tv [untitled] January 21, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST
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iranian foreign ministry strongly condemned the israeli attack in syria that led to the martidom of several people. for ministry spokesmanani said iranian advisors in syria have a leading role in the fight against terrorism. kanani said techwan reserves rights to respond to israeli's organized crimes. the death doll from israely onslot on the gaza strip is nearing 2500 as the regime continues with this deadly carpet bobbing campaign. according to new report published by an independent human rights watch, israel has killed hundreds of university professors and teachers. human's prime minister says the
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us and the uk seek to protect israel by all means possible and destroy any group or country that stands against it. abdul aziz bin habtur also told press tv that yemen will continue its anti-israel operations until the israeli onslot on gaza stops. worldwide rallies are held in solidarity with palestinians in gaza as israeli protesters call for an end to the... regimes genocide in the coastal territory, in the israeli city of hyfa, the regime forces attacked anti-war demonstrators and sought to confiscate their cards. iraq's islamic resistance says that has launched a barrage of missiles at the us-1 anal assad base in western iraq. what of say this is the biggest anti-us operation by the iraqi resistance since october 7. there have been no immediate reports of casualties.
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"hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marsia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us. well, as the israeli regime continues to lose on the battleground in gaza to the palestinian resistance, it tries to up the anti by assassinating various resistance fighters or leaders elsewhere. on saturday, regime committed another terrorist act. this time five of iran's revolutionary guards in syria were targeted. "and also an car in
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south lebanon was targeted, which killed at least two members of the palestinian resistance movement hamas. now, this is just latest attempt by the zinius entity to bring other parties into this war to distract from its failure at not even being able to beat a militia group. we're going to take a look at all this on the spotlight. i'd like to welcome my guest to the program now. a chairman of islamic human rights commission out of london and sab shath, author and west asia expert out of belfast. thank you both for being with me. i like to start this off in london in massud. i mean, what's your overall assessment of the reason israeli regime um has assassinated these individuals at this point in time? well, very obvious and
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very clear for the whole of international community to see through it that this conflict is non-vinable by israelis and this state and in fact and all the sort of the goals that they have targeted for themselves is not going to be achieved and is impossible to achieve and so therefore it's one could say that this war, with this sort of atrocities being committed has been unleashed of just to save not design his estate, but to save netanyahu and his cabinet, and now that is very clear that they're not even able to achieve that particular goal a savior of netanyahu as a political leader, they have to widen ' the this war and they have to make
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the waters even more mody and so therefore they want to expand the conflict and so... i'm going to interrupt you bause we're having some issues with the sound, i'm going to cross over to sab and hopefully we can uh take care of the audio there - your thoughts and let's talk about that, why isn't the regime able to win on the battlefield? uh, start with, i could them uh strongly uh the assassination of the five brothers of the islamic revolutionary gods by the criminals and and it's not a new, that's what they do since the 50s, since their emansipation and the they cannot because as my brother was luding to, which is early they didn't achieve any of their declared or undeclared the
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goals, the declared goals, we know the elimination of hamas which they couldn't, the resistance is strong and fighting, even in the north which they say they are in control in gaza. it's today evident what the losses the sustain even in the south and khanunis the couldn't for the last 60 or so days enter the heart of can they cannot all what they do is raids at simetries discrete the the the graves in there and steal bodies that's what they done couple of days ago in unis and the resistant is putting a strong strong fight and they are stubborn in the land they not allow them to go any further and the people as well, even with the lack of water, with the lack of medicine, with the lack of shelter, even when find tents to live in stubborn, they do want to be evicted of their land, as this is one of the undeclared goals
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the netanyahu fascist government, they want to shove the people from the gaza strip from the south to egypt, and the the resilience of the palestinian people is they could... understand how unarmed civilians with no shelter, no medicine, water, no food, nothing is still standing in their ground and they don't want to be moved, and this is one of the of the things, the other thing as as well your guest may be hinted to, they they want to expand the war, he this a failure of this function state to be the tool of hegemony for the united states of america and the west cannot come resistance in gaza strip in a sleather of land and this resistant groups should this is the the this state it's it's not able even to protect itself not to be the hijony tool in west asia and this is very
