tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV December 23, 2023 10:02pm-10:31pm IRST
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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight. i'm haria hashimi. thanks so much for being with us. all the palestinian people will be victorious ultimately, and the occupied israeli entity will be eradicated. and this is according to the leader of the islamic revolution, ayatollah said ali khamenei, in a public address. on saturday, he added that the people of gaza and its fighters are standing like rock in the face of this unprecedented brutal war, and that the brutality that has been taking place in gaza over the last two months has been unprecedented in recent history, one, the level of violence by the occupation regime, and two, the level of fighting and success of the resistance, and today a conference here in tehran, former iraqi prime minister adel abdul mahdi, has praised resistance and also
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of took it back to the roots of resistance icons, he called them, general qasim sulaymani and abu mahdi muhandis, assassination of lieutenant general sulaymani and abu muhandis, abu mahdi al muhandis, they did all people do touch upon their critical role and influential role. in boosting the might of the resistance front, to attain today's achievements, i like to welcome my of guests now to the program and west asia expert out of belfast. and sakina.2,
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journalist, author and producer out of london. thank you both for being with me. let me start it off in belfast and sab. so i want to start off with the statement made by the former iraqi prime minister adal abdul mahdi, um, your thoughts on what he said about the resistance icons, um, when he said that it was uh, thanking general qasim sulaimani and abu mahdi muhandis for what they created, and this has helped the resistance in palestine today. indeed, you see, we can witness today the resilience. and of the palestinian resistance in the gaza, especially the north and khannus and this sid fastness and resilience, they causing the zienist entity huge losses, according to the spokesman of qassami brigade couple of days ago, his 720
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tank and personal carriers were destroyed, that's from al qassam brigade, imagine the other as well faction. the islamic jihad or the fatah or the pflp who's fighting in the ground, so you you talking about nearly 1200 or more, this is huge number, and you can witness as well, the withdrawal of the elitest units like the golani, which declared the loss 40% of its capacity in gaza as well the parachutes unit, this all of that, the strength of the resistant under the... ground and in the ground is came from the engineered support which was pioneered by left late qasim sulaymani and abu mahadi muhandis, they were partner of this resistance arc in that area which they knew who they are very well
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who they are facing, not just the zienist entity, they know the head of the snake is the united states of america and his head germany and the des entity is a tool, a fighting tool to keep the hegemony in the region, and the united states of america lost a huge part of its hegemany in the area since the islamic revolution of 1979, which the general sulaimani and abu mahad muhandis and the other acts of the the resistance were developing the capabilities of the of the resistant cam in the area, the... people in the area to stand against the united states of america and his tools, which you proven today in palestine, in north lebanon, in yemen, in in part of iraq and in syria, they are effective and directing massive blows to these entities. well, sakina: says he hopes
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that the young people will be around for the eradication of the israeli entity. do you see this as the beginning of the end to the zionist regime? most definitely, i think it is amazing really how young people have so clearly understood what is going on and what is right and what is wrong, and actually if you think about it, it's not that surprising, and this is because this is a generation that has known social media as their main source of news and information really, so what happened with, i think our generation is we were dependent a lot on the... lot on the mainstream media and as we know western mainstream media in particular has been feeding us you know a diet of complete hypocrisy all along the time, but the young people they do not depend on these media channels and they therefore i think when we
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talk about gaza you cannot not mention the heroes who are the journalists in gaza and honestly lots of them have lost their lives but the amount of truth. that we have come to know from them and this is what the young people are following, so obviously when when i listen to analysis here in the uk on mainstream radio channel for example, it is really surprising because at one point when you could not speak a word against israel or show any kind of support for palestine, people are calling, lot of these are young people calling in their scores and they do not means their their words at all, they are in. port of palestine and that's because they are watching a genocide happening right in front of their eyes, so they know, they know what is the truth and what is not, so yes, i very much believe that this is the beginning the end of the zionist entity. okay, well you heard what sakina said and talking about um
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this new form of journalism basically on social media, so at the same time that we have more and more people following these independent journalists and why doesn't the israely entity care? about the extent of its brutalities which are being shown in real time to the world. to follow up from what sakina said, the united states of america's defense secretary said in a statement couple of days ago, for the sake of tactical winning, the is entity, which is israel, is losing strategically, nearly, i'm not 100% quoting, but that is the bulk of what he said, and another one, which is brizinsky used to be the us grand strategic thinker, the former nsa during the carter era, he warned of a strategic. geopolitical disaster to the united states of america that he said,
