tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV January 1, 2024 2:02am-2:31am IRST
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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight. i'm marizia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us. well, as 2023 comes to an end, this year will be forever remembered as the one which exposed the absolute hypocrisy of the rules-based system and all the organizations created under its umbrella. from women's rights to children's rights to free speech, all of these rights that many thought existed in the world. we've seen that they are null
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and void when it comes to the collective west regarding the east and global south. this is especially true as we enter new year, and the zionist genocide continues to take place against palestinians almost three months after it started and is being met by collective silence and our inaction from the west to stop it. we're going to take a look at these uh last two and a half months on the spotlight. i'd like to welcome my guests to... program: richard falk, former un special rapporteur on palestine human rights out of santa barbara, california, and shabir risby, political analys out of london. well, thank you both for being with us. i'd like to start this off with richard falk, well, you are a former un special reporter on palestine human rights. did you ever think? that you
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would be witnessing what you have been uh these last two and a half months, this type of genocide, and basically nothing being done to stop it, my image darkest form of imagination could not reach the horror show that we've been witnessing for almost three months, as you say, it's the most transparent. spectacle of genocide that the people of the world have ever been exposed to, and the complicity of the global west, particularly the us and uk, shocks even a critic like myself, because it exposes not of only the hypocrisy of the rules based world, which was always a very suspect, it was...
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geopolitical rules for the powerful and some kind of accountability to international law for the week, and and now it has become something that is indulgent of genocide when it's committed by friends and critical of human rights of any sort. if they are attributable to adversaries or enemies, so we're a very dark place in uh human history, i fear. yes, indeed. well, shabir, i mean, can you believe that you're still witnessing this genocide that started on october 7th, and we're about to start a new year, and it still hasn't stopped. hello, good evening, thanks for the invitation. first. condolences
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to the families of the martters and also our sort of heartfelt pain for those who are suffering the amputations and all kinds of other sort of bloodleting which is being inflicted on the palestinians both in gaza and the west bank as i keep pointing out that it's not just gaza that is taking place, obviously the numbers are horrendous, but as our friend from the usa said, we are a dark place, not only a dark place, but just to quote william shakespeare when he said, "i'm sick when i do look at d. he was really talking, dimitris was speaking to helena, and i miss some much night dream at that time, so it's really the, we feel the sickness when we look..." at our politicians, our media pundit
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in the legacy media in the west and also all the chating classes that they really have uh not only abandoned, but actually the sort of the words that they used to use of human rights and of sort of freedom of speech and all kinds of flowery words, the veil has been removed or vailes have been removed from from them very clearly, and i think people in the south and the east part of the world are realizing that these... were not just hypocritical words, but they were words to hoodwink us into thinking that the west has some moral and ethical thinking behind it, but the reality is that now that we are seeing this happening a daily basis, minute
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by minute, hour by hour, people are realizing that how inhuman the politicians are, they really have no heart at. all um thinking about it, you people keep on talking about that israel has a right to defend itself, yes israel has a right to kill babies, israel has a right to uh murder over 100 journalists, israel has a right to um kill what 21 22 thous people, israel has a right to uh kill pregnant mothers, israel has a right to do all the henous crimes that one could lift and "the list would be very long, but the reality is that israel is being allowed to get away, but i think they are only going to get away for a limited period of time. i think come 2024, the uh support that the palestinians
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are getting globally from the ordinary people, not from the politicians or the elite, all the chattering classes, as i said, but really the ordinary people are feeling that..." "this cannot go on in the manner that it is, and again the whole sort of historical hisbara, which is now being proven to be completely false and lies upon lies, that again that veil which has been sort of given to the world for the last 75 years has come off in the last you know less than 75 days, so people are realizing that it is just that you zionism. is equal racism, zionism is equal colonialism, zionism is equal to imperialism, zionism is really there i say the problem in west asia, it's not the palestinians, palestinians are the indigenous
