tv Palestine Declassified PRESSTV December 31, 2023 11:02pm-11:31pm IRST
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january 3, 2024 is the fourth anniversary of the marcherdom of lieutenant general qasim sulaimani, commander of the quds force of iran's islamic revolutionary guard score. qasim was assassinated by us occupation forces in iraq alongside his long-time friend and colleague abu mahdi al-muhandis, iraq's popular mobilization unit's second in command. we only knew after his martur them that martter haj qasim sulaimani was the mastermind behind west asia's axis of resistance, but today in the aftermath of the flood operation in occupied palestine and the supporting fronts in lebanon, syria, iraq.
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and yemen, we not only see his blessed touch, we feel his presence with every call cried out by resistance mujahidin as they fight back the aggression of both sionist israel and the united states occupation in our region. to discuss the role of haj qasim sulaimani, our martter in this glorious unified battle and the rising capabilities of resistance factions across west asia, with us from beirot is his eminence sayid hashim safiddin, head of the islamic resistance. executive council in lebanon. on the fourth anniversary, your eminence of the martidom of the lieutenant general qasim sulaimani, one of the founding fathers of west asia's axis of resistance. how do you view the fruits of the labor of the martter qasim sulaimani in the regional confrontation that the entire axis of resistance has been entangled in for almost. 20 days now, in the name of allah,
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the most gracious, the most merciful, today emits the challenges facing al-aqsa and beyond, this confrontation is a clear testament to the enduring presence ofim sulaymani in the region, four years after his maridom, his impact remains tangible, powerful and effective, it signifies that his efforts, sacrifices and the shedding of his blood are stronger than the united states. with all its crimes, missiles, bombings and assassinations. today, is present in iraq, contributing to the islamic resistance. the spirit of haj qasim is also present in palestine, circling around al-quds, providing both moral and material support to the palestinian front. this according to our belief is evidence of what remains for allah.
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his sincerity, truthfulness, transparency, generosity, sacrifice, all the qualities embodied by qasim sulaimani have left these induring effects. i tell you in the coming days, months and years, there will be more successes and victories, as these efforts and blood are precious to allah and are guarded by those continue the path of resistance. the access of resistance persists preserving the sacr. guard core announced on monday december 25th, the assassination of a senior officer, iranian senior officer in syria, sayid razi musavi, the chief of staff of the al-quds force inside of syria, was assassinated by an israeli air strike on damascus, just one week before the anniversary of the martterdom of haj qasim sulaimani, isn't it a b
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disappointing for the mujahidin of the axis of resistance to see their leaders being assassinated by their number one enemy. first allow me to say few words about the mara brigadier general sayid radian musa. he was one of the dear leaders and big brothers who lived with us in this region for more than 30 years, practically spending half his life or even more in our area. played a crucial role in securing support for the resistance in lebanon, palestine and the region as a whole. he was a comrad in arms with haj kasim sulaimani following in his footsteps. he aspired to murder them, and i witnessed him after the mordom of haj qasim with tiry eyes saying, "when will my turn for maradam come? i seek maridom just as haj qasim always did. i want emphasize that this does not constitute disappointment. why? because our leaders aspire to be murdered. some people,
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this may not be understood, but our leaders, whether in their armed resistance, support for resistance or backing of fighters in the region, whether iranian or non-iranian, they look beyond material goals at the level. giving in the best moments of their lives and in the best moments of their resistance work. this does not represent any weakness or disappointment for us. yes, we feel the loss, undoubtedly. we feel that we have lost prominent leaders like hajj qasim, and the d brigade general. we feel their loss and
