tv The Subcontinent PRESSTV December 31, 2023 6:02pm-6:30pm IRST
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israel watch that monitored the repercussions of the assassination of the mata radi musawi, the iranian military advisor in syria and possibility of an iranian response to this crime. the program also monitored big losses incurred by the zianis army from palestinian fighters in the gaza strip, while hebrew media experts described a war of attrition after the resistance movement displayed its high fighting capabilities, just as in the case with hizbollah in southern lebanon.
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שלו הוא קצין בדרגת גנרל, התפקיד שלו בעצם לדאוג למשלוחי הנשק שמגיעים מאירן ללבנון, הוא קולט את המשלוחים שמגיעים מאיראן, מאכסן אותם בסוריה ואז משלח אותם לחיזבלא בלבנון, בין היתר הוא גם היה המערח של בחירים איראנים כשהם הגיעו לבקר בסוריה, הוא זה שהיה דואג לכל הלוגיסטיקה של האירוח, קצין מאוד משמעותי, ואדם שיש לישראל חשבון ארוך איתו, אני חושב שזה הקצין האירני הבכיר ביותר שמחוסל על אדמה סורית, חיסלנו בעבר גנרל יחד עם א'. עם בנו של מורניה שחוסל ברמת
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הגולן, הוא לא היה ברמה הזאת. זה אדם מאוד מאוד מרכזי מבחינת הספקת הנשק לחזבלה, ויש פה עיתות כפול, אם ישראל לכן עומדת מאחורי הפעולה הזאת. גם עיתות שאנחנו נפגע גם במי שמשלח את הנשק ולא רק במשלוחי הנשק עצמם, וגם שישראל פועלת נגד איראן ישירות, כלומר אם איראן צבורה שהיא יכולה להקות בישראל באמצעות החוטים מתימן, אז ישראל, אם היא עומדת מאחורי הפעולה והיא לא לוקחת אחריות כרגע, היא יודעת להגיב גם כנגד מטרות אירניות.
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thank you very much. of course, there are several possibilities or scenarios so to say, in the shadow of total israeli inability in the gaza strip. bearing in mind that the crime coincided with the ongoing battle in gaza, there might be a provocative attempt for instant iranian response. this matter naturally will lead to more american intervention in the ongoing war, according to israeli calculations. the zionists linked the martur with armed shipments to the resistance in lebanon and palestine. in other words, they granted him this logistic dimension, as the commentator alleged in the report that he used to store the arms in syria. of course, all these are allegations only, but the fact remains that the murder spent 30 to 35 years in syria fighting the zionists while the resistance movements in the region reached this level. the same thing happened with murder qasim sulaymani: after he was murdered, the project is still active and can be seen clearly in the region. what is design? firstly, the lebanese arena is quite
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open, second, it is attempt to link the response to hezbulah or from the iranians in syria. this is illogical and unrealistic. the israelies, according to their calculations, think that the iranians will act away from their allies. it is true, they have allies acted in many locations, particularly in the sea. against israel's troubles, the iranian response will be in accordance to iranian timing. personally, i believe in this, even talked about the iranian response saying that the iranian response reached the stage of direct response. anyway, in this context, the enemy's media described the mater, radi musawi as very important figure causing headaches to design, but his assassination would not alter iran's strategy against the zionist entity. חיסולים כאלה יכולים להרטיע את
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איראן, קודם כל הוא דמות חשובה, הוא בכירה, לדעתי הכי בכיר בסוריה משנת 87. אגב, הגיע רק לפני שתי אממות לסוריה, לסוריה, בטיסה, כנראה מעיראק, היה בדרך לנצרה. יש לו גם קשר אישי הדוק מאוד עם נסראלה, אלו דברים שאתה חייב קשר באמת אישי בסגנון מה שהיה לסולימני, באמת דחירה, דמות מפתח שאחרית להרבה הרבה כאב ראש שעשה לנו, אבל תראי, לאורך כל השנים ישראל תמיד פגעה במדענים, באנשי משמורות מהפכה, אנחנו קיבלנו נקמה אירנית, חלק ממנה ברצועת עזה, חוטים וחזבלה, אני לא יודע אם זה מה שיגביר את זה, כי האירנים כבר בתוך מהלך של נקמה כלפינו, צריך גם לציין, הנקמה היא כלפי אירנים פה בסוריה לא... באיראן, אנחנו עדיין לא מסמנים את איראן כמדינה, ולכן יש איזומים, גם נשיא איראן אומר ישראל תשלם על הפשע הזה, היא בתסקול, אתמול אמר אמרו האירנים סימנים ראשונים של ניצחון בעזה, האירנים הם אירנים, הם מנהלים שחמת בכמה זירות, חיסול כזה פוגע, מציק, אבל לא
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משנה אסטרטגיה. what is your explanation for testvie's comments? commentator, by description, it is true, it doesn't change iran's strategy, but when designists talk about iran's strategy, they deal with it as if it had tools in the region, as the zionist commentator said iran is playing chess, but rather tools. iran and resistance concept in the region will go ahead in their work. it is obvious that the iranian strategy regarding the... idea of supporting resistance groups in the region will continue. there is a system operating in the area is called the regional resistance access. all its members are functioning as one packed. naturally there is big coordination between them and it is very natural whatever harms the american projects, this access will go ahead with it.
