tv Economic Divide PRESSTV December 21, 2023 5:02pm-5:31pm IRST
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this really onslot on the gaza strip has continued unabated even us's apparent warning to israel from high intensity to low intensity warfare if you heard that which has prevented the murder of palestinians, well that actually turned out to be the opposite, that continued, in the meantime yemen has stepped up. to the plate and has targeted vessels affiliated to or going to or coming from israel, warning the us-israeli genocidal war has to stop and aid needs to go into the gaza strup. let's take a look at some of the highlights of this program: first, the yemini army and its targets: israely regime related vessels, maritime routes under threat due to israeli onslot, and of course the world economic impact has it gotten to that point. we will look at that very closely. we're also going to take a look at the israely apartite system, overall, there was announcement made
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about new settlements, 1700 units, we will take a look also at demolitions and ultimately displacement as a result of all of that, and another uh practice of the apartide regime and that's surveillance, and uh the sector uh most important to israel that has been hit hard uh is the tech sector, it's an economic freefall right now, ipo values have haveed to seven and a half billion dollars and investors are abandoning this sector in droves. amid israel's ongoing genocide in the gaza strip, israel has approved plans to build new settler units in the occupied east alpits. 1738 settlement units are to be built in the southeast of occupied alquid. the new
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settlements would effectively seal off the last remaining corridor, connecting the palestinian neighborhoods of bate safafa and sharafat with the rest of outputs. this plan poses a significant challenge to the possibility of creating a palestinian urban continuum in east alphats and obstructs almost every urban connection between bethlehem and east outputs. israel occupied these salklits in 1967 and later annexed it in a move never recognized by the un. around 300 thousand palestinians and 200 thousand israelies live east jerusalem. it is now widely believed that israel is trying to change the demographic composition of the occupied west bank in apid to effectively prevent the possibility for the creation of any palestinian state. furthermore, israel is using every possibility to monitor and control palestinians. israel's military occupation has become a laboratory for advanced
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surveillance systems, artificial intelligence and spyward technology developed by western corporations and israel's military, and in some cases, data gathered by surveillance methods are used for israel's policy of targeted assassinations. israel's war on the gaza strip is continuing to take heavy tool on the regime's economy. it's time for the of social media post on this program. first up we're going to take a look a tweet. which is known as x, red sea shipping costs rising after hoothies target more commercial vessels in this program we don't refer to the hoothies assuties we refer to them as sral movement however just a side note uh this uh actually is a website then where it said red sea shipping costs are rising and it went to say around 23 ships passed through the narrow babal mandab straight connecting the red sea and the gulf of aiden and it further added these attacks are the potential to become far more of a global strategic economic threat
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than simply a regional geopolitical one, so you can see how how much of an impact this is having. next, something that do a reaction from the eu foreign policy chief joseph bararell when it came to settlements, he said, i'm paul to learn that in the middle of a war, israel is poised to commit new funds to build more illegal settlements. we refer to israel as the israeli government, we don't recognize israel in this program, therefore we just refer to it as israel, or the israel uh and then he said this is not self-defense and will not make israel safer. the settlements are grave ihl breach and they are israel's greatest security liability. not to mention that they also incur economic costs for palestinians and finally we go to this one: contradictions deep in israel as genocidal war on gaza enters the third month. it said the settler colonial apartide and occupation will not end unless international sanctions hurt. it's economy uh argues
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antiapartide activist by the name of oher neyman. all right, those were some of the social media post, hope you liked them. let me introduce our first guest for our q&a, the first q&a of the program. she is a palestinian activist who joins us. rinard tamimi, welcome to the program. when you take a look at the us is really genocidal war, lot of things are coming to light when it comes to israel's apartide regime practices on occupied palestinian land. one of the things that was shocking in some sense is their announcement of illegal settlements, of which they announced about 1700 or so settlements. there are other things that they are doing simultaneously that has been a hallmark of uh the way that. they have uh violated palestinian rights, what do you think about that and uh how do you think this war, genocidal war is going to go when it comes to the practices overall, illegal practices, must say. now the construction of these settlement units has severe consequences for
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palestinians. it disrupts the normal flow of the economic activities, causing difficulties in communicat in in commuting and hindering daily life for palestinians. "the strategic location of the settlements obstruc obstructs urban connections contributing economic challenges for palestinians in these affected areas. additionally, the approval of such construction during the ongoing conflict raises concerns about the border, the broader trend, um, the broader and wider trend of advancing settlement plans plans in east alcods under the goes of..." wartime and initiatives, it's important to note um that the settlement building and the occupied territories is also considered illegal during to the un resolutions and the international law, sitler violence um is also rampant
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across the west bank which also affects the economic um the economic side of the palestinian that particular um east al-quds area so for example in palestinian villages um they beat up palestinian farmers, they steal their olives, they don't let them to go and harvest their olives, um, they do also threaten them, threaten to murder them, if they try and use tractors to go into their fields or to go into their gardens, um, so these brutalities and tactics to crush palestinians uh, will um have big economic... uh impact and making it harder for palestinians to sustain their families and build their lives, and it is all part of israel's agenda of turminating palestinians into leaving their lands as part of their violent um of the violence, a big genocidal
