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tv   Israel Watch Israeli Challenges  PRESSTV  December 21, 2023 11:02pm-11:30pm IRST

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immense difficulties that the occupation army is facing in the battles taking place in the north and south of the gaza strip and doubts that the war cabinet council will be able to obtain for itself an image of victory. this is while the open front with hazballah at the borders with south lebanon remains to be source of worry with fairs that things might go down the hill at the time the ansar law movements simultaneously imposes a siege in yemen on israeli maritime trade. i welcome mr. hassan hijazi expert on israeli affairs
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to discuss these topics with us, welcome to the show. israeli media admits that the battles inus south of the gaza strip are very tough, remains the biggest problem for the israeli occupation and is really difficult to overcome. of כמובן צעל מנסה להרוס את עז התחתית, את פירי המנהרות וכמובן סיפור המטענים. סיפור המטענים בפירים הוא צרה צרורה, אנחנו זוכרים את נפילתו של גל הייזנקוט, בנו של גדי הייזנקוט בשבוע שעבר וכמובן זה דבר מורכב מאוד כאשר הערכה בצהלי שעוד בין שלושה לארבעה שבועות הידרש כדי להכניע את חטיבת חניונס. חטיבת חניונס שעד עכשיו לא נפגע עם משהו כמו ארבעה גדודי חמס. in addition to the difficulty in terms of.
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את היעד המבוצע הכי מורכב בעולם, הדור שלי לא התמודד איתו, וזה שום שום צה לא התמודד איתו מעולם, ולכן זה לוקח זמן, תוסיפי לזה את העילות של האזרחים, בחלק מהמקומות, בעיקר בחניון, אנחנו מותרדים מסוגיית החטופים, ולכן מקום שיש לנו חשד כלשהו אנחנו לא תוקפים, ולכן זה לוקח זמן וזה לאט שתי נקודות רק שהם קריטיות, הבעיה המרכזית היא המנהרות, אבל שתי נקודות שבעיניי צריכות להטריד אותנו בבוקר הזה, אחד.
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of control is mere talk and the fact that the israeli army, its soldiers and tanks entered some places, this does not mean that it took control of these areas. this is proved by the different types of resistance the israeli army faces about which zionist experts and officials are talking, including the issue of the tunnels in which numerous zinus soldiers were killed. this is because the resistance seems to be using a crafty tactic against the occupation army by putting explosive devices in the tunnels or in their surroundings. and
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when the israeli soldiers approach the tunnels, the resistance detonates the explosive devices, which means that zinus occupation faces something similar to quicksand in these areas, which have become traps for targeting israeli soldiers. but they say these are the most fortified places in the world. yes, this ritoric has started recently. during the first period of the war, the occupation regime estimated that the issue might take a longer time than expected, and this implies two things: additional confidence by the army in terms of its capabilities, taking the palestinian resistance lightly, and also the not knowing where it'll enter and what it will be facing. this is a multi-faceted failure of the occupation regime, and it has to go over its calculations in terms of how to deal with these areas. anyway, this admittence to the difficulty of battles in the gaza strip was followed by endless questions on the potential of the occupation army which israeli leader. have been claiming is the
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strongest in the middle east, but so far has not been able to finish a battle with a resistance front.
