tv Gaza Under Attack 38 PRESSTV December 17, 2023 12:02pm-12:31pm IRST
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over the past a few weeks and here in the uk one content creator, mother of three has had visit from the metropolitan police for having done so, so we actually saw um, we actually saw fiona's um video few weeks ago, she was the one who was talking about chickpeas, and if you mass up, mash up chick peas, then of course you know if you don't want hummus slat splatted all over your face, then don't don't be up the chickpeie, so it was that video that she is... referencing and it was that video that has meant now she is the target of counter terrorism investigations, but the ways in which they are trying to intimidate anyone who has any um thing to say about the palestinian liberation movement is quite disturbing considering her vulnerable nature and the conditions in which they did it. let's have listen to fiona. okay, chaps, apologies i've not been online today at um 9:38 this morning whilst myself. and all
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three of the kids unfortunately were off school because uh we were boycotting for um palestine, our house was raided by five police officers under section 12 of the terrorism act, um they then watched me use the loo and watched me dress uh bundled me into a metal box in the back of vavaro on the floor because i didn't i wasn't able to sit on the seats buse i'm a disabled woman um they drove for an hour and a half to sweden police station where they put me under arrest, well they arrested me here obviously by the time i got to swindon police station they had dearrested me on one of the charges, which was actually the charge that gave them permission to enter and search my house. while they were here, they took um my phone, the children's phones, the kids uh school laptop, which is destroyed but they were using anyway. fiona is actually alluding to
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here and she goes to do this um for some time because you she wants to update the audience on on exactly what's going on. the first thing is um before we analyze what she said, i love the fact that the imagery is still there, she's not letting anyone um remove her support or or intimidate her in in condemning any of the palestinian resistance. she actually goes to say that all of these charges would have been dropped against her by the police, they they specifically told her condemned. the resistance and we will drop all these charges, and she's also been smeared with anti-semitism, of course, which you easy to do if you want to treat someone like that the way the police has. so she's a disabled woman who wasn't given any water, who was, humiliated, wasn't allowed to to be given the dign, the dignity of of using the uh the restroom in peace and and in privacy على and to dress in peace and privacy, her home was searched, her children had to belongings.
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taken indefinitely, her her children had, she had to find care for her kids, um, they were without their mom for for all these hours, this is only possible in a state that is complicit with uh with the genocide of the palestinians. all right, latifa, thanks for now, latifa will be back with more next week. now the war in gaza has, amongst other things, revealed the sham of international laws and frameworks and how... they are implemented. we spoke with legal analyst amazmi and asked how is it that those who were responsible for putting these laws in place, are the very ones to walk all over them? what's happening currently in gaza has shown once again that these post second world war international institutions like the united nations and all of these different types of international treaties are essentially... not worth the paper that
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they're written on, they're potentially meaningless, because particularly in the context of the united nations, you have a permanent member of the security council, the united states, which seems hellbent on shielding the israel from any criticism and can exercise its veto power, which is built into the very structure of the united nations, is pretty much impossible to change, and to shield uh a state that is committing genocide, so uh effectively what it shows is... that power uh is the determining factor here, it's not morality, it's not the letter of any laws, if you're able to wield a significant amount of political, economic, military power like the united states is able to do, then you can basically do whatever you want for yourself and for your allies, so it shows that they're incredibly weak, and that you know the whole system of international law... is effectively not a, really useful
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tool in trying to bring about justice for palestinians and to bring about an end to the genocide in gaza. "there have been serious discussions surrounding the future of gaza post bombardment, the end game, everybody's question, according to ar, well that can take two very different forms. at the moment is very difficult to tell what's going to happen uh in gaza and what the landscape is going to look like, because there are currently two different uh camps within designist regime, vying for different political ends, there are those who are more influenced by the americans, there are..." part elements of the massad uh who are wanting to sort of comply with what the americans are telling them, which is that they want to have a sort of notional deadline for this uh for you january 2024 and they want to bring things to an end, and if it does come to an end then of course
