tv Iran Today PRESSTV December 27, 2023 6:02pm-6:31pm IRST
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cyborgs don't have to be tin men with laser guns, a simple word spreading through cyber space can be as lethal as a virus or bacteria affecting the brain, and cyber wars do just that, they manipulate the minds. the minds of millions and billions, not to blow them out of proportion, but many media channels have become generals in these wars. they serve the purpose and propaganda machine of powerful governments starting these wars, wars to win the hearts and minds of other nations, to turn them against their own sovereign governments and neighboring states. the old notion of divide and rule. just take a look at the recent israel hamas war and the
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attempts that have been made to cause or widen rift between the iranian people and their governments. this particular task has been fallen on persian tv channels abroad and their social media platforms. we'll be looking at their techniques on this edition of iran today. so please stay with us for more. to know more, we said with dr. davod faridpur of alama taba tabai university. dr. faridpur holds a phd in communication sciences. he told us that the enemy has always tried to drive a wedge between iranian societies. it
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is said that the aim of this media warfare against iran is to create a disunity among the iranians, especially between the people and the government. uh, your thoughts on this issue. why are they trying to provoke division between the people and the government over different issues. today they are using the issue of gaza. this purpose, it might change in the future, it's part of their bigger plan, they know that the real power of the islamic republic lies in a public support of the system, so if they want to harm the islamic republic, they need to undermine its public support, for this purpose they are looking for different issues to capitalize on, today they are working on the issue of palestine and hamas, they are trying to convince the iranians through. a
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plather of media techniques that all their problems stem from iran's support of the palestinian cause, but we know that's not true. two major offenders are manoto and iran international tv channels. operating from the uk and the us, they appear to be a campaign trail to pin every mishab in iran on the government support for palestine. even economic problems stemming from us imposed sanctions on the country. they do this first by portraying hamas as a terror group victimizing israel and second by blowing out of proportion iran's support for palestine. of this is muhammad lesani, an iranian media expert. mr. lesani told us the israeli regime's media army is totally at the service of the israeli military. it seems as though in the recent war between hamas and israel, the battle of narratives has become more prominent than before and the israeli regime has resort. to spreading this and
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misinformation regarding the resistance movement, what are your thoughts on this issue? ما شاهد این بودیم که همینطوری که در میدان یک since october the 7th there has been a sort of media are along with the military one. this let's say media war has been following some certain guidelines. first the israeli regime doesn't want to show that it is merely fighting against hamas, which is just one out of many resistance movement groups. it's trying to show that it's fighting against iran or the resistance movement as a whole. after all, the regime has received a heavy blow and it doesn't like to say that the blow was only from hamas. second, the israeli regime tries to show itself as the victim. over the past years, we've seen that the regime intentionally refrained from releasing videos about israeli captives or injured soldiers, but this time around the israeli media outlets are deliberately showing them. the question is,
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what is behind this media shift? it's clear that tel aviv wants to justify its war crimes and prepare public opinion for further brutal assaults. when hamas is discredited, every word in its support is a breath wasted, any penny spent it is money wasted, and worse than that, it is money helping terrorism. see how many birds are killed with one stone? iran's government is being demonized with the aim of losing the support of its people. this way the ground is fertile for regime change or attack on iran. should israel get its way with the us even more than before, and iran will... out of the way of israel and its aggressions against palestinians. it's literally one israeli war being fought on several iranian fronts. these fronts or persian language media outlets outside iran begin by demonizing the victim to exonerate
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the aggressor. they refer to resistance groups as terror groups. hamas's operation alaksa flood can hardly be even found on google, as namely iran international. and manoto refer to it as a terror attack. palestinians defending their rights are hence called terrorists, while an actual traiterous attack by al-ahvaziah separatist group on iranian soil in 2018 is according to iran international, simply a bloody deadly attack. manoto, which is lot more docil than iran international, is no less active in attempting to arouse sympathy for israel. for example, in a pathetic attempt, it reposted a video. call between an israeli soldier and his family on their baby naming day, writing, this father had to participate in the ceremony and pray for his child via video call as he was participating in the war against hamas. iran is also on these tv channels demonic spectrum. they claim iran
