tv Iran PRESSTV January 1, 2024 12:02am-12:19am IRST
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garbage story with this garbage headline yet, the one where they're trying to convince you that israel stole 80 dead bodies from ghaza of palestinians, pretending like they were trying to confirm that they weren't hostages. do you know why they actually took them? remember that skin bank we talked about? gaz officials said that after they handed over 80 bodies, which they refused to give names or areas of where the bodies were collected from, there was an examination of the bodies and it was revealed that the shapes had significantly changed due to theft of vital organs, and they didn't just take, organs from bodies that they collected throughout gaza that were above ground, they exhumed bodies from graveyards. i'm sure it's shocking to some people, but to palestinians it's not. we have known that they have been harvesting organs from our dead bodies for decades. there's a reason why israel and this is what i wanted to say, you not everything that the palestinians have come out to speak about in terms of their their oppression, people have considered to be conspiracy theories because really they are so in.
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humane um, yet time after time we are proven correct, and it's a shame that it takes so long for the world to catch up and to for them to open their eyes and to see what palestinian suffering looks like, because by the time they arrive to where we are, they've been desensitized, and they are um, and and that's the fear. we don't want the world to be desensitized, we want them to be enraged, inflamed, um, and and hopefully act with us against the occupying. state uh, speaking of suffering uh, as if the relentless bombing wasn't enough, now the palestinians in gaza are having to cope with the elements, yes and of course disease as a result of that, so as you've said the 90% of the population of ghazza have now been displaced, um, that's almost two million people, um, the majority of or almost half of the population of ghazza are children, under the age of 18, we know that the um that's are dehydrated, that they
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are starving, and in addition to all that, as you've rightly said, they are now having to face the elements, um, let's have look at the conditions that they're looking to face. okay, مطرت الدنيا علينا بهدلتنا وبهدلت الناس وبهدلت الزلام الكبار والاطفال الصغار وكله صار يطلع من الخيم بتنزل ميه عليهم وما حدش يضله قاعد في مكان الحرامات عامت البطاطين عامت حسب من فوقت ب has live there, living there, it's it's
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of really just sad state of affairs, what can you do in that situation, you're so helpless, um, and and i know that this is probably not the the right thing to feel in this stage, but as a palestinian it only makes me feel so much more proud of my people, that despite everything that they are suffering, that they are continuing, you know, looking after their homes, doing what they can, tying their camel and relying on allah, this only... the resilience and the strength of the palestinian people, men, women, and the children, um, and our victory is now we're winning. imagine, imagine that it's been going on for 84 days, a small population that has been beseeged for over 17 years and still they are unable to get rid of these people, they are unable to get rid of their resistance and they are unable to get rid of their resilience. um, so despite all of the hardships, the palestinian people are winning, they sure. are: lety fabu chakra,
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thank you. now, the truth about the nature of apartite israel has been exposed globally, but despite that, fear still lurks among those who want to openly show solidarity with palestine. this is the case even amongst the general, the generation z, the gen z, who are more aware and outspoken. earlier we spoke to nabiha datu, a student paramedic in the uk about her experience at her university. um, i think there is honestly lot of support for palestine within our generation, or at least um, what i've witnessed in my university in particular, and there have been stands organized by the islamic societies selling, palestine badges and wrist bands, um, charities that offer support for palestine, and i think if you speak to lot of people, you'll see that there is lot of support, um, overall, people have taken up. action as well
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to replace starbucks logos and the university with the palestine flag, so everywhere you go you can see that there is support for palestine, however i don't think it's as evident until you actually speak. to someone um, although lot of people have the same views, people are still worried about repercussions and i think there is still a lot of fear of publicly speaking due to fear of what would happen um amongst pears in which there was a society that was trying to organize a flag raising ceremony for palestine in in or in honor of them and to show our support um which received um which... the university unfortunately refused to allow to happen and the student union of the university claimed that the reason for this is because the universities unable to show that they are a certain side of history or to take a political stance anything. however, there's been a lot of backlash on this. students have argued the fact that when
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the same thing was happening with ukraine and russia, the university outwardly showed their support towards ukraine, they allowed the events to happen, they allowed anything to go on, but when it comes to palestine, they are quiet and they refuse um to let the students really show their support publicly, so it's clear that the higher power is involved or what is stopping people from being able to to show their support as publicly as they deserve to. we also asked nabiha was she thought the world remains so unjust. one thing comes to mind and that is money, greed. um, people who have nothing want something, but the people who have everything. even more and that's the problem. there's a reason that they say that money is the root of all evil, it's the reason why managements of big establishments won't stand for the right side of history, it won't stand for the truth. it all comes down to how much they're getting in their pocket at the end of the day. that shiny piece of paper can make lot of people
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forget everything about right and wrong, but i think that's why it's important that we continue to speak up and we continue to try to show the truth despite their efforts to silence us. because money will come and go, but stuff like this, it's what shapes you as a person, so i would say take that as some consol consolation and be a light in this dark world that we live in, because i still have faith that we can change it a little bit a time. you're watching gaza under attack coming to you straight from the british capital, london. let me put my next question to karamelli who's been waiting patiently. um, karam, we just saw there, the many, the contribution uh... and solidarity with the palestinian struggle comes in many different forms, you know all too well uh how the israel lobby goes after people who uh speak up for the palestinians. i've seen some of your amazing videos exposing corporate support for settlement expansion. um, what do