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people of that land, and again it's not a jewish or muslim sort of war, it really is a war a... against an occupier, userper, and nation which is built on people who are not part of that rank, and this is stay with me, stay with me, shabier, let me get richard back in on this, richard, how did we get here or were we always here um, just that we can see clear the reality, because if we look at the rules-based system that was set up after world. world war i and we see the vedo power that the un security council members have always had. were we always here um but there was enough of the facade in place that people didn't understand it or or what's your assessment of this this difference between we
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see reactions what happened uh for example when russia invaded ukraine as opposed to the reaction uh towards the zionist regime and what this genocide they're committing against the palestinian. well, you're posing a really important series of questions, and there's no simple answer. i think in one sense, the logic of the zionist project always had an end game that is very destructive of the palestinian people. "it wanted a jewish supremacy state that corresponded with vision of biblical times, kind of mythic promised land, and in a post-colonial era to try to
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disposses the indigenous people is" really itself major crime, it's and israel has recently with justification been called the last s undertaking, so that's that's a background, and then in the foreground is the capture of the zionist project by the most extremeest elements in it, which couldn't complete the project without this kind of genocidal, and reason to suspect that the hamas attack of october 7th was allowed to
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happen and even facilitated in its execution by the non arrival of the israeli forces, they the settler mentality that has captured the zionist movement and has made its way to the pinnacles of power in israel was seeking a pretext for what one might call second nakbah a second wave of disposession and creating a final phase in the israeli effort to take over the west bank, which is the
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primary goal, and to perhaps reoccupy or at least depopulate gaza, it now has some importance economically and strategically, in relation to the sus canal, in relation to the offshore oil and gas. so there are economic reasons and settlers on the west bank are really real real estate operators are promising coastline villas to jewish resettlers and new wave of settlement so we don't know what the how the outcome will be phased and then the hardest. question and the most important one in a sense is the
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explanation of the complicity crimes committed by the western countries. i think the whole relationship to the region was changed by two events. one was the iranian revolution in 78-79 and the second. was the 1967 war in which israel for the first time emerged not as a strategic burden which it had been in relation to the oil producers and to the islamic world generally, but suddenly it became a strategic asset, and with iran, the prior allied special friend under the shah's rule no longer present there, it's
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joined these forces of support that had built up after the holocaust for a jewish sanctuary, kind of liberal guilt in the west, okay, okay, i just want to say what? this one, it because it fused that liberal guilt with strategic military interests in the region, and created a new kind of commitment by the us to israel and going along with whatever israel did, even to this extent. well shabir, when we look at what has happened uh since october 7th and the
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increase in pro-palestinian activism in these western countries and a greater awareness of israeli crimes and not only awareness of israely crimes, but the complicity of their own country's involvement. your assessment of where this will possibly go in 2024? that's a very interesting question, because obviously as we have. been observing uh since day one, if you like, after 7th of october, they have been huge demonstrations in major european cities and in north america, australia and new zealand, so it's becoming very clear that the ordinary masses are not in tune with the ruling elite in the respective countries, so there's a huge, if you like, democratic gap that has sort of been created. secondly, what
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is happening is that the, as i said earlier, the effect. tive the historical hisborrah was for the last 75 years letting people know that you know israel is sort of a land for the jews because they were persecuted in europe and really i find it quite extraordinary that if they were persecuted in europe perhaps piece of land should have been found for them in europe rather than in west asia which wasn't there. to give and you just like the the former zionist ambassador the un holding the bible saying that this is our title deed to the land and also hannahfi famously said that you know she didn't know that god was a real state salesman so the
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reality is that you know they feel that when god needs to be brought into the conversation, then they will say that, they got so chosen people in this land belongs to them. however, most of the zionists are not believers in god, the founders of the zionist entity did not believe in god, and you famously the christmas sort of sermon which was presented by pastor ishak really quite eloquently put it that the... bible has been weaponized, so all these things that have happened were really clouding the vision of the ordinary people over the last 75 years, but it has become very clear that these were all lies which were put forward by the spokespersons from the zionist entity and their supporters in the media and the
