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tv   Iran Today  PRESSTV  December 21, 2023 7:02pm-7:31pm IRST

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almost a decade ago during the september 2013 united nations general assembly, then iranian president hassan rohani proposed that the general assembly takes steps against violence and extremism. he called on the united nations to take an initiative which he dupped wave standing for world against violence and extremism. a few months later, on december 18th, the un general assembly adopted the iranian author draft resolution, a world against violence and violent extremism. and one year later in december 2014, tehran held a two-day wave conference with representatives from more than 40 countries. this conference was referred to as the beginning of new international coalition against extremism. but why should tehran insist on this issue? does it have anything
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to do with what's unfolding in palestine? this and more on this edition of iran today. violence and violent extremism are serious threats to peace in the entire world. there are constant menace to human rights, security and sustainable development, and no country in the world could be immune from their devastating impact. the islamic republic of iran has long been a victim of violence and extremism. the assassination of 17 citizens by the so-called mujahidin khalq organization. "the imposed
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eight-year war on iran, waged by then iraqi dictator in the 1980s, financed by some western and arab states and later on sporadic terrorist attacks committed by the israeli regime. in fact, just like the palestinians, the iranians have been exposed, though a much smaller scale to tel aviv's violence. it's been mainly in the form of state terrorism, which has targeted scientific and technological development in the country." through assassinating the elite individuals, including nuclear scientists. the regime is also responsible for carrying out acts of sabotage with the aim of destabilizing the country. if the regime hasn't done more damage to the country, that's because it's been beyond its capabilities. otherwise, the regime's violence knows no boundaries when it's within its power, as is in the case of palestine. to know more about forms of violence iran has been exposed to, we met
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with mr. ami, an iranian mp who is also the spokesman for iran's national security and foreign policy committee at the parliament. do you think that iran itself is victim of violence and extremism? we have experienced different types of violence, we have been subject to various acts of terrorism driven by various factors such as religious extremism. just as an example, few years ago... "daesh carried out attack inside the iranian parliament. we have had terrorist attacks at our borders carried out by extremist groups supported by foreigners. these are some forms of violence we have been exposed to. there is yet another type of violence in the form of different sanctions against our country imposed unilaterally by the united states and some of its allies. this is mehdi kharatian, the director of siyasat or revival of politics think 10.
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of then violence emerged in the form of war waged by saddam hussein and in the form of weapons of mass destruction like chemical bombs. then we witness another form of violence, kind of incremental violence in the form of crippling sanctions, sanctions that target ordinary people, contrary to what the us claims. most of these sanctions have targeted the lives of ordinary people, like when drugs are not reaching cancer patients and patients with rare diseases. these are
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examples of violence. at the time of tehran's proposal, daesh had just reared its ugly head, held bent on wrecking havoc on the region, as the original. creator of world against violence and extremism, the islamic republic rushed to help iraq in syria, two countries which were bearing the brunt of the terrorist group's violent extremism. تقریباً میشه گفت هر فرقه ی خشونت طلبی که can be said that any violent blood thirsty group in the region that kills innocent people, groups like daesh, are directly supported by israel and the united states. there are credible reports indicating that us forces helped daesh out. when they were defeating on various battlefields. thanks to the sacrifices of iranian anti-terrorism heroes, above all murder, lieutenant general qasim soleymani, the region was gradually free from the slime of daesh and other terrorist groups. in december 2013, the united nations
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assembly approved iran's proposal uh, which was calling for all nations across the world to denounce violence and extremism. now against violence and violent extremism, the islamic republic of iran sought to condemn violence in any form and shape. back then, tehran underlined the eradication of violence as a whole in the form of terrorism, war, in the name of religion, in the name of secularism, whatever. one thing that the world is grappling with is terrorism in the name. of religion, it's violence in the name of god. the islamic republic says that religion should be basically the origin of peace as god himself is the symbol of mercy in the world. iran has called on all countries in the world to take peace seriously and strive for it while opposing
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all forms of violence. iran also wants the international community to have a right definition of violence and urges all to avoid double standards when dealing with violence. but daesh is just a recent manifestation of violence and violent extremism. decades before the emergence of this terrorist group, the israeli regime came into existence with sheer violence and extremism, and right now the regime is continuing with its systematic violence, unabated, unashamed. in gaza and the occupied territories, children are being bombed out of life, women and the elderly are being killed. residential buildings, mosks, churches and hospitals are being raised to the ground. ambulances carrying the dead and injured are being targeted as well, electricity and water supply have been cut off. israel has laid a total siege on gaza
