tv [untitled] January 22, 2024 12:00am-12:30am IRST
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news and brief for this hour, at least 178 people have been killed and 293 injured in israeli attacks on gaza in the past 24 hours, this... is the death told since uh october the 7th, above 25,00. more than 62,600 people of have also been injured. the palestinian resistance movement says the alaxa flood operation was necessary step and normal response to israel's plots against palestinians. the group said in a statement that al-a flood was meant to confront israel's plans to judaize palestinian territories and rule over the alaxa mosk. a member of lebanese. resistance movement
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hazbolah has been killed in an israeli drone attack targeting a car in southern lebanon. a high-ranking official from the resistance group is said to have survived the strike. the attack also hit another car injuring seven civilians. the us has confirmed that base hosting his forces in iraq was targeted by ballistic missiles. the white house says it's taking the attack extremely seriously. the islamic resistance in iraq claimed the... attack, it says the us is to blame for the israely genocide in gaza. now, people in the syrian capital, damascus have held a funeral ceremony for the victims of the israeli terror attack on saturday. the ceremony was held in sayyadiyah shrine. at least five iranian military advisors and number of syrian forces were killed in the israely attack.
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the gaza crisis is a man-made disaster compounded by dehumanizing language and the use of food, water and fuel as instruments of war. the words of anrua, the un relief and works agency for palestine refugees. hello and thank you for tuning in. this is gaza under attack with me said purza. u.s. israeli bombardment of palestinians in gaza continues unabated. dozens of people have been killed, dozens more injured in the past 20. four
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hours alone, hospitals are on their knees as they scramble to attent to the injured in the absence of adequate medical supplies. across the west bank, more israeli raids and more confrontation between occupation forces and palestinians. apartide israel's president isaac herzoch is hit with a criminal complaint during visit to dava, switzerland. mexico and chile asked the international criminal court to investigate israel's genocidal war on gaza, citing escalation of violence against civilian targets. at least 24,000 gazins have been murdered in more than 100 days of us-israeli shelling of the coastal enclave, the vast majority of them women and children. joining me on this program, political analyst said muhsin abbas and alongside him, arthur and middle east expert, saib shath, joining us all the way from belfast. gentlemen, thank you for being.
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here, i'll start with you, mosen, here in the studio with me, um, and i want to talk about the us support, do you think that as long as the american support, washington support for the israeli regime continues, is there anything that will stop tel aviv, in continuing its massacre in the gaza stret? uh, the frank answer is no, i mean, i think israel's made up its mind that they want to flatten gaza, it seems as though they've had an ethnic cleansing. genocidal intent from day one, and some would argue even before october the 7th, so uh, once they've set their mind, they've also got the apparatus and the people in place that will see out that kind of policy, so the kind of leaders that we've got at the at the front of the whole game at the moment in israel are essentially the the crypto fascists, they're sort of extremist jews, zionists of the ultra nationalist. you've got the worst possible
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uh, people in power, those guys have got no intent uh and no mercy whatsoever, so as long as they're in in place and as long because america continues to to sanction and and support and fund and arm israel to do this, no matter what they're saying publicly, the reality is that this will continue, the only thing that can really uh put a spanner in the works is a say for instance hezballa upping the anti and taking the pressure off gaza with a real all full-out war, it could be through the yemeny blockade having a greater impact and really grinding the israeli war machine to a halt in terms of supplies. could happen through an extension of a regional war, so any number of paradigms could kick off, which could actually slow the process down, and but i mean in terms of the icc and the icj and all those things that are happening, they actually won't do anything effectively straight away, the most important thing would be for america and the
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anglo-zionist imperialist to actually tell israel, look, we're not backing you anymore, and that doesn't look like it's happening anytime soon, and sabib, what do you think, um, more than 100 days of this genocidal campaign, aided and embedded by the americans and their allies, um, any end inside, what has really led to this, what the thing has allowed israel to continue with this massacre of palestinians every single day of the past more than 100 days. the the current is government with netanyahu, they won't stop, i agree with your with my colleague. "the the only one who can impose oppose on the their attack is the biden administration, nobody else, biden need to left the phone until netanyahu stop, netanyahu even whatever we say he won't listen, but they they will do,
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because since the zinus entity is no more than a function state, military base, advanced military base for the the..." the imperialist united states of america, so they they receive the order, if the united states of america stops supplying them with weapons and animation and every all of that, it will take weeks for this entity to stop, they know they they a lot of their experts said without the help of the united states of america they couldn't do, but the united states of america won't do that for the for them to since the hegemany in the region. and the the the imperial power of projection in that region and to scare all the regimes in that and to keep them under the the control of thes of america is the ziist entity is the tool to impose that and the before before 7th of