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this shows that the occupation army was unable to harm or damage the infrastructure the resistance. all the missile launching, bombing, destruction was actually targeting the palestinian civilian infrastructure. the resistance prepared itself really well and hit its capabilities well too. "it has engaged in multiple wars with the occupation and has gained a high experience in dealing with the israeli air force and its destruction capabilities, the intelligence and its ability to gather information and build a bank of targets, and it has prepared itself well for it. it seems that the
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resistance has prepared itself and set up plans for fighting for a long periods of time, even in case the israeli army conducts land incursions into the gaza strip. this reveals the deep strategic..." thinking and long-term vision of the resistance which prepared itself in this manner and is still fighting with such a high competince in able to achieve its goals, the failure of the occupation army to annihilate the resistance and release design is captives by force, which led to increase in sharp disputes among the members of the war cabinet, which leads this aggression. כל מה שהוא רוצה מבלי שאף אחד יוכל לנטרל את ההחלטה הזאת מקסימום תקבל התנגדות של בנגביר של סמוטריץ ושל רגב וקצת ציטותים והדלפות שיוצאות אחרי זה מה הוא אמר לרמדכל ומה ראש הממשלה ענה וזה הכל העניין כאן לדעתי נועב זה כבינת המלחמה קבינת המלחמה זה
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הפורום הכי חשוב והיחיד הרלוונטי שהוא קם מאז תחילת המלחמה הזאת ששם באמת מתקבלות ההחלטות החלטות מתקבלות פה אחד ובכלל האמירה הציבורית שיש'. actually, since the beginning of this battle, there has not been any sort of harmony or agreement between benjamin netanyahu on one side, and the war minister, yoav galant, and the chief of staff, hertsi halevi. in addition, there's also the newcomer to the war cabinet who is benny gance. this
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phenomenon was interpreted in many ways. leaks also showed that benjamin netanyahu has his own agenda that is related to his political future, and how he is trying to exploit the war. for this end and he seeks to fulfill his own personal and narrow interests that are internal and political, at the same time as israeli media claims, the others are focusing on the military effort. however, the others also have their own plans to attain political goals in terms of public opinion, which paves the way for the coming phase. and this leads to divisions? yes, this is a... reflection of the divisions each side is putting effort to gain more cards and blames others for failure. so each of them has his own plans and each of them is working for his own political gains now and in the future. how will this issue be reflected on the situation of the war on the gaza strip? well
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there is consensus on some general issues related to this battle, but there are disputes over the major issues of this battle so far. for example, the vision of the future of gaza after the war is not a united one. there is no consensus on this, even on the level of public opinion, and not only israeli officials. there's no clear vision. "there's no clear strategy to exit the war, and this worries the americans who have come with a clear strategy of two-state solution with the palestinian authority, at the same time, at the time benjamin netanyahu does not accept this and is supported by the extremist far right, at the time the left has no clear vision and is also not ready to accept a palestinian state, and this pushes the political reality and design is people into trouble. the image of victory designers are trying to find will not be realized even if the occupation..."
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hamas or its members, abducting or assassinating its leaders. this issue reflects that there is acknowledgement that
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the war will not realize the results of which the occupation leaders have raised earlier. it will not be able to break the resistance. the resistance will remain steadfast with all its capabilities in gaza. the maximum that the occupation regime can aim for is a period of calmness in the coming phase, and things might be worse maybe after few years or so. the major point here. is that despite all the supporting circumstances, the occupation regime and army failed in realizing a real victory against the palestinian resistance in the gaza strip. moving to the south lebanon and the front hizballah started in support of gaza, its people and resistance in the face the israeli aggression, there is lot of analysis in israeli media about the current and future wars, which will be more painful if it takes place. ועכשיו לנקודה הכואבת ביותר במלחמת לבנון השלישית, חללי צהל. בצהל מעריכים
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שהמלחמה הזו תקבא את חייהם של בין 600 ל-800 חיילים ואלפים רבים של פצועים. המספר הזה נשמע נורא, אבל בצהל מנסים לרכך את הבשרות הקשות האלו בפני הציבור, ומצרפים לערכות את הנתונים שאתם רואים כאן ברקע ושמדגימים שמדובר בחלק קטן של האוכלוסיה ביחס למלחמות אחרות שלנו. נתון שהוא אולי נכון ברמה האקדמית, אבל אף משפחה. שכולה לא תתנחם בו. שאלה אחת נוטרה ללא מענה בכל המחקרים: האם ננצח במלחמת לבנון השלישית? אין תשובה טובה על השאלה הזו. הסיבה העיקרית לכך היא טיום ציפיות מול הציבור. אני חושב שהציבור בישראל לא באמת מבין מה ההשלחות שיש לכוח האש של חזבלה. הם יכולים לעשב נזק גדול למדת ישראל וזה סדרי גודל שאנחנו לא טרם.
