tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV December 29, 2023 10:02pm-10:30pm IRST
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hello and welcome to spotlight. commander of the irgc gts force says, the united states and israel have been incapable of defeating palestinian fighters in gaza, which have only been supported by the resistance front. brigadier general ismail gauni says, resistance front power and steadfastness has humiliated the us and israel. this comes as the israeli regime has not achieved any of its war objectives including the annihilation of the palestinian resistance. and releasing
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its captives held in gaza after 84 days of asymmetrical war and incessant bombing of palestinians in gaza. joining us tonight's spotlight, we have journalist author and activist frau hughes who's joining us from belfast and also from houston texas we have human rights activist mr. mohsen nahvi. gentlemen, welcome to the program. let's uh start off with the mr. nagvi uh, excuse me, let's start off with mr. frius from belfast, and we'll get to mr. nagvi in just moment. and now, since the beginning of the onslot on of palestinians, uh, the israeli regime has sought to dismantle the resistance groups in gaza. however, 84 days of lethal and deadly attacks uh... "the palestinian resistance
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groups are fighting back strong, both inside and outside of gaza, the commander of the irgc gts force, general ismail gaani has also said that the united states and israel have been incapable of defeating palestinian fighters uh in gaza, so uh instead apart from just murdering um innocent women and children, being a record holder for killing children, what have the israelies achieved?" " "it depends on what you really believe is the true objective of the war on gaza, they has stated that they are going to use their military mate to force hamas and the various resistance groups to release the captives, but what they are doing in effect is collective punishment, they are making northern gaza uh on inhabitable, they are forcing people through bombs and through starvation to move from northern gaza and..."
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the central gaza uh further south towards raffa, they're trying to corral at 2.4 million people into a space that is probably one-third of the original uh size of gaza, so they're not fighting hamas, what they're doing is destroying the civilian uh infrastructure and the civilian population inside gaza, now this started on the 17th of october and people come back to 1948, but what is obvious is that uh, saying this was always going to happen if the zanus want to create their greater israeli project, then they were always going to try to expel the of people of gaza into this, so what they have really feeled is that hamas uh is standing firm, hamas is a strong today as it was in the very first day of... this military carpet
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bombing and military uh intervention by the zist regime into gaza and the trips they are losing every day and the equipment is testimony to the strength, the steadfastness and the resilience of the resistance, and any palestinians we have seen, the have been named or have had family members desimuted by the this unconstionable israeli attack, all seem to be standing firmly behind the resistance and all seem determinant to stay in gaza for as long as it takes to outlast this current round. palestinian resistance fighters, they've carried out retaliatory operations uh against the israeli regime across the gaza strip since the onset of the israeli ground operation which started on october 17th, the regime says it has lost 167
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troops in the gaza strip, but hamas says a number of fatalities is much higher, also scores of israeli armored vehicles including the much tower amirca tanks have been destroyed in gaza and israeli skylark two spy drone was also down by the resistance fighters, what do these figures say about uh the uh the firm stance of the resistance in gaza? it clearly states that the resistance is still alive, even though 20 thousand civilians have been killed by the zionist regime, the resistance is still alive, the resistance really hasn't taken any kind of hit. whereas the zionist regime has shown how weak they are with the vulnerability that we have seen of the zionist regime on ground. you see, even though mainstream media is not telling us or is not informing their audiences about the success of the operations
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that palestinian resistance fighters have had on ground. we have different sources now on telegram and other media outlets where we find an outlets like press tv where we are told the successes that hammas and other resistance fighters have had um on ground in gaza, especially when abu ubaida comes out and gives these official statements where he tells the audience, the kind of damage that they have imposed upon the zience regime, um, the the fact that they have managed to attack their their their their tanks. the fact that they were able to ambush many of um many of hammas's brigades, the fact that the gullani brigade was also targeted, which is an elite brigade of the zionist regime that they were forced to retreat, are all signs that the that the that the resistance forces in
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palestine are able and very much capable of defending themselves, the only way that the zionist regime can have full control... over gaza is if they are able to exterminate and defeat hamas on ground and we can clearly see that that seems like an impossibility if they weren't able to do this in the since the war started in october 7th they won't be able to do it in the future and from what we see right now that all all resistance fighters have not yet engaged the zionist regime in full contact we see hisbullah engage. from the from the northern side, we see hashadal shahbi indirectly targeting us, us sides, because us is deeply involved, is a is a direct party in this war, we see the yemanies performing beautifully by controlling the
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sea, but there are many other factions, there are many other resistance groups that can fully involve themselves in this conflict, but they are waiting for the right time, hamas has performed more than "the the muslim ummah expected from them, and they are true, there's there is no doubt that hamas has become a source of honor for every single group that fights against oppression and especially muslims throughout the world. frans, let's go back in the timeline a little bit, the israeli regime, it increased its deadly acts of aggression against palestinian since late december 2022, when the ultra right-wing cabinet took office, senior hamas leader yahya. dinwar had warned that the gaza-based resistance groups should be fully prepared for the quote unquote big battle for al-aks mask if israel does not cease its aggression at uh at the uh the holy site now sinwar he held firm on his promise as he is
