tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV December 15, 2023 2:02am-2:30am IRST
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"us-israely genocidal war continues to claim in more lives, not just on the palestinian side, but also for the israeli regime forces. meanwile, there are more signs that israel wants to forcibly displace palestinians into egypt and even saudi arabia. this is while the israeli pm has even threated to attack the pa, while the hamas political bureau chief has said a gaza strip without hamas is delusion, expressing that it is open to talks, however, to end this.
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really shocking to see that these death the death dollters just keeps accumulating, but i'm rather going to start with uh the israel regime forces and how they are losing uh some of their regime forces on the ground, from what we understand, 10 israeli soldiers have been taken out in shajaia east of gaza city. the regime so far itself has said 116 forces they have lost, we know that they don't however announce the real death doll, it's usually much lower what they announced. but
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when you take a look at the military aspect of this in terms of how they have proceeded um and the losses that have been incurred including military equipment uh what's your assessment on that? well this has been a disaster in every level that one could possibly look at. obviously the greatest disaster is the fact that we are seeing at witnessing one of the greatest genocide in our lifetime being unleashed day in. day out in front of our eyes and the international community is seeing it and seeing the total destruction and loss of life, particularly the proportionly affecting children and civilians, but going further than that, israelis have not been able to achieve any of their goals whatsoever, and the reality is that they are paying very heavy price '
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"most, as you said, all the indication is that they're hiding the true numbers of the the death and destruction, which is occurring vis their own soldiers, and and the lost of equipment, and you know, yes, they are announcing hundreds, but really there are indication and that this is not hundreds or thousands and also..." "the number of people who are being affected, lost limbs and parts of their body become disable for rest of of their lives, it it really is shocking, so they're not achieving anything, they're not achieving their military goal, they're not achieving any other goal except killing as many innocent people as possible, and which in indeed was the goal of certain faction."
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of israeli society, and what is also very shocking while we are seeing this sort of barbaric genocide taking place, still we are seeing that 80% of the israelis are supporting this genocide, this unlawful genocide, barbaric genocide, which bringing no solution whatsoever, it's just hatred of trying to kill as many innocent people. as possible indeed, well, i'm looking at the most recent news on this that maybe is of relevance here, subsot, and that is the fact that you have the us national security advisor jake sullivan visiting the israeli prime minister, this comes on the heels of the israeli minister for military affairs who has said that the israeli carnage, he doesn't refer to it as that, but we say it the israel carnage in the gaza strip is going to take months, they're also discussing the fact that they have the front with hisbullah on the northern uh... part and then you also have
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what has happened with the yemani army, courageous army that has stepped up to the plate, probably unlike many other countries and is actually doing something, and uh that is another thing that they're discussing, what do you think uh, and of at the same time the us is saying, please try to watch out for civilian casualties, so uh, what what could be the uh outcome of this uh meeting, what are they, what can they do uh, because they they have both said they don't want this to expand, but yet this is expanding, uh, but they also say, let let us continue with the carnage, let let us kill as many palestinians, just don't stop us from doing that, and that's what they want, they want the cake and eater too, the united states of america is - it's it's a laugh in a stock in among the international community in one side a black comedy side since they they try to take care don't kill that many uh civilians they came in from we seen uh biden came and hugged netanyahu netanyahu the one who went
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to the congress at the time and humiliated obama his president of of biden and the same time biden himself. didn't like netanyahu, but the hug and the support is for the zionist entity, and today they playing forward politics, they like what they doing, and the zist entity have to change his cabinet and all of that, is just not to associate himself with an open genocide on that scale, that's what obama, biden is caring about, the united states of america is to me the way they seen the the the... happening in the zinest entity is threatening the existence of the united states of america itself, so shooring up the zist entity, it's mean showing up the united states of america's hegemony in in the region and it's control in west asia and the arab world and
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make sure these arabic countries and muslim countries are under control of this zienist entity, while this zienist entity it's collapsed under the punches of nearly 1ous freedom fighter from the palestinian resistance, that's why the the air left, the supplies from skies, from the ground, even going through arabic countries like jordan to sustain the zianist entity, financial packages, military backages, all the aid, all the support, all west europe, they showed the real ugly colonialist faces in support. ing entity, everything we know about the universal charter of human rights and and and all become in the dustbin of history, it's gone, it's the we are facing the ugly face of imperialism here, well yeah, he's, our guess
