tv [untitled] January 19, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST
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your top stories here on press tv, yemy army says is targeted another american ship in the gulf of aiden with appropriate enable missiles and support of the people of gaza. it added recent attacks on yemen by the us and uk, will not go unanswered and unpunished. all rights experts slams israel's measures in gaza is violation of international law, describing them as highly illegal and highly unlawful. un special repertoire on occupied palestine says regime used a 6,00 bombs per week during the first two weeks of its aggression alone. iraq's
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prime minister reiterates his government's opposition to the presence of us forces. muhammad, he says american troops must leave as daesh is no longer a threat to iraq. he says ending, us military presence is crucial for iraq's security and stability. pressure is really attacks on gaza, bring the total death tool of the invasion to over 24,600, mostly women and children, and over 62%. 2 thous others wounded, israel's lately stepped up strikes in the southern areas of gaza. and another palestinian journalist has been slain following israely strikes on gaza while abu fanuna, chief executive officer at auguds today satellite channel was killed in an israely strike in central gaza city. nearly 120 journalists have so far been killed by regime's occupation forces since. october
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probably had historical and ancient value. a part of the documents was sold and another part got to the jews. the records are known as a dead sea scrolls. the jews rushed to the discovery site and collected and hit all the scrolls they had found. apparently, the land has many secrets. the unearthing of the of scrolls in 1947, just year before the establishment of israel, is more like a miracle, because some records were completely intact. in fact, the scrolls were valuable
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documents that could challenge many concepts, including the notion of israel. sometime later, the dead sea squilles were announced to belong to. although rest of the documents are not published, the few revealed ones tell a strange story of the history of the land of palestine. the writers of the scrolls lived in the caves in secret and away from the eyes of the rulers. why did people live in secret and underground? what were they running away from? the answer to the...
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was in parts of the scrolls that were never published and remain secret forever, the ben euro, the records in this old synagogue. contains strange parts of past events, jewish business and aristocracy from asia to africa and from there to europe, and even the volga in the eastern regions. since christianity became the official religion of europe, jews had been in close contact with rome and even open to synagogues in rome. the jewish presence in rome was only for political reasons. the jews infiltrated the church and reached the rank of cardinal and advisors and even the pope, particularly during war. in 1094, the byzantine empire, which was on the verge of collapse, asked pope urban ii for
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help. the jewish advisors were in favor of war. a year later, the pope spoke of the fulfillment of duty and divine forgiveness. sins will be forgiven and those killed in battle will go straight to heaven. this is how the crusades began. in the meantime, a strange event happened. the crusaders persecuted the jews on their way to warfronts. the move, which was approved by the jewish aristocracy, was to force the jews out of the heart of europe and into the ottoman empire lands. at that time, new intellectual foundations were formed. knights, temple guards and secret societies were established. during the 200 years of the
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crusades, cultural exchanges took place. europe got to know islam and muslims developed their knowledge, jewish merchants settle. in european countries, among them, italy was taken to be the most important commercial centers, a special trade was popular in the country, the slave trade, the jews were very active in this market, the septer would not be removed from the jews. the 15th century was a... beginning of great change, a wealthy florentine family officially went to war with the pope, the midichi family. of course, art was major tool, the goal was clear, removing the power and authority of the church. writers and translators played an important role in these
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developments. new concepts arose, jews will become christians in the future. from the 18th century, new movement was formed among the jews. so that the jews would become like others. in the aftermath, jews in america enjoyed religious rights and in france enjoyed citizenship rights. starting in the 1800s, british colonialism began to make its way into the ottoman empire. jews tended to get more organized. the reforms that took place in the ottoman empire under the name of tanzamat or reorganiz gave bitter fate to the high ranking pashas. german immigrants formed the first jewish communities. the situation began to change. in zaras russia a movement started. leon pinsker, a jewish physician,
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headed the movement. he claimed the anti-semitism was incurable, and its cause was the abnormal condition of the jews. jews must settle in. one place and one land, everyone was whispering about the immigration. the word zionism became quite popular. in 1893, the french army figured out secret operation. someone nicknamed d was spying on some people. the result of matching the handwriting left by d with the handwriting of army officers was strange. alfred graphus, a jew, was accused of espionage. theodore hurzel, a jewish journalist, who rarely set foot in a synagogue, appeared at drafas's court. he considered the french people's view of the jews to be the main culporate. herzel
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believed the jews should immigrate in order to change a situation. it cannot be done without immigration. he visited different people and always talked about financial issues from the ottoman's debts to german's interests and business plans. billions were supposed to be traded. hurzel was advised to... write down his thoughts in books like uncle tom's cabin. hurzel begins to write, "i have solution for the jewish problem, a jewish state. there, in the land of dreams." the book, jewish state is printed and published in thousands of copies. hurzel is regarded as a leader then on. due to the opposition of german jews to the notion of. the first zionist congress was held in switzerland. hurzel participated in the
