tv [untitled] January 20, 2024 11:00am-11:30am IRST
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17 palestinians are killed in latest israely air strikes on gaza, five lost their lives and a strike on a residential building and... units, the other 12 killed in air raid near al-shifa hospital in gaza city. overall death tool in gaza has topped 24,800. new un figures indicate women are among the main victims of the israeli regime's carnage in gaza, according to un women, out of nearly 25,000 people killed in the besieg territory of since october 7th, some 70% makes up women and children, says two mothers are killed every hour by the israel. division. the un
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says thousands of palestinians have been been detained by israeli forces in the gaza strip of facing humiliation and torture in detention. un commissioner says the palestinians were kept in horrific conditions urging release of those held without charge. lebanese resistance movement has conducted new retaliatory strikes on israeli positions along the southern lebanese border. group says the fire a barrage of missiles at upper galilee, israely media also said drone was also launched from lebanon and reach haifa a bay. israel forces carry out fresh raids on two refugee camps in the occupied west bank abducting several palestinians. one of the camps is near alcoots and the other located in northern west bank. israel is intensified as raids are. and rest across much of the
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only the 1948 or 1967 borders from the sea to the river. i am not ready to let go of sentimeter. israel is here like any for by the support of the europe, by the support of the united states. that's why they separate the land. well, i was at the babbo shems protest last week, and i myself had a my head banged against the bus by a soldier. illegally on illegal stolen land and they are arresting us, the palestinians. this is historical palestine.
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of let's talk about uh demona, many people say, well nobody knows, you see i blush, you say demona and i blush, we're not supposed to talk about demona, but go ahead, because it's a tabu, it's a tabu, it's a secret, nagev desert south of... israel, this mysterious complex away from the public eye, employs thousands of people, all sworn to secrecy. when its existence was discovered, israel said it was textile factory, never admitting
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its true purpose, making plutonium for atomic bombs. "we need answers and we go to meet one the few people in israel that knows what is going on inside dimona. we are dealing with this element of the weapons of mass destruction, meaning nuclear chemical and biological, we're the only ngo dealing with this right now in israel, when you believe that this are the weapons that keeps you safe when this is the..." common belief, then the question raised, are we the next country to use them? israel is nuclear armed state, chemical armed state and biological arm state. nuclear weapon is not a weapon that aimed at an army, it's a weapon that destroys city. are we willing to destroy any city in
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the middle east? mothers, children, fathers, citizens, not soldiers. "we want to know more about the most secretive nuclear program in the world, just transmitted at the request of the is the israeli nuclear planter demona poisoning and threatening the lives of millions throughout the middle east. from tel aviv we go south, our destination, demona. but it's too far, you know, can you get closer please? approaching the nuclear plant is a high risk, the highway slices through the heat and sand of the negev desert, a barbed wire fence edges the road, signs
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posted every few hundred meters, warn drivers not to stop their vehicles under any circumstances. they have cameras, they will see, this is a military zone, it says, don't go up in the road, shoot your ass, military zone no photography, finally we can have a distant look at one of the world's most secret facilities, an exclusive view of secret israel is hiding since the 1960s, demona nuclear plants, that's the gate. go inside, this is the gate to the monar, yes, only few people in the world can say they
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know each corner of demona nuclear plant, and all of them are sworn to secrecy, but there is someone that knows exactly how the building looks like, it was secret competition with the uh design of the civic center of new atomic research center that was to be built in demona in the south part of of israel, for security reasons we couldn't call it a big center of research, what it was. the uh civic center in the negative because in the 60s it wasn't such big news to have textile factory in the mona, so if you built
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something large in dimona you could very easily say you see this is textile factory, only the this textile factory had dome in. wasn't a typical of of tactiles, but it wasn't seen from the road, it was kind of - of - of an agreed, agreed quietness. "i have the photograph, while the project was being built, not when it was occupied, then at that time the security eye was not that strong, so i took a photographs, later, later, many years afterwards, i all of sudden got several several photos from an unknown source, but with the stamp of the of the censorship." so i understood that somebody from the from the
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site sent me photos that was taking that were taken there, there's a sign that i can open my my uh my small portfolio and and make it public, this is the courtyard of the of the the man building from the other side looking towards the towards the entrance. see the entrance is here and this is from hooking from other side and the same the same building, this is the detail of the stairs leading from the to the roof, you can have a roof cover as you see here, you can go up up to the roof under cover, the kind of how many years you kept this photos in secret, how many years? 60 building the did you went inside? haven't seen my own my own project