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that really has point here, because for any thought of any mechanisms that may have been in one form or another, stilled in any type of declaration from as our guest said declaration of human rights to the un charter to anything else that should have prevented the carnished that's taking place now to have stopped it and it's still continuing by the way which is my question to you master shajure israely regime forces and the israel regime is using food as as a weapon it is most likely displacing palestinians these are all war crimes and still seeing this happen and they want this uh carnage to continue for months to come, what are we looking at in terms of uh this ugly side of history here? well, what is very clearly we are seeing is the plant genocide and genocidal act which is being implemented and united state supporting
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and the west supporting these genocidal act not just by keeping silent but actually uh accommodating it by gifting weapons, bombs and equipment for this genocide to take place, no one, no one in the world at this particular time and moment could claim that they don't know what's going on, the genocide is happening in front of our eyes and there are governments like western governments, colonial power is supporting it and international community is not fit for purpose, mean let not forget, only a week ago or 10 days ago, the icc prosecutor went and spent three days in the illegal occupied territories, and only he didn't go to gaza,
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but he went to west bank and he spent one hour talking to palestinians and gave palestinian 10 minutes to articulate. the being victims of this genocide and victim of apartide, victim of illegal occupation, that actually shows very, very clearly that palestinian. and indeed everybody else cannot by any measure of sort of expansion to think that they are going to get justice from the international courts or indeed international bodies, this is a genocide well organized, well implemented and indeed well supported by the west, but despite all that they are not achieving their goals, their goals is not achievable, it's just killing and... people and for no reason whatsoever, well that's uh
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is taking place in the occupied west bank and since you've mentioned the west bank uh subsot uh what do you make of the statement by the prime minister, israel prime minister uh said that the israeli army is ready to attack the palestinian authority and it security forces uh in the occupied west bank, what why would the why would netan make that statement and if you put that next to the us uh claim that it wants a re'? calibrated pa in the gaza strip, how would you compare the two? it's all, this is like smoke screen to me, what is this entity saying and what the united states of america saying? they say like after the math of the day after the genocide in gaza, we're going to talk about installing the pa in in gaza strip, but we have to get moderate leaders like not like mahmod abbas and his sec. apparatus which they are, they zoning all the time with the science entity, protecting settlers,
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arresting freedom fighters, putting lid in any resistance in the west bank, and the united states of america is coming today and telling the international community and the people leaking some information, we going to have the two state solution here, where is the two state solution going to be implemented with there is no land left in the west bank, all it's a land for the... so what this entity is planning here, it's to make the life more miserable for the palestinians in the west bank to push them back to jordan and to to to break the resistance in in areas like gene refugee camps or in nabis or in hebron and there, but it's all failing and this is what is scaring the united states of america, they seen what's happening in gaza, they they you mentioning shijaa area today, shijiya actually the area. is nameya coming from arabic term called shajaa (bravery) and this is the the area and the other one and
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there is you have in jabali as well till now which is very north of gaza they they drop at them bunker busters over two tons of bomb we seen last night they create deep near in the ground over 20 meters and the same in khan and they receiving heavy casualties every day every day we seen it by videos documented, we seen the numbers, we seen even their hospitals, their helicopters landing, so they they are failing in every level, the only thing is left in here, let me give me a minute to say that, we seen general, general secretary of the united nation advocated invoked, sorry, the article 99, and we seen the the vote in the un security council which is veted by united states of america, and we see in the general assembly back in, the palestinians 100% and and voted for seiz fire with overwhelming support and showing the
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united states america and zianist entity isolated the and nothing is happening now this zionist entity was given birth by resolution 181 from the general council the assembly council of united nation the the move now the general assembly to convene and vote to to to with draw that 181 and tunalify this given birth certificate for this entity because the general council and united nation committed a grave injustice against the people, the united nation do not have the right to give palestine and to divide palestine to some for the general thugs thugs coming from europe because of the controlling power is imperialist forces, so this is the next... move to call the united nation to cancel this resolution what it won.