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acknowledge our need for them, however, at the same time, we fully understand that this path is one of sacrifices and the offering of blood and marters. this has been the history of resistance. from its beginning until today, from and all our leaders and loved ones have sacrificed themselves on this path. therefore, it does not signif weakness or disappointment. in this battle, we fight on all fronts, those on the frontlines fight, those in resistance support fight, those in cultural work fight, and all of them are engaging this resistance work, and every drop of blood shed on this path is a blessed point. and well um talking about the current confrontation that we are living in in west asia since october 7 the al-aqsa flood operation uh since uh we saw the heroic zero distance palestinian operations happening in
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gaza we saw uh missiles continuing to be fired from gaza despite the destruction and devastation inside of gaza uh many during this time have repeated the name of haj qasim sunaiman. and saying that linking his name to noticeable elevated capabilities of the palestinian resistance, is there a truth to those speculations? mean did marturmani have a direct role in the visible developed capability inside of palestine? he devoted his entire life for palestine, exerting every effort for its cause.immani is essentially m of... "naturally he gave the palestinian cause the utmost he could give. if he regretted anything, it was that he couldn't give more than he did, mentally and physically. in our experiences with him, he always aimed to make the palestinian resistance the best it could be in terms of capabilities, training and expertise. he gave
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it his all. it's very natural that his presence in gaza was strong to this extent because he spared nothing, he left nothing undone that he could offer to palestine. of course, without forgetting that the..." role belongs to the palestinians themselves, they are the ones who received, requested, responded, benefited and built their capabilities, in planning execution and operations, they are the ones responsible for the heroic acts we witnessed today in gaza. well, um, martter sulaimani stood like an unknown soldier in iraq, in syria, lebanon, yemen, elsewhere, in other countries as well, but we really didn't really know his personality, his full capabilities and his personality until he sadly was martered, mean he fought against daesh, he fought against designist entity right here in lebanon in 2006. what was one significant memory that you had in mind that tells you that early on this man had vision and this vision would
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work and we see it work 30 years later? first of all, until... now the world hasn't fully discovered is. this is left to the days and years to come, because what he built was very powerful and deeply rooted. these sincer efforts, which he dedicated his life to, laid the foundation for paths that the region will continue to witness results from. in the iranian terminology or expression, when he was murdered, they used to say, meaning continues to live. this term became common in those days.
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in the initial meeting, as we sat with him, he spoke little and asked many questions. we were observing, getting to know his person and you, having heard about his heroic history and significant achievements during the war in iran, he kept asking and asking until after a barrage of questions. he started talking about something new, a clear vision. he began comparing and saying, the operations you have against the israelis somewhat resemble some of the patterns of operations we have in iran, not exactly as they were in iran, but to some extent. as i recall, he mentioned that these types of operations we conducted in iran, we did something similar, and if we want, we could do much more than that.
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in the first meeting he gave lot of very high hopes. i don't hide that at that time perhaps we all thought of this meeting as a form of courtesy an expression of acquaintance. maybe he was flattering us wanting to boost our moral. however, within the months everything changed for us. in just three months the change became tangible and was felt and we transition. from one state to another, this speed in accomplishment and precision in the objective made us realize that we were dealing with a first class operational and strategic person, typically rare find, strong in operations to a great extent, strong in strategy and vision to a great extent, and astonishing in following up. if he said a weapon must come, he would follow it even if he had to go to the weapon factories in iran, visit the factory, go to the ministry of defense, meet with the person responsible for providing the...