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known to be the mastermind of the alaxa flood operations. swa recently issued a statement proving that he's alive and well that the israelis will suffer on the ground in gaza. all this shows. that the resistance is prepared to stand up and go to toe with the occupiers, yes, they've always wanted to bring the... is into close contact in order to uh go mine uh to tool uh as well soldiers are used to uh they're used to bombing civilians they're used to using artillery under ships and their europeans they're used to reading civilian refugee cs and taking away men and young boys and the res of the morning they are not true soldiers uh the many of them are appear to be kind of cycle pass in uniform, many of them follow the israeli zanist kind of mata that all a
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palestinian belongs to them, it was given to them by god, i have seen a video of an israeli soldier who is also an israeli comedian on the beach in gaza uh stripping down to his underw and getting into the water and saying this is ours, this is our land, we've heard ya tell the settlers that they are going to build settlements in gaza, and also there was a comment director towards elon musk, when netanyahu said that gaza would need to be rebuilt, he doesn't intend to rebuild gaza for palestinians, he intends to rebuild gaza for sepler expansion colonial experiment that is is really apart tape still, we have seen through the resistance that uh what was happening in alcuds and that was going to slowly day by day, week by week,
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month by month be taken over by the settler movement, we've seen them, we've seen the attacks by the jerusalem police and army on the worshippers on fridays in alexamos and we've seen the settlers storming the boss, mean the overall plan is for the israelis and for the settlers i believe that some stage in the future fully occupy the mosk similar to what they have done in the ibrahimi mosque and alkali and habron, so i think the resistance moved before the opportunity no longer existed to defend axa, and it is the right of the palestinians to choose the path of resistance in order to protect the holy states, to protect their families, to protect their land, protect their homes and protect their futures. movi and analysis by us intelligence agencies has shown that hamas's
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credibility and influence has grown dramatically in the month since uh the october 7 operations and the onset of israel's war on gaza, is this another aspect the war that the israelis have failed in? well, i don't think we should rely much on us intelligentia because of their bias, but having said that, this intelligence report is clearly correct, but i think the us have used this for their own benefit, meaning they're using this as a pretext to not vote for seas fire that with this spread of fame of hamas, that is inherent threat to so-called peace in the region, that's the kind of pretext that the us want to use, and on the other hand they also want to use this intelligence report to kind of uh impose upon the zionist regime as well that hey, stop fighting, because because of your bombardment on gaza, hamas is gaining popularity. but in in in in the facts on ground are that there is no doubt that hammas has gained massive
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popularity, not just within um the west bank or in gaza, obviously in gaza they've always been a majority political uh party, but they have they have managed to gain popularity throughout the world as well, in countries in in in different muslim countries, hamas are seem to be the flag bearers of resistance against the zionist regime right now and they are very well respected amongst all sects of islam and amongst all resistance groups that are fighting for liberation in their own in their own regions so that's one another another reason why i feel israel is failed in driving the narrative is because what narratives have has the israelies always um given to the world number one that they're undestructible no one can fight them. no one has the ability to fight them, clearly hamas has proven them wrong, obviously hizbullah had proven them wrong in 2000 and 2006, but
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clearly hamas has also managed to proven them wrong, they haven't been able to achieve any their military objectives in gaza as of now, secondly the intelligentia, they've always been so proud, the strong intelligence that the israelies have had, clearly that that idol has broken now, there is no respect for the... anymore, there's no respect for israeli intelligence anymore, the october 7th resistance by hamas was huge failure of of israeli in... president here and so that idol has also been clearly been broken, also the the narrative that the world is with israel, that the world supports israel, the kind of protests that we've seen across the globe, throughout the arab world, throughout the muslim world, throughout south asia,
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throughout north america and south america, this is unprecedented, meaning even if there are governments who are restraining from from from voicing the atrocities that the zionist regime are committing, we see that people, citizens of those countries are coming out in the millions to call out for sess fire, and clearly there's a shift of narrative in which resistance seems like legitimate option now, and any so-called serious group that tries to undermine the significance of resistance of palestinian freedom fighters against. zinius regime, they cannot be taken seriously anymore, because what else does nation do when their kids are killed in the thousands, when the women are killed in the thousands, so clearly the the the whatever narrative that the israeli regime has proposed or given to the world that has clearly been shattered after october 7th levels for huzen belfast,
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according to gaza officials, 90% of the population in gaza has been displaced. since the onset of the war, the israeli prime minister benyamin netanyahu has um on various occasions admitted he's pushing for the expulsion of gaza's population under the term voluntary migration. now, as almost all of buildings in northern gaza have been flattened by voluntary. uh, what do the israelies mean? voluntary that if you leave you leave and if you stay, you'll either starve or you'll be incinerated. yes, the weaponized hunger is part of this ongoing uh murder campaign in gaza, and what they hope to do, i would imagine, is if you warm enough people, if you starve enough people, let's just take an example of two parents who have survived so far, maybe with their children and maybe with the elderly relatives, they