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strong message united states of america got involved in the genocide in gaza the uk and the west behind to sustain the power and the strength of the z so it can function as as as heigimonical tool for the united states of america and otherwise the balance of power globally will tilt and then a newcomers will come in. okay, well let me cross back over to masud, hopefully that audio issue has been resolved. tehran says israeli regime targets the military advisers who were in syria to actually help defeat terrorist group, and according to iranian officials. this is part of organized terrorism by the israeli regime, which has a history of supporting tacfiry terrorists in syria and elsewhere. your take on this. well, it it's very obvious that the and well documented that this zionist regime
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has supported the tacfiries in syria. let us remember when they were setting up hospitals around golden. and actually bringing these people and sort of looking after their health and putting them back in into action and when ever they were challenged the israeli officials turn around and say they doing that not because they support these terrorist group, they doing it because of the humanitarianism and that they believe in, it's ridiculous and "the fact of the matter is that yes they do that, but i think at the moment it goes beyond that, it's not just trying to help these takfiri groups, to strengthen them, this is actually trying to expand the conflict to cover netanyahu and
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netanyahu's political future, and it's even got nothing to do with the safety and security of designist state." or it is wellbeing or anything else, this is purely sort of a desperate move by netanyahu and a small group of extrem. in cabinet, which actually see other way forward other than expanding and trying to get more countries and more of the region and beyond involved in this war, because they're losing so badly. well, sab, the israel regime is currently bombing three different countries, palestine, syria and lebanon. can you name any other entity, perhaps except the united states who's it sponsor, that... would be responsible for bombing three different countries like this, and there are no major
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condemnations, mean nothing is done. the countries are obviously the ones involved in in this, the ones who is the supporting the genocide in gaza, the we witness apart from the the united states of america of course and its delta force and the advisors, the united kingdom send from cybr. military base, its drones and its spying aeroplanes to to scan the gaza strip and to provide the information to the zinis entity, the germans, the the french are as well involved and in there in full support, as well you have in the red sea you have the the the australian and holland as well, netherlands there behind the united states of america, these are and but saying that, "the let me go back to the the what's happening in syria and the assassination, i want to pick up where my
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brother left, the the the syrian government requested from republic islamic republic of iran to provider some expert in fighting these takfiri groups and this is the the assassinated five brothers, they were part of this the revolutionary guards who assisting the syrian." and how to counter these revolutionary groups, we witnessed just days ago, the united states of america beefed it a presence in syria and send thousands of soldiers to man some of the bases in the northeast of syria, and some more become active, the takfiri groups like daesh and affiliated groups like al qaida, even the kurds in the northeast and some of in idlip. as well who's all supported by the united states of america and others, so this they
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started to to do more attacks around syria, they wanted to to start a small wars in syria, to destabilize syria more like before, the assassination will help in in limiting the assistant syria provided by iran to try to stop these takfiry groups, the bigger project which is the united states of america doesn't want to see herself in... a wider war, but that's what netanyahu's government is doing and a dragon, they sucked already the the united states of america and the red sea against yemen, and now they're trying to take syria out of the equation totally, so when they fight in lebanon, north, in the in the south of lebanon, when they fight the lebanese resistance, that means this, the route coming from iran to syria to support the resistance. in lebanon is cut off so they can corner the lebanese resistance, this is
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the the plan the zin entity is doing, and i think the american helping them in doing it, otherwise while they beefing up their soldiers, why from the 10 of where is the american base and at the border of iraq and the syrian badia, you can see the activities of rehabilitated supported affiliated groups. or the daesh, they become more active and they become more targeting the syrian security forces and army involved, so there is a bigger picture in here, which is it might spell over to bigger regional war, they want to drag iran, netanyahu is desperate to drag iran in, because in that way he will be fully know the united states america will be involved, okay, stay with me, but stay with me, i want to pick up on that note, suit you heard what? sab said that the the zianist entity want to expand the war, on the one
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hand, it can't handle what's going on in gaza right now with the palestinian resistance, and then we see in the northern occupied territories with hesbullah, and and that the regime cannot handle that, uh, but it seems that it wants a wider war, um, it perhaps thinks that it wants the united states in to help it, but isn't it obvious that basically it would be shooting itself in the foot if this war would widen? well, i think the policy... the zimus estate visave since 7th of october has been shooting itself in the foot uh they have gone into this war knowing that they're not going to be able to win it putting sort of aims and objectives which is not vinable and it you know we need to separate the aims and objectives and what is
