tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV January 2, 2024 2:02am-2:31am IRST
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me hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marsia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us, well it is the beginning of new year in many parts of the world, but with the continuation of the same old ways, this as the zinis general side against palestinias is in its 87th day, and the collective west continues its support for or silence on the slaughtering of the people in gaza. and the
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resistance continues with its unwavering fight. we're going to look at all of this on the spotlight. i'd like to welcome my guest to the program. anthony hull, professor of globalization out of lethbridge, lethbridge university, and christopher helali, researcher and political analyst out of vermont. thank you both for being with. well it's started off with anthony. anthony, we're getting close now to three months of this genocide. do you think that the world believes that the israeli onslot could not of have been stopped if the western regimes had wanted to stop it? well, the western regimes are in disharmony with their own people, and uh, that is becoming very clear that the resistance is... deep and profound and
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significant in the west, but the governments are so tied into the zionist network that we're not seeing action, but who we are seeing action from is, do we call them the hootis, now the yemen, because they're taking charge of the yemeny government, the ansarlah, the people in the red sea, and the south africans, the yemeny, and the south africans have taken major steps, the genocide, the charge in the international court of justice with south africa, bringing the charge of genocide directly on israel, this is big, this is genocide we're talking about, of course israel talks a great deal about the genocide it has suffered, now it is imposing a genocide, and it is being taken to task by the united nations court, and that is big, and of course, "the yemeni people, uh,
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especially the hooti element of yemen, have broken open the whole question of navigation in the red sea, by taking a simple principle position, you're trying to starve, uh, you're trying to dehydrate, you're trying to kill on mass, you're trying to carpet bomb the people of of of gaza, that this is intolerable, and so any boat going by the..." yemen region that has some connection to israel uh will be stopped and now we've seen to the point where four hooti boats trying to impose their view of justice a manserk liner containership that resulted in us helicopters killing 10 hooties in three boats that is an act of war. so now
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the red sea is a thoroughly in a conflagration of sorts uh with an act of war having taken place, of course the hooties were trying to stop that boat uh, we don't know exactly what the connection is with israel, but we can be sure that they did the research, and now this creates a major problem for stay with me, let me get christopher in on this discussion, i'll come back to that train of thought, well christopher, would you say that 2023? was the year that uh reality has come into focus and that the so-called democratic principles used by uh these western regimes were exposed for the so-called for what they really are, tools to destabilize and control various countries and movements in the world. absolutely, first of all happy new year to your viewers, same to you and your you're absolutely correct uh what we are witnessing is the total hypocrisy and bankrupcy of these so-called western
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liberal values that they have imposed at the end of the barrel of the gun for the past uh 30 plus years uh since the collapse of the soviet union and the end of the cold war, the united states and its international partners and its military arm and wing, which is nato, have imposed brutal regime change operations around the world, imposing their will and trying to remake the world in their image, and of course that type of baptism comes by fire, and it comes with the deaths of millions, not only that as we're seeing today in gaza with the... instead of the palestinians, but also we remember the iraqis, the syrians, the afghans, the ukrainians in europe, the sirbians, who are under the bombardment of nato, the libyans, so of course it's important for us to understand that 2023 was year where the mass came up fully, why? because now we have a
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multi-frontal war on multiple continents, we see in ukraine the ongoing escalation by western countries against the russian federation in gaza, in the in the middle. least we see what's going on with with the zinist regimes genocide against the palestinian people, now we see the struggle in the sahel, latin america, the pacific region of course, so 2023 has been a year where there has been massive confrontation of the imperialist system against those forces that seek to throw off the yoke of colonialism and imperialism, so i think it's a year for the history books, i think 2024 will definitely be the first year of greater liberation and greater multipolarity as we enter new world order. well, anthony, you were talking about the yemen, and i want to look at that, because of course, at the end the year, we witnessed the us attacking yemini boats, as you had talked to, and of course they were trying to enforce the blockade on ships going to infront the
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israeli regime due to its continued genocide on palestinians, so washington killed 10 yemeny naval forces, let's put this in perspective, what exactly does it mean? so the u.s. tries to stop the yemenis who are trying to stop the genocide, but it doesn't stop israel, which is actually committing the genocide. yes, and it raises the issue that to stop this uh very serious disruption of transport through the red sea, all it would take would be for the israel and the united states to say, well, we don't want to kill anymore palestinians, we don't want to do genocide anywhere, we don't want to do carpet bombing, mass murder, starvation. uh, so if we stop doing that uh, that eliminates the problem, and it would eliminate the problem. but you talk about unmasking, and lot of unmasking has taken place, but there is lot of unmasking yet to do. for instance, over the weekend, i was looking deeply into the
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fact that netanyahu wants to keep uh gaza separate from the west bank, he doesn't want to have a unified palestinian. group who would conduct a negotiation on the two states, so he has exploited this relationship to make himself look like a strong leader against islamic terrorism at the same time while building up the hamas group and are they still working together uh, because this is very serious, it's well documented in hurets and other places, so this unmasking of what is really going on, how much game playing is in uh netanyahu's uh position, where after all he needs this war to stay out of jail, his dream has been war with iran, which he may try to uh, develop through this
