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tv   Gaza Under Attack 32  PRESSTV  December 9, 2023 12:02am-12:29am IRST

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so un true i person have been to the west bank to gaza easter and have been smothered with love by palestinian people especially when say i'm jewish so um we are angry with him and we want to go there to mean you know as we can see from this video benj is a white of jewish american woman who you know stand with the palesty people against genocide and so this type of action of direct action she's you know mother hands in red paint and going to lindy grahams. officer senator who you know is support for occupation entity, this type of direct action goes viral on social media, this played hundreds of times and we've got you know for instance palestine action who have also taken direct action and actually have pockets of of um occupation entity and direct action can sometimes be even more effective than just attending attending protest, mean these protest now also moved to um have moved to the streets of the israel occupation and see itself we've seen um numerous. has you know flooding the
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streets of the israel occupation entity, israel won the believe that the whole israeli socide is behind the government's genocidal campaign in the gaza strip, but that is not of true, absolutely, there's numerous examples of that, let's let's take a look at the video of um of israeli settlers um protesting, the horrible events of october 7th cannot justify this genocide which is happening right now in gaza. which is not only not moral, but also not smart, because israel nowadays is actually creating more and more and more and more people who will do everything possible to revenge, and this circle of revenge must end, and israel is responsible right now to fire, to bring the hostages and to look solution. i've been an active for 35 years and i still have some kind of hope, but i think now it's really sad. "everything here
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is very, very sad, really brings me tears. there you go, that's that's the public opinion in in israel, um, calling for a stop and end to what is the israeli military perpetrating against the palestinians in the gaza script, absolutely, mean they're not willing to um remain in a we've seen, hundreds of thousands of israeli settlers leave to where they came from, you many of them have duel'. your citizenship and they have left, you know, these people are not indigenous to and so they will not tolerate you know be internally displaced. this is the first time in history that has happened and that's partly because of the you know the genocidal campaign of designers occupation on the people of gaza, but also because there's direct confrontationing happening on the northan occupied palestine border border and the southern lebanese border, so around those areas hundreds, thousands of people have been internally displaced, which is something they will not with for very long, and so we can expect an increase in these anti-government process from within. and and some of the
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actions of the israel military other than dropping relentlessly bombs on the palestinians is the kind of jarring videos that they have been making and and spreading online absolutely let's take a look at this um so journalist um talking about gazons deserving deserving these rockets being thrown at them.
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so they truly do live in a bubble through the propaganda being spread and not just to the rest of the world through western media lets like we've discussed about the bbc but also from within occupation yeah absolutely all right thank you thank you thank you we'll see more from another time the war in gaza has seen women at the forefront of free palestine activism earlier we spoke mindset life coach dr durain who said have been strongly moved by the massacer of so many palestinian children, we've seen women, especially in this particular case of oppression, we are much more active, much more passionate, particularly affected by this, it's because of the emphasis that has this this oppression has had on children, i think that we have, we have seen the number of children that have been ted, it's become a number now, and that's why when we go to all these we see
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placards with names and pictures to make it real, make it relatable for us and lot of women are actually mothers and mothers cannot bear to see any children in. and in fact they cannot see that because they really in the shoes of palestinian mothers, palestinian mothers and and the other reason as well is because now we have social media, we have whatsapp groups, so we can see the images, we can see the videos and he makes it so real, so relatable and what's happening on the ground, whereas before back in the back in the days it was what was presented to us by the mainstream media, now we have control over what we can observe absorb in terms of information, so we have more exposure, we have that away. the reality on the ground, and women can really relate and empathize with the pain through these images, and it really does make it more real and relatable for us. draine also told us that women generally play a pivotal role in bringing about any change in society. women are
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pivotal strength, p has pivotal role, because the strength, the influence that they can have, the value that they have to give, and the impact. they can actually give and lot of this is underestimated and completely undervalued by the society, but also by women themselves, they have absolutely no awareness the strength that they can carry, the power, the the value the can add to in fact change the the the society, because what they are living, the life that they are living, it really does impact the their own surroundings and at the end of the day like me as a... of three young children myself, i really take my my role as a mother very seriously, it's an honor for me, in fact it's my duty to really be role model and a positive influence to my children um, because the children, my children and the other children of to represent the world of tomorrow, represent
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the um society of tomorrow, so what i'm teaching them at home, the values, the principles, the concepts of love, compassion, community, acceptance and really fight and in fact speak up for justice is pivotal. you're watching gaza under attack. let's continue the conversation with my guest here in the studio as well as on skype doctor paul larund. dr. laruni um i want to put the next question to you and that is again israel commits crimes against humanity and blood daylight. it warns in advance of what it is doing. still western establishment, establishment media, the mainstream refuse to acknowledge those crimes. the only reason one is israel in extension of western colonialism or that the united states is an extension of