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vable for a state of israel and and design his state. "and then what is sort of benefit to netanyahu and a small group of sort of extremists in the cabinet, i think these two needs to be separated from one another, and and the fact that he wants to expand this war, it's because of the you know international court, what is happening with icj, it's what is happening in united states and in europe and in the west, people are coming out in millions and billions, i'm so sorry to interrupt you again, but unfortunately the audio, we're having some difficulty with your audio tonight, let's try to get that adjusted, well sab, going back to you with the situation and if they want to expand it, we've we've seen already um how
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resistance very part various parts of the resistance have already responded and and day was iraq's uh resistance, 40 rockets were fired um and dealing with the um uh various us bases there, let's talk about that possibility um uh if this was to expand, what does it mean, because iran on the one hand has said it will definitely respond and the regime will definitely pay for what it has done, so let's hear your assessment of what it all could mean, alert object of the resistance in the region is to cleanse the united states of america and his projects from west asia, that means we seen the iraqi parliament voted before a bill to ask the united states of america to leave iraq, so the united states of america is the presence
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in iraq right now is accuvation, if there is any politicians in iraq try to... to to bluff their way around the they are mistaken, it's it's legislated for this is this is the united states of america now understand they are occupy parts of iraq and they are looting iraq to the amount of one trillion a year and they know that the same thing goes in syria it's an incubation the syrian government didn't ask the the americans to come and and incuby the oil and gas fields in the northeast of syria so the resistance going to attack them and the... will attack them and this is declared part and the united states of america desperate don't want to be you know cleansed from this region because it means they will lose control over the gas fields and over the the the the oil and over controlling what other countries buy from the region like china how much china can have oil
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out of the of the region of asia which will will will help its growth so the... want to control the growth of the chinese wanted to control any country who was buying oil, funny enough of america doesn't need the oil from the region, they have enough, but they want to control the growth and to stagnate some other economies, this is the united states of america's policy in the region, all right, thanks, let me get my suit in here right before the end, sorry about all of this technical difficulty tonight, well where do you see all of this going, i ask with the situation uh, we have... reactions from various parts of the resistance, um, on the one hand, the israeli regime thinks that it wants the others to get involved, on the other hand, what do you think it could mean, and perhaps where is this going? well, it really is, the very dangerous position, i'm talking about the international community and
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and the peace in the region, because on one side, netanyahu cannot sustain, support for itself, even from the united states, that is witering, and we seeing that you know the public opinion is turning against israel, and indeed even political public opinion is turning, same thing is happening in britain and in europe, an international court is putting pressure, so he feels he's got other option except to expand this war. "expansion of this war would be extremely bloody for everyone and for the region, united states and other will be dragged into it, and but and i think the international..." community need to act right now if they want to uh sort of stop a sort of a sort of war which will be expanded and it will be engulfing not just
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occupied palestine but far beyond it and on that note i appreciate both you being with us tonight on the spotlight masot shajana chairman of islamic human rights commission out of london sab shath author and wester expert out of belfast. "and thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight, i'm marsia hashimi, signing out for myself and other crew right here in tehenron, hope to see you right here next time. we're not supposed to talk about demona, that's the game, because it's a secret, it's just state." all the other nuclear plants in the world are monitored, but not the ones in israel. كان يشتغل بدون اي نوع من انواع
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my anger and love, love of my land, anger and your dear, wounded by hatred, i'm breathing, breathing, breathing, the magic perfume of my homeland palestine, wonded in love my... and turn around the branches of the olive tree, seeking peace, seeking peace, but as long as the pillows of our children are drenching blood, as long as you have the thor crown of evil force, i'm the flaming thunder and
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first to be headlines: on the 107th day of the us is genocide in gaza, the death pell rises to more than 25,000 predominantly comprising women and children. pentagon acknowledges 140 attacks on us. in iraq and syria, resulting in injuries to at least some the american troops with varying degrees of severity, and funeral processions are underway in the syrian capital, damascus for the martters of yesterday's israely terror attack targeting iranian military advisors.
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