tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV December 20, 2023 2:02am-2:31am IRST
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two months and a half in today's ready genocidal war on gaza, the apartment regime. has neither been able to annihilate hamas, nor force gazans out of their motherland. now in response to savagery, the israel regime has faced retaliator operations by the resistance front in the region, that is yemen, iraq and lebanons hisbollah. yemen and avas defide a us planned regional coalition against its seizure of israel bound vessels in the red sea. yemen is stressing its operations will go on until tel aviv halts its genocide in gaza. welcome to the spotlight. i'm your host. in this episode
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we're going to review retaliator operations and their impacts on the israeli regime. let's invite our guests to the program. human rights lawyer is joining us out of pittsburg. also with us is steve bell activists with the stop the war coalition in kaventry. welcome to the show both gentlemen. now beginning with daniel, let's uh begin with these retality operations uh by the yemani armed forces and also you in addition to firing those rockets and missiles they've also been stopping, intercepting and seasing israel bound vessels around the boble mandab and red sea let's see how effectively this could impact the israeli economy, that's already in chambles, yeah, well i think it is already having an impact. i think this could cost the
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israeli economy billions of dollars, because these ships are going to have to be diverted around the entire continent of africa, so actually this is a very astute move on the part of the yemenes and a brave one, i mean we have to point out that yemen itself has been a victim of war since 2015, which led in yemen to the greatest human humanitarian crisis in the... world according to the un, probably gaza has now exceeded that, but the point is yemen is barely recovered from that, and it's engaging in these acts of solidarity with the palestinian people, so i think one has to be um to pay lot of respect to that. now steve, do you agree that this is actually maybe the most effective reaction that the resistance front in the region is showing what the yemen armed forces have been doing?
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"well, i think there's no doubt uh about that, certainly that's the view of the financial press, whether it is bloomberg's or of the financial times. after all, already five of the top six shipping countries in the world have said that they are going to divert their traffic. i mean, some of them have gone even further, ocl from hong kong have said they will end all business with israel immediately, so this is very big deal, 60%." the world um containerships would now be avoiding the red sea if all of these um uh companies continue in the manner in which they've started so it's very substantial and the cost of um uh ensuring vessel in in the red sea according to lloyds of london it's doubled. reuters said it's nearly trebled and so this is very big uh impact indeed. and for
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the israel is i think that um uh ilot port is their third largest port and um basically it has the advantage of any any vessels docking there haven't don't have to go through the sewis canal so consequently um there is a shorter journey um and it's full port two million tons of dry cargo annually 75000 vehicles annually. "if this is shut down, which appears to be uh the case that it is um uh uh grinding to a bit of a hole, then that is very serious concern for the israeli government, right? now daniel, you know that steve austin was uh meeting with israely officials yesterday in tel aviv, he just uh pledged - whatever they wanted in terms of you, money, logistics, uh, military hardware, and you name it, and also he spoke about..."
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a us plan on forming this uh uh coalition if of you will to kind of uh stop and curp uh yemeny vessel seizures uh in the red sea how's serious could that be? what should we be expecting? well, obviously that could lead to a regional conflict. mean, obviously, there's a lot of fears that this could impact other countries, there's fears that the us could retaliate against iran for this, in fact they've threatened to do that. so you know, again, the the the chancess of really a world war, you know, sprouting from this are very real, and and people... need to be concerned about that, meanwhile, the us promised to give israel everything they want for war, even as they continue to double down atrocities in gaza, every day there's news of of of atrocity worse than the day before, and
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while you know joe boyton is claimed that, oh, you know, netanyahu and i are not on the same page, i'm trying to get netan yahu to you, go easy on civilians, meanwhile, as you say, they they're giving israel everything. they want to prosecute this war, even as they're carrying out crimes against civilians, so clearly uh, we cannot take biden's words, it face value, the us is behind this genocide, and that's what it is in gaza, 100%. uh, steven responds to uh, this idea of coalition to stop the yemini operations, uh, this seniormen official has announced uh, and he has promised painful response in his words. in case his country's sovereignty is threatened by the us or others, so how likely is this actually turning into a conflict as daniel mentioned, and then what would the ramifications be? well, i think first we should stress that
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this coalition is a bit of a failure for the us government, aside from the sells and bahrain every other country taking part. is a european power, there are no states bordering the red sea which are taking part and bahrain is the only arab country taking part, so there were reports over the weekend that the us administration was in discussing with jordan, the emirates, saudi arabia, qatar, oman, egypt and bahrain, clearly it's failed to um uh align those countries and "it will be this coalition, let's be clear, this is about protecting israeli ships, this is not about protecting any other ships. um, this is about protecting israeli um ships and in that sense is a direct intervention in support of the um israel's war. i think that the um uh
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yemeny armed forces um will um be prepared to sustain um their attempts to prevent." vessels reaching israel, and they are after all, a extremely capable and battle hardened body, having survived eight years of war by better armed coalition supported by three members of the un security council and yet still they they are in control of the majority of the population. so they will not be pushed aside easily and i think that um this is a bit of setback for um biden, he was hoping to uh generally line up an anti um iranian coalition in the past year and this