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have a choice of uh trying to find drinkable water every day or trying to find foods. "i have friends and canyunis uh that i was chatting to just the other day who told me that there is no food and canuness and what the israeli regime is hoping to do is starve the palestinian people to survive their murderous on slut into submission, but if you have young family and you're watching your children starve and somebody opened a rafa border and said you know there there is help, there are there are refugee tents, there is food, there is water whether not. "the egyptians would agree to that uh is separate issue, but i think if people were given the option, i think parents would vote to vote with their feet, the way they have voted to leave partch of northern gaza for the so-called seat areas uh which don't exist in southern gaza in order to save their families, and that is what the israelies mean by voluntary relocation, you voluntarily
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leave you won't get to come back, but you've left voluntarily so they cannot be accused." of having uh displaced the people through force of arms, but that is indeed what they're doing on the ground as we speak. i'm staying with you, mr. hughes, hamas has reacted, excuse me, has rejected the israeli claim that post war gaza will not be governed by the resistance group or by any palestinian group, the relentless air strikes and shelling have destroyed two-thirds of all structures in northern gaza and a quarter in the south. are the israelis ensure? that there is nothing left of gaza to govern at all, the bombing of gaza, which has been equivalent to the nuclear bombs dropped by the us in japan has been so intense that gaza is already being deemed as unlivable, i think the i think it was on somebody reported several years ago 2020 or by 2021, gaza would
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because of the problem. with uh water and the problems with the economy and the number of people unemployed and the pressure that was already being exerted on the health service then, it's before the war, that's before the sutsucious carpa boming campaign by the zist regime. and in the worst case scenario, if they were to force the gazans into the sai, then you would have hamas continuing to try to liberate palestinian land from egypt. then the israelies would hold the egyptians accountable for the actions of hamas and the resistance groups if they were in the sound right so who governs uh gaza when this uh excuses onslot finally comes to an end and the sooner that happens the better - if the palestinians are still stas and are still there, you will still have some form of
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social governmental bodies in order to help uh facilitate food, shelter, education and healthcare, so there will be, there will de facto be a government of source in gaza, but if nahu is implying that there will be gazans in gaza, so there be no palestinians to have a government over that small track of land, over at all that is 26 miles by five miles, then that is what he intends and well or not he achieves that goal uh remains to be seen. mhvi, when we're talking about the resistance, there's two aspects, one would be the palestinian resistance, then it's the overall resistance front in. the region, how important has the unified response been from uh the resistance in the region, lebanon's hezbollah, yemen's ansar resistance moving in
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the armed forces of the country, resistance groups in syria have also carried out operations against israel and the us positions in iraq, an islamic resistance group uh last week carried out attack a major israeli port and retaliation for the war on gaza, are the israelis and washington not considering the... percussions of a coordinated and unified response from all resistance fronts in the region? there are definitely considering this dynamic, and i think hammas has really told the world the importance of the actions by other resistance fighters or other resistance groups that have taken place in that region. there is no doubt that it has created pressure on "western imperialistic powers like the us, the uk, france, they really haven't been able to do anything against the unsarullah. the ansarulah have stated their unequical policy
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against any kind of breach in the red sea against any kind of support from the ratsi to the zience regime by any western power, they are very clear in their stands. we see hizbullah being praised by hammas for the for for the stands that..." they have taken for the attack that they have made on the northern front, because of which we see a diversion of israel's military power towards the northern border. it it's quite apparent that israel is surrounded from all sides. it is quite apparent that the us sees the unification of the resistance forces in the region of west asia and they they definitely see themselves weaken in this region. not only have they been have they been ex held from afghanistan but now the expulsion from iraq has also become very very close and we see the us weakening in this region and this
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is something that was no one could have could have even imagined that the us could lose power could lose its military prowes in in in the west asia region and remember when sheid qasim sulaymani was was martered, all resistance forces said one thing and one thing only, they said that a mere bomb blast will not be revenge of shid qasimmani's death, but it will be the expulsion of the us military from the region of west asia, and so with this attack on october 7th and with the imposed war by the zionist regime on palestine, we see this dream of a independence. sovereign west asia region of an of a unified islamic arab union is becoming real by the day, sure we the z
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regime weakening every day and it's allies weakening in this region with the unification of different different resistance forces and the us and israel definitely definitely know this and they're seeing this. thanks lot gentlemen uh human rights activist. so now be joining us from houston texas and thanks to journal and activist frau hughes speaking to us from belfast and also a special thanks to your viewers for staying with us on tonight's spotlight. it's good night for now and see you next time. اسم زلزل وصوت القسام جلجل ونعم للمقاومه نعم للمقاومه افعالك ترفع الراس. امشي وخلف محماس
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badlines, the commander of the irg seal boats force says, the united states and israel have been incapable of defeating palestinian fighters in gaza, which have only been supported by the resistance front. palestinian. since fighters launch fresh retaliatory attacks on the invading israeli troops, as the iof admits 167 of its troops have been killed in gaza, and also demonstrators in yemen and jordan take to the streets in solidarity with palestinian people as global rallies are held in condemnation of the israeli genocide in gaza.
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