tv Iran Tech PRESSTV December 31, 2023 7:15pm-7:31pm IRST
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occupied land and at the same time we would like them to know that we can contribute to stopping their movement at that sea attacking our brothers, so probably it will be the first step towards building an alliance to start the liberation of palestine. americans have accused the islamic republic of iran of being deeply involved in the attacks carried out by the yemini military against israel linked. vessels in the red sea, how would you respond to that? is really iran involved in these attacks and the americans always accuse iran of many things, not only about yemen, anything that happens in the gulf or in the red sea or somewhere else in areas close to iran, they say iran is behind it, this step was taken by, i mean this step of closing babel mandab and at the same time threatening all flag or israel flagships not to pass
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through our area has been taken according to the instructions of our leadership, according to our belief that palestine is our central issue, when we speak about palestine, we speak about issue that goes deeply into our doctrine or into our belief that this land should be liberated, so again we declare to the whole world, it was taken by our people, by our army, by our own decision, and any support that might be given to us by iran or other countries beside iran, we welcome it, but we are the ones, i mean the yemani government in sanah is the one who has taken that decision, and that decision was based on real reasons, not to allow the israeli aggression to continue on our brothers in palestine. in gaza in different areas of the
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occupied land. we've been reading news that recently the vessels in the red sea have been identifying themselves as we are not linked to israel for the first time in history. do you believe that this is might be an indicator that yemen will be powerful force in the region and maybe in the world. why not? we will do our best to be really power in the region. and if you read about yemen. of for a long time used to be one of the strong countries, i mean except for the latest events in terms of the economy, in terms of some problems politically happened in yemen, yemen has the potential to be very strong country, we have the people, we have the will to do so, and i think this is the first step to realize our capabilities in the region, with the help of the access of resistance, i think we can be... a real force that could
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change the equation in the region, we are a peaceful force, we are not really a threat to anyone, we are trying our best to help our brothers in palestine and also at the same time to keep the sovereignty of our sea, the red sea and the gulf of aden, again we tell the whole world, we are a peaceful country, we are not trying to show some kind of that to our brothers in the region, but at the same time when the time comes for fighting, we are ready for such fighting. how do you respond to the sayings that you are a threat to the international maritime? i think it's a big lie that is being spread all over the media, mean all over the world, we have not attacked any ship that is not going to the zionist state at all, have not uh threatened
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any ship or any vessel that is going to discharge its goods to the zionist ports, we only trying to tell the world we are against such kind of genocide that is done against our brothers in palestine and we have the right to do so. now all marine activity is allowed in that in that red sea and the gulf of... aiden, everyone in the world knows that, but again it's this kind of stopping or de-rooting the ships from our area is some kind of consequence of all the lies of all the media rumors that the yemenes in that part of the world are attacking all ships getting through that route. again through this interview we tell the whole world. any
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ship that is not going to the zionist state, any ship that is not flagging israel uh flag its ships or... owned by some people from the zin state, it can go well and they have to respond to us when they say when we signal them, one of the problems of some of the ships, they try to be smart, they don't respond to the signals sent by our marine forces, so our people when they give the signal first, twice, third time, then they shoot, they give warning shots only, they don't destroy any ship, so again i can tell the whole world, "we are not against the marine activity in that region, that region in the red sea is safe, but everyone should know that as long as our brothers in gaza are suffering, we are not, no, we are not going to stay silent, we will do something to let
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the world know about that genocide happening in gaza. mr. hisham, three years since general sulaiman is marted, do you think the usa, germany in the region has come to?" and and new world order is taken shape in which the access of resistance holds an important part in the world. that day is coming, but again, these countries of the access of resistance should move faster than they are doing it now. i have this only remark about what there is done, you look to these countries sometimes as separate block. everyone is working its side or its area, they have to come to point when all the forces come together and as much as the western forces are forming this kind of naval uh cooperation, they have formed this kind of