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gives resistance groups intelligence and military support as well as financial and moral, and that can be good if resistance groups including hamas are presented as terrorists. dr. faridpur told us that pro israeli media outlets have already sacrificed the truth before the altar of zinism. they are trying to blame hamas for everything. they're trying to show that if the group hadn't carried out operation, everything would have been all right. they don't bother themselves saying that the operation itself was natural response to... years of systematic oppression by the israeli regime, they are trying to delegitimize the palestinians rights to self-defense and self-determination. they are comparing hamas with groups such as daesh. when talking about hamas, they are using words and phrases they
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used to apply for terrorist groups. at the same time, they are trying to show israel as the victim through fake news and distorted reports, like the one they circulated about 40 babies beheaded by hamas, which later turned out to be a downright lie. they're trying to show the regime as the victim with the ultimate goal of legitimizing this crimes. such media outlets insist on putting in lines implying popular discontent with public policy, lines that are most of the time lies or based on false claims and rumors or on realities blown out of proportion. for example, they claim that the people criticized government celebrations over hamas attack on zina's strongholds. since the start the war, so-called political analysts on iran international have been trying to make this lie believable, that the iranian establishment is out to create an oppressive
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environment hostile to the tiniest criticism of hamas, در باور بسیاری از افکار عمومی جامعه درونی ایران و منطقه. many inside iranian society and beyond believe that the islamic republic is standing against the israeli regime. after all, there have been numerous confrontations between tehran and tel aviv since the victory of the islamic revolution, so you basically believe that the islamic republic is serious about the palestinian cause, thanks to the public support it enjoys in this regard. therefore, you try to cast out on the whole story. "you release fake news hoping your audience would take at least some of them seriously, then your audience might ask, for example, what if what you know about the islamic republican and israel is not true, what if something else is at play between tehran and tel aviv, if iran is
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serious, why hasn't the country entered war with the regime? if you can create such questions in the audience's mind, then you can take the next step. you can relate unrelated things together, proceeding with your hidden agenda. finally, the world is getting to know the true nature of israel, how it came about by creeping on palestinians and usurping their lands and how it has been committing war-like crimes or systematic terror against palestinians over the past 75 years. for this reason, the fact that the world is waking up too much covert propaganda for israel and against palestine and hamas is partially backfiring. to regain whatever lost reputation the israeli regime is employing the threatbar method of projection. this it hopes to pin its reputation of baby killer to its opponents, that is hamas and presumably
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iran. israel's cyber army, together with its military army, are using every means possible to wipe out the palestinian nation while cutting the flow of financial and moral support to palestine. israel thought it could forge videos of hamas hostility using artificial intelligence, but as the videos were steadied closer, they just served as a reminder of israeli culpability as baby killer, a cnn correspondent apologized for airing lies about hamas killing babies, and there are more confessions of sorts saying israel itself actually practices child killing as habit. hanania naftali claims to be a media figure. this musad agent tweeted in farsey over pictures of gods and children's lifeless bodies. the world must thank us for destroying these little time. bombs, we are in fact preventing similar future mishaps for other nations. this tweet
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was quickly deleted, as was his ex-platform statement that israeli forces attacked a hamas terror stronghold in hospital, al-ahli hospital. you recall how the hospital attack was pinned on hamas, although israel has relentlessly continued with such attacks since the war broke out early in october. mr. zoher asfahani is an iranian. expert, he said we should take any piece of news with a pinch of salt. would you please tell us more about a certainist? the interesting point about mr. tweet on the strike is that he was forced to delete it as a result of public opinion pressure. likewise when cnn broke the fake news of 40 beheaded babies, a network came under pressure to show the... pictures of the children, this pressure made cnn apologize for the fake news. what i'm trying to say is
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that people inside iran and abroad should look for facts behind any piece of news, otherwise they would be misled by propaganda machines operating across the world. naftali's falsities and falsifying evidence have been many. he and his wife india recorded a video in their hide out on october 7th. that's the day al-aqsa flood operation. for the hamas retaliation to israeli occupation and brutality broke out. in the video, which is said to have spread virally on social media platforms, he claims he is a civilian at risk of hamos rockets. but the background shows that this is false claim. in fact, he is member of the zinist regime's reserve forces and in 2014 he was among forces assassinating palestinians. to mr. lasani, however, aninan naftali is but gap machine at the... so to speak, media