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october the zis entity was benefiting out of what trump called at the time the deal of the century normalizing relationship with arab react. is for free, they have des entity to be no politically price or military price, ignoring and burying the palestinians and their cause while they are warming up relationships and trade and that with these reactionaries from the gulf states or morocco or jordan or whatever, and that's this is at the minute what is scaring netanyahu, and this is what it creating the friction between him and the west led by the united states. of america as well, is the price which he have to pay now, because the resistance in gaza, in palestine, in yemen, in in in lebanon, and iraq made them be heavy price, and the the achievement of the of the resistance, they
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cannot ignore it, and the political equation coming after that, it have to interpret that, and have to show, so netanyahu refused to be... and price, the the liquid party believes in a siness entity from the river to the sea with no arabs, now he is faced a lot of talk about political solution and stuff like that, and that's what is scared them, and he want to go to the end for war to stop that and to save himself as a political leader. i want to stay with the again, us support moson for the israeli regime, yes it is evident that without american support. "this will not go on for probably another 24 hours, but who is supposed to stop the americans or the biden administration? regardless of course of which government is in power in the us, the support for israel has always been unshakable, military, diplomatic and and economic. well, there are
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certainly no international bodies that can stop uh america, which actually has actually uh exposed the fact that we've got the un, the icc, the icj, the atomic energy agent." is we see this host of international agencies which are supposed to guarantee peace or or resolve problems, which have failed essentially, i mean gaza has has made that most apparent, more apparent than any other. previous war, we've seen war in yemen, quarter of million people uh, you massacred there by the the anglo-zionist imperialist, the un did very little in that case for instance, we've seen that in uh syria, again a failure there, so we've seen failure after failure, so the question the world has to ask is what do we have in place to create a world which is more peaceful, this is much bigger question, russia and china, i believe bear a lot more uh responsibility than perhaps they're taking on uh unfortunately. "the rusians and chinese haven't really weighed in with the gaza scenario, they didn't really do it with the yemen one either, syria very
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belatedly russia did it because they were going to lose their own uh sea access in latekia, so unless these the major superpowers, the other powers, not just iran, because iran has certainly been trying to do this, i'd say, unless the rest of the international community rallies together and say we're going to collectively sanction america or sanction israel, take real action, i'm afraid america's just going to carry on." we'll see if that will ever happen uh mosen, but speaking again of the relations between televive and washington, there are stories out there saying that they are at logger heads regarding the future of gaza and palestine in a post-massaker era, a partie to israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected calls from the united states to scale back the onslaught in the gaza strip or take steps towards the establishment of a palestinian state after the bombardment. drawing immediate scolding from the white house, believe it or not? perhaps the tense
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back and forth reflects what's become a wide rift between the two allies over the scope of the war and apartite israel's plans for the future of the blockaded territory. here's an audio file of us national security advisor john kirby briefing reporters on the matter. i would just tell you that nothing has changed about president biden's desire that two-state solution is really in the best interest of not only. the israeli people, but uh, but of course the palestinian people, in fact it's in best interest of the region, and we're not going to stop working towards that goal, and this is, this is not a new comment by prime minister netanyahu, we obviously see it differently, we believe uh, that the palestinians have every right to live an independent state with peace uh and security, um, and the president and his team is going to continue to work on that. john kirby there, um, sab, there seems absolutely no acknowledgement there that washington and tel aviv as the chief architects of the palestinian agony should have no say over its
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future. this is you know the leadership of the united states of america, forget the zin to the side the psychopathy and the the way they speak and they talk like psychopaths, they don't acknowledge what they done and what they are doing, they don't acknowledge they are committing the crime of the... crimes, genocide, the purest expression of evil, they do could do doing that against the palestinian, and they lost the moral ground long time ago, and they speak to the to their own audience, because this the americans don't see anybody in the world, they only see their electors in the united states of america, they speak to them like they care about the palestinians and they they care. about the future, they they talk about two state solutions while they're refusing to to
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tell their tool the zin entity to stop the the war, to see fire now, at least to allow humanitarian stuff in, the isiness entity is didn't damage or tent the palestinian resistance, all what they do is targeting the palestinian population, targeting the infrastructure, they destroy... over 85% of the gaza strip from hospitals, schools, whatever you want to call it, they targeted the young, most of the the the the people been injured or marters are kids and then women, and after they making the palestinian people baying the price for resisting, but they are mistaken, what we get in feedback from the people on the ground in in the gaza strip and people, they are stopping, they are not gonna go nowhere, and they are, they're
