tv [untitled] January 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST
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helping israel to buy technology needed to make nuclear weapons. under a hollywood producer cover, he was actually kind of godfather of israel's nuclear program. لا israel carries out another terror attack from the syrian capital, damascus, assassinating number of people, including five irani military advisors, the tank targeted a three-story residential building in the city's mesa neighborhood, which houses several diplomatic missions. iraq's islamic resistance says it has launched a barrage of missiles at the us run anlalsad base in western iraq. report say this is the biggest anti-us operation by the iraqi resistance since october 7. there have been no immediate reports of casualties. 106 days into the
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israely war on the gaza strip, the regime continues with his carpet bombing campaign across the besieg palestinian territory. the gaza health ministry says 165 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. the overall death doll from the regime's war has risen to nearly 25,00. new yoan figures indicate the women are among the main victims of the israely regime's carnage in gaza. according to u one women, out of nearly 25,00 people killed in the besege. territory since october the 7th, some 70% makes up women and children, says two mothers are killed every hour by israel, and israely forces have carried out fresh raid on two refugee camps in the occupied west bank, abducting several palestinians. one of the camps is near alrtz, and the other is located in northern west bank. israel has intensified his raids and rests across much of the occupied territory since october the 7th.
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but there is no story like that of mordekai evannus. vananu was nuclear technician in dimono till 1985. before quitting, he snapped two roles of film at the top secret nuclear plant. the world was stunned when the sunday times published vananu's story and photos, exposing for the first time the secrets of israel's nuclear arsenal in october 1986, but israeli intelligence. found mordekai vanany
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and they waited for the right moment to من strike. they sent a woman agent to seduce mordakai vanununu in london and convince him to travel with her to rome. bananu was هذا vulnerable and afraid and fell for mozard's honey trap. when the article was published on october the 5th, 1986, vananu. had vanished, his kidnap and illegal act on foreign soil was kept secret. later, when vanananu appeared for secret court session in jerusalems, he found a way to reveal what had happened to him since he left london, writing on his hand, vananu m was hijacked in rome. of
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vananu's trial was held in secret. he was found guilty of treason and espionage and على sentenced to 18 years in jail, 11 of them in solitary confinement. the woman that seduced vananu was sheril bentov. after she completed من her mission, she disappeared back into her secret world. today she lives back in orlando, usa, with her husband and two. daughters running a real estate business. valenu's revelations confirmed suspicions and showed a weapons program bigger and more advanced than anyone had previously thought. mordekaivanu was released in 2004, but he is not a free man. israeli borders are now his prison. his passport was confiscated and he cannot contact foreigners. this jewish state
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have 200 atomic wapons of hydrogen bomb, atomic weapons, neutron bomb, and they are not able to say they have the bomb. "they are not able to destroy anyone, we are not able to use the bomb, instead the arrest, what we are going to see now is something that has never been shown in a non-israeli tv channel, a 3d tour inside the israeli bomb factory recreated thanks to the photos taken by mordakaivananu. this is institute number one, demona's symbol, the only building seen from..." far away, a 20 meters high nuclear reactor dome. in 1986, vananu took us inside. a heavy water reactor built in the 50s with france and norway's help, with capacity of 24 megawatts. thanks to vann, we learned that
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this reactor capacity is three or possibly even five times larger than assumed. this reactor produces 40 kilograms of... year, enough to build 10 to 12 atomic bombs. adjacent to the reactor is institute number three. here the fuel rods powering the reactor are produced, together with lithium 6, another ingredient of the bomb. this is institute number five. here the fuel rods are coated with the aluminium. institute number six is the power station of the compound. the l number is in institute number eight and inside is another secret revealed by mordekai vananu. this is where israel produces enriched uranium. like plutonium, it's conserved as fishionable material for the bomb. the uranium is produced through gas