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what's left in gaza is humanitarian catastrophe, there are you know issues to deal with in terms of malnourishment, homelessness, uh, all of the people who've been wounded. um so many you know issues that have to be dealt with and which would require vast amount of aid being able to reach gaza uh both financial and in terms of medicine, food and so on, but if the more extreme the more militant side wins out, the side of itama ben gavier and the revisionist zionists, then they're pushing for a full genocide in gaza, they want to wipe gaza off the map. and they don't want this to end until that happens and every single palestinian who who's living there is uh expelled, so if that happens then you're looking a full-scale genocide, so at the moment it it's very difficult, politics can, change uh very quickly, and so we have to
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wait and see which of those camps within the zianist regime wins out. you're watching gaza under attack with me sahit purza and my guests in the studio, zamzam ibrahim, and by skype, lamprini toma joining us uh all the way from athens, greece. lamprini, i'll put the next question to you, so the whole world is calling for a ceasefire, everybody's calling for deescalation, the end to the bloodshit, yet we are looking at the american uh, the us national security advisor, jake sullivan, who's in the region saying that washington backs israel um, israel's military campaign against. law, if a diplomatic deal fails. hisbollah has never negotiated with israel, nor will it ever do so, and then you have the hooties who have targeted three ships, they have seized the bulgarian flag ship as early as today. are we already
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looking at escalation, a regional war, perhaps? they are trying to have escalation, they do whatever they can, the israelis, benjamin netanyahu is working directly to have escalation. and i think that hezbulah was very very self-restrained until now, the ansarah is another thing, i mean, i, i, i really want to visit yemen one day, i cannot believe what we see in how they act and how they apply their faith, because it's a faith thing for them to resist to tirants, but uh, i don't think that we can discuss real politic with them, but hisbolah was... is is in its land, it's in lebanon, it's taking care of lebanon, and hesbolah sees the golan heights just next to it, yeah, has every day remembers what israel means and was paid the very big blood, with lot of blood, it's
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freedom, lebanon, and keeping it israel away from its land, so how can you ask them to forget that, it's it's... just yesterday, it's not so much, it's not even a generation, yeah, and z, do you think perhaps it's it's a case of uh, the tail wagging the dog so to speak, uh, israel, um, telling what the us is supposed to do, or the us reading straight from the israeli playbook, go ahead, do whatever you want to do, we'll just support you, give you that, as netan yahoo called it, diplomatic iron dough, no, i think absolutely, what we're saying is... a continuous playbook being played out for us right, so it's a show, it's a performance, it's very all of it's very performance, we know from the very beginning the intentions behind what was the bombardment um and continuously the the the the new stories and and things that continuously be thrown out us to maybe confuse the public, deter as we've
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seen international solidarity grow and alarming rate, assume for um israel and the us, you mentioned international solidarity, student voices, the voices of the youth have been louder than ever, how do you account for some like that? say intern students have always been at the very forefront. of international solidarity when it comes to campaigning for justice, um, if you look at the south african apartide, if you look at um the iraq war, actually young people were always at the forefront of calling for justice, um, and often probably the reason for that is young people have the most of going for a just sustainable future, but but at least to lose as young people who don't necessarily have um set careers and and and and things that are threating them, so actually um and we've seen that in alarming way actually young people challenging not only um the institutions that they're part of, but the the systems that they're also a part of and i think as we have um as we are in the age of social media actually the
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access to political education, access to understanding the injustices and how they play out um has really allowed people to really be critical of the decision that they make from day to day and really understand the power that they hold as individuals and i think actually the reason that we have seen um inter international solidarity boom in the way it has and communities and countries come out in ways that we've never seen before is because of the... conversation has shifted um and i think that's that's a credit to young people and and and and the work that we're doing um and i think that's going to continue and it's only going to get worse and and i think for that very reason things will never really be the same um regardless of of what things look like in a year in a month the world will not go back to the pre um october 7th absolutely not status go anymore um i think i can i can bring lamporini to to weigh in on this as well and that is do you think that what we have seen happen for more than two months now has contributed to community
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cohesion uh despite attempts by governments to create divisions among the different uh communities um here in the uk elsewhere we've been to a protest after protest and you would see muslims and christians and jews all calling for an end to the bloodshit um do you think that happening or do you think there's still divisions among the communities as far as their position. coming together, we're coming together and it's on the youth of course is in the front, but it's not only the youth, and for lot of us who have wrote and talked about the middle east and the palestinian issue for years, this is okay, with all that blood, in a way refreshing to see that people realize how important this issue is, how it is the heart of all the issues in the international law, how we... should face it and how we can move towards a solution, to state solution, a realistic,
