tv [untitled] January 19, 2024 9:30am-10:00am IRST
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kyro conference where the unwell received only $270 million, while the required budget is much more. you're press tv headlines. yemani army says this target an american ship in the gulf of aiden with appropriate naval missiles in support of palestinians. iraq's prime minister once again calls for the withdraw of us forces from his country saying it is crucial for your all security and stability and un uh rights expert slams israel's measures in gaza as a flagant violation of international law.
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hello everyone, it's 9 am in the eminy capital son now, you're watching press tv, world news, the yemen army says it's a targeted an american ship in the gulf of aiden in response to us uk strikes on the arab country then evolved forces of the of yemani armed forces carried out the targeting operation against an american ship came ranger in the gulf of eden with several appropriate naval missiles resulting in direct hits. general sorry described as inevitable yemen's retaliation for the aggression by the us and uk. he added any new strike on yemen will not go answered or unpunished. us has confirmed attack its ship. the pentagon says it was a... third attack by
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the yemenes this week on us owned vessels in and around the red sea, and that is a crucial lane for international trade, retentions have been spiking over the past two months. yemen has been attacking israely linked ships and retaliation for the regime's genocidal campaign in gaza, tensions in the red sea have escalated further in the past week after us and uk began air strikes on yemen, signing what they call threats to international shipping. joining us now from the eminy capital sun is abdul latif al washali press tv correspondent hello abdul latif i hope you are safe and doing well out there my friend what can you tell us with respect to these uh anti-israely anti-us and possibly according to general yahya sari even anti-uk ships in the future uh operations thank you so much the yemini army has made it clear since the beginning of the war on gaza that day. will
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continue supporting the palestinian people with these operations in the red sea and the of gulf of aiden, even if the uh uh us and the uk came to strike the yemani people, the yemeni army will never hold the attacks until medicine are allowed to inter to palestinians in gaza. if you follow up the news you will know that now the us is just releasing statements to express the contradiction in the american administration, they said that they will... continue the attacks against the yemani people even when they realize and they realize that they will not stop they what they call the houties from attacking the vessels in the red sea. they know that their of attacks will never do anything to the international shipping. they keep telling the world that the yemeny attacks have nothing to do with the uh uh war on gaza, but the germany army has made it clear that if they want to maintain their interests in the region they have. to stop the war on gaza,
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they are completely linked, yeah, and that's that's a silly assertion, because uh, they, i mean did these attacks take place, were israely linked and israely bound ships targeted before october 7th, and have the yemenese, especially the answer, not specifically stated, once the siege on gaza and the genocide campaign ends, so will the attacks on us bound vessels, yes, you see, even through the nine years of war that the yemenis have been facing from the satellite coalition which was backed by washington and also the uk. yemenis have never attacked any ship in the red sea, they did nothing, but now they are doing this just to protect the palestinian people to support the palestinian people who are facing a genocidal war being carried out by the israeli regime. the amenies will do this just to support the palestinian people, with the yemenes did nothing for themselves, but they are doing.