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interesting yeah uh let's see what the iranian foreign minister has uh said because we need to focus on this particular aspect of it which has been thrown around in the news uh quite a bit i must say shajar and that is the fact that israel is planning uh to purge the gaza strip from the palestinians they've cornered them into the rafa uh area and uh they kind of want to just throw them in or force them into the... into egypt, um, iranian foreign minister has issued this warning, aside from that, additionally it says that saudi arabia, um, it again, this is what has been thrown around that they should accept 500 thousand palestinian. we know that from the occupied west bank uh there were talks to give those palestinians to to jordan, all of these are forced displacement, which is a war crime. do you think that these types of motions and actions that the us, i'm sure along with israel have divised are going to happen? well, no, it was not going to
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happen. palestinians are not going to evict and leave their land, they are very... clearly is standing up and they're saying, we live or we die here, because they know this has happened before, this is what happened in naqa and they were pushed into gaza and elsewhere, and they suffer day in day out, the reality is that even saudi arabia and egypt are not going to accept such a thing, this is unlawful, this is unacceptable, this is ethnic cleansing, this is war crime, and israelis should not, get away with the war crime and this is what is all about. i think the level of awareness that is coming up in the west, even in united states and western europe and everywhere else, it actually demands a stop to this genocide which was well planned before. mean, if you look at
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this particular government of israeli government, its policy was ethnic cleansing, his policy... was to kill all the palestinians or indeed expell them from their land, if you look at the sort of songs and singing that comes out of the children in the main israeli channels, they are boosting about it, they're actually singing how they want to rebuild gaza for themselves, so this ethnic cleansing, this genocide, it's well planned, is nothing to... do with the 7th of october is planned long before, one could even argue that 7th of october was the reaction to this plan of genocide of the whole of palestinians, not just from gaza, but also from west bank. this is a reality plan of this particular government is supported by 80% of its citizens, so
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therefore we are talking about apartide illegal occupying force which is said into committing the biggest genocide and war crime of our century. all right, slapshot, you got to, you got to really help us out here to figure out what we're looking at, because the ones that are made out to be the bad guys, the ones that are uh are evil based on western media, are the yemini army who is targeting israely affiliated ships, tankers, vessels, the ones that are evil are resistance movements who's insolidarity. with the palestinians and the hamas fighters is doing its share and contribution and they have one thing in common, they, the resistance groups, the yemen army, they want to stop this carnage from continuing, how is it that they are made to be the bad guys and that you have the us and israel asking the world, hey, we have to continue what we're
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doing, i mean this is a flip side of logic here, and if the israel minister of says and we're going to continue this for two. months: do you think that hisbullah, the yemini army and other players might up the anti in terms the way that they're counterreacting at this point? the will, let me just say this, the yemanis and the hazballah in lebanon are brothers of the palestinians, they are arabs, they are and the it doesn't matter if speak hacked the arab world in different chunks to for to be. colonized by the british and the french then the the yemanies liberated themselves or from the english empire, the same thing like the palestinians who tried, but then the the the empire, the british empire brought the thugs, the zin thugs to to be their military base, 25000 of them, so the yemenis struggle in yemen to support their
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palestinian brothers in there is part of one cause antiolonial, the same the same thing. in in in lebanon, this is and arab antiolonialist movement supported by the resistant acts, which is brothers in iran as well backing them up, because this area supposed to be for its own people, what's the the americans doing in there being intimidated or not or the zin entity, it should go back to where they came from, this is the bottom line, this area is belong to its people, and those people, they've been in here and there for the last 600 years and they will stay for. though more than 600 years to come, the yemen is prove to themselves and prove to the world, they face the united states of america, coalition with saudi arabia against them, and they are afraid to face in it, so... the yemenis all what they say and stop the genocide against our brothers in gaza, we will stop this. we have talked about the genocidal factor uh in
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at least half of this uh program, but i can't help but again talk about it in my last question to you, masu shajara, since that ceasefire that the world was waiting for to happen at the un, after the article 99 was invoked of which the us uses veto, close to a thousand palestinians, a thousand palestinians have... killed 1 and that just shows how uh useless this system has become so therefore what my question is what can be done sorry to sound like a cliche because this war this carnage is continuing to prevent this from happening and and less than a minute please well the number of people become victim of this genocide especially children and women and ordinary innocent civil. and demands demands from this international community to bring a change. this colonial structures like the united nation and the veto powers which only serve
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in the colonial and the oppressors to make sure that this sort of things goes on and there will be no help given to actual victims needs to stop. indeed even international courts needs to be completely redone and they're not fit for purpose. thank you very much. shajar, chairman of the islamic human rights commission, subsha of the pleasure, author and west asia expert. with that we come to an end for this edition of the spotlight from the team. let's goodbye.
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في عام 1973 دخلت قوه اسرائیليه كبيره الى الحي الجنوبي من الطيبه ودمرت حوالي 14 بيت الاسرائيليين هم اللي هجمونا على بيتنا وحاوطونا من كل الجهات ما استطاعوا الوصول للبيت هلا في بله الطيبه كان في عمليات كروفار قدموا هؤلاء الشباب بقياده الدكتور مصطفى شمران نحن محكومون بالامل وما يحدث اليوم ليس نهايه التاريخ. "the plight of palestine has been raging on for decades, how can it come
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your headlines on press tv, the yemeny army says its drone has targeted a container ship on route to israel, stressing that his operations will continue until the siege of gaza ends. relentless israely bombings keep claiming innocent palestinin lives as death toll in the gaza strip climbs to nearly 18,800. and the military wing of the hamas resistance movement says his forces have killed at least 10 israeli soldiers east of gaza city.
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