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welcome to spotlight. the israeli onsad on gazas entered to day 77 with more than 20,000 palestinians, most of them women and children killed in the relentless strikes on the besieg territory. so far the israeli regime has failed to achieve its uh initial war objectives including releasing captives held in gaza and the annihilation of the palestinian resistance. now new analysis by
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number of us intelligence agencies reveals that the popularity and influence of hamas has dramatically increased since october the of 7th, hamas is now increasingly viewed as the only group actually doing something to counter the israeli occupation. at the same time, israel is facing more retaliatory attacks from resistance groups in other countries, including iraq, yemen, and of lebanon. joining us on tonight spotlight we have. elijah magnie, journalist and political analyst who was joining us from brussels and also we have human rights activist mr. mohsan nagvi who's joining us from houston, texas. well, gentlemen, welcome to the program, let's start off with mr. magnia in brussels, resolution 2720 was adopted at the un, security council following multiple delays and other. anigans by uh the us, which vetoed
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the draft, they were alleging objections to the wording suspension of hostilities, us also, as uh you saw earlier veto the russian bit to add the word ceasefire to the text, what do you make of the insistance of the us on the wording used in this resolution, which was strongly criticized by russia, and overall, do you see the adoption of this resolution is being too little, too late? thank you for having me, there are many points. highlight here, first of all, israel is not yet ready for the seasfire and hasn't achieved his objective, which is to destroy gaza and ideally force exodus, not only to the south of gaza, but also to egypt and outside the gaza strip. this plan is still on the table, and there are negotiation with egypt that haven't stopped. so far and this
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is the biggest fear of the palestinian population to see the another exodus, secondly, the americans are protecting israel regardless the humanitarian aspect, rejecting seas fire for the second time and being completely isolated of the rest of the world that is calling for seasfire, this is of indicate and ation that this system at the united nations and the world system that many countries and nations put in place is no longer functioning, because one single country is opposing amunitarian support and the cessation of hostility and the killing of children and women in gaza. this is unacceptable and it's further contributing to the double standard of the united nations and showing that it is not the word leader that
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is deserved to be and it is power that needs to step down and no longer be recognized. this cannot continue because that means the americans are fully complice with what the israelis are doing in regard to crime against humanity, war crimes and genocide? mon nagvi in houston, new analysis that we just read um by us intelligence agencies is shown that hamas's credibility and influence has grown dramatically uh in the two months since the of october 7th operations and the onset of israel's uh war on gaza, is this another aspect of this war that the israelis have failed in? absolutely, we've seen the popularity of of all resistance factions in
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palestine increase ever since this war started, they've been, they are being seen as a palestinian resistance force rather than an individual group now. "they have become more less heroes and the main reason for this has been the prisoner exchange. hamas is a popular movement, a popular government in gaza, whereas in west bank even if they were voices or narratives that were against the resistance factions, now they don't exist, they have definitely decreased because people are meeting their loved ones after years and years now, so initially..." after the first cease fire, the predicament that the the zience regime was in was that if they if they if they do do sease fire and there is a prisoner exchange, they are rectifying one of the major objectives that they had from this war and that was to finish and obliterate
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hamas or other palestine resistances, but now with the results that the palestinians are seeing, we see increasing rise in in the support. of islamic jihad, hamas and other resistance faction because they are seeing results. sure, mr. magna, since the beginning the israeli on slot on palestinians in gaza, the israeli regime has sought to dismantle that those were the initial objectives that they had presented that they sought to dismantle resistance groups in gaza. however, after 77 days of lethal and deadly attacks by the israeli war machine, palestinian resistance groups. back strong both inside and outside of gaza, so that means that the israelis have not achieved their military objectives, so the question is, other than systematically murdering children, systematically targeting the health sector, what have the israelies achieved? the israel
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announced an unachievable objectives from the first beginning to defeat hamas and release all the prisoners. many israeli officials among these former prime minister of israel said hamas is an ideology and cannot be defeated, also we heard the another israeli former prime minister almet saying exactly the same thing, so this is not an objective that the israeli government can achieve. secondly, we have seen how the israeli... fail to release any prisoner, on the contrary, they are firing at on their people, and they have killed so far 23, 22 or 23 of the prisoners and it is shown that it is impossible to release any of these prisoners