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gonna put tents in their own demolished or destroyed homes and they want to bury their own dead, and they want to continue even they are, you know, with the lack of water, with the lack of food, with the lack, i cannot even sometimes comprehend where is this strength come from, and how powerful and strong and dignified those people, i'm so so proud. of at least watching the palestinian people doing that and changing the the game, they making the the balance of power. in de facto tilting, tilting to the resistance, and this is why the you can see the immoral leadership of the west is doing its best to fire. speaking of the immoral immoral leadership of the west, mon you mentioned the genocidal intent of the israeli regime right
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from the outset, wanted to ask you this question earlier, but now i have the chance to do so, and i want to talk about david cameron uh, the current foreign secretary of the uk, he said in that parliamentary committee grilling recently uh, he admitted that israel may have committed war crimes in gaza, then he walked that back, an interview with television here, but then he said the south african action, the genocide case against israel in the icj is wrong, it's unhelpful, it shouldn't be happening, and he went to say it's nonsense to say the israeli regime... has had genocidal intent in the gaza strip, is this case of poor eyesight or is this collusion? well, collusion is even soft word, the reality is they're hand in glove with israel, they have the they're an alliance of absolute genocidal intent and active rollout of that intent, and that's
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where the problem lies with them, why they don't like the south african case is that it essentially focused on something... quite quite unique, quite new, that usually you don't announce a genocide, people who do it, they don't say we're going to committed genocide. in this instance what you found is that this on record, the likes of yoaf gallant defense minister, said we're fighting animals, we are acting accordingly, we've had people like hertsog who set the mood music right right at the beginning of this this enslow and he said he was saying things like the whole of the palestinian nation is responsible, there's a nation out there. responsible, that's what he said, exactly right, and then they've got uh crazy people like um lindsay graham in in america, saying is a religious war and and wipe it out, wipe the whole of god, so all of the supporters outside, even the jewish chronicles editor came weighed in with with such language, so at the beginning you you see the whole of the um the the the israeli establishment and its
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supporters um spouting genocidal ethnic cleansing intent, then what you see is the id f uh actually implementing and carrying out those actions and then there's a repetition of those demands uh, you know, i think there's three times the number of explosive content which has fallen on gaza compared to hiroshima just alone, and that's not an accident, and i think that is where they're scared, because the south african case makes that connection and is beginning to bring out those statements and connecting it with the actions, and so of course david cameron has to backtrack, but he can't... cover up all of this evidence, which is which is quite clear that israel wants to ethnic cleanse, wants to wipe out gaza and wipe out gazans. all right, um, just a quick reminder to our viewers, if you've just tuned in, this is gaza under attack with me syriza, a deep dive into the brutality and inhumanity of the israeli regime's genocidal war on gaza, as
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frustration grows even further, with the death tool in gaza rising daily, why is the genocidal entity of israel behaving in the fact? while being witnesses to a genocide and witnesses to the breach of international law, they are nothing in my eyes, they are nothing but and i think everyone's eyes, they are nothing but terrorists, absolutely, the british and the us have yet again. how they put love to put their nose in other people's business, but are completely blind to the massacer that is taking place in palestine, and in regards to yemen, i believe these are people who are you know freedom fighters, these are people who have had no choice but to witness their families, their relatives, the opposite and next door neighbors being
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slaughtered, what do you expect them to do, they are stopping ships that are directly coming to... or from israel, because israel is stopping food, water, electricity and basic medical aid, and top of that, they're bombing the people. what do you expect the hootis to do, just sit back and watch their brothers die? shakel also told us that in his opinion, people around the globe must continue their activism without losing heart, since what they do makes a difference. the government will always do what they want to do, but we must continue to do what we have a response. ability to do, and i know protests after protest after protest may not bring immediate change, but what we should look it is our protest, even if they do not make the establishment make change, "at least our brothers and sisters who are being oppressed our barrel of a gun, when they see a standing and speaky for them, it will boost their moral, it will give them the motivation to continue to strive and struggle for their
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freedom. we must not disallow the power of protest, i say message each and every single one of you, if you were locked in your homes for even seven days a barrel of a gun with no food, with water, with no basic medical care that you may need, and after seven" outside your window, you start to hear people chant your name, it will not only motivate you, it will give you all the energy and everything you need to free the shackles from your oppressors, so continue to protest, there is power in protest, human rights activist shakil afsar there, now the un chief antonio gutieres is applauding a deal broker by qatar and france to allow medicine and medical supplies to enter gaza, but he says the aid is... insufficient. at a briefing in new york, un spokesperson stephand said gutieresh commends the efforts and also reiterates his appeal for immediate humanitarian sease fire.