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הגיבה כלפי האוניה הזאת, אבל זה חשוב מאוד לסיפור הזה, יש לזה כאן משמעות אדירה לגבי התגובה, תהיה תגובה, כי מדובר בבחיר, תהיה תגובה, בכיר אירני. there will be an iranian response, what is the size of the zinisphere with regard to the response to the crime of assassination of the follow-up of hebrew media. hisbullah's statement yesterday bore a very important phase. it said that israel crossed a big red line that it linked to targeting individuals, the assassination of martter rasim sulaymani and abu maahdi almuhandis was a significant american decision. the americans hesitated so much. until they approved the operation. now it is true, the israelis crossed very big red line, not an ordinary red line. what do these words mean? they mean there will be a response, but the point is how the response will be and the timing of it. it seems that the israelis intent to clearing some accounts while the
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war is raging in gaza. the other point is attempt to shuffle the cards in a way it pushes the americans to more involvement. i'm not saying a direct involvement, but much more american support even against. some resistance groups in the region, so when the message was conveyed, it went directly to a place that it has a link to the duty of sayid radi, as the israelis indicated. personally, i much tend to this point, but the iranian response is inevitable. very good, we go to the big losses incurred by the zionis in the confrontations against the palestinian fighters in gaza, which were reflected in the hebrew media, as the experts and commentators disclosed the... אנחנו בסוף השבוע האחרון היו באמת לא מעט
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firstly, the zionists are suffering from less information regarding the death tool of the marders of hamas movement. it is ilogical to mention 800 marters. this figure is greatly exaggerated. secondly, even the battlefield confirms that this issue regarding the marters is incorrect. the essential point is that the army of israeli regime hasn't found any solution for the fight. in gaza, they're coming out of their hideouts by two or three fighters or attacking the enemy's tanks or
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its soldiers, then disappear. the zionists failed to find any solution to this case. the israelis are hiding the losses, not this only, they even do not disclose the real number of the deaths of other races fighting in the israely regime's army. there are mercenaries who bear other countries nationalities, and were killed in the ongoing war in gaza. even those ones the israelies avoid disclosing the real figures of... the deaths among them, nevertheless, there is an essential point, the zianist regime knew that its army was going to a costly operation and the heavy price it is going to pay. we must wait to see the results. the battlefield is still the deciding factor between the combatts. the battles will go on for a long period of time because the israeli regime's army has so far failed in controlling the areas. it penetrated, particularly the areas in the north of gaza strip. ברצועת עזה נמשכת עם קרבות עזים בין לוחמי צהל לבין מחבלים, גם בצפון, גם במרכז וגם בדרום הרצועה. בצהל עדיין
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לא מודיעים על שליטה בצפון הרצועה ומרחיבים את התמרונה הקרקעי במרכז הרצועה לכיוון מחנות המרכז וגם באזור חניונס, שם על פי הערכות הלחימה תמשך עוד ימים ארוכים בגלל מורכבות השטח, הטווה הטד קרקעי, מפקדות של בחירי חמס, מעל ומתחת לפני הקרקע, וכמובן החות שזה האזור שבו גם מוחזקים חטופים ישראלים. despite the zinus allegations that their army succeeded in controlling the north of gaza, but the resistance there continues, what is your explanation for this issue? firstly, the resistance does not fight geographically, they say it is duty to defend gaza city and stop the israelis from entering it, because there will be too much casualties and losses, and this is a part of the defensive plan for resistance movement. secondly, the battlefield. talks about itself, the zionists acknowledge that controlling the north is very difficult, and they know about set of
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tunnels in that area, as we mentioned a couple of minutes ago, the fighters come out and then attack the enemy and disappear, therefore this matter will not happen even if the zinest army remain in the gaza strip for several years, well done, it is clear, well the arrogant netanyahu for his part tried to instill moral so... הלוחמים, העם והם'.