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by military force. this is what take us to another point that israel real objective is not to defeat. has because netanyahu is not that stupid and certainly not to release the prisoners, because he prefers to have dead prisoners rather than alive, so he doesn't negotiate with hamas and he doesn't pay the price very high at the end of the war, so his objective is to destroy gaza, he has managed to destroy two-third of the north and a third the south, on television, the israeli army is... showing us how they are completely destroying entire neighborhood of 50 buildings and then they go with bulldozers and they change the geography of gaza totally, so that is one of the objective. the second objective is something that the
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israelis have always said overtly that the children, the palestinian children represent a demographic danger for the... distance of israel, therefore they should be killed and they should be eliminated. this is what many extremist israelis are coming out on television saying that we need to kill their children, women, and this is what benyamin netanyahu evoked when he called upon amalek, which is historically calling for the killing of children and women of all those who are... secuting the jews, therefore these are the main objectives of israel in this war, and the with the support of the americans, the israelis are receiving enough ammunition to continue bombing gaza and to try and achieve
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the undeclared objectives. mr. narvi, along the lines of what mr. magnia was just talking about the destruction that the israelies have brought upon gaza, the political... chief of hamas, ismael han he has rejected the israeli claim that post war gaza will not be governed by the resistance group or by any palestinian group for that matter. what do you? think will happen when this massacre ends? just like the expert data that mr. magneo was uh was talking about, the relentless air strikes and shelling have destroyed two-thirds of all structures in northern gaza and a quarter in the south. are the israelis ensuring that there's nothing left of gaza to govern at all? destruction of we've history shows us that destruction of infrastructure does not d create the victory of of either party, the
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destruction of infrastructure, the loss of life on ground does not dictate or or doesn't really show us that israel will be able to fully capture gaza, the only way that gaza can fully be captured by israel is if the resistance there ends, if the resistance faction resistance factions in gaza are unable to attack, now we've seen a few days back that the gulani, the one of the most elite brigades of the ziest regime, the gullani brigade, they had to flee for their lives, because they're being obliterated by by hamas, this the warfare that we are seeing now is unprecedented, it hasn't been seen before, the israeli regime is surrounded from different sizes, they have entered gaza, they have entered gaza, but "they had underestimated the palestinian resistance, the abilities and the capabilities of the
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palestinian resistance forces, they are in their terrain, and we've seen that over 140 israeli soldiers have been killed in gaza, in gaza, they've been killed, so we and mainstream media is not reporting the loss of life of idf soldiers that are happening in gaza at this point, the resistance in terms of engagement with the zin regime is. if one was to ask what what damage has israel um imposed upon the resistance forces in palestine, we will say none. the only thing that has happened is that the abilities, the capabilities and the popularity of the resistance has increased and is becoming wide spread all over palestine now, so this this this genocide that the zin regime has committed. on on gaza, the only thing that has that that has happened from this is that
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the will of the palestinians has increased, when you leave people with no choice, they fight till their death, and we will only see the resistance forces strengthen in the future after this on and we will see the zionist regime further weaken in the region. elijah magnia, talking about the resist. uh in the region, how important has the unified response been from the resistance in the region? there's lebanon'sbullah, there's yemen's ansar resistance movement and the armed forces of the country. resistance groups in syria have also carried out operations against israel and the united states positions, and of course in iraq, an islamic resistance group carried out attack a major israeli port in retaliation for the war on gaza, that was the first time that an iraq-based group. uh targeted israeli position since this war started, when there's
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talk of warnings and of a wider war in the region, are the israelis and washington not considering the repercussions of a coordinated and unified response from all resistance fronts in the region? this is a very important questions and need to be clarified. from the first beginning, all the friends of the palestinian resistance in gaza... tried their best to support the palestinian children and women and to support the palestinian cause. heizbullah has attracted a third of the israeli army on the borders and has lost over 100 men with the destruction of between 1, 500 to 200 houses. now there is war going on on the borders with lebanon and is not stopping. however, the israelis did not turn toward lebanon and
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forgot about gaza, therefore whatever hezbull is doing, it is not diverting the attention the israelis from gaza, but is doing something very important that is not diverting the world attention from the palestinian cause, and also all the other members of the access of the resistance, all the... trend of the palestinian resistance in gaza are also contributing effectively mainly ansarullah in yemen by escalating gradually and sending first drones and then with missiles, but having all the americans, the french, the british and the germans on the way in the red sea downing these missions and drones, forced ansarullah to look for another alternative, which is to stop any shipment that going to israel or israeli ships, that