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ולגבול הצפוני, אנחנו מבקשים ודורשים רצועת ביטחון 1701, כל המספרים האלה הם יפים, אנחנו לא רוצים לראות. רדון אחד, חזבלה אחד, שיושב כאן על הגדר ומזעזע כאן את כל המערכת ומאיים על כל המערכת, ואני אומר כאן, ראש הממשלה, פגשנו אותך, אמרנו לך את הדאגה שלנו, הדאגה היא דאגה אמיתית, תושבי קו העימוט בגבול הצפון לא יחזרו
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עד שלא יהיה כאן שקט וביטחון, לא רק הביטחון. and as we saw the residence of the northern area will not return unless the red one forces are removed from the borders and this is major fair in their opinion yes well the initial estimates of the israeli regime have always been mistaken and they always had to reevaluate everything and make correct estimates again, especially as it always gets surprised by facts and calculations the designs did not see as coming, and this means that the war can be more costly and more dangerous. how will things turn out in this war? this is something no one knows or can
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estimate. it's scope, how it will happen, what the capabilities of the resistance are, the occupation. makes its estimates according to whatever it sees, but there might be hidden elements that can change the scenario majorly, and this shows that the israeli occupation keeps falling into the same mistakes in terms of its estimates, and this is what we saw in the failure of the israeli intelligence in foreseing the 7th of october events. this must push israeli commentators and analysts in becoming more modest in terms of reading the future. now in terms of the settlers, it all depends on who will guarantee this issue and how will this decision be implemented and are there actually options before the occupation on the political or military levels that can change the reality. based on prior experience, the occupation regime has lost the initiative, and any error in its calculations will make things worse for its army and settlers alike.
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despite all that is said about the war with heizballah, it seems that the decision in the zinic war cabinet. אם תקרה תקלה גדולה מאוד בצפון, ישראל תיגרר לחזית הצפונית, ורק אז אנחנו נראה שתי חזיתות, ואני רוצה לחלוק בהקשר הזה על כמה מהמיתי כאן, אה, אולי באמת צריך להתאפק משום שאני לא רואה איך הדברים מסתיימים בדרום, אתם כל הזמן
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מוסיפים עוד שבועות שבועות, ואני יוצא היית הולך למערכה במקביל גם מול חזבה, אין לי'. shiman shifer is not a simplistic mind in terms of reading the scenario, and he is reflecting the state of confusion which exists. there is no clear image in terms of the front against gaza, the northern front, or both fronts together, and this reflects the general image inside the israeli regime, which is in a major state of chaos and defeat in its history. moving to the threats made by
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the yemeni armed forces, to the ships heading to the israel. בסופו של דבר זה יעלה לכולנו יותר ביוקר המחיה במדינת ישראל וצריך לפעול, וככל שאנחנו לא פועלים, מה זה אומר לפעול? מה צריך לעשות עכשיו מול החוט, אני לא רוצה להיכנס לעניינים אופרטיביים, אבל לא על מן ישראל. הטווחים האלה זה לא טבחים שהם רחוקים מהיכולת הישראלית ויש לו יותר מדרך אחת, אפילו יותר משני דרכים לטפל בעניין הזה, וככל שאנחנו משאירים את העניין הזה
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לטיפולה של הקהילה הבינומית ולא פועלים בעצמנו, אנחנו חוספים את עצמנו ליוהרה יותר רחבה שלהם. בעבר הם רק התלוננו על האש, עכשיו הם פתאום יש להם עניינים על מצור. there is no doubt that this issue is a major challenge for the occupation regime, because the siege can have a direct economic impact and can affect the daily life of settlers. the prices of goods and insurance casts will witness huge increase, because these ships will be forced to change route to come across africa. and the mediterranean sea through the straight of gibraltar, and this will also cause delay of almost one month for goods to reach the occupation regime. all this will
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directly reflect on the life expenses of the settlers due to the increase in the prices of good and commodities that israel majorly imports from east asia. commenting on the siege and the deteriorating economic situation in the occupation regime, benjamin. התשובות של ראש הממשלה על זה שהכלכלה שלנו חזקה ואין מה לדאוג, מלמדת שהוא מנותק, הוא מנותק, אם יש לנו ראש ממשלה שלא מכיר אפילו בבעיה, איך נפתור אותה, והטיעון הזה שיש כסף להכל, מישהו חושב שאנחנו מטומטמים, כסף גדל עליי.
