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nation as a flagant and shameless violation. hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marza hashimi. thanks so much for being with us. now the israely entity continues to reak havoc in the west asia region. 80 days have come and gone since the start of its genocide on gaza. it is also increases night rates and assaults on palestinians in the west bank. the regime has staged more. attacks on south
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lebanon as well as on syria, and on monday in a targeted missile strike it assassinated iran's top military man in syria, commander sayid razza musavi, who headed the iran's revolutionary guard core in syria as iran continues to assist the syrian government in its fight against terrorists. musavi was a close companion of the marder lieutenant general qasim sulaimani who the us assassinated almost four years ago in iraq. i'd like to now welcome my guests to the spotlight. anthony hall, professor of globalization, leth bridge university, out of left bridge. and glendison, professor of political science university southeastern norway out of oslo. thank you both for being with me. starting it off with anthony, uh, i
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mean, the israeli regime has always been a rogue entity. however, it just seems to be exponentially, um, getting worse, and just increasing its terror throughout the region. if you agree with that, why do you think it is the case, and what is it trying to accomplish? well, there's an individual by the name of benjamin netanyahu, i'm getting feedback in my... "i'm not talking against myself if there needs to be an adjustment here, but he he is uh, how about letting the other fellow start? okay, we'll do that, i'll come back to you then, um, anthony. glenn, your thoughts, i'll just throw that question at at you, basically in looking at this entity and what it is doing, uh, your thoughts it is, is it getting worse or what is its goal and what's happening? well, i think that the goal of israel would be twofolds." one of course they want to this to
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go after hamas and get back the hostages, but of course, as we've seen over the past 80 days uh with the mass killings of israel of sorry of palestinian civilians uh, it's quite obvious that there's a second objective too, which is to resolve uh what th can be referred to as the palestinian question, because uh this limited options for israel, because what are they supposed to do on on this territory? the ambition to be greater israel, there's the demographics is quite evenly split between the jews and the palestinians, so it's obviously that they've sabotaged very actively the two state a solution force, and that that makes the question, how can you resolve this, so you can either all live in one state, but then of course it wouldn't be a jewish state anymore, or second you can have apartide, which would be what? what the west bank is living under,
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but that's also not sustainable, and i think there's a third option, which is ethnic cleansing or even genocide, and i think that we definitely see the ethnic cleansing is being pushed very hard, which is why they're trying to, well not just massacre a lot of people, but also drive them out of gaza as well, so i think that this is uh, they they try to take, i guess advantage of the heated situation in order to resolve what they see as a greater challenge. which would be uh, yeah, getting rid of the palestinians, so it's uh, it's quite a dangerous uh uh, yeah, stage to have entered, the fact that they're also prepared to uh escalate the conflict and spread it, i'm thinking then into lebanon, syria, uh, yeah, hopefully we stay cleared of yemen, but even trying to pull iran into this, i mean, there seems to be among some an ambition for much greater war, but that being said, in israel is one entity, i think
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netanyahu obviously represents more of a hawkish and aggressive element within israeli state of course, not only aspect of it, and i think... "the same applies for the united states, there's many there who sees this is an opportunity to spread the war and go after other rivals from uh from again lebanon, syria, iran, yemen, so i think there's different aspects of the american and israel government pulling this in different directions, so again many different objectives, many different players, so overall it's a situation which can be quite chaotic very quickly. okay, well anthony, hopefully uh, you can hear me a little bit..." better and with the zinas regime and its targeting of the irgc commander syd raza musavi in damascus, why do you think that it has targeted uh him at this point in time when the regime is in the middle of a genocide in gaza? going on is, yes, netanyahu
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is one player among many, but he knows where many of the pieces are. this is his moment, he is essentially trying to draw iran into some kind of regional conflict, even a worldwide conflict, and he knows that in order to draw iran in, iran, he's provoking, killing solomon, killing the the air to solomani in syria right around this time of season, reminding us what happened four years ago, this is very provocative, he's trying to provoke uh hezbulah, and the plot... from his point of view is he needs to negotiate things in a way that the us, if iran just comes into the conflict uh based on these bits and pieces of provocation which we're seeing, then he's kind of in in the driver seat, he
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he needs to bring in the usa, and gosh knows what's really going on between the usa and israel, but all the time they have been planning this, they they plan this thing and... has it together, but you know now the timing is everything and iran is really the center of the show, and uh, it's very interesting to be talking to you on christmas day at this very moment in history, yeah, and it is quite an interesting christmas in general, we see what is going on in general, and well, well, glenn, let's look at that, i mean, anthony talked about that he feels that it's a provocation and wanting to get a wider war. um, well let's look at that, because we know that the regime is having a quite a difficult time actually in gaza, yes, they have been very successful in killing women and children, have not been as successful against the palestinian resistance on the ground, and many say needing a way out or a
