tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV December 10, 2023 10:02pm-10:29pm IRST
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germany army has a stepped up its anti-israel measures in reaction to the us is ready at cleansing underwain gaza. yemen's armed forces have announced they will target all trips that for israel unless urgently needed food and medicine are allowed into gaza. yemen army has already see several israeli link vessels in waters around yemen. resistance fights elsewhere in the region have not set aidle by either. in iraq they have staged drone attacks on us miliatary bases on several occasions and in lebanonlah has been hitting.
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condolences for all the families of the thanks for the invitation, firstly marters have been martered in the last six. the plus days in gaza, the west bank and our supplications for all those that have been injured and for the families to have patience for the imminent victory. look, you talked about falling on deaf ears, what has become abundantly clear is that it's not deaf ears, but it's actually feris on steroids, as i would like to call it, because today we are supposedly marking. 75th anniversary on 10th
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of december for the human rights day, however, today marks not a day of celebration, but a day of remorse. this was exposed as a lie when the us again retowed a resolution at the united nations for a permanent cease fire in gaza against an ongoing genocide in real time in f of us, in our hands, on our mobile, we can see clearly that... murder is takeing without any sort of sort of stopping to it, so really what the resistance is doing at multiple fronts as you pointed out in your opening comments, particularly the resistance has acted remarkably, what we got to remember is that a war of eight years was inflicted on yemen and united nations at that time had described this is the biggest human tragedy man tragedy
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which was inflicted on the yemini, however, they have been strong, have been sort of supporting what's happening in gaza, what you got to remember also that in those eight years the hoothies and the yemenis did not stop traffic, the the the cargo and the ships going through barbandy, what they have done now is really in support of the garzans and as we said because design entity has ' all kinds of basic necessities to go through to gaza, so what the hes and the yemanies are doing is saying that look, this is what intend to do, and that's what they have done, what it also sort of clearly creates a big problem for israeli ship and also any other of ship shipping line that wants to take goods to israel, they have to go all the way to you, madagascar, south africa and that will
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increase the cost and also delay, so that will have an impact on the science entity of when they importing products and you want to remember that b significant amount of gas and petroleum products also pass through when they come out of the persian gulf through straight of homos and then to b and canal so you that is also going to have an impact so i think overall the strategy that is being adopted by the hooties and the yeminies is that really they want to sort of really tell the zin entity that the people in gaza the the resistance fighters the palestiny the west bank they are not alone, they have friend, just like design entity has friends in washington, in london, paris, and the collective west. okay, now john, iran has announced repeatedly that resistance fighters make their decisions on the basis of their own exigencies and interests and act
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accordingly, yet the west blaming iran for involvement in the yemen, anti-israel operations, what's the use and purpose of such blame gain? well, as i said, salute our brother yemen for their strong support for the palestinians and salute our brothers in tehran for the support of the resistance and the middle east, iraq and pastine. let me start just this is a game which is not a new game, it's all the new game where the west always had to point somewhere else. now with all this coalition of the western countries, especially the british and the french and the americans the sending actually missionaries to actually killing palestinans in gaza, that is actually okay, yet by the showing support by iran to the yemen resistance, iran been accused of supporting the resistance iran, in sorry in yemen, just make it clear to the
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listeners that from day one of the establishment of the islam, the first act done by is that the closure of the zist. tehran and obviously converted to the palestinian embassy with the palestinan ambassador, iran is not shy of supporting resistance, iran try to support the palestinan resistance, so i understand what the use of actually pointing out that iran supported the, i don't call them, because the yemen resistance, i want to divert from the use of the language of his and yemanis, there is no his and yemen, there is a yemen resistance who actually. did take a good enough to stop the supply arms to design through the and that is really appreciated, so i don't understand what's the point of actually citing something which is a clear agreed and obviously admitted by the iranian
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government. all right, now shabir, how effectively do you think such yemy operations like seasing vessels that have dealings with? the the regime all is now hitting for israel, no matter what the nationality is, how effectively could this impact the israeli economy that's already in bad situation? firstly i want to thank our brother, the panelist for clarifying that it's not just the yeminis, it's absolutely correct that is the yeminis overall which are part of the resistance access if you like, so what look you it may appear that... yemenis are not actually being very effective, but the reality is that, i said in my opening comments it is having an impact on trade cost, on insurance and delays in the products arriving whether europe or particularly to
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the science entity in ha or any other port that the ship will go, it will delay at least by a week and that has an impact overall already. "the zionist entity is losing billions of dollars because the economy has come to a virtual halt, many companies have closed down in the zianist entity, near 100 thous people have moved from the northern part thesign entity to el other places and of course all the sort of settlers who were based in and around gaza, they have also moved, so the security aspect and secondly..." "you know the reports are that nearly half million zionists have left the zionist entity to wherever they came from you know many of the new passports so that's also having impact so i think the sort of strategy that the yemenis are following is having an
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impact that's the reason why the usa is sort of sending their frigates there trying to bring down the drones and if the activities and of the yemenis was not having impact, then of course the usa would not take any course of action. secondly, you it is trying to... bring the saudis and the uae back again in the equation to start bombing yemen, but obviously yemen is won that if that course of action takes place then borders of these two countries are much closer to yemen than so israel, so that will have an impact in itself, they did show in the past few years that they're capable of launching rockets on the arabia. now john, elsewhere in the region, in iraq for instance was fighters. have also conducted more than 70 drone attacks on us bases both inside iraq and