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red sea situation, uh, it's it's a long way to go before we unmask what is really going on, okay, christopher, your take on that, because there are some analysts who talked about that, but in the reality what we see on the ground and and hamas and the sacrifices uh that are major in what's going on, your your overall analysis of what anthony said, i think that of course there are many reports uh uh throughout uh the the past years and decades about the relationship of hamas uh with the zionist regime, the muslim brotherhood, questions about various palestinian factions over the course of the previous decades, we're talking going back to the civil war in lebanon, the the the fights between the marxis, lenis and communists and the various islamist groups. i think that of course uh history of course uh is is complex
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with many different and changing positions and sides, that was very evident during the 11 civil war and afterwards within the palestinian factions. i think today the after october 7th. "a lot of that history is no longer at play, because hammas has taken the central role in the access of resistance, they are giving thousands of murders against the zionist regimes." side uh they have allied themselves in military formation with other groups including the pflp, the dflp and other islamic jihad and other militant groups on all political of all the political spectrum, and i think it's important to recognize today that whatever cooperation might have existed that was being referenced by anthony there, i don't think it no longer is there, certainly there is a claim to to say that netanyahu is using everything. that happened on october 7th to justify this ongoing genocide, to justify what is the plan
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by smutrich and others uh in the government to ethnically cleanse the land of gaza, to kick out all the palestinians or to leave a small amount of palestinians there, and of course we recognize that netanyahu was uh his government was ready to collapse and he is uh under bribery and corruption charges, so uh of course as it's rightly pointed out by my colleague that this is also an effort to keep that. job safe for now, as long as the war goes on, netanyahu will be in power, once the day after the war ends, netanyahu will be out and might be in a jail cell because the public in in israel is very much against him and what he's done is ratings have have plumed it, so i think that it's very complex to look at that, but certainly hamas is taking a leading role in the access of resistance today, regardless of the history that might be in the past. well, anthony, you talked about the us's responsibility also for this zionist. the side, how does washington benefit from the slaughtering of palestinian
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children? uh, well, that's the question the world is asking right now, washington has benefited from having an outpost in the arab world as did the british empire, setting up, you know, a jewish homeland at the mouth of the suas canal, this imperial project then being taken over by the united states, the united states. treating israel as kind of outpost and building up israel uh now with the concept of a greater israel, the locud vision, the jabatinski vision of a larger israel from the nile to the euphretes that this has been us policy all along, but now the united states is looking like you know you've got to deal with the fact that in the west asia. it is arab, it is arab speaking, and having this little western outpost of
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european jews to do the bidding of the old anglo-american empire. this is pretty outmoded, this looks pretty bad. as far as, the events of october 7, what are the events of october 7, what really did happen? and it seems to me, it's very possible that there was complicity between netanyahu and hamas in constructing 9/11 to... give justification for this war of annihilation, it also gives justification and prominence to the hamas objective of putting this issue in a larger international framework, both sides are sort of getting a try at their agenda, but i don't see, as much as we want to appreciate the military prowes of hamas and the bravery and determination that they that they have demonstrated that this, i don't see anything to say that this collaboration between netanyahu and hamas is not continuing to this
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day and the fact that you know it's not uh they must know in israel, people must be aware of this, the fact that is, the israeli population has come up with this interpretation of 10/7 which puts all the blame on hamas and doesn't deal with the fact that it seems to be inside job, it seems to be a concocted event like n' 11 was a concocted event to justify a war a muslim constituency. okay, well christopher, i mean it again, uh, with what anthony is saying, there are analysts that saying that basically, actually the israeli regime has come out with this theory to actually lessen the reality that the resistance have been able to been to be this effective and what we're seeing now, almost three months going into this, but i want to look at in general um with... this situation with the israeli regime and continuing, this genocide is not only the physical genocide, but we see a
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daily basis, um, it's so-called leaders and basically openly and adamately supporting genocide, unapologetically, we have, you talked about the israeli finance minister, and basically he said that uh, what needs to happen is immigration from gaza, where there are 100 or 200 thousand arabs, not two mil. i mean, have you ever seen in the middle of some type of onslot, but the leaders being so unapologetic to what they're doing, and how do... how does this happen? mean, as far as reaction, we're not getting a whole lot of reaction, and just imagine if the tables were turned. i think of course that the the the the elephant in the room, as they say, is the fact that the zionist regime is nuclear state, and that's the only reason why it's able to get away with these crimes, because
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it has nuclear weapons which were provided for by the united states at the height of the cold war, and uh... they allow uh the zianist regime to maintain its control and foothold, as anthony rightly stated, it is an outpost of european uh colonialism and imperialism in the region, it serves as a forward operating base for us interests and so of course with that uh it is allowed, it is given that cover and sanctioning by washington, by brussels even now by berlin to do what it needs to do. continue to project power and to continue to subjugate uh the palestinians and to that there was never any opportunity for two-state solution, all of these are lies, um, they always had a greater plan, as anthony right rightly pointed out, this israel project, this idea of the greater israel has been at the forefront of likud since the beginning,