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centrifuges. enriched uranium is also produced in institute number nine using lazer, a unique israeli patent. institute number 10 produces the depleted. an important component in the production of armor piercing shells. institute number four handles the radiation waste prior to it being disposed, and this long two-story building with no windows is dimona's biggest secret. institute number two, beneath the two innocent looking floors hidden underground are six additional floors. it was vananu who showed the world what no satellite could see. here israel set up a plutonium separation facility with one goal, the manufacturing of atomic bombs. in the 60s, american inspectors visited the first floor, they saw the restaurants and the offices. a special wall was constructed
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hiding the elevators leading to the underground levels. back outside, trucks bring in the processed uranium rods. through the large doors, a crane grasps the rods and and lowers them to the big workspace, four floors below. the rods are dipped in nitrous acid tanks, cooked for about 30 hours, and then a system a pipes draws the water containing the uranium and plutonium. through a chemical process, the materials are separated and then baked in an oven, producing a small 130 gram plutonium ball, 1.7 kilograms a week, 4 kilograms and it's a bomb, just like this model. shot by vaninone. the process can be viewed from level two. a balcony was built for distinguished guests, nicknamed golder's balcony. and that's the control room as shot by vananum. only 150 employees are authorized to enter it. visits are limited to the prime minister, the
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ministry of military affairs, and a small group of confidence. equipped with a hidden camera, vananu walked about institute number two and took pictures of the different sections. not only plutonium is produced here. at level number four, vananu revealed the production of tritium used in the production of thermonuclear bombs, which are more powerful than ordinary atomic bombs. two other essential materials for the bomb are produced here, lithium and euterium. all these ingredients are taken to level five to unit md2, the metal department where they are assembled into a bomb. one level. town is a recreation room where banananu shot what experts identified as a model of an israeli thermonuclear bomb, 10 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on hiroshima. experts that analyzed bananu's testimony determined that by the 80s israel had produced 100 to
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200 atomic bombs. this ranks israel as the sixth or even fifth nuclear power in the world. ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the queen international airport, from ammam we travel to southern jordan. high cancer rates were recorded in all the southern jordanian governance which confirmed the possible direction of nuclear dust that might be leaking from demona. tips we received claim that in jordan there are hundreds of cases of cancer and other diseases, all of them in the regions near the border with israel. from
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tallifar to demona, it is about 30 kms and winds or water knows no borders. in almost every house in this region we can find the same story, diseases and death. demona is a word. that everybody knows around here, but in jordan, like in israel, demona and his deadly consequences are taboo. saleh is tour guide and an activist. for years he is trying to uncover what is happening to the people around the tafilar region. الحقائق مثلا مفاعل ديمونه ومزاج عام كل الناس عندنا هي بتعرف انه
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في شيء من مفاعل دينونه بياثر على الناس في محافظه الطبيه ولكن الجهات الرسميه ما عندها راي تحكيه وما عندها كلام تحكيه للمواطن فهو دائم يعني دائما من المواضيع المسكوت عنها فبتحس انه هناك في شيء غامض الجهات الرسميه ما تتحدث فيه كثير وسائل الاعلام ما تتحدث فيه كثير ما في رد. مباشر من الجهات الرسميه يحكي عن انه هل هذا الكلام صحيح او غلط احنا دورنا في هذا الوقت انه نحمي اجيالنا القادمه من هذا المفاعل من هذا الموت لانه غير منطقي انه هذا المفاعل يظل للابد في اسرائيل انه جيل ورا اخر يمر على طريق الموقع. our next stop is in
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tafila. here the average manifestation of cancer is higher than the other jordanian governments and surrounding arab countries. we're going to visit the governor's office where we are going to meet the mayor and the governor of the region. الموضوع ما بفهم فيه رحم الله ما بفهم موضوع الذره والديمونه انا الموضوع لا تسالوني عنه لاني ما بعرف فيه لا من بعيد ولا انا فكرت البرنامجكم بدنا نحكي عن الواقع السياحيله والله يا صاحبي انا قلت لك موضوعناحكي عن تاثير مفاعل
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there is people claiming that the nuclear plant is affecting people here in this side the border. سيدي انا هذا الامر لا اعلم فيه الاطلاق لكن البنيه في المحافظه تمتاز في التنوع في الطفيله بيئه نظيف الخاليه من التلوث احنا الاردن واسرائيل هناك معاهده السلام ونحن ملتزمين ببنودها احنا والجانب الاخر لا يوجد ايه مشاكل تذكر في هذا الامر ابدا على الاطلاق. during our visit to the governor's office there was a jordanian journalist present.