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"i will bit on it, israel won't survive more than 10, five to 10 years, lot of people coming to that conclusion from military big figures in the united states of america and western leaders as well and thinkers, because the what is thesin entity is doing is, as sakina said, it's genocide on live tv. and what is the media in here? i'll give you two things: first of all, open democracy today published a paper which was investigating what the bbc in the last 10 years how's dealing with the palestinian issue or the the des with israelis, that investigation happened in the bbc because the israeli and the jewish luby in in uk were claiming that ' "the bbc is not coming very hard on the
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palestinians and not calling hamas is terrorist so it's not supporting the israelis from the research came up how how how hugely is the bbc is trying to change the narrative is in advance to be advantageous to the zin entity as well we heard of the investigation in in meta which is on uh" facebook and instagram and other social media tools, how they dealing with the palestinians and how they are destroying some of the post, deleting some of the posts without even informing the and they and they said to to save their skin from this, this is auto mechanized stuff happening, it's a mistake on the on the side of algorithm. them which is developing and they try to do their best not to be not harsh, this is part of the tarny in
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the west, this the western civilization we see it in front of all our own eyes collapsing, all the big slogans about universal human rights and declaration, human rights and all all of the humanitarian things are are false and they are showing their real faces in defending of genocidal entity just saving the their interest and and there to keep making a profit out of the area. well so what about that? mean, what this this whole situation? we look at the genocide and the reaction towards it, mean what does it say about the whole rules based system um that had been sitting back basically letting this happen, actually participating in it um for more than two and a half months now, is this the beginning of the end to that? to the the rules based system? i would love to be
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optimistic and say yes, but i'm not really sure, i mean it's it is fact that the world now has realized, i think you know there are so many people who it is surprising when we speak to them, so many people were sleeping in terms of people were so absorbed in their day today lives, the they do not think about this bigger picture of you know what is going on in the world whoose. trolling us, why is there justice, justice in some parts of the world, why not the others? here in the west, people never thought about the facts like why do we have the freedom of speech here and the same is not accorded elsewhere? so in some manners, yes, what what has happened since october 7th has really opened up the eyes of lot of people, and they are questions, everybody now, i know, is watching this genocide and feeling extremely un' comfortable, but the truth is the the none of them are able to do anything, and this idea
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that none of us can do anything because the power is so concentrated in the very very few around the world that the whole united nation can sit there and come up with with the resolution after resolution to try and create a cease fire and one united state can can keep on vetoing and what are they vetoing? they are vetoing sease for. for people dying, it does not matter what you think of what, but the fact that you there is this entity, yes, i think that there is lot of questions that are being asked now. however, how far and how soon this hegemony will be broken, i'm not that optimistic. okay, well, iran's president ibrahim raisi addressing the tehran international conference on palestine on saturday, has said that the united states in israel must be prosecuted for these crimes, your thoughts on this, and do you think that
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this will happen? you see, when we see the united states america v to the russian attempt to amend the draft resolution, this is discussing even when mr. gotes, the secretary general united nations, he stressed after the adoption of that water down resolution that israel attacks, he said constitutes the main obstacle to arrival of aid, and that means without you see fire, the united states of america itself is particip. getting in in genocide, the veto itself is arming the zin entity with all what is need, since even the the the united states of america added the russian described it as very dangerous point which is creating called the creating the necessary conditions for sustainable sessation of hostilities, what
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that means? this is very dangerous phrase in here, it means given the necessary conditions and times, to the zin entity to eliminate the palestinan resistant, to help them in in achieving the goals. we we know what is the goals of the design entity intended from the beginning, they they wanted to cleanse the people of the of the gaza strip and to install in what left of gaza strip somebody to to to run the gaza strip for them as a buffer zone on behalf of the zis entity which emptied of most of its population. "this is, this is where the participation of the united states of america in genocide, in ethnic cleansing, in in supplying and aiding the zinus entity to kill innocent people daily, every minute that was the delay of that voting for that resolution from monday till till thursday, so many people being killed
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during that day, and the united states of america knows that, the arrogance of of committing. "genocide in here is beyond belief, somebody vetoing vetoing a resolution to stop genocide is unheard of ever in history. this is to tell us the united states of america is is a superpower who is committing genocide and nobody trying to stop it, so there is have to be mechanism but in a place today in in in western countries, in middle eastern countries, in asia, and..." to create new world order to bring the united states of america and its zist entity and everybody who support that kind of line uh to account and to stop of them misbehaving in that way and and and committing atrocities in unbelievable scales if we doesn't interfere right now in a couple of weeks time if the