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is completely failed um and this now the operation prosperity guardian is a further expression of the failure and decline of us influence outside of um it support for israel uh daniel, apart from uh yemen, we also have in lebanon we have hisballah resistant movement, they are also conducting their own operations, anti israeli operations, they're using you know their precision guided missiles and they have also evidence of what they have done, you know uh taking out uh israely soldiers, their uh so-called uh und defeatable you markava tanks and and all that and so uh how successful i said well i to prove its capacity and capability of actually standing against israel and is it possible uh for for this to turn into a full follige war? buse you almost a quarter or some people say a third of the israeli military actually and war machine is deployed to borders close to
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lebanon to deal with hisballah attacks. yeah, well i mean has been very effective even though they have not. really engaged uh, all their capabilities, um, i think they've they've been very careful to calibrate their activities because they do not want. sacrifice lebanon uh, which is a real possibility that israel, if this gets any, if the conflict along that border gets any more serious, israel might launch a full-scale war against lebanon, which has not want, and uh, they're being responsible to try to avoid that, but at some point that may not be able to be avoided, but in the meantime, hezbulah is doing incredible job of... down a large portion of israeli military in the north um
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and diverting it away from gaza, which is a big help to the people of gaza and to the resistance there, so um, i think has below, you should get lot of credit for that, yeah, definitely, so steve, your take on this, because you know lebanon has already been facing with lots of uh, problems and issues on home. curve still and it takes a lot of courage and resources that hisb is actually uh by using encountering is really actually crimes and gaza, this is the retaliation that they're actually giving, so let's have your take on that, well i agree with daniel that this is tying down the number of israeli forces, i think however that it is one thing to have cross border artillery and missile exchanges, which both sides are in. engaging in that moment, it is quite another matter um for the israeli army to um enter lebanese
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soil or to attempt to enter israeli soil, so i think that this um tension um will continue for a considerable time, i think the problem for the israelis is um well illustrated by their demand in the negotiations about um uh prisoner exchanges and a possible um settlement with the hezbulah, they are demanding that hezbulah withdraws its forces six miles from the uh border between the two countries, now that shows how difficult this is for the israelis to envisage successful intervention in um uh lebanon, they've learned from the experience of 2006 that this resistance... is very very serious and that um a surprise awakes them if they try and um
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enter so i think they're look to neutralize rather than engage. now daniel uh, iraqi resistance fighters have not been sitting out labai either. they've also taken up action and they have conducted more than hundred operations 100 plus operations uh using drones uh and uh targeting actually us bases inside iraq and different parts and also some them in uh syria. let's also talk about that. yeah, well again, i think again a lot of these uh, i think are restrained um activities. uh, they haven't done a lot of damage um to us forces or material, but i again, i think it's a what it is is message to the united states. that it is vulnerable in the region, that that it is not wanted in
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the region, recall that in fact the us is occupying one third of syria and stealing its oil um out of syria, and um iraq some time ago told the americans to leave and they haven't left, so i think the messages they are not wanted here and they uh that the people of iraq and syria also... uh reject the war against gaza, so i think it's important and i think what it's a message also that uh things could get much more serious for american forces there if this continues. um, you know, remember beirot, where uh, you know, ultimately the ronald reagan pulled out forces after a uh, um, bombing of of number of troops there uh in the early 1980s and i think this... is a warning that that sort of thing could happen again uh steve uh if this uh genocidal war
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goes on and this is what tel aviv uh seemingly saying that they are going to go on they're just moving to the next stage that was what they were telling uh their american allies the other day so and with these retality reprisal attacks by yemen by iraq by levilah iran has given warnings multiple times that we do not want a regional war, but if this goes on, we may well end up in a regional war, how likely would that be? "well, i think that there is attempt to contain um the war, the united states is certainly um anxious to um, it wants to see the resistance defeated in um palestine, um, but it doesn't share all of the same war aims as the israeli government, it does not accept
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the idea that the israel's government has previously promoted, which is removing..." all the palestinians from gaza and nexing and recolonizing um so i think that the for the united states that is not acceptable, it's it is losing influence in west asia and if um it stands by and allows second nackbar in gaza then um it will destroy its influence in the region for many uh years to come, so i think it's trying to contain it, however matter. aren't guaranteed at all, note that yesterday um there was a cyber attack upon iran um which uh originated in israel and took out 70% of iran's um petral stations so i think there is the possibility of all sorts of uh uh developments particularly are if and when
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this um naval force is deployed in the uh red sea um, so um, we, we shall, we shouldn't exclude the possibility of serious escalation as daniel indicated, and daniel, what do you expect to happen if such a thing really takes place? well, i mean, the fear of course is the fact that israel has nuclear weapons, right, which they of course have not properly disclosed, but one knows they have them, at least hundred nuclear warheads, um, one minister in israel has already suggested in gaza, of course, which would be right, insane, not only immoral of course, but also self-destructive for israel, because it's you know within israel's own borders, so that would be insane, but you know, when we're