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was an excellent move that forced all the commercial maritim or... companies to go toward africa and impose a long tour that is affected the israeli economy, however it is not stopping israel's war and israel continue on the same pace. today we have seen something completely different which indicates the escalation, the gradual escalation of the axis of the resistance and the front of the palestinian resistance. in gaza when the irakis announced that they've sent the drone against an energy platform of the israelis in the mediterranean, so we understand that the all the resistance group need to think about the second step to continue imposing gradually pressure not only
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on israel but and above all on the americans so they understand. that this war is going to cost everybody a lot, not only the palestinians and it can enlarge to a proportion where it will be difficult to be contained. so far, all these steps did not convince the israelis to stop the attack and the indiscriminate bombing of gaza. therefore, i expect to see even further more harsher steps from the from the resistance in iraq. in syria, in lebanon and in yemen to support gaza. very important development in the region was the emmy armed forces which were targeting israeli linked ships and vessels bound for the occupied territories. the emny army has vowed to continue its operations despite the formation of the u.s. slet naval coalition in the red sea, and
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they've said that those attacks will persist until israel ends its crimes against gazans. tell us more about the def. message that the yemenes are sending to the us and its allies. the reason why yemen's actions are so significant is because it's not just the ansarulah who are taking these preemptive measures, but it is rather the yemini nation that is taking these measures. also mentioned that the reason why yemen is so important is because unlike hisbullah the entire intelligentia. "the equipment, the the military arsenal of a country is at the hands of ansarullah, so we the reason why this is so important is because yemen has proven to support the the palestinians and to fight against the zinanis forces, no matter what
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the circumstances are, they have, they have chosen, they have independently chosen. to go on head first with the with with the us, with these so-called european powers, so this escalation of war or this pressure that the yemanies are creating on the red sea, may that be a military pressure or may that be economic pressure, is something unprecedented that we have never seen before, so this the message that it is giving to the us is that... so us supported saudi backed army tried to conquer yemen and they failed, they were bombarded just like the gazons are being bombarded right now, but their sense of resistance and the dedication to their resistance won that war. similarly, no matter what happens, just like the for the saudis,
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they have announced that they will fight all powers in the region or outside the region who... will support israel in this in this genocide that they are committing in gaza, so they their stance is very clear, there is no diplomacy on part of the yeminies, they are fully, they've taken the the bull by the horns and they are fully engaged in this war with everything that they have, the message that they are giving is that no matter what, they will not back down from supporting palestinian resistance and that the likes of the icc and the icj, uh, they can't do anything, the united nations security council, as we've seen has proven to be insufficient, and it won't do anything.
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does this expose the lack of a proper mechanism to deal with situations like this, and after this devastating massacre ends, how can the issue of accountability begin to take shape? there's no accountability for israel, that has been... going on for the last 75 years, the israelis have not committed for the first time crimes against humanity and war crimes and genocide and imposed ethnic cleansing on the palestinians, it has been going on for decades and israel is not accountable for many reasons, the first and above all is the support of the united states on all international theatre. "therefore we should not expect any reaction from the international community that is extremely shy in condemning israel for its ongoing actions
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today, killing 12,000 children and women and nobody is moving and nobody is taking serious step to say to israel, stop this slaughtering the civilian, also israel is not member of the icc. and every time there are warnings or a question of justice system in europe asking to interrogate one of the israeli officials, as soon as they land in any european country, they are asked to return, but they never, they are never arrested, so i don't think we need to count on the international community to render israel accountable, because israel is not accountable. all right, thanks lot, gentlemen, that's all the time we have for. tonight's show, journalist and political and elijah magnia joining us from brussels and mr. muvi, human rights activist joining us from houston, texas, thank you for contributing uh to the program and also
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i'm over in lakesh and i've come here to occupied palestine to investigate what the so-called deal of the century means for the palestinian people and the future of palestine. this deal is not a deal for beast or base plan, it is a war plan. and they they want the oppressed to give more to the oppressor, they want the oppressed to be oppressed more. what would you do? you would
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your headlines on press tv: the un security council approves the resolution demanding faster delivery of humanitarian aid into gaza with stops short of calling for a ceasefire. palestinians say the un security council resolution on gaza is insufficient, calling for immediate end to israel's war of genocide on the besieged territory, and the iraki resistance fighters say they have targeted an israeli gas rig in the mediterranean sea in supported palestinian people.
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