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congress with special ceremonies. a big claim was made, the establishment of the zinist state in palestine. various jewish organizations were formed to occupy palestine. it was approved that the process of occupation would take place gradually, primarily by workers and craftsman. the city of jafa, palestine, an old city by the sea. this is the entry point for foreign travelers. jews entered palestine from this port. the economic conditions were not suitable. administrative corruption was rampant, jafa turned out to be soft touch for jewish influence. few jewish immigrants hit their identity and secretly bought land through middleman. the required financial resource. sources were provided from abroad, from the lobbies in new york, toronto,
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montreal, berlin, and even cairo, and eventually in 1905, palestine was chosen as final destination among all options. after the suppression of the russian revolution, some disillusion jews from different parts of europe entered palestine. they were poor workers, of course, some of them had a bad history. sometime later, two of them attended the world zionism congress in the hague. the output of the congress was strengthening of the jewish communities. a militia group was formed in the city of jafa. they're violent, saying jews were fought off in war and bloodshed, and will rise to power through war and bloodshed. the violent group was later renamed hashomir and then hagana. in 1907,
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chiim weisman, a chemist and zianist leader, entered the land. he must set up mechanism to seize the lands around jafa. after three years, some hectares of land in the north of palestine were taken over. the local people were forced. leave the area and the jewish immigration began immediately, with the expansion of the jewish population, the next plan was implemented, taking over vacant lands, a place near java and close to the sea. the area became known as tel aviv, and its beach became the place of illegal entry of jewish immigrants into palestine. at the beginning of the 20th century, the ottoman empire was called the sick man of europe.
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world war 1 began. russia and the ottoman empire were gravely weakened, but britain was satisfied with these events. in the middle of the war, the main goal of britain was announced, palestine, a specific. was in progress, the defeat of the arabs, the flames of war shoot up, the ottoman empire was defeated and alquds is occupied. british and french representatives secretly agreed on the partitioning of the ottoman empire. in 1917. with balfore's letter to roth child, the leader of the zionists in england, the
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creation of the jewish state in a palestinian territories was officially launched. newspapers ran headlines, palestine for the jews. the arabs found out about it, but it was already too late. worsed in the balfore declaration was the agreement of some arabs with the jews. palestinians realized that they were simply betrayed. they were left alone. after the war, the league of nations was created. the situation of the arabs was not clear. in paragraph 22. the league of nations, it is mentioned that arabs lack the necessary ability to manage their land. it was declared that the arabs need the ruling of a european country until they become strong and stand on their own feet, but they've been standing on their own feet for centuries, there in palestine. syria,
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jordan, and palestine were parted from the ottoman empire. the sovereignty of palestine reached britain and it became major protector. herbert, samuel and his zinis deputies became the rulers. waves of jews were coming. the efforts of the al-quts mufti did not get anywhere. muslims were put down and the zionists were supported. in 1929, everything was in favor of the occupiers. jewish factories flourished, jewish workers grew exponentially, and muslims became unemployed. since 1929, the zionist
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population has turned out to be a threat to muslims. shout, the wall belongs to us, they allude to the wailing wall. burok wall, the place where prophet muhammad, peace be upon him, ascended to heaven. in jerusalems, jews drew a curtain in front of the whaling wall. on the 15th of august, they chant, the whaling wall belongs to us. muslims realized the danger and walk towards the wailing wall and... revolutionary movement. british police blocked their way and suppressed the muslims. the conflict escalates and hundreds of people are killed. many muslims are also arrested. three muslims are sentenced to death and the death sentence is executed immediately. on the other hand, only one jew is tried who
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will be released soon. in this way, the budak revolution is put down by the british through the genocide. of muslims. in may, 1939, britain publishes the white paper to reduce conflicts, a group of arabs are delighted, but this proves wrong. the white paper does not bring any special achievements, then uk premier winston churchill is against the islamic government in palestine. to churchill, the establishment of the islamic government postpones the implementation of the jewish plan in palestine. britain's controversial behavior continues. britain speaks out in support of the arabs, but in practice encourages the jews to violence. in response, muslims protest, but every gathering is suppressed. arabs are gradually realizing the plans. negotiations with britain are feudal. a revolutionary man is
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aiden qasam stands up for arab's rights. he said, "britain is the root cause of pain and..." miseries. britain is the prime enemy the arabs. he revolted in 1935 and was martured shortly after. following the marturdom of izadin qasam, the first resistance movement is carried out. there will be a six-month general strike. this does not reduce tensions. britain gets to work. on the one hand, london brings in military forces and on the other calls for negotiations. charles or... wingate, veteran british officer, converts to zianism as soon as he arrives in palestine. while educating jews, he implements a dangerous plan, the formation of armed groups. brutal repression and wise spread punishment of palestinians. the jews take an aggressive stance. two years