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this the attacks for the palestinian people, if you uh just uh keep following the news, you will know that the just the us is attempting to turn the region into a battlefield. and they are just pushing the countries of the region to fight each other as they did during seven or nine years or four by pushing saudi arabia to fight the yemeni people to kill the yemeni people and now they are just attempting to support the israeli regime by uh pushing the region into new regional all what they care about is only the israeli regime why don't they just stop the war that is happening against the palestinians in gaza this will make sure this will... of course protect the international navigation and international shipping, but they don't want to do this, they just keep attacking the ameny people, even when they realize that these attacks will never stop uh the yemani army from attacking the israelian vessels, the attacks or the strikes of the uk
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and the us did nothing, but they have just pushed the yemani army to include now the american and the british ships in the red sea and the gulf of eden, so why would they do such thing when they? that it will not be successful according to their statements right and abdul latif uh we know that the the us has not looking for escalation in the region, but how many strikes has it carried out against yemen and and all the operations the yemany army carried out against israely linked ships uh from what i've understood there were no fatalities, no one died as a result of those operations, but as a result the us operations against the yemeni army, we know there was that that fleet of small... boats like 10 or 11 people were killed there, there were five or six people uh killed in last week's attacks and there have been attacks since then and might not uh correct, you know the sights that are being striked by the uk and the us have been striked for nine
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years by the south coalition and the yemini army has gained experties in now maintaining and hiding the missiles, the drones and all the... that they use in attacking the vessels and the ritsy and the gulf of aiden, so they will do nothing to the capabilities of the yemani army, the yemani army is now capable of fitting you know two ships maybe or more in one day, the yemani army has is ready for such attack and the yemani people are supporting these operations, they are telling the yemani army escalate the attacks in the red sea to prove to the us and the uk that we are serious here, we want the war on gas. to stop uh, if you keep hitting the yemani territories, you will gain nothing. you have just pushed the yemani army to include now the british ships in its attacks in the rid see. the yemani army has been attacking only israeli linked vessels until the beginning of the us and uk strikes against yemen. so i
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believe that it is the right of the yemani army to defend the yemeni sovereignty by attacking the british and american ships in the red sea. yemenese are defend. themselves, the military presence of the us in the region is totally wrong, would america accept a military presence by iran, russia or china close to the us territories, of course they would never, they would never, but why, who gave them the right to be exist in the region, no one, they say they want to protect their interest, they are not protecting their interest, they are protecting their u proxies in the region and the uh uh the number one what they care about is only the israeli regime and abdul latif before we let you go the the attacks that the anti-israely operations on the high seas by the yemini army how many uh people were killed on those ships those israely linked ships we don't
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have statistics released by the yemani army we only depend on the statistics released by the yemeny. army as a an official source of information uh we don't have any information about that you know and we uh we want to maintain our credibility and delivering the information for the audience of press tv. okay thank you abdul latif but let me tell you something if there was one or two people killed any of those israeli linked ships it would have been all over western corporate uh news channels obviously i'm trying to say to my point uh there were none but the yet the the us uh and uk carried out operations again. yemeni army killing a number of yemenis, but thank you for that update, stay safe, abdul latif, it's always a pleasure to check in with you from uh, yemen capital sana press tv's abdul latif al washali the're joining us. now the us has a relisted yemen movement as a global terrorist group over
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attacks against israely link ships in the red sea. yemeni citizens have spoken out about the us move as was ongoing strikes by washington and london against their country. they can hit as much as they want. we are ready to support the palestinian cause until the last breath. we, along with the generations after us, will continue to confront them. repeated attacks will never deter us. america has been striking us for a long time. the aggression against us is veiled under the name of the saudi and emirati aggression, but america has been bombing us for a long time. this decision is a political move to cover up israel's crimes, claiming that we are a terrorist group is to justify the air strikes on yemen and palestine. this decision is not new, it's not an objective decision. is not based any real evidence because this decision was made before. this classification was approved
