tv Gaza Under Attack : PRESSTV December 8, 2023 12:02am-12:29am IRST
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able to get water to gazza at the moment, but what they cannot take away from us is our love and our respect and our integrity and our honor of each other um and and especially in this time, especially when they are trying to paint um this conflict or war or escalation genocide as you know one of religions, one one religion battling another, it is not it is clear, proof that that is not the case, and we we've seen videos like in the past uh one other example that we saw was the christian community there saying that christmas for this year will be beautiful. in solidarity with the their other palestinian brethren, and they've asked for this to be the case all over the world, it's not just the world to follow suit, yeah, so other than that, how are the christians um fairing in that part of the world? um, well, we know that they are, they have always been persecuted, we that christian pilgrims who come into palestine have historically been treated um in a really abherent way by the jews, they have this disgusting tradition where that they spit saw that video too, so
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this is um and this is something that christian pilgrims have had to deal with and no one questions it, no one considers it you know um uh prejudice or discrimination because you know you can't talk about this because otherwise you'll be accused of anti-semitism if you question you know jewish practice or as aborent as it is um so we do know that the palestinian christians are themselves have always suffered under um under the apart regime uh especially if they are staunchy in support of their palestinian identity um "they have been allowed, and i will use that word allowed, because it is by the grace of the occupation that anyone in palestine who calls themselves palestinian, practices anything of their own traditions, so they have been allowed to hold these parades and um, you know, their traditions, however, um, this year they don't even though they would the occupation i assume would want to make a show because they wanted to be like, well look, the christ community are still able to do this, they themselves have said, no, we refused to play games, we refused to a show." " instead we will make a
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statement as following videos to to the non christian people what the symbolizes with that is so traditionally um there is activity setup you what that is is uh just see where um you are able to see baby jesus and you know um lady mary and joseph all together as a happy family with the angels and you know it sets a really beautiful scene uh for christians to be able to come and kind of uh look with pride on on their uh greatest miracle you know during during the year, but instead what they have done is that they have surrounded baby jesus not only in a coup to remind the world that baby jesus is palestinian but also surrounded him by ruble um to kind of... what the
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palestinians are going through, homes being raised to the ground, humbled by israeli shelling for the past what six days, if jesus was born in 2023, he would have died under the rubble, um, and the fact that good point, you, he, he, this is where he would be, he would have found bloodied um organs probably outside of his body, and and he would have been buried if he was, and his mother, mary would have been uh, would have given birth without um anesthesia, um, in the d in the rubble in in unsanitary sanitary conditions of conditions. moving on now uh if we may to social media influencer turned genocide supporter? i think um so we know that pez morgan is uh you know chasing out and chasing uh the attention that uh the world has given to palestine and what he's doing it is increasing his ratings and he's got two um two people who are constantly clashing on the show one of them as you've said um is a
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influencer turned um, i don't know uh analyst uh, but the lady that i really want to focus on care specialist, she she is anything, she roast the prominence during covid when everybody was home and didn't have much to do, that's very true and and her business sky rocketed since, one of the reasons is she's known and been invited to that show is because of her her jewish identity, her jewish identity and the kind of stuff that she has been doing on social media, um, the the person that i want to focus on during this video is actually nirdin. nirdin kwani is uh, the honor of all palestinian diaspora living in the west. she is not only an activist and a graduate and mother and woman who has found ways continuously go back to palestine, despite the fact that she has not allowed the right of return, but she's also set up an organizational within a lifetime that campaigns for the freedom of palestine within our lifetime. just look at how she beautifully responds to the... usting um
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rhetoric that is constantly being thrown at the borderline terrorist civilians to leave so all the condemming that israel is receiving hamamas should be receiving their own civilians, their women and their children as human shields instead of having them evacuated, you should be condeming the same about october 7th, october 7th, if israel was not occupying palestinian land, if there wasn't a sing blockade on gazah, if our land wasn't stolen from us, this has been clear for so many years, palestinians were talking about this, we're protesting about this for years and years and years while the world ignored them, why are there? border, are they a buffer zone? are they human shields? actually it's israel that's using judaism and using its own citizens as human shields to mass law genocide pal what you call someone the floor of someone's face, that's what happ she's excellent, this isn't the first time