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later, with a combination of british and jewish forces. night squads are formed. cruel and scary people. they torture the muslims, they whip them and pour dirt into the villagers mouths. violence against muslims becomes normal. at the same time, britain starts demolishing palestinian homes. their excuse is reconstruction. 240 houses are destroyed in java city, displacing some 6,00 palestinians. by the year 1939, 5,00 houses will be destroyed. any movement is nipped in the bud. in the 1930s, when the united states suffered economic crisis, the zionis reached an important agreement with nazi germany. in this agreement, it is stipulated that the jew. in their capitals will leave germany. on the other hand, with the introduction of capital tax, the resources needed to buy german products and sell them in the middle
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east and north africa will be provided and the parties to the transaction will receive the benefits. may 10th, 1940, hitler attacks holland, belgium and france. it's a mass exodus. coinciding with world war ii, jewish. immigration accelerates, in the meantime, aliab organization with capital of american jews, intensifies the migration process and thousands of people from different countries are transferred to palestine. on the eve of the 50th anniversary of hursel's promises, it was necessary to make some tangible measures. previous attempts and even blowing up the ship. with its jewish passengers did not have much effect, they have to do something big, a ship full of passengers anchors near the
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shore, boats fall into the water, travelers hit the water and reach the palestinian coast through the raging waters with difficulty, an interesting sight, legendary migration, something simple similar to the migration of the israelites. a scrap ship is procured from america and after being registered in honduras is set sail for france. the ship is ready to sail after undergoing repairs in france. 4,500 jews arrive with fake passports. an american priest is also with them. as a proxy, he's supposed to take the role of a witness. it was necessary for non-jew to tell the whole story of the journey. the ship departs. the purpose of the show is human effort to overcome obstacles
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and reach the beach of freedom. the first act the play near the coast, the ship is intercepted by the british navy. the second act of the play a conflict occurs. an american sailor is killed, radio hagina. says this is the exodus ship. we have been attacked off the coast of palestine in the open seas. the story of exodus takes the headlines. un observers are immensely impressed by the story. britain orders the transfer of passengers to france. passengers depart for france, but they don't get off the ships. the show goes on. passengers are on hunger strike, a jewish journalist enters the... ship and conveys the news to america. passengers are sent to germany. they are forced off the ship and taken to camps. the
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camps of nazi germany. everything is repeating itself. the publication of this news is accompanied by public anger. some go on strike. in palestine, haifa police headquarters explodes. dozens of people are killed and injured. britain announces that immigrants will not return to europe from now on. after some time, all the passengers of exodus gradually and secretly return to palestine. under the pressure of public opinion in 1947, the resolution of the partition of palestine was approved in the united nations. palestine is divided into two parts. after. that exodus monuments are put up in europe and america. the book exodus in 1958 becomes the best-selling book of its
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christian family. "most of my family left jerusalem because they had to, and it was an area that fell to the hagana and i think february of 1948. the idea of being a fugitive is just like being affected by leprosy. all palestinians feel the same sense of exile. the charge which created outrage when it was first raised, i think um, they tried to dub the racist thing, but you see..." fortunately, i think there is something in it, so for him, the writing of orientalism was actually shaped by his engagement with the question of palestine. our homeland was lost in history and right in front of people's eyes. we're not supposed to
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talk about demona. كان يشتغل بدون اي نوع من انواع الاجراءات الوقايه على العكس تماما نفس الزلمه اللي كان يجيب له الاكل او الشرب كان يكون متخذ كافه الاجراءات الاحتياطيه او هذا الموضوع ما بفهم فيه ورحم الله نفسه ما ب احنا الاردن واسرائيل هناك معاهده السلام ونحن ملتزمين ببنودها نتمنى انه دمونونه يرحل عنه لانه هو السبب.
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more than 500 the children were killed during the conflict, what have they done wrong? being born in gaza is not the crime. more than year after the war was waged by the israeli regime on the gaza strip, and approximately year after the cairo donors conference was held for rebuilding gaza, the reconstruction project is still teatering between the cruelty of the siege and the procrastination. what we are doing here to keep people surviving, we are not talking about quality of life in gaza. if you look deeply in what is going on in gaza, you will find out big slogan that there is no tomorrow. all agree that the slowdown in the reconstruction is due to the slow process of transferring funds pledged by the donor countries of the cairo conference where the
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unwar received only 200. $70 million, while the required budget is much more, your pressv headlines. yemani army says this target an american ship in the gulf of aiden with appropriate naval missiles in support of palestinians. iraq's prime minister once again calls for the withdrawal of us forces from his country saying it is crucial for iraq security and stability and uh rights expert slams israel's measures in gaza as a flagant violation of international law.
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