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personality with huge amount of mistakes and miscalculations, for example, after the bombing of al-ahli hospital, he posted a tweet announcing with pride that israel bombed the hospital and he deleted it after a short time, or for example, he posted a photo showing palestinian children killed by the... team, referring to them as time bombs. i think no wise politician would touch him with a 10-foot pole, but you see him with netanyahu now and then. french influence is rapidly eroding over its former colonies in africa. since the 19th century, french colonization had culminated in a monopolized sphere of influence in west africa. france is
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only using its presence in these regions, especially the sahel region for his own benefits to control our mineral resources. west africans are gradually rejecting french influence and they are blaming these former colonial master for the rampant poverty and insecurity in the... then there's plenty more to be said, but first a quick media review to give other outlets a chance to get award in. hello everyone and welcome back to news exerps from all across the world. we start off with a piece of news about israel. israel flot social media to shape opinion around the war, political rights as israel amsol, its
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war online, its army's air strikes have damaged gaza's telecommunity. applications infrastructure, leaving millions on the verge of total network blackout. it's difficult to imagine robus counter messaging effort by plolestinian groups which could make use of same advertising medium. it's one part of social media battlefield in which israel has a real advantage. now the second item, israel is targeting the british public with war propaganda. declassified uk writes, since october the 7th, the israel forum ministry has paid for content to be shown on youtube to audiences in britain on at least 15 occasions in videos that have a massed millions of views. now, israel place heavy restrictions on media amaid gaza war. the new arab rice israel has banned journalists from
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covering issues, including details about hostage negotiations and vulnerabilities. in israel's military capabilities, an official document has shown other information band in a media directive, including details of weapon systems used by israely military and any of his equipment captured by the enemy, even if journalists were basing their reports on enemy news. now gaza media office says 100 journalists killed since hisready attacks began. palestinian journalist muhammad abuidi l' to be killed in israeli attack on his home in the east of gaza city. al-jazeera writes, journalists working in areas of armed conflict are protected under international humanitarian laws, which israel is accused of violating repeatedly. palestinian journalists have said israel is deliberately targeting them to silence their stories. that's it for
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me. thank you so much for being with us and see you later. portraying palestinian kids as. bombs deserving to be eliminated is not just the mindset of naftalis, it's israel's agenda: alongside fake person social media platforms demonizing palestinians and portraying israel as the victim, israel has its own direct platforms, both virtual and physical. mr. lusani said that this time the palestinian fighters have come to better understanding of media war. the first one is about fake news, as we see huge volume of fake news online coming out from the regime, you can see them everywhere, in your email box, in the mainstream media, on social media platforms, in the words of american politicians everywhere. it's a pity fake news
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is so predominant in the world. the second point is about the type of palestinian. resistance, they are actively showing their resistance struggle online, they are showing any israeli tank or military equipments they capture or destroy. they wants to hammer home this message that their struggle will come to an end. they want to say that the story of palestine is not coming to an end with the israeli occupation of their lands and they're going to fight tooth and nail to get back their lands. so the palestinians are also active in this media war, though not by circulating fake news. but by showing their military achievements, no matter how small or big they might be. this is going to unnerve the israelis. within its war chamber, israel has media group called stand with us, which is active in israel, that is occupied palestine, the us, the uk and elsewhere in europe. the group had put up poster of a palestinian child bearing the question: what
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will he be in the future? doctor, teacher or a... "this is while each palestinian child is himself a target for israel. doesn't sound like he stands a great chance of growing up, let alone to choose career. we then decided to go to iran's national association for media literacy where we met with its head mr. umid ali masudi. he said what the regime's media do is hardly more than optical illusion. when we're talking about these." regime, we are talking about the brutal regime that seeks to take palestine in its entirety. the regime does whatever it likes, it continues with its land grabbing, with its illegal settlements, its bomb. and so on, and to do this, israel has resorted to a filthy narrative war, to playing the role of the victim, and to lies. the regime is one of the
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main sources of fake news. it usually tells part of a real story to misleed its audience in the end. i remember once i was working in the newsroom, i was listening to the regime's radio. the news began with three undisputable facts, but gradually shifted to baseless statements and then conclude. with total lies. at first, we were under the impression that the whole story was true because it was based on facts that we knew beforehand. this is the way the regime's propaganda machine works. here are some juicy persian hashtags in support of israel to the detriment of palestine and demonizing the islamic republic for its claimed support of hamas. again, it's mostly matter of indirectly demonizing iran's government before its people. for its regional policies. the most popular of these hashtags over past weeks has been iran stands with israel, although it has not been as popular as the pro-palestinian hashtag