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using all its fire power to turn it into dust, and the death toll of the palestinian doesn't come to pause for moment. israeli violence rages on, with us unconditional support for the regime. this is dr. said reza amili ranani, the dean of tehran world studies faculty. he told us that the world needs to seriously take action against what's happening in the gaza strip. world's regulation is emphasizing on not go for the ordinary people. in gazza, almost 10,000 children murdered in kazza and they have very bad situation. i mean every 10 person in gaza, only one out of 10, they can have ones food during the day, they don't have food, they don't have clean water, they don't have enough warming system, even hospitals becomes
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like desert, which because israel wants to have more land, because israel wants more source of... economy and this is not acceptable, mean we need very radical change in the world, otherwise word with this direction is day by day we have more people will die because of the war, people die because of the sanction, من ارجام میدم حالا بینندگان. the regime is targeting hospitals, mosks, churches, all the places people take sheltering, hoping to be immune from military attacks, but the israelis are deliberately
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targeting such places. this is the flagrant example of genocide. here we are dealing with humanitarian catastrophe. the regime has deliberately barred entry of food. we are talking about people who have not changed their clothes for weeks, western doctors and nurses, working in hospitals in gaza say they're dealing with injured children. accompanied by their parents, children with parents is still unaccounted for. this is unprecedented. every time the yemeni navy succeeds in preventing the passage of ships headed towards the occupation sports and thorts attempts to break the blockade on the entity, it reassures the free people of the world. the closure of the red sea to ships coluding with the enemy turns into a heroic festival teaching the us and zionist israel harsh lessons and threatening them with more successive blows, capable of breaking their
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alliances and coersive global policies. despite the reluctance of global military powers, the balance has been shifting and the axis of resistance is gaining strength as a regional force capable of defeating zinanist israel, the united states and their allies. yemen humiliates zionist israel this week on the midi stream. there's plenty more to be said, but first a quick media review to give other outlets a chance to get award in. hello and welcome back to news exerbs from all across the world. now we start off with jewish extremist violence in the west bank could trigger a second front. the washington institute writes the. combination of highly motivated young extremists on the ground, supportive fire right politicians back home and ineffective
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local security measures may stalk a full scale uprising if authorities continue to look the other way. moving on, escalating israeli violence and extremism in the west bank and east jerusalem, according to the middle east institute with the world's attention focused on the conflict in the gaza strip the last six weeks. have seen a dramatic escalation in israeli settler and army violence across the west bank and in his jerusalem, since then israely army in casans and mass arrest have intensified in numerous west bank cities resulting in a deaths of 185 palestinians and the detention of at least 2,200. moving on, western countries eu condem extremist settler violence in occupied west bank and dolo agency rights a group of western nations and the eu on friday condemned the violence acts committed by
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extremes settlers which are terrorizing palestinian communities in the occupied west bank, urging israel to take immediate action against record high settler violence. a joint statement from australia, belgium, canada, denmark, the eu, finland, france, ireland, luxembourg, the netherlands. norway, spain, sweden, switzerland and the uk call on israel to take immediate and concrete steps to tackle record high sitler violence in the west bank. they also express grave concern about the record number of attacks by extremist settlers against palestinians in the west bank. now, israel's violence will never bring safy to anyone, including jews, as the horrific siege against gaza escalites with to confront the violence of israel's ethno-nationalist militarism. truth out
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writes, the actions of israel, whose 75 year history was forgen british colonialism are stiped in the blood and ethnic displacement of palestinians and politically and financially are uphelled by the us. israel's systems of occupation and appatite which have built upon infrastructure of ever increasing militarism and subjugation of palestinians are a deep ball of violence. now this israel has no future in the middle east. the gaza war may turn out to be the beginning of the end, but not for palestine. al-jazeera writes, israel's sadistic warren gaza, the culmination of a long series of criminal policies may well prove suicidal in a long-term and lead to the demise of the mighty jewish state. indeed, israel's deliberate industrial scale murder. the palestinian people under the pretext of self-defense will not enhance its security or
