they think they can take the revenge by by your ethnically cleansing the palestinians from gaza, but i think they are they already failing, i mean the fact that the resistance groups including hamas and the others, you know, islamic jihad and the others is still after 60 days of relentless bombardment still being able to fire rockets deep into israel, that means... the israeli campaign over the last 60 days have already failed to achieve any of its targets, we have not seen any uh captives, being freeed or hostages as they call them, being freeed by the israeli armies, we have
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not seen the israeli army discovering or blowing up any sensible and sensitive as well, substantial. channels either in south gaz or in the northern gaz or everywhere else and it's very important also to remember the way the hamas leadership decided to hand over its captures they chose to the to hand them over to the international red cross inside gaza city itself in the main square inside gazah itself and there is message for uh behind that, the message that says, despite the israel is being around gaza city for about four weeks by that time or two weeks by that time to be precise, they are they don't control the city, as we have seen you know the fighters of hamas being able to go into
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gaza city, not once, but three times, i think, to hand over the capters, and they the message they wanted to send out is that... the israelis despite the destruction they have broughten, despite the war crimes they have committed, the genocide they have been committing, so far they failed actually to control gaz the city itself. 60 days of destruction, yes all right, well hardly, how are these western regimes that support this able to keep up the share that they're concerned about humanity and human rights, i mean these sadistic murders have taken place while world leaders met for a climate crisis, when this is the biggest crisis mankind is facing right now, and they can't or choose not to resolve it, well look, the western governments are the worst hypocrites, murderous hypocrites that i've ever seen, we saw this in ukraine, where they claimed they
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were defending democracy and freedom and sent large amounts of weapons in because their intention was to destroy russia, now they're they're giving a full green light to the netanyahu kabal to carry out genocidal attack inside palestine, now what's interesting and i, i agree with most of what your your other my colleague said, except for one thing, which is i think it's still possible that the israelis allowed the attack on october 7th to carry out this broader objective. that's how cynical they are, they're willing to allow their own people to be killed in order to carry out the ethnic cleansing. the new york times had a lengthy article on december 1st, which said that israeli intelligence had a document which was a battle plan for hamas. year before the attack and that they confirmed in july of of this year that there
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were training missions going on inside gaza to carry it out. now it's possible given what we saw about 9:11 in the united states where the administration allowed it to occur because they wanted to have an excuse to go in and and destroy the saddam hussein government. so the the western hypocrisy is off the charts and the tip. typical example of that is biden saying, well we're telling netanyahu to be more humanitarian, what, be kinder as you kill people, this is outrageous, these are war crimes, there should be a real explosion of popular anger in the west, and we're seeing it in some cases, but it's look the congress, 412 out of 414 people voted to declare anti-zionism as the same as anti-semitism. and everyone knows there's a difference, so it's hypocrisy top of hypocrisy. yeah, it is quite unbelievable.
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well mustaf what about the araban muslim regimes and and their shareds i mean some simply are keeping quiet and don't even fake supporting the palestinians, others say they do, um, while at the same time they have relations either politically or economically with the zionist regime. well, i think it's it's along the same, you know, the same... lines if you like the the other colleague has spoken about and it's it's just the i wouldn't always you know explain it as the ziist propaganda has always been brain washing people but but but but that's part of the story the other part of the story is hypocrisy you know and it's in in today's world there is this this you know this kind of spoiled b which is israel in this case, very spoiled boy, who has grown up out of
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control of everybody, including the united states, which has been nurturing this little kid for as long as it existed, and once it grown up, it doesn't, it doesn't pay attention to anybody, it doesn't respect anybody, it does not, i mean, one of the interesting scenes, just yesterday is is is that the uh prosecutor general, mr. karim khan of the icc international criminal court visited the region, visited ram allah and was also visiting israel. one of the ironies i have noticed here is is the fact that israel does not like the icc, boycotted the icc, is not the member of the icc and while the palestinian authority or the palestinian state if you like is a full member of the icc and they have always over the last three years or so invited the icc to investigate different israeli crimes committeed in the
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west bank and gazan east journalism and you you's a very it's a very embarrassing if you like scene for the western countries most of whom support the icc yet they see the israel is welcoming the the at the same time they don't really like him, they will never cooperate with him, they have said this repeatedly many many, many times that they only received them for. the purposes, yet the man, they did not allow him, they did not provide them enough security to visit gazah, i'm sure if mr. khan was provided the right security parameters, he would have gone into ghaza because it's very close, very nearby where he where he appeared, but but it's very interesting to also to watch what what the
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west will say, if mr. khan, which is which will be quite difficult, if he comes back with and and for say the israeli prime minister or the israeli defense minister, what the west will say at that point? it will be very interesting to watch. okay, well hardly, mean, we've seen videos of babies cut to pieces, beheaded, burned alive, buried alive, what else is necessary to be witnessed by the world in order to stop this genocide? well, i'm not sure that seeing more dead bodies. and dead children will move the people who are supporting the netanyahu government, so it's not a question of that, it's a question of the hypocrisy of talking about a rules-based order, when you're violating international law, every single minute of every day. what we have to do in what, what my organization is doing in the united states is putting pressure on