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decent solution in any case, if we push all together, haven't seen something like that since the iraqi war, as being in the and we're more now, and we're generations, and the're people who are in political fractions that fight with each other, but not for palestine, for palestine, we're all together there, talked about people and communities around the world, politicians um have also been joining public opinion, public voices around the world calling for pretty much the same thing, in the us, law maker, democratic uh representative corey bush and other progressive law-makers have held a press conference with union leaders in calling for sease fire in gaza as the israely bombardment enters its third month. the biten administration has shown unese over israel's failure to reduce civilian. casualties and its plans for the future of gaza, but it continues to offer wholehearted support for
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israel's campaign with weapons and diplomatic backing, as we've been speaking. representatives to leave, the world seen enough, slaughter and devastation, peace is the only path forward. while we call for a ceasefire, we also condemn antisemitism, islamophobia, yes, anti-arab racism, all of which are growing in our nation at this moment and must be stopped. this is a reckoning moment. the entire body of international law, a system, the united states helped, design in the wake of the horrors of the holocaust is being crumbled as the us allows these war crimes to continue. our standing in the world as a peacon of hope. "a nation that respects the rule of law is collapsing. labor unions are not just the
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means for fair wage, they're fundamentally means for building power. as the us funds israel's campaign of terror, we, the workers are footing the bill for the massacre of innocence in palestine. this is the time for workers to leverage our labor power and electoral power, to stand in uncompromising solidarity with the cause of palestinian freedom. fahima muhammad is back with the sequel to her first stint unpacking the coverage of the..." gazin genocide, fahima, good to have you back, um, starting with the most powerful pro israel lobby in the uk, in the us, in the us, yes, we have apac, as we know, uh, a group that... really does uh have lot of influence and lot of money, so i think if we want to answer most of the questions that we're discussing today, let's follow the money and we'll understand why a lot of these ministers, politicians are actually still pro israel. as the pro israel lobby become stronger than your vote, if you've been following the mass public descent pushing for a ceasefire in gaza, you might be wondering why are america's elected officials ignoring
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their constituents. maybe it's because many have been heavily influenced by monetary contributions from the... biggest pro israel lobbying group in the us. apac, the american israel public affairs committee, and its political action committee, the united democracy project, work to fill congress with politicians who will back america's unwavering support for israel. last year, apac supported 365 pro-israel candidates with more than $17 million. yeah, the statistics are astounding, and the fact that um they actually want to deepen that pocket in order to influence um in 20 and 2024, basically um... calling for more sort of funding because even whoever they support always wins the election and uh that probably explains the uh biden administration uh secretary of state anthony blincan there too at the apec uh conference um where is your next story take us? well again i think it's nice to
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reflect as to uh the actual state of uh palestinians when it comes to the children. when it comes to the women, when it comes to the elderly, when it comes to babies, um, israel kidnaps and arrests 142 palestinian girls, and this is not something new just for this, specific war and genocide, it is ongoing, but it hasn't stopped, and it's continuous and again we see this where nobody is accountable responsible or taking care or questioning any of these things that are happening, the palestinian prisoners club. has said that the israeli regime has detained some 4,000 palestinians, yeah, since the 7th of october, and they're not all from the west bank, are they? no, they're not. all right, let's continue the conversation with my guests, both here in the studio and on skype. i'm going to go to uh lamprini for the next one. um, we're approaching christmas, um, the
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christmas period. it is a period that is dear to many people across the globe, especially in relation to the palestinians. uh, surely, the bombing carrying on seems even more inhumane, but it's with a swift end, as we've been describing over the past hour, seems unlikely, and you see that the churches, all the christian churches in palestine decided not to celebrate this year, i mean the liturgies will happen, but only that, and of course you saw the picture of little jesus, palestinian little jesus in the rables that... the lutheran church put there, it's awful, and because most of the palestinian christians are orthodox like us, we, i mean, like the greeks, we feel even more embarrassed by this, not celebrating, not been able to see the most, the biggest news for us, yeah, as that, but only having tears