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projects. okay, thank you so much for that. let me bring our next guest, richfour joins us, he's an author of number of books and he joins us uh on this program. thank you so much for joining economic divide rich for um... you want to talk about the israeli partide regime practices that impacts the palestinian economy and in some ways the israely economy also uh one of the things that uh it practices is uh surveillance and it uses that in many different ways. tell us the economic impact that that has on palestinians overall? for one thing it creates enormous anxiety among among the people who are being oppressed and when people are anxious it's hard for them to... to function as as uh beneficially as they normally would, and so again, everything israel does is designed to make life miserable for palestinians, because maybe they will leave, maybe they will, and lot of palestinians have indeed left, there are many
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palestinians in europe, in turkey, you know, and in other places, and and and this is what is happening, i mean, what israel is doing though, when you include... their invasion of gaza, they're also making life much more difficult for their own citizens. i've read the rand corporation, which is major think tank in the united states, has said that israel could lose as much as $400 billion dollars in economic activity in the next 10 years. tim. for the inf news section of the program, by the way, the inf news section is not like before, we covered news with economic flavor from around the world, we're focused only on the us-israely genocidal war on the gaza strip and of course economy related. first up uh taking a look at demolitions uh by israel and the occupied
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west bank, we use peace now, i'm going to say that name because they focus only on the demolitions and the settlements. this entry said the regime has raised a residential building, which is said to have all the permits required in the first. and as a result it displays four families which amounted to 32 members. now our take on this is since the beginning of 2023, israel occupation forces have carried out 256. demolition operations in the occupied west bank including alguts uh the number of structures that were targeted was 303 during the first half of 2023, that's a lot of demolitions. all right, next up, it's very hard to talk about this particular topic, we researched it through, it's about palestinian body parts that are being stolen, we figured we pick one that uh presents it an impartial way, the entry asked the question, is israel stealing organs from dead uh palestinians? uh this uh is something that israel has a long wrap sheet on and based on the most recent
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data that's available, it seems like they have done that, we're going to leave this uh for another program because uh there's a lot of money that's involved in this on the one end, so we'll cover that in one of our future programs. another topic uh we looked at was forced displacement, this always leads to uh negative impact on the palestinian economy. uh, this particular entry said the gazins say that they fear a fate worse. and bombs and that's permanent exile, so we looked at that in the lens of the poor people of palest palestine in gaza, with the gazans uh say that they have been squeezed up against the border with egypt peninsula, uh the town being rufa where they are at, and finally we're going to take a look atuh the economy in the west bank and how it has been impacted. um, it says that aches as palestinians are losing israely work permits which are required by palestinians to have, but no longer, that's uh old news and maybe... it's permanence, israel has terminated uh these permits for palestinians from both israely occupied west bank and also
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from gaza from october the 7th, some of the items we picked uh related to the us israel war, if you have any ideas or comments on that, do send them to us, contact information is coming up. "every time the yemeni navy succeeds in preventing the passage of ships headed towards the occupation sports and thorts attempts to break the blockade on the entity, it reassures the free people of the world. the closure of the red sea to ships coluding with the enemy turns into a heroic festival, teaching the us and zionist israel harsh lessons and threatening them with more successive blows, capable of breaking their alliances and coersive global policies. despite the'. of global military powers, the balance has been shifting and the axis of resistance is gaining strength as a regional
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force capable of defeating zinanist israel, the united states and their allies. yemen humiliates zionist israel this week on the mediast stream. then. نفذت القوات البحريه في القوات المسلحه اليمنيه بعون الله تعالى عمليه عسكريه في البحر الاحمر كان من نتائجها الاستيلاء على سفينه اسرائيليهه واجتيادها الى الساحل اليمني. these are the
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hot spots, the arabian sea, next to it, the golf of aden, the babel mandap straight, the bret sea, and occupied palestine. bablemanda facts: the width 16 to 20 miles in terms of the vessels, daily 50 to 60 travel through the straight. the yemini army has targeted seven vessels so far and it has advised many. to change course. the us has
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condemned yemani army drone strikes. the the hoothies represent a material threat to freedom of navigation, to commercial shipping, to lawful commerce, and they're doing so in a vital artery there at the babandeb uh and into the red sea, and the united. states is working with the international community, with partners from the region and from all over the world to deal with this threat. meanwhile yemen has updated his previous announcement: the yemen armed forces would like to ensure that all ships and international shipments will be safe to travel to all ports except for israeli ports. these ships must always keep their naval navigation system on. the yemani armed forces will not hesitate to target any
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ship that refuses to follow these instructions. what are the economic impacts of yemen's moves? welcome to the in-depth section. when it comes to the significance of babel mandap straight, 6.2 million barrels of oil pass through it daily. that's 10% of the world petroleum supply and 10% of the global. trade volume, this means $9.6 trillion per year and $26 billion per day in terms of the money that's generated. the other impact, the port of ilat in israel, whose main products are conveying automobiles, the export of fertilizers, conveying of fuels and more significantly the import of raw materials.