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since then, i could go in all these years. this message is transmitted at the request of the united states of president kennedy took office, he knew from a cia secret report that israel was developing nuclear program in the naget. at the beginning of january 1961, kennedy met the israeli ambassador in washington and expressed that the usa wanted to inspect demona to be sure about its purposes. israel accepted, but under one condition, if it was done a secret basis. for five months, the visit of the american inspectors to... nuclear plant was postponed several times by israel. finally, an
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ultimatum from usa was accepted. two american scientists were allowed to visit demona in may 1961. israel imposed several rules on the american inspectors. they were not allowed to take any pictures or issue any comments about dimona. when the inspectors finally entered the plant, they were misled. they were shown a fake control room on the ground floor. 12th of january 1961, the aim at the building built in the negev was clear. in a high-level meeting between president eisenhoer and his staff, the us secretary of defense. informs the president that based on intelligence findings israel was lying and demona was not
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for peaceful purposes. they were unaware of the six floors below where the plutonium was made. in search of answers we traveled to berlin in j here we are going to meet zantha hall, she is an expert in nuclear weapons and the director of international positions for the prevention of nuclear war. zanter hall is also the coordinator of the european parliament commission against nuclear proliferation. the israel atomic energy commissioncy is one of the most secret institutions in the world. it's responsible for demona, its chairman is netanyahu, but it's not even officially recognized as
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existing. all the other nuclear plants in the world are monitored by the uh atomic energy agency, but not the ones in israel, so we think it it's about time that demona was also monitored. the one thing that needs to happen is that an independent body like the iaea... would go into demona and find out what is going on there, what is the state of the substance of the building, is the containment the nuclear reactor still in? attacked, what are they doing about cooling, um, where is the nuclear waste being stored, how is it being stored, and all these questions, they need to be answered, we need some transparency. israel has not ratified the non-proliferation treaty a way of invoiting
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inspections to its nuclear sites. why do you think that the international community behaves with israel with this special way? first of all we are not obliged, we are not part of the treaties, we never signed the treaties so we don't oblige, we never said we won't, that's one thing, second thing is the us and the third thing is the holocaust, how guilt, do you see germany, germany solds the submarines? "the us, they let us steal uranium, you go to the un, to the npt, to the non-proliveration treaty, and you hear the us delegation reading their statements, and when they talk about israel, you see paragraphs that you know from the language was written by israelis, so israel has a special treatment, yes, we're a special case." yoshi
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melman is known as an investigative journalist specialized in intelligence and strategic affairs. he was described by wikileaks as an information rule who has exchanged tips with the mossa. but in 2009, melman uncovered a terrible secret about dimona. workers at the nuclear reactor facility were made to volunteer to drink uranium. in 1998 as part of an experiment, the workers themselves already cannot say anything, they have so many, so many contracts saying that they cannot say, the question is the family, so usually in order for them to get compensation, the families also have to say they will not sue, they will not say, they will not speak to the media and so on, so we know only when they have
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settlements, when the calls say settlement that they give some money. "but we don't know how much usually and we don't know how many and we don't know what conditions and also the doctors are only doctors that work with the commission, mean if you only have nuclear reactor that is making energy like chennel or fukushima, that's just one thing you can, you have lots of possibilities for accidents, but if you got added to that, you've got uranium enrichment, you've got plutonium reprocessing, and you have actually the making of..." the warheads then you have you know many more possibilities, have there already been accidents, there's been some rumors and speculation that in 1966 there was a criticality accident at demona, we don't know what's been happening in that plant, and actually it seems that there's probably more secrecy than there was in the soviet union, because quite quickly after the chenal
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accident, it was actually said that there had been the accident, so i think israel... more better to compare on the level of secrecy about nuclear program with perhaps north korea, because we know nothing about their program either, we do know that they have one, and at least north korea is making claims that it has nuclear weapons, whereas israel is pretending that it doesn't, so i'm not trying to say that there will be worse or better, um, but there are many more possibilities, so the risk is definitely higher. our next stop in search of answers about the israeli nuclear program and its secrets is a palestinian village. darria, very close to demona, and a military field where israel might be burying nuclear waste
