tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV January 6, 2024 10:02pm-10:30pm IRST
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trafficking network of miners run by deceis offender has been released on the order of the us district judge. there are eight criminal cases involving epstein's attorney dershawitz whose name has been mentioned 137 times in the documents. dershawis is known as a vocal advocate for the israeli regime. the former harvard university law professor is also a possible candidate for defending israel against charges of genocide in gaza brought by south. africa at the international court of justice. former american presidents bill clinton and donald trump have also been mentioned in the documents related to epstein's sex trafficking network. meanwhile, jeffrey epstein's sex trafficking scandal was also viewed as blackmail scheme aimed at controlling american politicians in favor of israel. we have to remember that this whole ebstein saga is not just about pet of. ring
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or some sex ring with a bunch of billionaires and powerful people, this is really about blackmail, the crimes that happen against these young people were crimes and they need to be held accountable for those particular crimes, but the crime against the american people, the crime against or even the world, is the blackmail scheme, that's the crime that we should be even more interested in, because that is potentially ongoing, continues to have consequences, perhaps has led us into numerous political decisions by our politicians that were against the the the best interest of the american public, but only for their own self-preservation, to not reveal some sort of blackmail? uh could have led us into wars for all we know, those political decisions could have been uh decisions that ended up costing people their lives. that is the real scandal of the epstein saga. it's not just about pedophilia or sex ring, this is about blackmail and what that blackmail was used for, and that is what
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we really should be hunting down. now here's alan durshews, lot of people are wondering uh, well who was the black mail scheme, who was involved in the black? what was the black mail scheme for? and many of us suspect for... the state of israel quite frankly that lot of these people maxwell, galain maxwell's father, all of them connected to the state of israel and doing the dirty work for the state of israel to ensure that american politicians stay in their pocket, and of course as you just heard not just the state of israel, but in specific that the musad very much he's considered to be musad agent, and what exactly does that mean um if he had information? on very important and powerful people, not only the us government, but many other places. we're going to take a look at all of this on the spotlight. i'd like to now welcome my guest to the program, george zamuudley, senior research fellow, global
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policy institute, london, metropolitan university, budapest, shabir rizby, political commentator out of chicago. well, thank you both for being with me. let me start off in budapest, so george, you know, for example, if you're a member of congress and musad has some dangerous, damaging information or film about you, um, would you demand for example, that the genocide by the israeli regime should in, or would you just look the other way when the subject was addressed? i mean, if we look at the current events and what is happening and we see the... action of many politicians, especially in western countries, it leads us to scratch our head and say, what is this all about? i mean, how much money can you buy, can you use to buy someone morally, or is it blackmail? i mean, your perspective in general, well the israel lobby has been
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extraordinarily powerful for many decades in the united states, it's also now become quite powerful in europe, which is a relative. new phenomenon, but but certainly a consequence the increasing americanization of europe, increasing american dominance of europe, but the israel lobby operates with with great strength, with great cleverness, great skill, um, and what they do is of course they fund politicians more seriously, politicians that don't to the line on israel, and there've been a handful over the years. many but a handful, they have been destroyed by the israel lobby, they target those politicians with relentlessness and and destroy their political, so i really think you need jeffrey epstein who's a very shady character, and we don't know that much about him, you don't really need jeffrey epstein to have almost
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all of, i say almost all, i say all american politicians in your pocket, and now increasingly almost all european politicians. in your pocket? well, that's actually very frightening and so many levels. shabir, i mean, when we look at the level of compromise, and we look at the deprevity if we're talking about, we look at this situation with epsteen and alan durshews, um, who, we always hear him spewing off very prozionist um, jargon, but he is very influential individual, he's probably going to represent israel, i mean, what does that say about the whole political? system assalamukum, thank you for having me, and yes, i think it says a lot, i think you can just look through all the names on that are related to epstein from the very start to the names that are coming out today, can you name me one person, just one, that's pro- palestine, can you name one, you can, these
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are all people that have been bought, that have been compromised or that willingly associated with these criminal acts, these acts that i'm actually not even going to say, these pedophile. acts these acts of rape, but these are people that are compromised, they have been bought and now they are puppets for essentially for the israeli regime. there's one more point i'd like to bring up here, this this whole jeffrey. to kind of gather support for itself. who has replaced jeffrey upsteen? that's my question,
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because this is effective tactic, it's clearly gotten them the goods. so who has he been replaced with is my question now? okay, interesting question. well, george, what does it mean for these countries? i mean, you said all american politicians basically are compromised? i mean, what does it mean for the united states itself? and domestic policy, forget for? policy, well of course it's a very dangerous situation for the united states, as we we're now learning day by day, the united states is seen in the middle east, but also in the wider world as being israel's enabler. um, now that's not an abstraction when people see the horrors of of gaza, and they realize, well, who's facilitating this, making this happen, it's the united states, because if the united states were tomorrow to pull support from