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way to expand this in order to get other players involved, um, your thoughts on that side, is it that they want iran and hezbullah, and then the... us and nato and create this uh critical situation that it's global war or your assessment of what the regime is doing? well, usually what makes israel quite successful is it's able to pin all other actors against each other and pick out one target, one adversary to to destroy. this is what it usually does, so uh this very active effort to to pull to provoke other actors and make it more of a regional war. "it does break a bit from israel's habits uh, but that being said, what what it's doing now in gaza isn't working simply, i mean they killed now more than 20,000 people, and only tiny minuscule of them are actually hamas fighters and with this mass killings of
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course they're going to create lot of more uh resistance fighters which will uh join hamas or any other resistant movements, so uh so from this perspective it's it's count." productive even what what they're doing, so i think uh, you know, but they're not going to back down either, so i think that's that's what they going, doubling down, and also as long as they're just massacring civilians in gaza, uh, the international community is not very sympathetic, they indeed, the the standing of israel in the world and the united states is dropping quite rapidly because of uh, what's being done, however, if they can make this into a wider war... 'uh you know bring in hesbollah or syria or even iran uh this would be very different because uh uh because under these circumstances this this actor has been demonized for so many years in the west that it would be much easier to form coalitions get a more more
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support from the wider west so again i think it's also an opportunism because uh they have lot of adversaries their neighbors been growing much stronger over'. years and i think there simply in interest to address this issue and start to go after more of their uh yeah adversaries but again this is a recipe for disaster i think. especially in the united states, i think there's many who have more apprehension and more caution trying to put some restrains on israel, but uh, obviously not enough. well, anthony, your take on that, do you believe um, that if there was a wider situation, uh, for example, if syria, iran, hazbullah were involved, as glenn said, these entities, countries have been demonized for so many years, that would have make it easier for the united. states to form a coalition, although let us say that the united states was not successful even
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forming a coalition against the yemeni military recently for the red sea, so your thoughts, the uh situation in the red sea and in yemen uh visa uh shipping on the red sea and the chaos that the what do i call them, the ansarlah, the uh yemenis, the houties. uh, this has become a regional situation. this has been the wild card. now what makes this so unpredictable is that the yemen force are truly idealistic. they are in it to defend the besieged uh people of gaza against a genocide, and that is their position, and they have withstood a onslaught much like the... people of gaza have are going through right now, and so they have used their
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strategic position and have created really a chaos. their position is no ships that are going into israel or coming from israel, it's having an enormous effect on the israeli economy, it's creating all of this uncertainty, saudi arabia won't join this group of the willing. i noticed my own country, canada is join. it, why would we do so? i'm very angry at my own government, they haven't consulted us. so this situation in yemen, really has made it much more regional kind of situation already, and it has creating a whole list of scenarios, including in mundain things like the insurance industry over how they will deal with this, and the container fleets that go from china to europe, this... is major uh intervention in the whole free flow of the global economy as
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it should be, and now us and israel have to face this, and no doubt they will downplay it, but i'm thinking the regional war is already on, it happened with that intervention on the red sea, that very principled bold and strategic intervention by the people we used to call... "the hooties who are now really speaking for nation state called yemen, right? yeah, definitely yemeny military have they have been exceptional. well, i, i want to go back to the assassination that has taken place, our correspondent in syria had said that uh, the previous days there had been reconnaissant planes, israeli and american reconnaiscent planes over that area. do you think that it's a possibility that israel coordinated this?" with the united states, glenn, well, it's uh,
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it's possible, and well, it shouldn't be surprising, i think both israel and the united states has demonstrated their preparedness to attack and kill uh iranians abroad, of course with soumani setting a very dangerous president, uh, so i think that the the the objective of course from the americans and israel is would be to... signal a the turns so they want to deter iran from having any role in the region uh keep in mind every time we use uh when when they use the language to describe iran uh allies they always refer to them as iranian uh supplied iranian supported suggesting that iran is always standing uh pulling you the threads of its uh mayor its mayor puppets or its vastels but you know lot of these are actually all and partners of iran and the the notion that they can just assassinate any iranian