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israel, because it works with ways, they they they operate as as a single unit. um, the united states committed one of the one of the greatest genocides in the history of the world - in order to create its existence without having the native peoples of the united states have anything to say about it or even to to um wipe out their existence and and that's essentially what what israel is trying to do so they have a common tradition if you will horrible tradition um "and it in the tradition of genocides that we've seen in the south, i know there's a call for sefire now, but i think that's misplaced, because what is a cease fire? going back to what the type of existence that was before october 7th, i think palestinians are not uh
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encouraged to go back to that, and certainly the uh feels that their goal of riding palestine or as they refer..." to israel uh to uh rid rid israel or palestine of its palestinian population, that's what they, they got rid of 60% of it in in 1948, well they're 40% left and they want to get rid of them, that does look like the plan, and ahmed, let's talk about the media again, um, why do you think it's become more and more difficult and costly? for the israeli regime to subdue the palestinians, we saw what happened again on october 7th, they realized what might happen when you subject a population to many years of a blocade, air, sea, land, siege, and keep the dehumanize them, suppress them and all that, um, why do
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you think it's become very, very difficult for them to do so, is it because of the emergence of, for example, social media, people are getting their... out, they're getting galvanized perhaps by the support they're receiving from around the world, how do you see it? yes, so there's two, there's two points to keep in mind, one is as you said, social media, but it's not all in a vacuum. in terms of the interest or the preference for social media, there has been more and more of a uh turning away from mainstream media as it's become more and more obvious that these are institutions that have their agendas, have their objectives and lot the time work hand- in hand with political objectives, just look at you know the murdock family and and what they've been trying to achieve over generations and so on, it's a lot harder to hide uh the biases with mainstream media when the social media revealing the truth on the ground. secondly, um, also we should keep in mind that it's
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been um, think a couple of years now where there's been a main, i'm talking within the european context at least and the us, there's been a mainstream media narrative of supporting ukraine against uh russia's actions and therefore going from saying that up upholding ukraine's resistance against russia's actions and then suddenly switching to we're going to support the oppressor. 'they shot themselves in the foot, yeah, because people who had been coaked into supporting ukraine and the very, very familiar with the actions and narratives and supporting ukraine, suddenly suddenly they go to those lenses off and look a very similar similar conflict and to support the opposite side, it's given lot of people whiplash, and so there's there's been a lot of pushback and self exposure of the hypocry of the media narratives, would you also say that the recognition of palestine by 139'. countries may have had something to do with it to the status quo israel can't yeah and and the
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thing is what has to always be remembered is that despite everything ever since 1948 since the band so on palestine palestinians they've never surrendered how can we how can we support palestine ever say we give in how can we ever throw in the d they refuse to give up they refuse to go silently into into non-existence and from and from them we find our courage. right, let's have look at this other story as well and then we'll come back and continue the discussion. to underscore the global nature of the revulsion being shown, the genocide being committed against the people of gaza, protests have popped up expressing support palestinians and calling out israely actions as of course we've been reporting. one such visual has been held in lisbon, portugal. those attended the vigil placed a lit candles next to a list of names of palestinians killed in the relatment. it was shocking and... was terrible and then you think every single day couldn't get any worse and yet it still does, it still get worse
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every single day, and as a jewish american, it's very difficult, the compounding emotions are very difficult for me, because number one, i was raised to recognize genocides life because juish american, so i was raised to understand the holocaust, how it came to be, i was raised to recognize signs of genocide, um, i can see that clearly in what's going on in gaza, fahim muhammad is back with more on how... "gozan genocide is being covered, what else? i think your story having to do with how the media are using ambiguous language to hide the israeli atrocities there. yes, it's clear on so many different levels when it comes to media reporting and we have cuz network um news network uh talking about how cnn describes an israel soldier in the west bank and the words used as you know a man in military fatigue shooting a mentally disabled palestinian in the west bank and say this..." excuse for that at all, and again it's it's continuous with regards to the sympathy, the
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empathy and the compassion towards the israelies, nothing to do with the um t that we're seeing everyday unfold with children and the innocent and all of that still does not you surpass when it comes to the mainstream media reporting, so man, military fatigues uh use avoid to avoid the word soldier, all right, um, moving to how some of the israely... scholars researches are also confirming we have been discussing here that what's happening there is genocide more from uh jewish israel uh whether they are in the actual um sort of bank or in you jerusalem professor liam mara explains why is textbook case of genocide okay and what i'm going to show you or try to show you here is that three of these are quite active in the case of what's happening in in palestine today first members of the group, now when you're talking about the group, you mean killing them as a that applies to all of these, so
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not just as individuals, but as members of a group for that identity, so as palestinians, they are a problem, so killing members of the group counts, but so to does causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, serious bodily, mental harm to groups counts as genocide. think about that, again away from using the word, no, absolutely not, and even if it doesn't comply with all five, main ones that has highlighted is the main reason, and the others actually does follow through anyway, because the situation that... put through, so this is more than what the textbook really requires for it to be called as genocide, and that not be ignored, and this is not just anybody that's speaking, these are professors who are not palestinian, they're not any group that you can actually say that, oh, taking a sign, being biased or judgemental because support, and in any war, like they say, truth is the first casualty,