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during the era of former us president trump, then the hoothies were removed from the terror list. this proves that it was decision that was not based on practical reality. rather, this indicates that the us makes these decisions to blackmail people and to use the decision like sword against anyone who stands against american and israeli interests. these classification on list of terrorism is under our feet, we don't care about it. we have fought wars for 9 years and from the first day we have been attacked by the us, israel and britain and this is not counting their agents from the arab countries. we say to them if anser allah are classified as a terrorist group, then what about israel? what about the us that kills in palestinian children and that destroys homes above their residence? what do we say about them? are they not our arab brothers and is palestine not? like us, isn't it our right to stand up and defend our palestinian people
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with all we've got? palestinians are our brothers and we will not be silent about them and we will not let them down. irak's prime minister has reiterated his country's opposition to the presence of us forces in the nation. muhammad says that american troops must leave as daesh is no longer a threat to iraq. the reasons for the presence of coalitions forces were to confront daesh. today, the security situation, to the testimony of all specialists in iraq and friends, daesh does not pose a threat to the iraki state. today, after the repercussions and attacks on the iraqi security headquarters, we have the right to start this dialogue immediately in order to reach an agreement on arranging a timetable for the end. the mission of international advisers
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was addressing panel discussion at the world economic forum, the swiss city of davos, he said ending us military presidents is crucial for iraq security and stability. these remarks came as us bases in iraq have repeatedly been attacked by iraqi resistance groups over washington support for israely genocide in gaza. in response, us military is launch attacks on iraq's. mobilization units, killing a number of their members. iraqi government has slammed us attacks as a grave violation of the country's sovereignty. last year sudani vow before the iraqi parliament to put an end to us military presence in the country. political commentator christopher hilali has shared his views on the issue with us. everywhere the us goes, they bring with destruction, kudatas, color revolutions and so on and so forth, the main idea here for us
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to analyze is why the us has stayed after all these years since the defeat of daesh, and we recognize and we can understand that the reason isn't about daesh, the reason isn't about iraq, the reason is ultimately about iran, the reason is to have a military position close enough to the islamic republic of... where the united states can continue to project its um its power and of course we know from the the the former national security advisor johnton that the united states has been funneling arms and equipment to various terrorist entities across the border into iran and has been funding and training and promoting terrorist organizations that seek to over... throw the islamic republic like the terrorist organization, the mujahadin of halk in
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albania, so of course we recognize that the us being there is one to project its aims at tehran, it has nothing to do with anybody else in the region. this is my land and my country. it is not only the 1948 or... borders from the sea to the river, i am not ready to let go of a centimeter. israel is here like any, by the support of the europe, by the support of the united states. that's why they separate the land, but i was at the babel shams protest last week, and i myself had a my head banged against a bus by soldier, illegally on illegal stolen land
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and they are arresting us the... this is historical palestine, welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv world news, us military drones been shot down over northern iraq while flying coast to the iranian border, according to early reports, mq9 reaper drone was shot down near the iraqi city of. dia and diala province, unmanned aerial vehicle, reportedly taken off from us air forces ali asalam base in kuwait. development came, emit heightened tensions and simmery anti-american sentiments throughout the region. during recent months, iraqi resistance forces have carried out attacks on american basis, both in iraq and neighboring syria on almost daily basis.
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attacks have taken place in response to us support for the israely regime's genocide in gaza. earlier this week, iran's islamic revolution guard core fired a barrage of missiles at an espinage center of the israeli spy agency, the musad in iraq's kurdistan region. now one of the people killed in that operation was a kurdish multi-millionaire oil tycoon peshra majid agadizaii. and now photos obtained by press tv established his musad connections and now he was a vital cog in israeli spy agencies operations in iraqi kurdistan mainly against. iran, one of the photos there shows dizai who had closed ties with the musaid with a zianist rabbi at event held to celebrate jewish festival of yaom kiper. another photo shows him besides a mosad agent ilan nisim as well as hosen yazdon commander of an anti-iran terrorist group. according to inform sources, ilan was
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key musad officer who coordinated agencies operations in iraq and iran. the sources ilan was also killed in irgc attack along with four other members of his spinage team. and dizay had made a fortune from illegal exports of iraqi oil to the regime in tel abib. he also headed the falcon group conglomerate with business interest in security, oil, gas, construction and agriculture. 105 days into israely war in gaza, regime continues with its carpet bombing campaign across. besiege enclave, total death tool has now passed 24,600 with over 62,000 wounded. israelly stepped up strikes on the southern areas of gaza, the gaza health ministry says occupations committed 15 massacers against