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that she has really just like you said moped the floor with her face, but um it's it's that kind of rhetoric that we need to um and we need to use our day-to-day lives and the respect goes online. any wants to follow it, it's not just on air. let thanks for now. thank you latifa, she'll be back tomorrow with more. now the free palestine campaign has lately seen support from most unconventional quarters, but there's been a notable silence from muslim scholars in the uk. earlier we spoke tossa, a pharmacist and political activist who expressed her complete disappointment in islamic institutions in uk. if you look at our institutions, um, if you look at scholars, you for the younger generation, there needs to be direction in a crisis of this nature, to organize, to you bring people together, to give some
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leadership, to use examples of the past to guide the present, and scholars are particularly schools and institution particularly to do this and should be doing this, and you see your... vacuum, the younger generation of communities, they want to be able to see what would be the best thing to be doing in the situation, you because there must be examples in time of the prophet, there must be example, because of course the prophet was was also fighting a corrupt system, hear a lot of examples from the time of imam al salam, the eight imam where he had encouraged people to work within the government falls, see there are examples within history to see where and how we the communities should organize themselves, whether we should be working in the within the parliament, and also in terms of speaking out against this this crime that we are we are seeing um and encouraging, motivating the community to to speak out, to stand up, but
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you if this is lacking from the highest authority then really, i think as individuals we will bear responsibility on our own ' to organize ourselves, to to look at inspiration from the quran and from our from our imams to be able to guide us into this into this and really set up our own ways of um inspiring the younger generation, because sometimes all we've had from our scholars is really talking shop, when it comes to action there has been absolutely nothing, well also told us that there is lack of vision. and leadership to guide the next generations in the west, i feel that our minds are colonized, we feel inferior, our institutions feel inferior, they are almost kind of calculating what the consequences will be if the speak out, will
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be ostrocized, you what will what will be the implications, because we've seen recently, for example in the last couple of years what happened to the islamic center of england in speaking out and in standing up ' against when the murder of kasim sulaimani happened and the consequences and the impact of the mosk, so there is an element of being scared, there is also total lack of vision from our communities and from our leaders and our institutions, but if you look ateni and the revolution, how many years did it take for him to prepare the the community, the mothers, the children, the the... university students for it to lead up to a revolution, so everybody played their part, the teachers played the part, the mothers play part, the university students play the part, you he was inspiring, he was giving that leadership from being in exile and but the community was
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coming together until it led to the ultimate revolution, you're watching gaza under attack, let's continue a conversation with masoger from the ihrc and with political analyst mon abbas on skype. masud i'll continue with you uh that is the two scenarios that people talk about uh for the future for want of better word. conflict, the one state solution, the two state solution, where are we as far as that is concerned, what is being done about it as far as arab muslim countries, two solution illusion to keep the supremac, illegal occupation, apart state intact, and to give them time to take over every aspect, every inch of palestine, and this is if you look at the history of last 20, 30 years, that's very... here you know, it's not feasible anymore if indeed was
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feasible any time, so really all we got is one state solution, and we know even from the experience of south africa, this two state solution is just skills to to continue the and so forth, so why are we not moving forward a one state solution, because that is the only solution, it will mean end of sionism. "it will mean end of the legal occupation, it means end of authorization which has created this sidal environment and is the only solution, but we need to convince people, you can't sort of force them on the barrel of gun, so you need to convince them, how many institutions are doing that? we at ihrc, we started on the convenencia alliance of jewish muslim christian alliance, we are actually set up a project which is one" state solution uh, democratic state solution, with 16,00 dead palestinians convince countries