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and lies is what we have been seeing lot of coming of telv, well, lies, excuses and asmed. the double standards, different types of language in order to justify this continuation, and we're going to hear again um another video describing just that president of the occupied states as well. this war is a war that is not only between israel and hamas. it's a war that is intended really truly to save western civilization, to save the values of western civilization. again excuses, sort of ways in which..." to continue and giving their sort of side of the story that make it look like as if they're the innocent and they actually helping the rest of the world by continue to do what they doing. all right, fahima, thank you very much for coming on, i'm sure we'll hear more from you tomorrow. all right, let's continue our discussion as we were, and i want to continue with dr. larundi in san francisco, um, you
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heard what the israeli president had to say, um, like any other war, those in need of external help, in this case, perhaps chiefly american help on the the uh israelis, what they do is they create this uh frame to uh frame what they're doing as as as a war, battle for a greater cause, and to do so they lie as we saw the americans do to go into iraq for example in 2003, do you see that happening here as well? well, i don't think that lied, he said, excuse me, um, he said that it was defense of civilization, and what he has in mind is very racist notion of what civilization is, western civilization, and for him, for for zionism, the the peak of western civilization is the zionist idea of a
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of a jewish state, exclusivis jewish state, so this is uh, this what they're looking for, i've never heard sir. racist statement as the one that he articulated for you. ahmed, same thing, what did you make of that? yeah, there is accidental ring of truth in what he's saying, because when we look at the major west nations, whether it's you know the us or the eu or so on, the the lives that we live here is at the cost of someone else further down the food chain, palestine brings it to our forefront, the exploitation of resources, the the lazy... racist narratives, whether it's islamophobia or just pure racism. one of the top diplomats of the eu earlier this year said that we need to protect the garden of europe from the jungle of diplomat, remember that? yeah, yeah, we have to protect the garden of europe from the savages from the jungle of the world etc. we take what we can a jungle and bring it into the protective gods of those effects. so there is something inherently accidentally true in what i uh
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this israeli president said. um, dr. india, i want to pick up another story that our media personality shared with us, ahima, and that was the ambiguous language that is used by the mainstream, the media, to absolve israel, and one example was a man in military fatigues to avoid the word soldier was obviously two israeli soldiers um killing someone at point blank. you must have seen a lot of this um in the media, as i'm sure you're watching all kinds of them to what. going on, yes, but not so much in the mainstream media, mean i i have to look at telegram, i have to look at the alternative media, including in order to see what's really going on, because the it's true that
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we have access to lots of media and lots of information and we have even access, but the problem is that the manipulation of electronic media by the government and the major corporations and especially the large media outlets by the by special interests of oligarchs and of interest groups like the zin themselves in the west, it's it's very well known and and it's very visible and it's full of lies as you point out, so ... i think that we we as consumers of media have to be worry and we have to look and try to find we in west we tend to pride ourselves on on listening every point of view, but we don't, we we listen to one point of view and we get the opposite point of view from the same representatives who are giving giving first point of view, so never from for how many
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times have we heard from hamas, for example, how many, how many times has been been on western tv to give their point of view of what's going on, we don't hear it, we are brainwashed, generally speaking, except for those of us who make special effort to go out and and get other views and other. and other fact, yeah, and and other than you, learning at how to go over the wall of the monopoly that the media have, and and looking for alternative source of news to know what exactly is happening, there are other things we can do too, as i asked you before, once the dust of the war s, there is momentum now, lot of palestinian solidarity, how do we maintain moving forward, and do we have the wareful to do so, so consistency. key on one hand we've seen the poison of zionism uh infiltrate and destroy institutions that we take for granted, political institutions, social institutions and so on, and in this
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cris situation we're now very, very aware of you at the very least silence in face of of this genocide, and now we're really aware just how deeply zionism has infiltrated so many of the institutions around us, we have to take stock and we have to realize whether it's on an individual level, we have to look at our day to day life. our week-to-week routines, reassess them um and and in such a way that we are supporting palestine i speak as a muslim, we are supporting justice for um, and those of us who are leaders, whether it's a social level, a political level, business, academia, mosks and madrasas, those of us who are in positions of leadership, we have to create new normal, we cannot allow the muslim communities fall back to the old habit, the old routines which allowed this poison of zism to grow in first place, way the position of the muslim community needs to be in is such that the the thousands, millions of us in our day-to-day routines incrementally help enable justice for
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palestine and for our ummah. okay, gentlemen, we're going to have to leave it there and with those comments we're going to wrap up this show. many thanks again to my guests for their contributions, under attack will be back tomorrow with more. until then, continue to keep palestine in your thoughts. goodbye.
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we live in a densely populated area and suffer from severe shortage of portable water. one element of it was leaving. the israeli water company in charge of all the water resources is the israeli national water company that's responsible for sealing water in palestine. guidelines on press ev nearly 17,500 people have been killed in the israeli attack on gaza since october the 7th. palestinians have
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been responding with fire from the besieg territory. virals to show civil palestinians including doctors, academics and journalists stripped and detained by israel forces in gaza. people across the world ride to show solidarity to palestinians and condemn the israely genocide in gaza.
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