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you have to say to people who get in want to get involved in pro-palestine uh movements, but are afraid of the potential blowback. or the consequences? it's very simple, sometimes points of history and in life, individuals need to take a stand. the same question can be asked to other people in other societies in history, where they've also had despotic rulers and leaders and people have admired those have stood up against them, so it's who you want to be and the light that you want to be in this. you should aspire towards it, there are many, many action groups locally and nationally that are working towards creating information packages as well as dedicated days of action sometimes a weekly basis to keep pressure up and also to keep palestine in the conversation as well as
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raising awareness which will then raise affinity which will then contribute towards more action, which is what we want, and i would... quite anyone who's curious about palicide even have a conversation about it with their friend and they'll be surprised to see how far back uh this issue goes and dr panjwani uh it is hostile environment as far as pro-palestine solidarity is concerned we had discussed it little earlier with fahima um as academic how difficult is it would you say for people such as yourself um speaking up for palestinians, we've seen um professors uh losing their jobs uh here in the uk, in the us as well, just how difficult is it to uh to do that? um, i would say it's increasingly difficult, and i agree with the
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fellow guest speaker statement that you your heart is important, you have to make a stand, but you also have to be clever, and that means you should know how a university organization functions, you should know the right? you have, you should know your contract, you should know the avenues that you can have a voice, like like as the sister said, a student union for example, or a trade union or workers union, because there you are protected by law, and so i think... "sometimes we may not realize that yes we can go out on the streets and we should do that, but in a working environment you also have to play the game, right? and you have to be very clever, well, i, i'm embarking on my free speech, this is in terms and conditions, my contract, my, so sometimes we may not always take that approach, and the only way that you can make a change is by law, today, okay, discrimination is very important at work, discrimination of gender, sex, and many other things, where did that come from, from the equality act, before that there was..." no such thing, you could discriminate, you see that, so i think that we also have to have vision of how we want to enshrine certain
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elements of our free speech, and what is a protected characteristic? so you have the asarula uh in yemen, as we speak, in the past couple hours, hundreds of thousands of yeminis took to the streets, in the insolidarity with the palestinians, um, some are saying that israel is targeting the iranian. targeted the iranian military advisor to syria is attacking southern lebanon because it's trying to bait these countries and that are affiliated with with iran. um, what is this a precipice? how dangerous a situation is this in your opinion? well, of course, and it has happened before with the israel leban, lebanon war for example, so there has been attempts beforehand off that, there has been verbal threats to iran, for example, so i don't think this is anything new. but i think that if this were to occur then i think israel
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perhaps believes it has us support and uk and other people support so if there is a military war in the region it works in the favor to control resources to control region to control land and that would be the end game i think benjamin netanyahu did say before all this before 7th october uh where he showed map i think whether this was united nations or in the forum to to as 'gaza wasn't there and he wanted a like a silk road if you like you know from the western states to the arab states etc. so that is the end game, but i think it's it's going to be very volatile. um, we'll see, it's it's only matter of time, it is, as you say, very, very volatile. now, um, disease, hunger, and lack of clean water, as well as limited access to healthcare are just some of the issues, gaz's internally displaced persons'. face daily at the mashif idp camp to the west of raffa. many of the
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thousands have been forced to flee and originally come from the north to areas designated as quote unqute safe zones for residence by the occupation forces. have look at this. i only been here for two or three days and i haven't encountered any kind of medical treatment at all. i have to try and get my kids to field. hospital, but to be honest with you, it is unsafe for me to move around as i can get bombed or shelled on the way there. we don't have any kind of medicine available, not for the children and not for the elderly people. also, unfortunately, the water is polluted, which has led to many diseases. i have been disabled and in a wheelchair for five years now. i can't and don't know where to go for treatment. is back
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with her second batch of stories on the media coverage of the gazan genocide, good to have you back, fahima, starting with israel's apartite system against palestinians, a cruel system of domination, absolutely, um, there is a shift obviously and another call in... israel where people do stand up saying not in our name, and we have daniel levy who's actually going to be speaking about this a little bit more in his video. if you know you're in the business of permanently denying another people their rights, of running a regime of of really quite horrendous structural violence where you're already picking up the the background music of this is going apartide right, we we're. this is where okay, um, that's a really bad space for
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us to be in. how can we preemptively nip that in the bud? for you, if you can make the argument about, how dare you, what kind of animous do you have against us as people that you would even make that accusation? if you can make that the debate, rather than your own. human rights organizations inside israel have now reached the same determination as palestinian organizations. amnesty international and human rights watch have now made the legal designation that this is a regime of apartide exactly. how do you answer? that accusation, which which is a crime against humanity, absolutely, but again as he describes what he does, it means that they're so trained in sort of countering and and sort of playing blind to all these accusations that even if they are going to go down that route again they don't really see it in that way and there's no evidence according to them even implicate them, turning it against the occupied playing
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weaponizing their victimhood, absolutely um we discussed the the uk's responsibility or moral. responsibility ability that the doctor disagreed with, because that's not how they see it, but what we have seen in the recent wars from iraq to afghanistan to libya, every single time the uk government has taken the side of the abusers, they have done so, and it's not just because people always say, oh they just follow the us, it's not that alone, it's the fact that they go so much length to do so much more, and the next post will actually show that they actually sent um 500 troops to cyprus base um in order to supply weapons to israel, so these are operations that even they want to keep secret, and there's so much more that they haven't actually shown, and lot of the times it is, it is again not just to do with money, but it's a lot to do with power and to already show the alliance stability and strength to keep it going by having.
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