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such as those like the uau, normalized times with israel, that this is not the way forward. well, look, i think you need to forget about the bunch of politically bankrupt dictators around the world, which only looking after their short-term interests, we need to actually move beyond that, and we need convince the palestinians, we need to convince the christians. we need to convince people on the ground, there are a lot of obstacles, if you're a panian and you're getting what you're getting right now, genocide against you, the last thing you want is to, to actually live side by side by people are committing those genocide, so we need to find solution for people to realize that reality is there's no other option, you know, and we need to endism as we did end of apart so people could begin to live to... and and that needs to be nurtured, at the same time pressures put on the z state to actually
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small it, you can't side by side with your oppressor, your lot is said about day after in, but i'd like to ask you where you think israel is headed after making what many are describing as a strategic error mistake by launching this genocidal bombing pain on the gaza strip, iran's president for instance, simply on the basis of once you expose yourself to this level there's no real going back, mean after october sev, there's no going back for that in terms of an armed resistance being fully committed to devailingism as it as it is manifested in in that area today, there's no going back from the... that people across the world have seen the naked reality of israeli barbarism and
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their absolute failure uh to accept basic rules of humanity, let on international law, they violated every international law in the book around genocide, around ethnic cleansing and around all the other activities that they've been doing to suppress, oppress, torture palestinians, they've lost, they've lost the war of of of if you like the soft war where people used to give the benefit of the doubt as if they were... legitimate uh normal state, they're not a legitimate normal state, i think that's been exposed. i think military solution in terms of the minds of resistance and the grassroots palestinians and that's been ignited. the confidence of those people is sky high that they can take on this this this tyrannical regime, and guess at the end of the day the pressure now is going to be its neighborhood's leaders. it's about seeing how far they're willing to risk their own positions in power, how far the... continue normalizing with israel, continuing white washing their actions in the area and continuing to harbor and allow
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israel to fester. the reality is the the likes of smodich and yahoo! are committed to the greater israel, they're committed to the yin on plan of expansionism, they feel they've got control of these puppet arab regimes already, so that yin is already working, only opposition is the resistance, exactly, you said something earlier about the naked reality of the israely. barbarism and and i want to add something to that, the statistics emerging from the bombardment of gaza, of course a staggering, according to unicef, ho rather, the world health organization, in 60 days of war, around 16,0 people have been murdered, 60% of them were children and women, that's a child is killed every 10 minutes in gaza. now, speaking from cairo, egypt, james elder, the spokesperson for the un children's fund, unicef stressed that this war on children has resumed with ferocity anything we seen in the south and
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certainly at horrendous power of anything in the north. the unitarian disputed the designation of so call. safe areas for gazas and civilians by the israel military. we have the perfect storm for disease disease outbreak. remembering of course in this specific case, israel is the occupy power, it's they who have to provide food, water, medicine. so now given walking about hundreds of thousands of people right now, this minute, are moving somewhere with bombardments at scale 200 a day yesterday, as we speak, the only possible way to create safe spaces in gaza that are... truly safe that protect human life is for the hell to stop running down from the sky, only a ceace fire, only sess fire is going to save children of gas right now. in the current context of the so-called safe zones, they are not scientific, they are not rational, they are not possible. i think the authorities are aware aware of this, i think it's callous, i think it's cold, and i think it reinforces the indifference towards children and women
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in gaza, and i've seen in hospitals from the south to the north that indiference is lehal, it's... heartbreaking and it's confounding. fahim muhammad is back with more and how the assault on gaza is being covered, what you got for us for this segment? we have james schneider here in the uk is author and acties who's been continuously fighting the propaganda in the sort of uk british um sort of mainstream channels and he's speaking out uk. israel can do what it likes and the palestinians don't have any rights. that is the basic position. i think it's the... view fundamentally of the entire british establishment, the entire political media class and that in the united states, which yes, the atrocities get worse and worse, and we see children taken, babies taken off incubators in the hospital and alsifa because they they aren't, there's no electricity, there's no fuel, they will say how horrible