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#alaqsa storm. importantly, most followers of iran stands with israel are unknown newcomers to twitter or monarchists. then there are those hashtags demonizing hamas. for example, the hashtags hamas terrorists or isis, which equates hamas with isis or daesh? that's outrageous. whatever hamas is or isn't, it is out to restore to palestinians what is their own to have. an even better hashtag is hamas isis irgc, linking hamas to both isis and irgc or iran's revolutionary guard core. finally, there are hashtags actually portraying israel as victim of hamas. examples are israel under attack, i stand with israel and iranians stand with israel. how do you interpret the recent hashtag
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"iran" stands with israel that is quite trending. it was the most famous hashtag "expressing solidarity with israel" allegedly on behalf of the iranian people. but even this hashtag didn't make lot of noise, in other words, it failed to achieve its goals for two reasons: first, freedom seeking people didn't welcome it. second, the hashtag was used mainly by unidentified users. there are around 10 pro israel hashtags and the interesting point is that the second most popular hashtag was used less than 10 th00 times. in other words, it was used less than the 10th most popular pro-palestine hatch deck. it shows that there is at least an uptake in public awareness throughout the world concerning the issue of palestine, and that's despite all the heavy investment pro israel groups have made to shift attention in favor of the regime. iranians are
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purposefully a direct target of israeli and western cyber wars. the youth here are extremely active on social media which might distract them from history, but there are those generations that would remind them of how the iranian people are natural supporters of plited palestine since even before. the balfort declaration of 1917. it was by way of the ballford declaration that the british government announced support for the establishment of national home for the jewish people in palestine. even mohammad reza shah, iran's last monarch in all his awareness of the economic benefits of relations with israel, for example, the oil front treaded carefully. the show avoiding alienating the nation and clurgy by keeping his dealings with israel quiet. in fact, when a news conference in the early 1960s, he was confronted by a prominent journalist and founder of the kehan paper, abdul rahman
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faramarzi, his answer was lot less direct than the question, has iran officially recognized israel or not? his answer was, iran had recognized israel as de facto state, that is nothing new, but giving the current state of affairs and perhaps also, for the sake of economizing, we were called our representative to israel few years ago, and he has not yet returned there. there are few types of pro israel accounts in forcea, accounts that are traditionally known as supporters of the regime, accounts belonging to monarchists and accounts belonging to the so-called iran disinformation project, which focus on making fake news against iran. these accounts try to make specific hashtag trends on social. media, that said, these accounts cannot target the majority of iranian society. last year, cnn released an analysis that twitter, now x, cannot be a proper
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barometer to men. the pulse of iranian society, because all the iranian accounts on this platform account for nearly 2.5% of the society. the truth came out then, it'll come out now in the day of supreme technology. in fact, iran international's own followers have come to name it israel international or musad international. overdoing propaganda as it turns out can indeed backfire. iran international has referred times too many to the 40 israeli babies beheaded by hamas. now that's while we demonstrated it was false news to begin with. another sign of that station's ties to israel is the fact that they have comfortably transferred considerable resources and members to the occupied palestine. and in the summer of 2023, its correspondent, babagi, a jewish iranian, got to visit the israeli army's
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defense space. talk. of overdoing propaganda and support for the wrong side, tech giants have practically confessed to their support of israel's war, as they now openly escalate their support in other areas. they've implied they won't allow israel to be defeated in virtual space as well. the more israel commits crimes against civilians in gaza, the tighter social platforms make their grip and control of the news. users say hashtags such as free palestine and messages in support of... civilian palestinians killed by israeli forces are being concealed by social media platforms. that's all for today. on behalf of the team, i thank you for watching and wish you a happy holiday season. it's slightly a different tone than former years, because ironically, in bethlehem palestine, known as the birthplace of jesus christ, christmas is canceled this year. we'll be back in the new year, so do join us again then. you can also
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follow us on facebook. instagram and x, till next time, take care. the headlines this hour, irgc spokesman says the assassination of the tapining military advisor by israel is an indication of the regime's desperation. he stressed that from reserves the right to respond appropriately. incescent and indiscriminate bombardments claim the lives of more innocent civilians on day 82 of the israely genocidal war in gaza. also on the headlines, palestinians in the west bank morne the latest victims of an israeli don attack on the new shaps refugee camp.
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