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arial cooperation forming alliances and they send ships to the see the access, the countries of the access of resistance should start thinking from now. forming such kind of alliances, showing them to the world, and there is no law that says you cannot form such kind of alliances and sending all your ships, all all your forces in different areas, they should start from now on, otherwise they will be only doing all these kind of actions from their different countries. my last question for you sir is, what is your message to the foreign ministers the other? countries: i can really, i take this opportunity first at the end of the year 2023 and coming to new year, to tell all of our arab countries foreign ministers that if not coming together and forming alliance also
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between arab countries to defend themselves against the attack of others in the region or outside the region, one day will come. when arab countries will be eaten one by one, getting all together, regardless of some of the very narrow goals of some of them, they have to come all together defending the arab countries, unity and also coming back to the same old principles of arab countries working together for the arab countries population, not for the arab countries rulers. or those who rule these countries, rulers go, yes and people stay, so again this should be taken into consideration in the coming years. thank you so much sir for your time and given us the opportunity to be with you today, thank
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you so much for watching, see you next time inshallah, thank you for your network to come for this meeting today, thank you so much. as the us israel genocidal war in gaza enters its third month and the death tool continues to rise, israel's economy is also paying heavy price. the labor shortage in high-tech is especially worrying since that sector accounts for nearly 20% of israel's gross domestic product, gdp. 20% of the israeli workers are part of uh the reserve army and they are not functioning. in this edition of economic divide we have special guests alice rothchild, author of broken promises and broken dreams and member of the jewish voice for peace who says the bigger problem needs to be solved. so the root causes of this crisis are the ongoing occupation of the
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occupied territories and the siege of gaza. به نام خدا مرتضا جابریان هستم عکاس خبری و مستند در اهواز تقریباً از سال ۸۸ وارد فضای رسانه ای شدم پارسال بود که همین موقع ها خبر شهادت یکی از عزیزترین افراد این مملکت رو شنیدیم اصلاً حال عجیبی. بود اصلاً اون روز دقیقاً یادم اصلاً حسی برای زندگی کردن نداشتم
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واقعاً در یکی از این شبکه های اجتماعی یکی از دوستان گذاشته بود که حاج قاسم سلیمانی و شهدا به اهواز می آیند خب یهو دیگه یکی از دوستانم زنگ زد و البته اول جوابش ندادم باز زنگ زد من باز جوابش ندادم گفتم آقا بذار من جواب این بنده خدا رو بدم زنگ بهش زدم سلام فلانی. خوبی کارشو گفت بهش گفتم تو دلم داشتم گفتم بذار بهش بگم تیریست در تاریکی بهش گفتم فلانی فردا نمی تونیم با هلیکر با هلیکوپتر بپریم حیفه حاج قاسمه کلان تعطیل شده کل مردم فردا قیامته تاریخی ترین روز خوزستانه گفت باشه آقا من واست هماهنگی می کنم بعد ۲۰ دقیقه رب ساعت گفت مرتضا فردا ساعت ۶ فلان جا باش که پروازه دیگه رسیدیم. دم پرواز و تا دیگه طول کشید تا مجوز پرواز صادر بشه و ما پرواز کردیم وقتی ما
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رسیدیم اونجا دقیقاً من رب ساعت ۲۰ دقیقه مپوت بودم شوکه شده بودم یک جمعیتی بود که متصل به همدیگه اون خیابون اصلی کل جمعیت متصل بود لحظه ای آروم و قرار نداشت همش عکس می گرفتن. عکس می گرفتم گاهی وقتا با موبایلم فیلم می گرفتم و هر لحظه منتظر بودم که تابوت بیاد اون تابوت شهدا بیان و اون فریم هایی که تو ذهنم تصور می کردم رو بگیرم یهود زنگ زدن گفتن که هلیکوپتر باید بیاد پایین اون لحظه من آتیشی بودم که همه جا رو داشت می سوزوند گفتم آقا تابوت تابوت وشهدا اصل عکس تابوت. تو شهداست کجا بیایم پایین گفتن آقا دستوره به دوستم گفتم بابا زنگ بزن آخه چه
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کاریه این ما این همه اومدیم بعد تابوت شهدا نیومده اینجا اون لحظه طلایی ما اون حضور تابوت شهدای مقاومته تو بین این سیل جمعیت من عکس بدون تابوت و شهدا برا چیمه اصلاً نمی خوام از من مقاومت به خلبانه می گفتن آقا جان تو نیا گفت آقا دست من نیست این من نظامی ام نیرو نظامی اماخذه میشم. خیلی اون عکس به دلم نشست یه عکسی بود که هلیکوپتر دیگه به تقریباً بالاترین ارتفاعش رسیده بود و اون پل نادری بود و رود کارون بود که هویت. اصلی مردم اهوازه مردم خوزستانه و اون سید عظیم جمعیت و نمای شهری که بود اون قایق
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at least 150 palestinians are killed in israel's latest extracts. gaza, the palestinian dead toll is approaching 22,000. according to new report, 70% of the homes in the bessieg gaza strip have been destroyed. during the israeli aggression and iran's leader held the role of hasan sulaymani as vital in reviving the strength of the resistance front in the region.
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