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gazi al-amarin invites us to meet him far away from the official offices and tells us the result of years trying to investigate how dimona can be a silent killer. تصريبات يعني كانت قبل عام 1980 الوفيات في جنوب المملكه التي تعاني من مرض السرطان اقل من ا 2% من المجمل الوفيات بعد عام 1990 تزايدت هذه الحالات الى ان اصبحت تشكل اكثر من 30% من مجمل الوفيات الحافظه الطبيله تحديدا والمناطق القريبه او المحيده الصحافه الاردنيه الرسميه تتمتع بالحريه الكافيه يجب ان يحصل الاردن و
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تحصل منطقه الطفيله على قياس حقيقي. فاعل لمعرفه حجم الاشعاعات في المنطقه ليست الحكومه هي من قام ببث الاشعاعات ولا اسرائيل متعمده ببث الاشعاعات ولا نحن راغبون بالموت بالسرطان لكن نحن نحتاج الى تكنولوجيا والى تقنيه لمعرفه حقيقه هذه الاشعاعات واثرها على حالات السرطان الموجوده والتي تشكل كما قلت اكثر من 30%. people around stafila region are dying from cancer in high numbers. doctors link the cases to demona contamination, but officially nobody can say it, not even the ones that are dying. كبره تقريبا 17 سم موجود في الرجل شخصوا
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لنا اياه اخذوا منه خزعات وتقارير وشيء قالوا ان هي جر ثومه السرطانيه مجهود المصدر بلش يعني ما اتابع بوجباتي العاديه ما اقدر اشتغل ما اقدر اروح ما اقدر اجي ما غير تعب نفسي غير تعبي على المستشفيات وتعال وروح وبات المستشفيات واشي زي هيك يعني انت اذا سالتني عن حالات في المحيط اللي احنا dana is an amazing natural treasure in jordan, too close to demona. basem saudi was
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born here in this land, a step away from demona nuclear plant. 'he knows that his people are dying silently and wants answers that never come. is demona nuclear plant poisoning its arab neighbors? احنا الان على حدود محميه ضانا للمحيط الحيوي. هي المحميه اللي بتغطي مساحتها تقريبا 300 كم مربع، وهي اكبر محميه موجوده في الاردن محميه سجل فيها حوالي 838 نوع من النباتات. و اكثر من 216 نوع الطيور اختلاف في الارتفاع ولد مناخات عديده فبتلاقي في في منطقه المحميه سجلنا اربع مناخات موجوده وهي المناخات الموجوده في الشرق الاوسط فال الحدود الموجوده امامنا هي حدود الاردن مع اسرائيل ومن هنا نستطيع رؤيه الجبال الموجوده في في منطقه الضفه الغربيه واسرائيل مفاعل
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دينونه هو بعيد فقط حوالي 40 كم من من منطقتنا فهو اقرب المشكله في مفاعل ديمونه انه جاي على حفره الانهدام وحفره الانهدام هي كثيره الزلازل والهزات الارضيه فاذا لا سمح الله حصل اي زلزال او هزه ارضيه وتصدع المفاعل اكيد رح تكون كارثه مش بس علينا كمان حتى على اسرائيل نفسها وعلى الشعب الاسرائيلي وعلى الناس اجمعين. reserve approach us, they want to break their silence. they also have story to tell about how demona. انه قاعد نسبه الان حوالي تقريبا 60% كلها من السرطانات شايفي وتصلبات وتشريات المفاعل هذه الشعاعات هي اللي اثرت على منطقتنا. انت عندك حالات يعني انا والله من
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الحالات انا توفى الي الان ولد عمر من عمره ثمان اشهر صار عنده ضمور في الدماغه. قطع انزيمات تشنجات كذا توفى الولد الثاني نفس النظام حوالي ست سته اولاد دفنته ست اولاد توفنوا لي طيب انت حاولت تعالجهم قمت بالمتعالجات الخدمات الطبيه واخر ولدي دخلت مستشفى هداسه وكانت عنده حموضه في الدم يعني انت بتحس انه في حالات كثيره صارت غير اللي عندك القادي سعدك فوق ال 60% كلها سرطانات وكله من كلها نعم نعم وبامكانكم تتاكدوا من صحيه الكلام في المجتمع المحلي في القادسيه على الحائلات تمروا عليهم على على بيوتهم اوكي يا سيدي شكرا الكفاء ان شاء الله we are back in palestine to visit some villages south of al-kl, very close to the negev desert and demona. here the cancer rates are growing in alarming numbers. the
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causes are not more than rumors: nuclear radioactive leakage from demona and nuclear waste stumps in the area, or even both. we try to find a clear answer to these rumors in berlin with zantha. for 200 um cubic meters year were produced in demona and it's been running for more than 40 years. we can estimate about 8,000 cubic meters of waste radioactive waste have been as the bottom line um have been produced and so try and imagine what that is, it's maybe you know in a picture 50,000 standard barrels of oil would be about 8,000 cubic meters. 'we also don't know where they bury this waste, um, they say that it's not far from the reactor, and um, the main problem that we're looking