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military leader as there's some part of a terrorist group or something is of course quite absurd, but they kind of created this whole narrative now that iran's role in the region is one of terrorism even though the one you know helping syria to fight terrorists within syria uh but but nonetheless that that's what they've taken on themself and so it's of course it's hard to say if the united state. i haven't seen any evidence uh who supplied the intelligence, but there's few restraints left, we see the same in ukraine, the americans are bragging that they are giving you the intelligence. uh to to assassinate or kill uh russian leaders, so if they're willing to do this against the world's largest nuclear power, uh, i don't see any reason why there would be any restraint uh against the killing iranian military leaders, so again there's a new lines being crossed every single day, indeed, new lines are being crossed, and hypocrisy more and more exposed. anthony, we have seen
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during the last 80 days with the uh genocide in gaza. that many people are waking up, especially in some of the western countries that they were not aware of the crimes of the israeli regime. at the same time, do you think that people are also becoming aware of the total hypocrisy of the israeli regime and the american regime in the region? uh, just as glenn was just talking about, for example, killing an iranian commander, and then basically because of they say, um, he's a terrorist, when we know uh, iran has been at the forefront in fighting terrorism, just as we know that lieutenant general gosim soleimani was at the forefront in fighting daesh and yet the americans killed him, do you think this part is is uh being exposed that more and more people are really understanding the roots of this hypocrisy that comes from washington itself? well,
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there's a lot of ignorance, ignorance to overcome, but yes of course uh people are waking up to... to the extent of the crimes against humanity that are taking place, my understanding of iran since i first visited there in 2014 is iran since 1979 has heritage of dealing with impressed people, people who are pushed to the margins, and the hooties of yemen would be an ideal example, and while we're on the subject of solemani, let's pay him respect, let's pay this... marder great respect and look to what's going on in yemen, for instance, and see his mark, see his mark in hesbala, see his mark in syria, see his mark in iraq, see his mark in coordinating an approach, which we call the resistance, the axis of resistance, that the bullies of the
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west, that the inheritors of this imperial ruthlessness of the british empire. the american empire now embodied and almost epitomized by what we're seeing in with the government of israel as their most ruthless manifestation of a principled and unprincipled maniacal genocidal regime acting in the name of some imperial vision, some zionist vision, so the ability of people on the margins, smaller people. to become equipped to get a sense of standing up against the dominant powers of the world, and now this applies to bricks, it applies to russia, it applies to china, it applies to iran, and it applies to you, even saudi arabia, and it's moving this bricks idea, so i think the empire, the entity that the axis
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of resistance is opposing, are defining themselves much more clearly, it's becoming much more clearly even in the west that we, the people in the west really don't have any say in how our governments work, whatever the opinion polls say to biden or there is momentum and there is a concentration of military intelligence, media, judicial, psychological warfare pressure and power and contaminant. nation of decent society that we need a rule of law, we need immediate genocide procedures at the international court of justice, not at the sad, corrupt icc, but at the international court of justice to enforce the genocide convention right now, because it's obviously being
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violated, and where is the trust in international law in the united nations, unless there is some? dramatic, like an actual trial on the genocide convention, which is clearly being violated, why would we have any trust in international institutions right now? the system requires some kind of organization of people along the lines that solomoni had in has delivered as left his legacy. iran is the inheritor of this legacy, the hootis are a perfect example. of a small marginalized people who are now making a huge difference in the world because of their principal stand, and we need to follow that example. all right, and we're looking probably at the end of the rules base. system and so it be interesting times to see what comes. thank you so much both of you for being with me, we're out of time. anthony hall, professor of globalization out of lethbragen, glendison, professor of political
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science, university of southeastern norway out of oslow. and thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight. i'm marza hashimi, signing out for myself and other group right here in tehran. goodbye. الحج انا قال لي لحظات ان شاء الله واصل يا محمد رضا وارجع لك 12 بالليل بهالوضع هذا يعني بيك الايام الوضع كلش كان قلق التقارير اللي تبنتها وسائل اعلاميه كانت تنبئ بشيء في حدود الساعه التسعه اتصل بي الرئيس ترامب احسن. اكو طيران مو طبيعي يعني والطيران واحسن فوق السياره مالتنا عنصر بشري واكو عنصر عراقي موجود يعني
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ومن نقول عنصر مو نفر يعني اكو سياره جايه بدون لوحات ماخذه عينات. this year there will be no christmas in the city of jerusalem al quds that is synonymous with the birth of jesus christ located in designist israeli occupied west bank. last month, palestinian leaders of christian denominations in al-quds came together and cighting the devastating genocidal war on gaza made a unanimous decision to cancel public celebrations. there's no christmas tree or sparkling lights in manger square or along the cobblestone streets that should be bustling with foreign tourists this time of
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year. there will be no christmas farade with musicians and no santa's on street corners dalling out joy to children. instead, the main square is a simple parking lot without a hint of holiday decoration to be seen because gaza is suffering. no christmas in palestine, this week on the midiast stream.
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