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secure its future, rather it will produce greater insecurity and instability, furher isolate israel and undermine its chances for long-term survival in a predominantly hostile region. that's it for me, thank you so much for being with us and see you later. israel's violence is systematic and structured, it involves the dehumanizing ation of the palestinians, setting up checkpoints, enforcing the permit system, stealing of palestinian lands, the demolition of homes, constructing the apartite wall, the besegement of gaza. imprisonment and the list goes on. mr. abdullah abdullahi of taslim news agency believes that the israeli regime's violence stems from its deep-rooted ideology. it has also been expressed by some experts that uh israel's violence against the palestinians is systematic and structured.
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can you please elaborate further. what the israelis are doing is indicative of brutality which has roots in their apartide mentality. basically the israelis are under the illusion that they are the superior group of people and the rest are inferior, therefore they can treat others like animals. this is the most dangerous type of apartide. at some point in time there was another type of apartide in south africa and almost the whole world opposed it. the apartide in south africa was on racism, they believed in white supremacy, but as for the israelis, their apartide is not based on color, but on their zionist ideology. they say we as zionists are superior to others, whether they be white, or black, muslim, christian, or even jewish. they consider themselves entitled to behave
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as they wish and treat others as they like, this is a grave danger threatening the whole world. trace of the regime's structural violence can be found in israel's legal, political and economic structures that are formulated to deprive the palestinians of their sovereignty and freedom and to deny them their basic human and political rights. this systematic violence is also carried out in other forms such as military onslaughts, raids on palestinian cities, towns and places a warship, torture in prisons, or as is the case right now, in its most flagrant. that is genocide. in short, the prolonged occupation of palestine by force is the very embodiment of israeli violence. do you think that with the presence of the israeli regime in the region, will there be a day void of violence?
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over the past seven decades or so, israel has always threatened peace and stability in the region, the prolong. occupation of palestine has involved the violation of the palestinian people's basic rights, like the right to have their own land and the right to determine their own fate. these violations are examples of violence. on the other hand, to counter the israeli regime's violence and extremism. we should, first of all, counter zionism as an ideology. it's an ideology based on extremism and racism. the israelis consider themselves superior to other people. with this point. view, you cannot respect others and you cannot live peacefully among other people. we believe that in order to restore peace in the region, we first need to get rid of zionism as an aggressive ideology. moreover, israel's boon companion, the united states of america has been the main agent of violence and extremism in the region and beyond. the invasion of afghanistan and iraq,
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along with washington initiated arms race in west asia has made the... us, the main sponsor of instability in the region. dr. ami told us that the united states of america is the lord of war and violence in the world. how would you assess and appraise the us's role in promoting violence and extremism in the region and around the world? united states of america is the major doers in the war business and war industry around the world. they have a 780 center. in almost all countries of the world, except few countries like iran, they have a center for their military, center for war management, center for industry of the war management, so they
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they it seems that they want to have a war environment and violence environment. around the world that make sense for them to justify their business, part of it is economic rather than political or cultural, and it is political because united states of america is looking for domination and they want to be somehow the boss of the whole world, and that's not all, it's unwavering support of the... israeli regime means that violence and extremism in this corner of the world would remain for the indefinite future, and to top at all, shoulder to shoulder with israeli soldiers, american troops are... killing innocent people in the occupied territories. with washington's relentless interference in the region and around the world, the flames of violence and extremism are very unlikely
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to die. the head of tehran world studies faculty told us that the us has guaranteed the continuation of genocide in gaza even through soft power leverages, such as its veto power in the united nations security council. part of that is ve vito in un, is you can see even in the very sad and tragic war against the people in gazza, again they veto, any anything against israel and anythings in the benefit of the children of the gaz or ordinary people of the gaz, so they basically the... looking for manipulation of the world for the benefit of the united states of america, they have at most 400 million population, but they want to
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decide, i mean, the are not people of the united states of america, this is very minor one% society of the united states of america, which governing trying to governing the whole world, and i think if we want to see what would be the benefit if we... have a word without violence, we have to talk what happened to the world to have word without interference of the state of the united states of america, world without zionist and israel, it's going to be very peaceful word, i mean no one is looking for war, the islamic republic of iran has shown time and again that it is seriously against violence and extreme.