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politicians giving diplomatic and political cover to the zianist entity so all this has really been undone, and there was an article in the jerusalem post not long ago, which was really saying that, we worked hard for the last 75 years to tell the people one story, but within 75 days, the world is not believing what we were telling them, so this is this is quite an important aspect, which i think is is is a great remorse for the zionist entity and their... right indeed, well richard falk, do you think the year 2024 will be one where the whole rules-based system will continue to be exposed and even start to disintegrate? well, i think it started to disintegrate uh before, it started
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with with the new initiatives taken in the global south such as the formation of the bricks, the rise of china, the uh effort of the us to maintain the geopolitical dominance it had in the aftermath of the cold war, the implosion of the soviet union, i think that all those uh factors were underway, it was it was a process of uh challenging this post-cold war world that was underway, but now with the events in the middle east, that challenge is going to be intensified in 2024, and the outcome is not of course clear, the
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us relies only these days, not on rule-based uh... principles, but its supposed military superiority, and that's proved a disaster through ever since vietnam, in afghanistan, yemen, iraq, several other places, so we're facing very critical moment, and i fear that in 2024, if israel gets backed into a corner and can't find its way out of this gaza trap that it's made for itself, it will try to expand the war and draw these geopolitical actors into. much larger framework of conflict okay, 30 seconds, shabir, i just, i'm so sorry, richard, i got to give 30 seconds to shabir, shabir, where do you see
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this going as far as the palestinian resistance, we have seen how successful they have been overall and overall resistance 2024, well 2024, i believe is going to be a positive outcome for the resistance, and of course, if israel is... you put into corner, they may uh react in a sort of a mad dog way, but i think the positive sign would be that already half million israelies have left the zionist entity, and i think if the security situation becomes even more difficult, lot more people will voluntarily leave the zionist entities, and on that note, i'm so sorry, hopefully we can talk again, but we're out of time tonight, richard falk, former un special reporter in palestine, rights out of santa barber california shabir political analysts out of london, thank you both for being with us, thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight, hope to see you next time, goodbye
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اللحظات ان شاء الله اوصل يا محمد رضا وارجع لك. 12 بالليل بهالوضع هذا يعني ديك الايام الوضع كلش كان قلق التقارير اللي تبنتها وسائل اعلاميه كانت تنبئ بشيء في حدود الساعه ال9عه اتصلي بيه الرئيس ترامب حسيت اكو طيران مو طبيعي يعني والطيران واحسن فوق السياره مالت. عنصر بشري واكو عنصر عراقي موجود يعني ومن نقول عنصر مو نفر يعني اكو سياره جايه بدون لوحات
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ماخذه عينات. به نام خدا مرتضا جابریان هستم، عکاس خبری و مستند در اهواز. تقریباً از سال ۸۸ وارد فضای رسانه ای شدم. پارسال بود که همین موقع ها خبر شهادت یکی از عزیزترین افراد این مملکت رو شنیدیم. اصلاً حال عجیبی بود. اصلاً اون روز دقیقاً یه آدم اصلاً حسی برای زندگی کردن نداشتم واقعاً در یکی از این شبکه های اجتماعی یکی از دوستان گذاشته بود که حاج قاسم سلیمانی و شهدا به اهواز میآیند خب یهو دیگه یکی از
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دوستانم زنگ زد و البته اول جوابش ندادم باز زنگ زد من باز جوابش ندادم گفتم آقا بذار من جواب این بنده خدا رو بدم زنگ بهش زدم سلام فلانی خوبی کارشو گفت بهش گفتم تو دلم داشتم گفتم بذار بهش بگم تیریست در تاریکی بهش گفتم فلانی فردا نمی تونیم با هلیکوپتر با هلیکوپتر بپریم حیفه حاج قاسمه کل استان تعطیل شده کل مردم فردا قیامته تاریخی ترین روز خوزستانه گفت باشه آقا من واست هماهنگی می کنم بعد ۲۰ دقیقه رب ساعت گفت مرتضا فردا ساعت ۶ فلان جا باش که پروازه دیگه رسیدیم دم پرواز. و تا دیگه طول کشید تا مجوز پرواز صادر بشه و ما پرواز کردیم وقتی ما رسیدیم اونجا دقیقاً من رب ساعت ۲۰ دقیقه مپوت بودم شوکه شده بودم یک جمعیتی بود
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که متصل به همدیگه اون خیابون اصلی کل جمعیت متصل بود لحظه ای آروم و قرار نداشتم همش عکس می گرفتم عکس می گرفتم گاهی و وقتا با موبایلم فیلم می گرفتم و هر لحظه منتظر بودم که تابوت بیاد اون تابوت شهدا بیان و اون فریم هایی که تو ذهنم تصور می کردم رو بگیرم یه هود زنگ زدن گفتن که هلیکوپتر باید بیاد پایین اون لحظه من آتیشی بودم که همه جا رو داشت می سوزوند گفتم آقا تابوت تابوت و شهدا اصل عکس تابوت شهداست کجا بیایم پایین؟ گفتم آقا دستوره به دوستان گفتم بابا زنگ بزن آخه چه کاریه این ما این همه اومدیم بعد تابوت شهدا نیومده اینجا اون لحظه طلایی ما اون حضور تابوت شهدای ما. مقاومت تو
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بین این سیل جمعیت من عکس بدون تابوت و شهاده برای چیمه اصلاً نمی خوام از من مقاومت به غلبانه می گفتم آقا جان تو نیا گفت آقا دست من نیست من نظامی ام نیرو نظامی اماخضه میشم گفتم آقا الان میاد الان به خدا اون دیگه فقط گریه نکردم یهو در اوج امید ناامیدم کردن یعنی ناامید شدن حالا دیگه ملاحظات امنیتی بود دیگه حالا خودشون میدونست. و یکی از عکسام که خیلی اون عکس به دلم نشست یه عکسی بود که هلیکوپتر دیگه به تقریباً بالاترین ارتفاعش رسیده بود و اون پل نادری بود و رود کارون بود که هویت اصلی مردم اهوازه مردم خوزستانه و اون سید عظیم جمعیت نمای شهری که بود اون قایق هایی که در رود کارون بودن دقیقاً حالت قایق های جوری بود
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the headlines on press tv, at least 150 palestinians are killed in israel's latest strikes on gaza as the palestinian death solders approach. 22,000. yemen vows that the us will pay the price for its deadly attack on his boats saying such acts cannot prevent it from supporting palestinians and iran condemns the silence of the western governments on israel's crimes against palestinians in gaza, calling it an example the west's double standards.
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