tv Documentary Qassem 2 PRESSTV December 29, 2023 1:02am-1:31am IRST
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at the age of five he became a shepherd in the village, young shepherd who grazed sheep with his bare feed, and at night his mother would remove the thorns of his hands and feet with needle. during the entire fallen winter he worked hard and his. hands were frost bitten due to severe cold, every time the teacher hid him on the back of his hands with a piece of wet branch from pomegranate tree, and he would start crying out loud, his father would shout from the yard in his house, don't hit him, have a little fairness, qasim's hands are not dirty, his skin has become black, and as far as he could remember, he was always waiting for the spring to come to bring warmth with it.
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two years later, israel moved towards gaza to gain a victory, no matter how small it could be, but it was too late again. qasim and imad had made the impossible possible. gaza had of missiles, it's still a mystery to the vast israeli army that how those several meters long missiles had found their way into the besieg territory. asam was now relieved that the palestinian resistance would continue to live. the only vital and vulnerable point of resistance was its fortress, namely syria. going to syria a time when the media. in the
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world was interpreting its crisis as the continuation of the arab revolutions in egypt, tunisia and libya was a big question mark even for qasim's friends. ما وقتی رفتیم به مقابله با تکفیر که دوستان ما ما رو نصیحت میکردن انقلاب را محترم حفظ کنید این دوستان هم در کشور بودند در داخل کشور در سطوح عالی و هم در خارج. محترم بمانید محترم باشید مسلمون ها شما رو دوست دارند انقلاب را دوست دارن وارد این موضوعات نشوید شما وارد سوریه نشوید شما وارد عراق نشوید وارد این مناقشه خودتون نکنید
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خب یه فکر اینجا خیلی ها هم استدلال می کردن پیرامونش استدلالشم استدلال ضعیف. year later the day eventually came when the syrian capital damascus was on the verge of collapse. "the so-called free syrian army was advancing towards damascus with the open support from the us military on the one hand and the syrian branch of al-qaeda or jibhatun
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haj qasim reached a battlefield against daesh when they had crossed tikrit and reached samara after occupying mosul. "osem had predicted it months ago, but some iraqi politicians did not take it seriously. the kurdish leader thought that daesh would pose a threat against the central government in the worst case scenario, not the kurdish people, and حتى لا يهجروا الناس من الموصل. اعطيني طريق فقط، لا اريد منك شيء. بس اعطيني
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طريق حتى لا تهجر الناس من تلك المنطقه. فقال له مسعود البرزاني، قال خلونا على التل، المشكله مشكله داعش مع نور المالكي، وليست داعش مشكلتها مع العراق. قال له الحاج قال ستهجر الناس وهذا كله لانه ما اعطيتنا طريق حتى ندافع عنهم نساؤنا تسمى وتباع في سوق الرق سيد الن رجاء اخوان رجاء اخوان سيد النائب الان هناك حمله اباده جماعيه على المكون الازيدي سيده النعم سيده الرئيس انا ملتزمه رجاء سيدي الرئيس اهلي يذبحون اهلي يذبحون كما ذبح كل العراقيين
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ذبح الشيعه والسنه والمسيحيين والتركمان والشبك واليوم يذبح اليزيديين 48 ساعه 30 الف عائله محصوره في جبل سنجار بدون ماء بدون اكل يموتون 70 طفل لحد الان ماتوا. من العطش والاختناق 50 شيخ مات من من الوضع المتردي نساؤنا تسبا كجرايا جاريات وتباع في سوق الرخص سيدي الرئيس نطالب البرلمان العراقي بالتدخل الفوري لانقاذ هذه المذبحه ولكن اقول لك اذا يوم من الايام طلبت مساعدتي ساذهب لنجدتك. قالها حاج قاسم وخرج وهو غاضب فيتصل تلك الليله الظلماه مسعود
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برزاني يا حاج اريد ان اراك شو صار قال داعش على اعتاب الاربين داعش دخلت الى محافظه اربين اريد نجدتك فما انتظر حاج قاسم ان يصير صباحا تلك الليله وهو يدخل الى arrived in arabill and with only 70 men stopped the daesh attack, the siege on arabill broke, but the main danger was still there. daesh was its way to baghdad.
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qasim had to organize the iraqi volunteer and popular forces very quickly. it required dozens of experienced and more importantly arabic speaking military field commanders. وصل عندي في الساعه الثانيه. عشر ليلا وقال نذكر قال لي الان الساعه 12 مع طلوع الفجر انا اريد منكم 120 قائد عمليات من اللبنانيين فانا قلت له حجي الساعه 12 بالليل يعني من اين اتيك ب 120 قائد عمليات قال انا لا اريد منكم مقاتلين.
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يعني شعرت في تلك الليله ان الدنيا كلها عند الحاج قاسم هي العراق انا قلت له قلت حجي. انت انا الاخوه اخبروني انك في طريق بغداد سمراء انت كنت في الموكب في الحركه بالاتجاه سمره وهذا كان امر خطير وكذا قال لم يكن هناك خيار اخر كان علي انا ان امشي حتى يمشي الاخرون ايضا الوقت وقت ضيق جدا لا نستطيع ان نقاتل بحسابات
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those days abu mahdi al-muhandis was qasim's right-hand man in organizing the forces in iraq. these young people were often not familiar with the basics of military affairs, saving the lives of people in their country and concerns about the return of the americans under the pretext of fighting daesh were the main reasons that pushed them to militarism.
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tables. by that time, mosul, the self-proclaimed capital of daesh in iraq, and afterwards most of the groups occupied territories in syria had been liberated one after another. creating an efficient, fast and flexible popular force, a force that could help its division against any threat. in addition to the lebanese, iraqi and syrian resistance forces, volunteers from afghanistan, pakistan and iran
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in 2017 daesh seemed to have reached the end the line, but the us tried to protect the remnance of daesh by creating a no fly zone on the iraqi syrian border area. the remote bordertown was the last daish strong. qassim personally commanded the operation, his plan to attack was even beyond the wildest dreams.
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the headlines hamas resistance movement says the israeli military at all its levels seeks to kill innocent palestinians. the un human rights official says the israeli regime has emboldened settlers. ratchet up attacks on palestinians and yemen's entralah resistance movement says a transit through the red sea is safe for all vessels except israeli ones.
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