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cesium is not present nature and can only be found in areas where a nuclear disaster or test takes place. we know how sesium works um on the body because of chanel. and fukushima, they've both of those accidents show showed us lot of about how sium actually affects human health, and that there are claims that uh that there has been a study that has found sium in the region, and cisum is an indication that some something has happened with nuclear activity, it most likely would be depending on the amount of it would would... be from nuclear accident or it could be from leaking radioactive waste. in some
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areas of palestine, the presence of sesium is at the same levels as in chernobil or fukushima, places where the worst nuclear accidents took place. it's um, it's a radioactive isotope. it has a half life of 30.2 years and um it acts like a potassium or a or like salt, it's water soluble so it can spread very quickly through the body and it tends to concentrate then in muscle tissue and you also have muscles in certain organs like heart and um stomach and intestines so that that's where often season will end up and at that point it starts then to mutate. cells within that those muscles and you end up with cancer of the colon, cancer of the stomach, of the lungs, sometimes, and it can lead to heart disruption. في امراض بدات تظهر
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مثل تصاقت الشعر, العقم, سرطانات متعدده, سرطان قاع الجمجمه, سرطان عيون, سرطان غده درقيه سرطان ال المابيض، سرطان الرحم، الكبد, الرئه، الدم العظام سرطانات متنوعه عن النفايات النفايات اللي صادره من المصنع وين تدفن تدفن الضفه الغربيه لانه احنا بيعتبرونا مكب نفايات لهم يعني يعني نحن حقل تجارب للاسرائيليين there are many rumors about where they bury the the waste but my and not just my estimations are that all materials are buried in the area surrounding the reactor and the reason is that these materials are secret, they don't want people to go and take land
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samples or go with the geiger. the geiger counter is an electronic device that measures the level of radioactivity. these devices are allowed for use everywhere in the world. world, it is sold everywhere, even online, but not in israel, despite claiming to be democratic, israel is cannot buy a guia counter inside israel. one of the major problems that we have again, it goes back to the secrecy problem, is that we can't even measure the amount of radiation in the area because that's not allowed, and the israeli law even says that if you take a giger count into the area around demona and measure the radioactivity, you could be then sentenced to 15 years in prison, so nobody's going to do that, i know people even thought about doing
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it, but they they they didn't. it's certainly very risky to try to do any research on this at all, which is why number one problem is to get rid of the secrecy. what is the security of israel and why the security of israel is so different than the security of the people? people that live in israel and we hear rumors about buildings where the levels of cancer is unbelievable and when we wanted to ask doctors we also didn't get any answers and one of funny or sad answer we got was that we cannot measure the amount of a cancer radiation related cancer in israel because we had so many people coming from chernobyl. from kiev and that changed the numbers, so that was one answer we got, and of course this is not a serious answer. كانوا يجوا عندي
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اسرائيليين قبل 87 يجوا وياكلوا ويشربوا واحنا نروح عندهم هلا بتعرفي صار في علاقات انسانيه بينا فتسال عن فلان وين فلانك مات طيب ليش مات شو سبب موته يقوللك مصاب بالسرطان طب من وين ما يحكي if they were rich people they wouldn't live next to a reactor guess they wouldn't be depending on this reactor for the...
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a small village lost in al khalil hills, there are other victims, one of them has already died, his son fears the consequences of telling his father's story, and only accepts to talk if we protect his identity. ابوي قبل ما يمرض بالتحديد اشتغل في مفاعل ديmona, بالضبط في نفس المكان. المفاعل كان يشتغل ببير او بمنطقه تحت الارض كان يعمل على ترميم بعض الشقوق الموجوده بالمكان لما كان يروح على شغله كان يدخل بسياره هي السياره مسكره ممنوع يشوف البرا او المكان اللي هو رايح لاله كان يشتغل بدون اي نوع من انواع ال اجراءات الوقايه على العكس تماما نفس الزلمه اللي كان يجيب له الاكل او الشرب كان يكون متخذ
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كافه ال الاجراءات الاحتياطيه او الوقائيه ضد المخاطر اللي ممكن نتعرض لها اشتغل حوالي ثلاث شهور بالمفاعل لما انهى الشغل مباشره بلشت تظهر عليه اعراض المرض كان يقح ما يقدر يتنفس كان يعني بالنهايه اخر شيء على الاكسجين كان عايش وكان يتساقط شعره واعراض كثيره منها يعني بالنهايه الله توفى بال 2006 ابوي برضه بعمر صغير مات يعني تقريبا مات 46 سنه. the medical report from a jordanian hospital is clear, this former demona employee suffered from cancer, officially nobody claims the demona is the cause, but this and many other cases come from the same region. طبعا في حالات اخرى بنفس القريه يعني توفوا في منهم اطفال صغار
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يعني تجاوز اعمارهم. سنوات في نساء كبيره بالعمر ممكن 50 سنه في حالات مصابين بالمرض حتى الان موجودين يعني وخصوصا انه هي المنطقه قريبه جدا لديمونا والاصابه بهالمرض كانت بالسنوات الاخيره يعني من بعد بناء مفائع الديمونا ومن بعد ما بلش الشغل فيه israeli nuclear program is surrounded by novel atmosphere, this man is arnon milsher, famous hollywood producer behind films like pretty woman, club of fighters or la confidential. he was also good friends with shimon peris and benyamin netanyahu. recently, he revealed his double life. during all these years he worked as a
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mossard agent, helping israel to buy technology needed to make nuclear weapons. under a hollywood producer cover, he was actually kind of godfather of israel's nuclear program. 17 palestinians are killed in latest air strikes in gaza. five lost their lives in a strike on a residential building and han units, other 12 were killed in an air raid near alshipa hospital in gaza city. overall death tool in gaza is top 24,800. meanwile, new un figures indicate women are among the main victims of israeli regime's carnage in gaza. according to un women, added nearly 25,00 people killed in the besieged enclave since.
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