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palestinian resistance got weakened that strong we won't know what's going to happen. to the palestinian people of the gaza strip, so acts, we have to act right now. well, so what about that? now so i talked about new world order, and we've seen the united nations security council um failing to bring an end to this genocide. uh, today, iran host the tehran international conference, is this another sign that alternative options must be created to help so solve these global issues and is this conference the beginning of another sign of the transition? from this unipolar world to a multiolar world? the fact that united nations has failed is is absolutely obvious and yes we definitely need to look an alternative another entity taking over because obviously the united nations has got absolutely not teeth to bite. in terms of yes, think i think without any doubt iran is
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the most vocal supporter of palestine and that has been the case for. for ages and so we have seen a leadership from tehran and this is obviously amazing to see this this conference happening, however iran cannot do change the atmosphere on their own, we have seen silence from most of the muslim and arab countries, and this really is, i don't know how we can progress and go further, let me just jump in here, why is that the case, you talked about silence from most of these muslim? countries, why is that the case in your perspective? so i think there are two reasons, number one, i think is the fact that most of the leadership in this countries are pockets of of the west, they have been put in place over there. and they just do the bidding of the west for them, but also i think there is internal issues and they have been convinced that there is a fight within
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the muslim countries for for um power and therefore for example i think a lot of these muslim countries fear iran rather than thinking that you know we should be working together and this this is issue of muslim and arabs and that we should be working together they fear they fear iran because of... the secretarian reasons or for power control within the middle east, so really the house is not in order for us to talk about having an alternative platform, where is this platform coming from? china, for example, in my view have really let down, mean initially when this war started, we were looking towards china for them to make some strong statements in support of palestine, but there has not been much, the the hegemony breaking the hegemony and another route was looking up to russia, iran, looking up to china, and we have not seen really other than tehran, we have not seen any strong statements coming
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from anyone, so how are we going to break this hegemony? i don't know, it doesn't look that promising to me. okay, and so your your take on that, i mean sakina talked about china and russia and other countries, but getting back to the muslim countries themselves, um, who won with... that that would be a special responsibility, do you see the situation changing um, because can we count, you think on muslim countries perhaps putting more pressure uh on this regime, or is the ultimate victory basically just in the hands of the resistance? let's uh break it down this way, the palestinian they called the their revolution now is the fl it's in defending of the holy site, islamic holy site, alaqsa, which is the the first qibla in islam, if this is not important to muslims, i
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don't know what is important, this is what the palestinian people in gaza see, they have to do to stop the discration of aqsa and the zionist entity, it sucks, it's military, how they they mistreated the people in whose brain in there and how discreated this holy. "the other thing is about iran and the islamic world, iran came on the back of an islamic revolution, it's one of the major inter international revolutions like the russian or the french revolution, that's that's how it's important in history, the iranian revolution, and it changed the hegemony and the balance of power in the region after, especially egypt, revolutionary egipt failed to the united states of america's hands when sadat ' became allied to the the zinis entity and the united states of america, so iran tilted the balance, iran used to be the cup of the united states of
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america's policeman in the area, they lost that, they lost the oil, they lost the hegemony, at that time to the muslim world, it seems iran wasn't, it doesn't scare them, but today when when iran speaks on behalf of its own people, not as a mouth piece for the united states of america, it's a scared. them this is the and since i agree with sakina, most of the of the arabic puppts and the leading the arabic regimes after the arabic spring became puppets of the united states of america, most of them and they they they they are depleted from strength and from resources and they do whatever is been as of them just to to please the united states of america and we seen in that is... the wave after the deal the century of trump to normalize relationship between muslims and arabs with the z entity, only the palestinian revolution
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and resistant during from the 7th of october stopped that and reverse the whole train okay and on that note so sorry to interrupt you sir but we're out of time appreciate you being with us out in west asia expert out of belfast and sakina dato journalist out and producer out of london. and thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight, i'm marza hashimy, signing out for myself and other group right here in tehran, hope to see you right here next time.
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revolution in the ceasefire in gaza. says washington's vedo means it is accomplice in israelments of defenseless palestinians. irant is hosting an international conference over the american is really genocide in gaza. in an opening remark, the iranian president said the us, which has provided financial and military support to israel must be put on trial for the crimes.
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