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movement and freeing the captives by force are just illusions and false promises trying to get them to mislead the zianis. את עזה כולה, לא נשלוט בעזה, עזה לעזאתים, מה זה עד הסוף, עד הניצחון? הרי, כולם מסכימים שהחמס צריך לחטוף מכה קשה, לא לחזור להיות הגורם השליט בעזה, ורבים רבים מסכימים למה שקראנו בשבוע הראשון, חטופים תחילה, אבל בין זה לבין מיתות מוחלט של החמאס, ברור שזה אלה באמת
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מילים, זה לזרוע אשליות. עכשיו כשנתניהו גם. in gaza, is his blood more important than others blood? you're not deepening the war, you're deepening the crack, ruin and destruction of israel. we already lost on october 7th, who do you think you're fooling? you are a disaster on israel. rony, there will never be a complete victory, enough lying and fabrication. rone, bring back the
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kidnapped and the rest is gossip. mr. khalil, what is your explanation? for netanyahu's arrogance and misleading through his threats to make gaza without any resistance. he made gaza without any means of life by targeting the hospitals deliberately. with regard to the resistance, he raised the same goals, but the palestinians refused them from the first day. for this reason they were not achieved. the zionists are insisting upon them and repeating the strategic mistake they did in 2006 when netanyahu said we would return. the captives, but the israelies failed, except when they did it through indirect negotiations. the essential and most important point is that when netanyahu talks about this issue in public, he is in fact sending mediators. it is no more secret that there might be a cease fire. this is the moment the israelis are waiting to see, but the resistance movement is not wanted on several stages. who goes to negotiations,
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even indirect, and through several stages, cannot achieve his goals, particularly disment. in my opinion, i believe that the captives issue for him is secondary, because the threat to the israeli regime is more important than the first. where hasbullah has been leading a military confrontation along the border against the zionist. in light of the zionist assessment that hazballah possesses a force above and beyond ground at the same level. בתת קרקע בדרום, אה, ואנחנו רואים את ההיקף שלו, ואני רוצה להזהיר פה כבר עכשיו, הקף התת קרקע של חזבלה הרבה יותר משמעותי מהקף הקרקע של חמס. אנחנו ראינו את השש מנהרות שהוא חפר בשנים האחרונות, אנחנו יתרנו אותם במבצע מגן צפוני, אחת מהם זאת שבזריט בעומק של מעל 80 מטרים. אז צריך לקחת את זה
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firstly, with regard to the tunnels issue, in the year 2019, there was an election campaign for netanyahu, by the way, it was so silly at that time, i have no idea why the israeli commentator depends on it and presents it as an achievement, i mean the election process. the second issue, yes, there is aerial war in south lebanon frontier, the resistance has been developing this confrontation. during the last few days, we noticed that the new equations were put on the table, when i say new, because targeting settlers houses by hezbulah means that... "the resistance is still holding the initiative, while war minister and his team do not have any solution for the current situation in the north. the issue of betting on diplomacy efforts will not work, in fact, the resistance..."
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מדינה מה שהוא יצר משטר קיסרי, מושחט, נבוב, יהיר, חסר כל איזון פנימי, עם חבורת בריונים, אלימים, חצופים, בורים בעמי הארצות שמנהלים את משרד התקשורת ואת המשרד לביטחון פנים, ואת הוועדה לאנרגיה אטומית, ואת האוצר ואת כל הדברים האלה, מה אנחנו צריכים ועדת חקירה שתגיד לנו מה שאנחנו רואים, מה אנחנו לא רואים? "what will these internal disputes lead to in the entity? the best person who knows the reality of netanya umart in the year 2006 a committee
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was formed after the war with hisbullah, that committee held him and his political crew the responsibility of the defeat. he was weak, not to forget his description was accurate, yes there is a bunch of extremists." conflict, the second issue is one of the reasons that led to the events in gaza on october the 7th. it was a political crew inside the israeli regime, which is in conflict in the west bank. recently $17 million dollars have been allocated to build new settlements in order to provoke the palestinians. those politicians were the reason behind the accumulation of responses from the palestinians and the resistance movement. as for the reality of the matter for netanyahud olmart knows better than anybody else, because he... thank you very much for joining us in this episode of israel
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watch and thank you dear viewers for being with us, greetings and may god bless you. as the us israel genocidal war in gaza enters its third month and the death load continues to rise, israel's economy is also paying heavy price. the labor shortage in high-tech is especially worrying since that... sector accounts for nearly 20% of israel's gross domestic product, gdp. 20% of the israeli workers are part of the reserve army and they
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are not functioning. in this edition of economic divide, we have special guest alice rothchild, author of broken promises and broken dreams and member of the jewish voice for peace who says the bigger problem needs to be solved. so the root causes of this crisis are the ongoing occupation of the... occupied territories and the siege of gaza. general sulmani was a brave man, he was a symbol against capitalization not only in iran, also for all the countries in the
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region. look who was general qasim sulaymani? he was fighting against daish, a proxy of international establishment, you can say americans and americans who supposed to call daish a terrorist and instead of fighting against daish they were fighting against general qasim sulaymani. was not only working for the cause of shia communities of the world but in fact he was working for the entire muslim ummah that is why he emerged as hero and fearless leader sulayman the absence of general sulaimani is not being felt by iranians alone, but by all the oppressed people around the world. general sulaimani was a great revolutionary
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and hero beyond the border. i have closely watched and i have closely read and i have closely followed general qasim sulaymani for a long time. i personally believe his only school of thought is to help and develop humanity. generally when such high profile assassinations are carried out, the countries do not take credit uh for the assassinations, but the manner in which the united states of america took credit of eliminating general qasim sulaimani, it it tells us that he has been a high value target for them, his killing has been you know a high profile killing and also tells us about the stature of that person, military person who who is also credited of you know trying to forge
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at least 150 palestinians are killed in israel's latest strikes on gaza, the palestinian death told approaching 22, based a new reports. 70% of the homes in the basied gaza strip have been destroyed during the israeli aggression and iran's leader hels the role of martter wasim sulaimani as vital in reviving the strength of the resistance front in the region.
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