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syria and that of course ang the officials of the white house. now what do such reactions from iraq sick? well, just just make it clear that this is not an which started with the genocide in gaza. the resistance for the lot uh since the fall of the saddam regime and the occupation iraq, the resistance actually active daily, but as you know the western media publish anything to do with the resistance, try to give them that the iraki government and the american is in the same page, there is a resistance daily in iraq, daily in syria, despite of the civil war in syria by the americans and the zin to try to overthrow president assad you know which... is weaken trying to weak the resistance and they thought with the killing of the shaheed
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uh that the resistance would die, that's the only reason they shahitmani because they thought with the support of saleymani the resistance would die in iraq despite of that the resistance actually fl and there's more attacks on on the american zionist occupation as you know they are hiding on the uh zone, they actually can't travel easy and obviously safely in the country because of the resistance, it's a daily operation against the iraqi, so it is make a big difference that the new front will be open to as said and we're giving third of the in our border fighting so we can actually is the on our brothers in in in in gaza, i think the whole region should be open to the resistance to eliminate this cancer in the middle east so
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callalled israel, without that obviously we here and watch the slaughter of the palestiniandy, so no surprise that the our brothers in irak, syria, yemen, mean salute yemen is because eight years of starvation and killing yet yemen is supporting the palestinas despite the the the by the saudi and the gulf. with reactions from the yemanies, irakis now in lebanon also has been doing their their shared attacks using their own advanced weaponry to military basis and equipment inside the lines and it said that almost one third of militaries engaging resistance fighters and that's this weekends this
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resources brutal war on the gaza strip your take on performance well of course the resistance in uh lebanon has really given the zionist entity bloody nose in 2006 because that was the year when it is very clear that the zionist entity lost very badly the south which was liberated first time in the sort of mid west asian history that no arab nation was able to recapture the territories that were occupied by the zionist entity, so what has been happening is that the the leaders, the military elite in the zionist entity keeps on sort of using the language that they will use the d doctrine that is really sort of destroy as many buildings and sort murder
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as many civilians as possible that they did in 2006, but nonetheless the resistance in labnan was victorious, so we and and since the beginning of this special operation as i would like to call by the the the resistance in gaza became effective, really said has said that they have been involved from day one in sort of resisting and engaging the zionist entity, because it is ver that significant portion in one third. whatever numbers are of the military are engaged northern theater, if you like, northern or gallery, the northern part of the zinity south of leban, so that way the resources and the personnel that are engaged is having an impact on whatever action the zionist entity want to take in gaza. true, now john, the
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united states has again used its v power and obstructed another push at the un security. referring to the war in gaza, it is not a war, a war is between two armies, this is genocide by the zinest regime with the support of usa and the corrupt government of uk to obviously to kill as much as they can palestinians, because the whole is to throw the palestinian and send them to the as they in the beginning tonight, which plan never
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worked, so we america has history of veto, the any resolution regard to... from the 1960 well 1967 there is 168 resolution from united nation regard to the sionist regimeted by america and because is that part of the region the are the dog of the united states the servant of the american foreign interest and military interest in the region just the only reason they actually the resolution as the what i refer to the 168 resolution in the past. this is the history of the american obviously open support of the not only vetos finance the billions of dollars six well th billion a year sent to the zianist to settlement and palestinians that's true shabir given given what all kinds of unfling
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support that washington has lent reg the full support for and also direct involvement actually in this israel car of palestinians, so does the us deserve to see its military basis and west asia targeted fighters? absolutely, because as as you know our other commentators said that you america, the us and our government here in uk is supporting this particular entity, and it was b here way back over 100 years ago 1917 under declaration that the sign is... sort of idea was floated and then of course a piece of land was given which was under the british mandate to the zinanis to come and occupy it all over the world, so so really britain has a sort of ugly history in supporting and creating this particular entity, but of course britain is no longer an imperial power
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and it has become the lap doc of the us, therefore as as puden it has to follow whether... washington dictat is, so in reality the resistance uh wherever they are in west asia, they know very clearly that behind what's happening in palestine, you gaza, the west bank and and other parts of the zionist entity really is the complete support of the united states and washington and london the european union, because at the end of the day the hypocrisy, the uh double standards whereeb they talk about human rights and all kinds of wonderful words that are used, but they are not applicable as far as the palestinians are concerned, and it's not only the palestinians, the language that is being used by the designist entities leaders, the mayor of deputy mayor of jerusalem only couple of days ago talked
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about analation of the people in gaza, you know, mr. netanyahu talks about ameleks. mr. gallen talks about human animals and all kinds of language reality is that is not just the palestinians who are being dehumanized, but really is the language of the colonial and imperial powers of the past when they used to designate the indigenous population the countries that they were occupying as sub-humans, so the language is being used at this moment against the palestinians, but it really means you know all the arabs, all the non qu that's why you see that the alliance not only applicable to the palestinian app to the multipolar world of the south is understanding the language that you know it's all people. people of the world, that's all the time we have for this episode, let me thank my guests in phoenix, journalist and international relations expert, and thank you
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israel keeps pounding the gaza strip including its refugee camps amid mounting concerns over the humanitarian crisis there. palestinan resistance fighters said that they're inflicting the losses on invading israeli occupation troops in gaza strip and the un secretary general deploring security council's failure to stop. war in gaza, therefore washington vetoed a resolution calling for a ceasefire.
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