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this is and how this is, but yeah, well he's going over summarizing the fact that obviously can get away with... what it likes and palestinians have no rights and again um the uk and the us is actually providing the bombs regardless of what they say and they provide the diplomatic cover for the in order to continue what the israeli pr to call the diplomatic iron dome is what the americans areing uh those us funded the reality regime the occupation forces are using to murd palestinians well yeah amnesty has made munitions sort of investigation on the us made munitions killing 43 civilians a documented um israeli air strike in which show that certain um sort of like places that we see in this post will show that there was a couple of family homes and neighborhoods that had absolutely you know no political or army nearby but then they lost like at least 43 civilians in that day so that's been istigated as to why was that done and obviously these are um crimes that we need to
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obviously address and again this was on the 10th of october and in order to recover that the family is actually just living outside. and they could not recover even whole bodies their children, well just limbs were recovered, and some of those weapons or their components at least are manufactured right here in the uk, yes, and moving to how your belief in human rights, speaking openly about israel's genocide of palestinians can get you labeled as antic, yes we hear uh walters, we have quite a few celebrities speak and let's see what he has to say, there are people in this city who will not let me stay in a hotel. what i just want to point out that there's a difference between the people won't let me give me a room at the end and me and the difference between them this and all the rest of them and me and hotel religion
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councelled for his solidarity with the palest yes cuz he's been very again just quite a few um sort of exactly. few celebrities that are speaking out and again they are being um sort of scared or censored or obviously taking cancel to a certain extent but it won't stop them, they still using the platform to speak on what they believe in. okay, thank you, see you tomorrow. let's continue the conversation with my guests and i will continue with moson, so you hear uh the lebanese resistance movement, trading shots with the israelis, you have the hoothis in yemen uh threatening to seiz and... link to israel, are we in any way looking at the escalation of this war on gaza beyond that area further out into the region? well, the escalation has happened. of course the the the evidence you just cited is one example of it, it's not of course kicked off anywhere near the scale that the potential exists for it to do. mean in
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reality what we're facing, we're facing a bunch of essentially crypto fascist psychopaths like netanhu with their fingers on the button of maybe 400 to 500 nuclear weapons in that region. we're looking at a resistance axis which has been interfered with, has been um had siop and and after revolution thrown at it from iraq to iran, so what's the world going to do in terms of raining israel's freedom on the on the nuclear front, they're not previous to any analysis or scrutiny by the by the the treaties around nuclear arms and nobody puts any pressure on them on that level, they're free to to continue causing trouble, they violate syria of syrian sovereignty with with their aircraft regularly, they do it in lebanon, they doing wherever. like so they are already trying to turn this into a regional war, they want the american to come in in act go iran who is the only nation which has got any kind of moral decency and
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some sort of military well to be able to stand up to them, so their their game plan is also, i think to create a regional war, they actually want to draw in iran and they want the americans to be drawn into war, this is the kind of leadership dealing with, and i think it's with diplomacy intact that so far the the they haven't fallen for the bait. the regional powers that are moral are being strategically patient, let's put it that way, because if they weren't by now we'll have ballistic missiles, exactly, only time will tell mosen if there will be a regional a full f regional war or not, we are fast running out of time, master chadger, one final question, wanted to comment on what our skype interview he said earlier about the lack of vision and leadership to guide the next generation of muslims in the west, very briefly if you can, well look, i understand from we most of muslim institutions and mosk and so forth under tremendous bling by the charity commission to silent to turn muslim
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institutions into american islam and and therefore not get involved in rising up when challenges like this happen i understand that but i think in the same time we have to understand that in a in a sort of any environment of conflict be it on social media be it cultural. or be it sort of in political, you need to have bravery, you can't get involved in war, even if it's a cultural war, even is a political war or even illegal challenge without bravery, what is lacking within the muslim leadership is that bravery that we see among the masses when they come out in millions and then we see the absent of our leadership there to guide them, gentlemen, we're going to have to leave it there. thank you very much both you and with those comments we're going to wrap this show up again one more time i'll thank my guest mass here in the studio with me and abbass on skype for contributions gaza under attack we'll be back tomorrow with more until then
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supporting israel's genocidal war on the palestinian people in the gaza strip. the palestinian health ministry says the israel slot on gaza has claimed hundreds of lives in the past day, raising the death toll to nearly 17,200, and the hez resistance movement says it has... a fresh a fresh vitality attacks on israeli positions south of lebanon.
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