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a person with this level, vision and huge capacity, of course, his entire presence is a blessing for the resistance, pushing the resistance strongly forward. this applies in lebanon, and we can speak in the same way for the... basically starting with lebanon, the islamic resistance in lebanon, it is considered the first... native resistance in the world to be able to stand in the face of one of the most
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powerful armies in the world, it was israel was considered the fourth most powerful army in the world, and hizbullah was able to stand in front of it, despite the fact that in the 80s and 90s grad and kuosha missiles were considered not that sophisticated in in facing the zinis israeli entity, but later on it changed, how did the presence of hashqasim develop these capabilities and with his in short, his motherdom had a positive impact, despite our loss and we still yearn for him to be among us, but what he instilled in us and in our resistance is strong and enduring. one of haj qasim's distinguishing features is that he discovered the capabilities, recognized them and identified them. the youth of as part of allah. blessings on the level of resistance work and dedication have a bright and powerful history, knowledgeable,
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courageous and daring people with qualities. he believed in the resistance within hizbillah, trusted it and believed that these youth could do much more than they were doing. this was the starting point. the foundation, so he gave them all this support and opened all these doors, he believed that the potential within our hands did not match the spiritual, intellectual, human and scientific capacities present in the youth ofiz. therefore he motivated these potentials and opened doors for الروحيه والعقليه والبشريه والعلميه الموجوده عن شباب حزب الله. حفز هذه الامكانات وفتح لها الابواب. thus his meeting with haj. have mercy on him, was not a coincidental meeting, but a meeting of
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creativity and mutual trust. he trusted's intellect, believed in his courage and gave him everything he could give. he opened all the doors for him. of course the youth of hazbullah had this readiness and he discovered this readiness, bet on it, and that's how we reach where we are now. this was of course very significant turning point in the resistance work within a very... bright point, we believe that this was a divine blessing that came from heaven through, not only for us as lebanese, but also for palestine, syria, iraq, yemen, and the entire region. 'allah in his wisdom spared him for this role and he did not decree for him to be alongside his loved ones with whom he wished to be murdered, however allah wanted him to remain alive until this stage to give us everything he has given us, inshallah will remain faithful to his blood, his sincerity and his sacrifices, but many
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were saying that qasim sulaimani stands with'. syria because you mentioned his role in syria, they said that uh, which was basically he was representing the iranian uh government in in in syria by being there, by helping the syrian government, but many said that the senses that iran took, that qasim took that hisbullah took in syria was a short-sited stance that could have rid hizbullah and iran from very much of hostility base in the international community. i know that you don't believe that, and i know that... has suffered as much as iran also has suffered in that area, but how would you explain that to our western audience? بالحقيقه نحن قرار الدفاع عن سوريا وعن شعب سوريا اولا لان وجدنا ان الشعب السوري. in truth, our decision to defend syria and its people was primarily because we found that the syrian people was under attack.
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unfortunately, some in the west and some arabs created what they called the syrian revolution which... did not exist, it was media exaggeration. if we had asked the syrian people at that time, the majority were with the government. yes, they had issues with the government. there were things they liked and things they didn't. acknowledged that, but we also knew that the syrian people were with the government, and the evidence is what we achieved in the results. after 10 years of fighting, i believe that if the west had fairness, and if the world had fairness, they would have discovered and known that the majority of the syrian people were not. against the government, the one who worked to insight armed extremist groups, specifically the takfiri ones, and later witnessed them in daesh in iraq was the west, the americans allegedly came to fight them, but the one who actually fought them was haj qasim sulaimani, not the americans. these americans were the ones supporting daesh in syria. these
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takfiries did not have vision for syria, neither national syria, nor syria the state. they dreamed of a broad califate. that wanted to impose its control over the entire region. let's not forget the hints and movements by some western countries, as acknowledged by some americans and politicians, including statements by hillary clinton that still exists and can be reviewed by everyone. what hillary clinton spoke about years later, we knew from the beginning, so we entered syria to prevent it from falling into the hands of takfiries, ensuring that lebanon and iraq will not be threatened and safe.
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chose to support his brothers and sisters in gaza, but you have cost lebanon a lot because of this confrontation, how would you reply to that? first those who claim that brought calamities upon lebanon are the same ones who in the face of the israeli enemy used to say thatiz led lebanon to destruction, however after lebanon was liberated, they found the opposite result, so we have presented evidence before, today they are making the same mistake again, they are a minority in lebanon anyway, second, ambassadors, ministers and embassies approached us and spoke with many lebanese entities, both politicians and non-politicians, telling them that the front in southern lebanon should