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looking at netanyahu, we see someone who seems not to be acting rationally, "at least not for his own country, he seems to be willing to burn his own country to the ground in order to protect himself from from the corruption charges that are hanging over his head, so he's a desperate man and may turn to desperate measures, and that should be the big fear is the use of nuclear weapons potentially um against countries like iran which don't have nuclear weapons. uh, steve, do you share the same opinion?" " yes, and i think that it's interesting that one um israeli minister rather in cautiously did suggest, well perhaps we should nuke um uh gaza, so it there is an enormous constitutional crisis inside israel itself, the vulnerability of uh netanyahu has for the moment uh been covered up by the fact that
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there is a war going on, however there will be a reckoning um from within. israeli society, there is no doubt about that, and it will not necessarily be very easy for israeli society given the way it continually is basing itself on the activity of illegal settlers and the settler movement, it would not be easy then to consolidate its position internationally. already you have had number of its so-called allies highlighting the um issue. of settler movement in the west bank, um, so i think that the constitutional crisis has been deferred, um, and the israeli government and netanyahu in particular, is going to face problems further down the road, which i agree, that's one of the reasons why he's so unpredictable in these circumstances,
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but i wonder if is crazy enough to do this, because iran is not only... they they were not able to you know uh fulfill their goal of eradicating hamas, just one small resistance movement, it's not all resistance fighters actually, and then how could they deal with iran? anyway uh let's let me ask another question uh before we finish, we don't have much time, so uh daniel, where is europe in here cuuse at the security council when the us vetoed and and that has happened tens of times over the past years, any now we have these a couple of times some countries offering urgent and battly need a truth to be established in gaza, you know what the situation is like, and then europeans simply abstained from this or they opposed it, now they we have the... uh troica uh two days ago, they were saying that, okay, let's have a truth, too many civilians are died, 20,00 people lost their lives and now they just woken up to this reality, or is this only lip
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service? well, it's hard to say, i mean, europe is not as committed to this war as the united states for sure, but at the same time europe does not act independently of the united states, as we saw and have seen in ukraine where... "you know countries like germany have sacrificed their own economies um in support of us war aims which have you know cut them off from badly needed from russia, so they they seem to act not in their own interest but in the interest of the united states, but that is gonna have to come to an end, at some point those countries will not be able to afford to do that anymore, and the question is whether they feel they can't afford to continue." bording the us and israel in this genocide in um in gaza, and i think the european leaders in my own view,
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their patience is probably running thin with because their own populations are absolutely furious with what's happening, particular, in particular the population of the united kingdom, which is had record demonstrations against this war, and i just think the governments they are going to... have to respond right? okay, steve, we have only one minute, some people are saying, some observers saying that the us wants uh this genocide in gaza to end uh by uh late january, they want to use it as kind of some uh pr or something uh toward the you know some benefits toward the presidential election there, your opinion, i think that the uh biden administration is um beginning to feel some serious pressure, the most recent um uh opinion polls. um demonstrate that his position is collapsing and he's facing an election, next year he needs to produce something from uh from this slaughter
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uh and at the moment he seems incapable of doing that, as you say there is a fragmentation in in his allies, the european union initially aligned completely with the us voted three ways in the general uh assembly so that unity has gone so. i think that this is from biden's point of view, time is running out for him to resolve this. okay, thank you so much, we're out of time, daniel kovaleck, human rights lawyer in pittsburg, steve bell, activists with the stop the war coalition, covbentry uk. thank you for watching this episode of the spotlight, than your host berrus najafi, i'll see you next time.
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palestinian. people and the future of palestine, this deal is not a deal for beast or base plan, it is a war plan. we are the oppress and they are the oppressed and they they want the oppressed to give more to the oppressor, they want the oppressed to... oppressed more, what would you do? you will just leave your houses for money, leave your land, leave your life, your memories, your history, for your money.
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every time the yemen succeeds in preventing the passage of ships headed towards the occupation sports and thorts attempts to break the blockade on the entity, it reassures the free people of the world. the closure of the red sea to ships coluting with the enemy turns into a heroic festival teaching the us and zionist israel harsh lessons and threatening them with more successive blows, capable of breaking their alliances and corers of global policies. despite the reluctance of global military powers, the balance has been shifting. and the access of resistance is gaining strength as a regional force capable of defeating zianist israel, the united states and their allies. yemen humiliates zionist israel this week on the midiast stream.
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gato from israel's indus criminal strikes in the gaza trip is approaching 20,000, most of them women and children. uh, senior hamasa official tells press tv, israel has had no significant achievements in gaza so... far and can by no means wipe out the resistance movement and you're on strongly condems a swedish court decision to uphold a life sentence given to an iranian national warning of its destructive impact on tethron stock home relations.
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