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congress, to the the wars are not popular with the american people, and the american people are seeing it on television and they're asking questions about why are we spending money to kill palestinian children, and what we have to do is escalate the pressure on the biden administration to cut the funding, to cut the arm shipments and to join a campaign of bringing charges for human rights violation under international law to whatever venue is possible, whether it's the international criminal court, which is unfortunately controlled mostly by the united states, but the un has already issued resolutions, it it's going to take more than that. it's going to take the only one that can stop netanyahu is biden and the israeli people, and i think we're beginning to see a shift going on in in israel, of course, it's a totalitarian state, so you you risk
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everything if you speak out against the government, so we just need more international mobilization to call attention to the... fact that this is the very kind of holocaust that's being carried out that the jewish people claim the state of israel was founded to prevent, well mustafa, what do you think, mean we cannot allow genicide to just become business as usual, and we can allow not allow ourselves to become desensitized, as we're seeing so much bloodshed, what do you think is necessary for people to do to continue to be active? against the israeli regime and to support palestinians? i mean, we we have seen as as our colleague just mentioned, we have seen a shifting or increase in in the in the in the shifting positions of the public opinion, not only in the united states, but also across europe, across the whole world, from amasterdam to
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beijing, and there is the the israeli side or the israeli. regime have already lost the the public opinion battle from day one, they have lost it, simply because the crimes they have already committed, you know, and then they they continue to lose that, we have seen a lot of public pressure building up and being manifested in in different huge demonstrations from new york all the way to london and amsterdam, paris, brusses, you name it, almost all major capitals. and we have seen that and this this trend should continue, the people who are doing this in the west and in the united states specifically in new york, who could have imagined, thousands of people come out and support of the palestians in new york city, nobody could imagine it could have imagined this about decade ago, now it's a different
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picture, i am fight all the people, people who like the the the idea of resisting. people feel strong but supporting the breasts in this case the palestinians to continue the pressure through social media platforms as well as taking part in demonstrations and and the streets across the capitals and we are seeing the pressure building up just compare what secretive state blincon was saying two weeks ago and what he what what what he was seeing just yesterday, mean what compared what biden himself, who's were a criminal by the way, by being complacent and helping israel commit so many. crimes you know against the palestinan gaza compare what he said in the 7th of october and what he says last week and the same goes for the others so we urged him we are the people to continue
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the pressure on all those westland governments well harley your thoughts about that uh this war by the israeli regime against the palestinian people this genocide it's not one just by israel but it's the whole western hegemonic front against the palestinian people. well, you're absolutely right, and if you go back a step, what you'll see is that we've had in the last months the consolidation of an anti-dollar financial system, the dedollarization, and it includes and many of the neighbors of israel, the saudis have just joined the bricks, the egyptians, iran has becoming member of the bricks, the united arab emirates, this is an alliance of nations that are primarily appealing to the global south by saying we'll no longer be enslaved by the the imperial system. the palestinian uprising in my view
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is a part of that, because the israelis are playing the role of a colonial force, british imperial force, in fact that's why they were set up, i think with the psyche agreement and the balfer declaration, to serve as bastion of western influence to disrupt the potential for an all of nations in southwest asia, and so this is why biden and the british and and the germans are so insistent on backing the israelis, because the whole western financial system is about to go and be replaced by new system based on sovereignty and economic development, and i think that's the the wave the future, the israelis are not going to be able to turn back that wave because the united states has hasn't been strong enough to do that, and so the future is with the people, especially the global south, the anti-colonial movement, and i think that's the most important lesson. netanyahu is not
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going to get it, but maybe some people in israel will figure that out. all right, and on that note, thank you both for being with me on this spotlight. mustafa faturi, libyan academic and journalist out of tripoly and harley schlinger, spokes and larus organization out of germany. and thank you viewers for being with us on another spot. fight and marzia hashimi signing out for myself and other group right here in tehran hope to see you right here next time.
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وين الناس يا الله ونعم الوكيل عمه عموه شربيه لاخوك شربيه ثاني شربيه خلصت اجيب لك ميه حاضر. the seasfire is over, we can already hear the bombing, and i'm a hospital, there was a hit about 50 m from here, this is the biggest still functioning hospital in gaza, it's at 200% capacity, yes, this is hospital, the
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health. here is overwhelmed, this hospital simply cannot take more children with the wounds of war, there are children everywhere, these children are sleeping, there was a bomb literally 50 m from here, i cannot overstate how the capacity has been reduced of hospitals in last seven weeks, we cannot see more children with the wounds of war, with the burns, with the shratnel littering their body with the broken bones, in action by those with influence. this is allowing the killing of children. this is a war on children.
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your leader urges a global alliance to counter the plots hatched by the west and address major world issues. israel presses ahead with indiscriminate strikes across a besieg gaza strip killing more civilians, theto from the regimes attacks is nearing 16,000 and several international organizations fought a lawsuit against the netherlands for supplying israel with military aid amid the regime's genocidal war on gaza.
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