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at here is what state of these stainless steel containers in after they corroded, will they be leaking, are they seeping into the ground into the into the water sources, are we seeing pollution of the environment, therefore of people's health, mean i don't know exactly the geography'. area but and there it's chalk and i imagine that the whole area is probably also chalk and um that is not a good area to be deposing any kind of waste and they saw that with this toxic waste dump because there was leakages and serious health problems were discovered so i would imagine that it would be similar in in the area randomona because it's not far away. 'and also whether it gets into the water or not, because once it gets into the water then it transports much further into other areas and people can drink it that are quite far
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away. um, so then we're talking about basically um that there will be cancers later on uh or leukemia um and in particularly the children would be badly affected because um children and especially women'. are more susceptible to radiation, um, the effects on them are much greater than grown men, for instance. i would say that those are the ones that we have found, um, definitely in the studies that have been done around nuclear installations in germany, that the main problem was childhood cancer, and in the areas surrounding plutonium reprocessing plants like celler field in the... in the uk, the main problem was leukemia, the radioactivity has a tremendous power that can
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penetrate the human gene, affecting generation after generation. jamal is a palestinian policeman, he was arrested after the second in tiffada and spent 13 years in jail. now he is free. but living new hell, his daughter has cancer, which disease does she is, at the age of nine, she was diagnosed with leukemia, nothing in the medical report says this palestinian girl, is a direct victim of demona, but she comes from area that counts 70% of cancer cases among the palestinian population.
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probably the sixth or even fifth nuclear power in the world, while others should open the doors of their nuclear programs for inspections, israel is a special case producing nuclear weapons since the 60s without any control, meanwile the... cases and other diseases are spreading across israel, palestine and neighboring arab countries. the victims die without knowing what or who is killing them.
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to the river, i am not ready to let go of a centimeter. israel is here like any for by the support of the europe by the support of the united states, that's why they separate the land, well i was at the babo sham's protest last week and i myself had my head banged against a bus by soldier. illegally on illegal stolen land and they are arresting us the palestinians. this is historical palestine.
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your headlines on press tv, iran's islamic revolution gas cour says five of his military advisors have been assassinated in an israeli terror attack in the syrian capital, damascus. iran says it reserves the right to respond to israel's organized terrorism, which comes in line of daesh and other takfiri groups in the region and iraq's islamic resistance targets the us run anil assad base in its latest retaliation for the american israely genocide in gaza.
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