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the yemen targeting of israeli linked impacts the ports. volume significantly, especially the profits, four to five billion dollars overall so far. the danger from transit incurs a huge insurance cost for premiums, 100% for all vessels, except israel owned ones which have a 250% increase due to the added risk. israel's tech industry is feeling the impact of the ongoing war. the number of mergers and acquisitions or initial public offerings of shares this year plunged to the lowest level in a decade. the value of israeli tech exits this year slumped 56% to $7.5 billion from $16.9 billion a year earlier. at the same time the number of deals dropped 38% to 45 from 72 last year with the
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average value of the deals down 29% to 1 67 million from $235 million during the same comparative period. 2022 was already a tough year for israel's tech industry as the uncertain spectra of rising interest rates, the global stock market fall and tech layoffs led to a sharp slowdown in investments. many local startups are not struggling to attract essential funding, in particular from foreign investors. thousands of tech workers and startup founders have been drafted to the army with more than 35000 reservists called up. the israely economy's dependence on the tech sector has significantly grown in the past decade. the industry contributes to 18% the local gdp. hello and! welcome to the
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quicktake section, i'm mattiaposion. the yemeny attacks on vessels in the red sea and bubble mandap has caused major headaches for the israeli economy, not only for exports, but also for imports. shortages and delays in sending goods from the south to the occupied territories to designists is increasing. port data indicates at two to three-week delay in the arrival of ships carrying goods to the occupied territories. this is particularly seen in the food sector and electrical and electronic equipment, israel is forced to resupply these goods from europe. lerong cats, vice president of business development at an electrical products company in the occupied territories said, any product that comes in by sea is facing delays in arrival, so there will be major shortage of goods in
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the coming weeks. another area which is of major concern regards the impact on the food sector, food... importers have also told israeli authorities about the lack of cargo entering israel due to the targeting of ships and delays in their arrival. anita golda, businesswoman in ice cream chain in israel said about the problem of importing all kinds of sugar and production inputs and at it, these inputs come from china and now there is a shortage of them and we hope their prices will not increase. retailers in israel are mostly afraid that in borders will take advantage of this situation and raise prices. there is a shortage of many goods in israel. israelis have said they have felt this little by little with businesses trying to deal with the... crisis a case by case basis, businesses are trying to bring goods from new places, previous sources cannot be counted on. that does it for this quick take section,
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please send us your thoughts. contact information is coming up, i'm and i'll see you next week. when all is said and done, the... economic ramifications of this us-israeli genocidal war may be the deciding factor on when this would end, because if this onslot spreads or engulfs the region, the west asia region, this would threaten oil and gas supplies, which would affect the world economy all together, maybe then western countries will realize that this war, genocidal us-israeli war needs to stop in order for them to stop the murder of palestinians, the way that yemen has done, they have stepped up... to the plate to try to prevent this genocide from happening. that is for this edition of the program. thank you so much for being with us. we did enjoy having you and we do hope to see you next week. for me. and the team, it's goodbye.
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we must not become part of south africa's problem, we must remain part of their solution. we must not aim to impose ourselves, our solutions. our favorites in south africa. damn it, we have favorites in south africa. the favorites in south africa are the people who are being repressed by that ugly white regime. we have favorites. i
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also want to say. word about the situation in israel, the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes. more than one thous, 1ous innocent lives lost including at least 27 americans, these guys make, they make al-qaeda look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil, i said from the beginning, the united states make no mistake about it, stands with israel, united states stands with israel.
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rest of the headlines, the death though from israely air and artillery strikes in the cause of strip exceeds 20,000 with at least 8,00 children among the victims, the one security council postpones about a bit to send him. carrying 82 gaza for the third time and a thread of vito by the us and the military wing amas says his fighters have destroyed over 40 israeli military vehicles and kill dozens of the regime's forces in the past three days.
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