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other entity. at the same time, iran advocates negotiation with those who are negotiable, even in the extreme case of the israeli regime, which has committed the worst crimes in history, the islamic republic has proposed solution based on referendum, which is democratic solution. so we can say that terron solution is mainly based on negotiation, if not possible, then resistance and struggle. with israel and the united states, it is hard to imagine a world free of violence. tehran's endeavor to help the resistance movement in the region is totally in line with its ambition, to have a world without violence. in other words, iran's
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dream to have at least a region free of violence and extremism has shaped to a considerable extent its foreign policy. how do you assess the usa's role in promoting violence and extremism in the region and in the world? امروز افزایش تنش در شرق آسیا. "now that cannot today we see increasing tensions here and there in west asia, in eastern europe, and you can see the traces of the united states in all these tensions. we believe the us policies promote violence in the world, creating a multipolar world order, respecting international laws, respecting other nations rights such as the self-determination rights or some essential factors that can contribute to a world free of violence and extremism." " unfortunately, these factors are all being violated constantly by the united states of america. it seems that the influence of the war industry in us politics drives the country
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towards war and violence, and until these extremist groups have a political and financial clout in the us, the world will have to bear the brunt of it. the original idea of a world free of violence and extremism was in fact an endeavor to counter these war-mongering groups with almost. all them located in the united states. palestinians are constantly brutalized, bruised, beaten and killed. they're the major victims of violence and violent extremism, and if the world really wants to have a day without violence, it needs to take action, and the first steps should be taken for the occupied territories, and if not now, when, and if not there, where?
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billions, women and children, it's horrible. the death toll of the palestinians is reaching 20,000 people in less than three months. this is violence its highest level. i'm sure that people in the west also abhor zionism and it's inherent violence and they're afraid that they may be subject to zionist violence in the future. that's all for today. thank you for watching from the whole team. please do tune in same time next week and each week after. don't forget to send us your comments and topic requests. you can also follow us on facebook, instagram and x. till next time, take care. cossum, marta, lieutenant general sulaimani. he was born in village and became a shepherd when he was
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five. as teenager, he decided to become an irgc force, a commander who always liked to be considered fighter. war on drugs in eastern iran, friendly relations with iraqi kurdistan, the effective role in the 33-day war in lebanon and training forces who stood up against. staish militants and defended iraq and syria. kassam was present wherever he was needed, even amid floods in southern iran.
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the headlines to this hour: the deathful from israeli air and artillery strikes in the gauza strip exceeds 20,000 with at least 8,00 children among the victims. the one security council postpones a vote a bid to send humanitarian. made to gaza for the third time amit a threat of vedo by the us. also on the headlines, sirens around or sound and explosions are heard in tel aviv as resistance forces carry out retaliatory rocket attacks on israely cities.