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movie: what else? 1,300 death, 250 captives, a collapsed economy, what else? run it, this is life, we have been at war since two months and the one accused of being responsible for the killing of hundreds of people, and the captivity of hundreds is running an electoral campaign, a collapsed economy, soldiers being killed at battles, civilians being killed due to inconsiderate distribution of arms and the stupid people, will continue to vote for him. netanyahu and the cabinet must be replaced, they failed on the military, security, political and economic levels. israel is now
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defeated army and a collapsed economy, dead, injured, captives, the gaza strip is destroyed, soldiers sinking in the swamp of gaza, thousands of outlaws a collapse in the economy. so mr. hassan hijazi, we see tough campaign against netanyahu due to his state. it seems that discontent has reached a new height, how will this impact netanyahu's political future? there is no doubt that netanyahu detached from reality, like some describe it, and he is trying to ignore the major issues of which the zianist economy is suffering. the economy is paralyzed in the north and south, some of the workers joined the lines of reserve soldiers and are engaging in war. there is a budget and economy that will suffer. from deficiency due to military expenditure, there are increasing woes on the economic situation, whether due to the military expenses or the direct and indirect damage, and benjamin netanyahu
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speaks as if everything is okay. there's no doubt that benjamin netanyahu, his family and those surrounding him, are living in a different reality than that of the people. what does he intend to say? benjamin netanyahu wants ease the burden and say that he did not push the zionists into a crisis. crisis is related to the us israeli genocide in gaza and he bears direct responsibility. in addition to the general crisis, the israeli community suffers from on the economic and social levels. mr. hasan hijazi, expert on israeli affairs, thank you for your participation in this episode of the israel watch program. thank you, dear viewers for watching, until we meet next time. goodbye for now.
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this week's africa today program focuses on israel's evil transactions in africa. the list is endless et includes sale of weapons to the south african apartide regime to kill african freedom fighters. looting congo's minerals and selling weapons to conflict reden african countries, hold winking african countries with dubious agricultural projects. this racist regime is now taking desperate africans to farms in occupied palestine amid the us israel war on gaza.
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every time the yemeni navy succeeds in preventing the passage of ships headed towards the occupation sports and thorts attempts to break the blockade on the entity, it reassures the free people of the world. the closure of the red sea to ships coluding with the enemy turns into a heroic festival teaching the us and zionist israel. harsh lessons and threatening them with more successive blows, capable of breaking their alliances and coersive global policies. despite the reluctance of global military powers, the balance has been shifting and the axis of resistance is gaining strength as a regional force capable of defeating zionist israel, the united states and their allies. yemen humiliates zionist israel this week on the mediest stream.
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your news in brief for this hour in gaza israel air strikes have fitted northern city of jabalya killing nine palestinians, the world health organization has described the situation. at gaza hospitals in the north as quote beyond catastrophic. the un says the disp being allegations emised that israeli forces summarily killed nearly dozen palestinian men and gazas out romal neighborhood in what may amounts to a war crime. the un human rights office in the occupied palestinian territory saying israel must be must bring those responsible to justice.