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and so there there there's no, there's no dialogue or compromise with a state that has as its objective. uh the annihilation of another people whose land that they took and they displaced and they ethnically cleansed, and so i think it's very important to understand here that israel is able to get away with this with with this with with no uh no recourse, i mean now south africa has brought genocide charges at the icj uh, but of course who's going to enforce that? ultimately laws only function by enforcement, if there's no power to enforce it then this... states act as rogue nations and are able to get away with it like the united states does, the united states has never taken account for its crimes in iraq, in libya, in syria, in afghanistan, anywhere, and so of course it's important to recognize that israel too will not be held to account so long as washington provides cover, and that's why the movement in the united states for palestinian liberation is so critical, because that's the way that we can bring
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israel in front of a international tribunal, but until then israel and the zionist regime will continue. their objectives uh, no matter what the the the consequences might be, because ultimately they hold the nuclear power. well, anthony, besides the onslot on gaza, the west bank of course is the scene of daily israeli crimes and last year was the deadliest with over 500 palestinians being killed in the west bank, 319 since october 7th, 4900 arrested since then, there's no hamas there, which is of course the israeli regime's excuse. what does this mean? "your thoughts about exactly what's going on, we look at the occupied territories in the west bank. yes, it is uh excuse for israel, hamas and it is public that now the uh government of israel is uh asking egypt and turkey and yemen and iraq and places like canada,
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they're seeking a place to deport the survivors of this mass murder, of this genocide taking place." "and speaking of this genocide, i disagree with my colleague in that if the icj came up with a ruling, a ruling that israel has committed genocide, has violated the genocide convention, that changes everything, and then there is the question of complicity of gene in genocide, which is also a crime, and yes, we may not be able to go right up to nasu's door and pull him out and and..." right away, but it it changes everything, we see all these procedures to charge people, but the the upper echelon of power never gets convicted, never gets charged, these processes never come to anything, uh, and uh, so this is serious, and it it, but at the end of the day, anthony, sorry to interrupt you because we're limited in time, at the end of the day,
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the icg is under the united nations, right, and at the end of the day, the united nations goes back to the veto wielding country, so... then there's that catch 22 in all of it, correct? no, i mean, it's not a court, there there's the security council, but this is a court, this is an independent court, and there's the international criminal court, which is the fake court, which is a, a fraud court, which is a court of people who are bought off and paid for, it's a corrupt court, but the international court just little different, but the international court of justice is under the united nations, is the main judicial organ of the united nations, we're... would it be right now, i mean, how many games are in town, but this genocide issue, which goes back to 1948, and you know, when netanyahu was... born and the naacba begins in 1948, right? uh, if we could get this through, believe me, that would be major dev, we definitely hope so, anthony, we
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definitely hope so, sorry to cut you off, i'm just about out of time, but christopher, um, going into now 2024, uh, we've talked about few different issues and we looked at the emini roles and this, and and the announcement that we have today is actually that iran now has sent a destroyer to the... let's see, your prognosis, where do you see all of this going? i see of course, heightening and a sharpening of these contradictions and of course heightening of tensions. um, of course, the main role, you know, for the united states in the region is to project power, ultimately that comes into conflict with other regional powers who want to protect the security and stability of the region and of the people there, so iran now has taken the lead carry. the banner of the people and saying that we will not tolerate these uh western imperialists to come here and to kill our people and to kill our brothers and sisters in gaza or in the west
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bank or in southern lebanon or the golan heights and of course uh now iran has every right under international law to send the destroyer into international waters and to protect the shipping lanes that it also uses and so of course the fear is that this conflict uh is going to spread to other parts uh of course it's not just confined to gaza or to the west bank now uh it is actively ongoing in southern lebanon now of course in the red sea and the red sea and the balbal mandab straight and so of course the the fear for 2024 is that the united states and the zianist regime will use every excuse possible escalate this and of course they're actively bombing syria i mean uh this is a active conflict right now in multiple countries we have to be aware that a spreading of this conflict is is is is a dangerous escalation, but of course the people will resist, they will resist imperialism at whatever cost, because it is ultimately the freedom from
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oppression and their liberation that is at stake and that so sorry to interrupt you out of time, appreciate both of you being with me, anthony haw, professor of globalization, leathbridge university, christopher halali, researcher and political analyst out of vermont, and we appreciate your viewers being with us on another spotlight on marsey haship. hope to see you right here next time, goodbye.
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you're calling israel democratic state, let tell you something right, but democratic states don't behave like apartide state, they don't commit collective punishment, they don't bomb hospitals, refugee. camps and people's homes, they don't commit genocide, israel is not a democratic state, stop telling that lie, and jews all over the world are horrified at designing the state of israel at the moment, and the jews all over the world are gatherings,
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that from israel's genocidal war in gaza near's 22000 as virginia strikes continue unabated across the palestinian territory plan displays people. of gaza to other countries proves regime's aggression is a war of genocide and iron deploys one of its naval destroyers to the red sea day after deadly us attack on yemeny boats.
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