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come down, why? they answered because in the israeli entity there are mad rulers, western foreign ministers told the lebanese that these israeli entity leaders are crazy, therefore, if this front doesn't come down, it might escalate because they are crazy, so we told them, the response is in what these westernis said, if the rulers of the israeli entry are crazy, should we rely on them or should we be strong in the face of them, because when the mad person sees strength against him, he recoils, if we slack, his madness might turn against us, third, we believe... what is happening in gaza is not only related to gaza but is linked to the entirety of the region. declared that we would witness a different middle east. he said everything would change. this means a america when it agreed and provided all its weapons and ammunition to the israeli entity is now participating in killing children without accepting a ceasfire. in fact,
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america says in the security council that now is not the time for a ceasfire, while the whole world watches the killing of children. what does that mean? it means that america carries with it major project. the issue is not only related to gaza. after haj qasim sulaimani and in the era of resistance we are in today, the error of... resistance has provided a new awareness, what worked in 1948 does not work now, and what worked in the 60s does not work now, what worked in the hands of traderous rulers does not work now, things have changed, and because they have changed the americans need to understand, if they realize it, they benefit, and if they don't, they will lose, and that's their affair, but ultimately we know that what happens in gaza has significant effects and repercussions on the regional level. speak with lebanese logic. at least if netanyahu's project succeeds in gaza and the people of gaza are expelled to sinai, thus associating the people of the west bank with jordan, then
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giving lebanese citizenship to the refugee palestinians in lebanon will become a prevailing reality. at that point, those who criticize our actions in the south, what will they say? if the gaza war succeeds for netanyahu, it will lead us to naturalization in lebanon. do we fight our palestinian brothers so that? are not naturalized in lebanon causing internal strife or do we fight the israeli entity before they reach the stage of imposing naturalization, both them and the americans. i believe the answers are clear and self-evident. we are in the era of resistance, in the era of awareness and in the era of intellect, knowledge and science. all the lies of america and the west, i believe, are now exposed, and no one can trust america and its claims in this world anymore. we care about our people, whether. are oppressed or under attack, we think about how to defend ourselves, the people of gaza defend themselves and we preserve our country and our borders offering what is required of us. it is not our duty or mandate to explain
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everything to others. if they don't realize this now, they will realize it over time. this is our history with them. well your eminence sayid hashim safieddin head of the islamic resistance executive counsel in lebanon thank you very much for your time and your contribution to our show, it's been an honor and a pleasure to have you on with us uh ladies and gents uh it was a pleasure to have you on on board me stream and this very special episode in commemoration of haj qasim sulaymani's martterdom please do follow us on telegram and on twitter x and we'll see you again next week with new show right here on press tv salamukum
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that's the number of children, women and men murdered since october the 7th. alone, and this genocide has been going on in real time, but how is this possible in the 21st century? and where are the international organizations and legal measures? join us on our next program as we discuss these questions and more with: lawyer and human rights activist stanley cohen right here at press tv on hidden files. general qasim sulaymani was
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a high-ranking iranian military official whose popularity began to rise after he led the war on daesh terrorists on the battlefields in syria. and iraq, general qasim sulaymani was the commander of iran's quds force, the foreign arm of the islamic revolution guards core. he was of great help to syria as an advisor and organizer of syrian troops, when daesh and other takhedi terrorists launched a bloody assault on syria in 2011. he also played a key role in creating iraq's popular mobilization unit, also known as hashall shabi in 2000. when daesh declared its califat in iraq and overran several provinces there. hashdal shabi later managed to defeat daesh and drive
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the terrorist group out of iraq. these victories for syrian and iraqi forces further increased general suleimani's popularity among the irakis, syrians and iranians. when general sulaimani declared the end of the daesh califat in 2018, the united states, which called itself the savior of the iraqi and syrian people, described him as its arch enemy and an obstacle to peace in the middle east. in the year 2020, the assassination of general sulaymani and hashadal shabi's commander abu mahdi al-mohandis in a us drone strike raises a key question: was the united states really fighting daesh? or as u.s. president donald trump himself has said was daesh created by his predecessor barack
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obama. perhaps now it would be easier to answer this question after the assassination of general suleimani. what is clear is that the united states has killed a man who played the biggest role in both eliminating daesh from the region and isolating washington. following this terrorist attack and the martterdom of a group of people who had fought daesh and other tagfedi terrorists around the clock. the question is who really wants to... peace and stability in the region and who is after igniting a war to plunder the middle east?
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news and brief for the asawa, at least 150 palestinians are killed in israel's latest strikes on gaza as the overall palestinian death toll is approaching 22,000, also new report. says 70% of the buildings in the besieg gaza strip have been destroyed in nearly 3 months of israeli aggression. the leader of the islamic jihad movement in palestine has ruled out any exchange of israeli captives for palestinian aptities before the regime stops its genocidal aggression on the strip. zadal says the israeli regime was also faced fully withdraw his forces from gaza.
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