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tv   News In Brief  PRESSTV  December 30, 2023 1:00am-1:03am IRST

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news and brief for this hour, the commander of the iogc force says, the united states and israel have been incapable of defeating palestinian fighters in gaza, brigader general said the resistance front has humiliated the us and israel through its power and steadfastness. israel's fresh attacks have killed dozens of people in different areas of gaza, they include the southern city of rafah as well as several refugee camps near the city of deral balah. the total death doll since october the 7th is more than 21,500. palestinian resistance
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fighters have carried out new retalatory attacks against israely invaders in gaza. says it has killed and injured several members of an israeli infantry unit following the detonation of anti-personnel minds and israely skylocks to spy drone was also down by the resistance fighters. pro-palestinian rallies around the world show no sign of fading away. thousands in yemen turned out to show their unconditional support for palestinians in the gaza's. people in the occupied territories, jordan and the united states also held similar rallies. a lebanos hesbollah resistance movement has launched new strikes on israeli targets, they included attack a vehicle carrying espinache equipment in the dolev settlement in the northern part of the occupied territories. the attacks came in retaliation for the regime's genocidal war on gaza.
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