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israel, would vote against israel at the united nations to say, not one penny more, then israel would not be able to continue what it's doing, but the united states isn't going to do that, it hasn't done that, and the few times in the past when it's tapped, even that's putting it too strong, it tapped israel on the wrist as george w.w. bush did over lone. guarantees for building settlements back in 1991, there was such an uproar within the united states, the israel lobby went in ferociously against president bush, and it cost bush the election, 1992, he lost that election, and the israel lobbies influence on that was significant, but just going back to what's going on in gaza, when it's perceived that the united states is the enabler, that means the united states becomes a target for... whoever it could be jihadiss and any number of america haters around the
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world and we know this from you know what osama bin lardan wrote now 20 years ago he said you know what is it that really agitates us and he said you top of the list israel so we bin larden that was 20 years ago there are plenty of young younger versions of bin laden around who are very agitated about this yeah well "most people in the world would be a little bit agitated by the genocide that that is taking place for sure. um, well, shabir, your thought on the timing of the release now of fc. mean, there there's some who say that, um, public opinion in general, if we look at what's happening in in a lot of western countries, um, there's a lot of talk about palestine and this genocide, especially amongst young people, um, so usually lot of times with the mainstream media," uh, there's a you want to switch to the tone a little bit and change. i mean, how likely is that the
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timing of the revev this, do you think related to what is going on right now in gaza and what the israelies are facing? yeah, the timing of the papers is certainly interesting. um, we can go back and forth about it and kind of ponder on, whether intentional or not. i think whether it's intentional or not, um, in the case of allen duts doesn't make that much of a difference. because at the end of the day publicly pretty much criminality and you have to understand the legal attack method of allen duts inside a court and he's an attack dog, he necessarily defend his clients, he attacks the people that are attacking him, he distorts things, he manipulates facts, that's been his entire legal history as far as i can remember, and you have to understand harvey, harvey weinsteen was also accused of similar crimes, he's advised and represented donald
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trump, and of course he has you know represented jeffree yepsteen. this is um besides the point, i think, i think, the timing of it is certainly interesting, for me, it's a matter of poetic justice because you know, it really goes to show the type of people that israel is willing to employ in order to kind of defend itself, but you also have to understand that this is a man that doesn't care what the world perceives of him as long as... he is able to deliver the goods to his clientel. well, george, if we look at the overall situation, we have compromised politician. 'who prioritize another government over its own, it's usually a crime in most places in the world. why has in the united states not been able to protect itself from the type of filtration that you're seeing we're seeing um and control by the zionists or prozinas elements? well that's a very good question and you're absolutely right uh for many politicians on capital hill
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israel's interest uh'. priority over america's interest, we had nikki haley who was being hailed as a at least the republican alternative to donald trump saying many times over that, well it's it's not that israel needs the united states, the united states needs israel, of course it's never explained in what way does the united states need israel, i mean is a real problem, it's just area of problems which is creating all sorts of major problems for the united states, what what does the united states get out of israel, it's never explained, but it's drummed into people's heads that we it's the existence of this alliance with israel enormously uh benefits the united states, but just going back to um the issue that raised by my uh colleague, i mean who's the successor to uh jeffree epstein, well there
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are many uh candidates, i mean one candidate obviously is bill acman. bill ackman um just succeeded in osting the president of harvard by claiming the nonsense that antisemitism is rampant at harvard that people are calling for the genocide of the jews and so on absolute lies, but he's a man much wealthier than um epstein was um and he's now taking up on hisself to destroy the lives and careers of anyone who stands against israel um this is really what we're up against so epstein is kind of that's it's dead dead meet now his heyday was already 20 years ago he's been discredited but now we have new uh people very wealthy and very ruthless in advancing israel's interest in the united states well what about that shabir because when you have such a corrupt system and uh and with the
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type of money uh that george was just talking about now so... what protects a system? mean, what needs to happen in your perspective to change things around in the united states? you know it's really funny because anywhere else what happens in the united states you would call it corruption, but we've legalized it here and now we call it lobbying, and so it's a completely legalized process. mean, we have super packs that represent pharmaceutical companies, we have packs that represent the arms industry, we have pack that represent big oil, and so what you have here are just different people with...
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are taking money taking bribes right, they they they take this very seriously, they imprison people, some states even uh execute people, i mean this is very serious crime, you're betraying the people uh, you're betraying the many for the sake of few in order for you to secure your own uh profits, and i think that's what it comes down to for the united states system, the united states uh law making system uh from everything from actually, i would say the congressional side to the executive powers, you need to get money out of there otherwise. "this is going to constantly be a representation not of the people of the united states, but of the multinational corp corporations that are based out of the united states that represent money, that represent you know the pharmaceutical industry, the military industrial complex and all these horrific things that are plaging the world. the joke has always been the united states isn't ran by a government, it's ran by three
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corporations in the trench code, but that's that's functionally true, these are all corporations that want a piece of the pie uh that..." able to buy their politicians and then therefore enact law the way they see forth and the way that you know that's kind of how the israeli lobby also works, they have so much money invested in us politicians everywhere from joe biden to federman to richy torres, the they have the both the democrats and the republicans in their pockets and the only way that you can actually stop this is one get money out of politics and two punish those who do take money uh from outside sources or from any source and palestinian views or professors have lost their jobs uh and and even um this well-known saying from the river to the sea palestine will be free has been labeled as
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