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and destruction and hunger and disease, and that... murderous regime of bibi netanyahu on you. i would like to add something if you don't mind, apac is. yes, yes, very briefly. apac is the only foreign agent who is not a foreign doesn't have to register as foreign agent in the united states, and that tells a lot. there sure is and zamzam, i will ask you second question later, but since you're a climate activist, there's a real concern here about the landscape of god. "the destruction of all the buildings, the carpet bombing, um, the physical environment destroyed the subterranean aqueper in danger, um, white phosphorus, accusations of that having been used, other toxins as a result of the explosions, what is it going to look like post bombardment, how do you explain that in
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in environmental terms? yeah, i mean, if you look, if you if you look at the messaging..." has been coming out of of of of israeli government and pink washing, white washing, green washing um completely um and actually if you look at what has happened within gaz specifically, not even looking outside of it with gaz specifically and you look at how the land has been completely leveled um and actually has become has land that was known to be infertile very fertile land um is now probably unable to be used and unable to be rebuilt on um and that is complete destruction of of of the environment, it's it's it's everything that they say they stand for and and and so it's it's very very heartbreaking to see not only the destruction of people, communities, lands and accessory, but also um... very foundational and that we we need um and and we have conversations about and you see if you look at satellite images you can see the difference the the the purpose here is to make gaza uninhabitable
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just like a post-nuclear blast absolutely situation yeah absolutely and and and to think that we are having a conversation about if this is humanitarian crisis or not it's it's heartbreaking it's ridiculous to call a par humanitarian yeah no absolutely not all right we're going to have to leave it there and with those comments, we're going to wrap up this show. many thanks again to my guests for their contributions. gaza under attack will be back next week with more. until then, continue to keep palestine in your hearts. goodbye.
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i'm over in lakesh and i've come here to occupied palestine to investigate what the so-called deal of the century means for the palestinian people and the future of palestine. "this deal is not a deal for b or base plan, it is a war plan, you are the oppressed and they are the oppresseds and they they want the oppressed to give more to the oppressor, they want to oppressed to be oppressed more. what would you do? you would just leave your houses for money, leave your land, leave your life, your memories, your history, fair money.
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so now more and more people are realizing from videos and reports circulating. online that many, many, many of the idf occupation is rady forces are actually speaking on camera with foreign accents, accents from around the world, could be states, could be australia, could be european countries. i saw the number 500, hamas terrorist code, i saw that number. we had the number at 1,400 casualties, and now we've revised that down to 1,200. there's a decision not to dismantle and destroy hamas as a governing. now why is this significant? it's significant because it reminds us really that the occupation of palestine is about european colonialism and that's why european people, people that are
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not from israel are flocking there to fight against the palestinians who are of course the indigenous people. now there's another element to this: if there are nationals from outside israel flocking to israel to participate in the war on the palestinians, this means that lot of these... nationals are potentially complicit in war crimes which are taking place, and also it's interesting that presumably lot of these nationals are flocking to israel and are being greenlighted by the countries they are coming from. why is this significant? it's significant because if muslims or other groups were flocking to another country to participate in war, lot of the time they would be thrown under the bus and prosecuted charged etc. under anti-terrorist. legislation, do you think this is going to happen with the europeans and others fl to fight the palestinians? do you imagine they're going to be pulled up on
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covering what is happen. here the row realities by my camera, my phone and the words i'm saying about what is happening here uh, i'm asking you all for, i'm asking humans, the human being to act to protest, stop this genocide, to stop the killing of us, like every day there's hundreds of palestinians getting killed in gaza and also in the west bank, so uh protest, ask the officials and your governments to act and take actions to stop this uh, hope this is not my last video and uh, no one is safe, no one actually safe, no placing doesn't say, and uh, here's the beautiful sunset from today with the sound of the israeli drone.
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first of the headlines, as the us and israel continue their genocide against gaza, they face increasing confrontations by the resistance fronts in lebanon, iraq and yemen. iran's islamic revolution guards core commander says slot on gaza reveals the criminal face of the us and israel to the whole world, and more rallies are held across the world to denounce the us islaly war crimes against palestinians and call for immediate cease fire in gaza.
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