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families in the gazo strip killing 172 people in one day. ministry says number of victims are still under rubble and in block streets that ambulance crews and civil defense personnel cannot reach. now this as communications and internet services are completely cut off in wide areas of gaza for sevent time since october 7th and this last time for the longest time since october 7th. palestin residents of the nuceerat refugee camp in the middle of gaza speak about this situation they face following the withdrawal of israeli forces from the area, this occupation army is failing army, we are civilians who were sing safely in our homes, but we found them raiding us without warning and striking us with shells and rockets, miraculously we fled our homes, they said there are tunnels over here, but there's no
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such thing, after the withdrawal of the occupation force. the situation in the market and noseirat is good after a continuous bombing by the occupation forces, buildings and houses in general were destroyed, roads, infrastructures, suit and wells were also destroyed in the nuceirat refugee camp, but thank god after the withdrawal, the situation is getting better and people started to return, camp was one of the set fast camps and was an obstacle to the enemy vehicles, the massive skill of destruction. that was left after the withdrawal of the 36th division, as you can see, the infrastructure, the communication and internet networks and all the switch networks were struck and flattened and somebody... of marters are still under the rubble, highly illegal, highly unlawful, that's how un rights expert
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describes measures taken by the israelit regime in the besieg gazos trip. un special repertoire and occupied palestine slam relentless israely bombardment of highly crowded areas in gaza as violation of international law. francisco albanese said regime used over 12,00 bombs during the first two weeks. of its aggression alone, she added a good number of gaza's hospitals have been closed, bombed or taken over by israel. un official said number of kids who lose one or two limbs in gaza every single day is shocking. albany said during the first two months of the israeli onslot 1,00 kids underwent amputations without anesthesia, describing it as a monstrosity. israel is currently facing genocide case at the international court of justice brought by south africa. for crimes it's committed in gaza. international human rights lawyer, john philpott says israel is an occupying power
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and regime's western backed claim to having a right to self-defense has no place in international law. i think it's important to understand the right of self-defense of israel does not exist. israel is an occupying power it of gaza and it has to defend the rights of the people living in gaza, has to defend their right to education, to food, to water, and all the human rights that every human being wants, education, israel has the obligation under the fourth geneva convention, gaza is part of... in the sense that's occupied by israel and israel has a obligation to defend and protect these 2.2 million i think it is people of all their
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human rights education and i'm not going to repeat it because i just stated that so this western concept pumpeted by even by justin trudo of canada israel's a right to defend itself is nonsense in law. the world health organization's emergency medical team coordinator sean casey has described our conditions of remaining hospitals in gaza saying patients are waiting to die due to extreme shortages of staff and medicine. i saw evidence again and again of the simultaneous uh humanitarian catastrophe that's unfolding. we see it every day in gaza uh. getting worse and worse and the collapse the health system day by day with hospitals closing, health workers fleeing, casualties continuing to stream in, lack of access to
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medicines and medical supplies, lack of access to fuel, to run hospital generators, to keep the lights on, to keep the machines running, basically the whole hospital was filled with displaced persons, thousands of them, reportedly tens of thousands of them living in the operating theaters. living in the corridors, living in the stairs and the emergency department, seeing hundreds of patients a day, mostly trauma, with only a handful, literally five or six doctors or nurses, to care for all of those people, patients on the floor, so many that you could barely move without stepping on somebody's hands or or feet, um, in alahle hospital, also in the north, i saw patients who were lying on church pews, basically waiting to die, a hospital that had no fuel, no power, water, uh, very very little in the way of medical supplies, uh, and only a handful of staff remaining to take care of them. that's
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tops here on press tv: the yemen army says is targeted another american ship in the gulf of aiden with appropriate naval missiles and support of the people of gaza. it added recent attacks on yemen by the us and uk will not go unanswered and unpunished. all rights experts slams israel's measures in gaza as violation of international law, describing them as highly illegal and highly unlawful. the special repertoire and occupied palestinian territory says regime used over 12,000 bombs in the first two weeks of its aggression. iraki prime minister reiterate.
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