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have listen. the entry of these critical supplies and humanitarian aid to gaza is encouraging. however, much more aid needs to come into the gaza strip. he commends the state of qatar and france for all their efforts. the secretary general. reiterates his appeal for immediate humanitarian ceasefire and he also reiterates his call for the immediate and unconditional release of hostages and for their humane treatment. all right, let's continue the conversation with sad mussan abbas and shah uh sab shath. mosan, i want to continue with you. um, as we heard shaqil after that human rights activists there say, the ancerolla fighters in yemen, has... the fighters and others are trying to in their way to stop this genocide from going on, they're doing their bit, they're not going to stand idilly by and see it all happen. um, and what it is also
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happening in the region is that us, uk joint strike on yemen, you have iran strikes and terrorist cells in syria, in iraq, kurdistan, in pakistan, what is in your opinion happening regionally? well, i think there's a there's a sort of... game of brinkmanship going on, of course israel's objective is to draw in the islamic republic of iran, their main target is actually iran and the axis of resistance, which uh basically spins off the iranian commitment to fight for the oppressed in west asia, fight for the sovereignty, so bear in mind that that is israel's objective, they can't do that on their own, so what they're trying to do is to suck in the americans to actually have boots on the ground, what they'd rather have is the americans uh militarily involved directly, not just supplying weapon. so the yemenes, of course have done the blockade has been one move which has allowed them to uh maybe engage the american navy and they have done there have been exchanges of fire and
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military whatever and and of course yemen has been firing very successfully uh at at uh various uh port sea ports that israel has and has actually shut down uh alat 85% of alats uh is uh its entire output has been shut down or the the the ships coming in. so there is very serious broader game that's opening. hisbollah has continued a incessant defense of its territory uh in the north uh two or three divisions of the israelis have been pushed up there. the 36th division has had to be pulled out of gaza, that acknowledges that actually israel is failing in gaza. and because of the failure of the the the dismantling of tunnels or the dismantling of hamas's infrastructure and the failure to ethnic cleanse in the full way they want. i think what they want. is for the war to to to get wider, because in the long run, even if they take gaza out, they know their days are numbered in west asia, because the the the technological, military and other parity is
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now much more in line, and unless the americans step in to take out the axis of resistance, israel faces a future where it will have a fo which is is no longer scared of it, which is perfectly capable of resisting and continuing very effective insurgency and maybe even um, we always talk about history, but what do you think or how do you think the future will look back at this moment in history and and judge those who were complicit in this in this genocide? okay, start with, as i said, the west, they found themselves in digging themselves and moral uh graveyard, nobody can defend genocide, nobody watched what's happening in
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gaza in the uk. or ireland or west europe or the united states of america, i'm talking in the west, even australia, and can understand they have a ruling elite refuse even sease fire for humanitarian purposes, this is the created a huge question, who are we voting for in the west to to rule us, the the united states of america, the democrats, they call genocide jo, his nickname or... worse, so this is created the huge kind of a questions about the ruling elites and the establishment and the new terminologies and new laws applied in the west, every day there is something new and impos in the people, i'll give you an example of their media which is embedded in this war, the first day when south africa represented the case of of maybe
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suspected genocide. against the the zinest entity, there is none of the western media, no bbc, no sky news, none of them covered the first day, only al jazera and english was covering for the west, the second day and prestige, yeah, yeah, yes, yeah, of course, i'm talk, and the i'm talking about western medias, because i believe the jazera english is a western media, and the the the second day, "all we're covering the defense of the ziist entity, that shows where the media is the double standards of the media and the lies, they spewing at the people and who they are defending, they standing against the victims and supporting the the genocidal maniacs. the other point i want to make, i would love to let you go on, but we're fresh out of time of freight, we're going to have to stop it, stop you right there, thank you
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sir." many thanks for coming in and and sharing your thoughts with us and thank you for watching this program gaza under attack we'll be back next week with the latest until then continue to keep palestine in your hearts goodbye. this is forest. in this week's show we'll be looking at south africa's momentous application to the international court of justice. in his comprehensive 84 page submission, south africa sets out the legal
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base. for its contention that israel is perpetrating genocide in gaza, you you have this pattern of the the west, you know, obviously not just germany, but you fully expect the british government, the us government of course has been completely dismissal of what south africa has done uh that continue this uh imperialist posture, and of course it was south africa at first and it was only there for quite a while and then all of sudden a trickle of other countries joined bolivia. amongst them and then of course later bangladesh joins and you've got a whole list of countries i think um around about 20 i possibly more.
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your headlines for this hour, on the 107th day of the us-israely genocide in gaza, the death toll rises to more than 25,000 predominantly comprising women and children. the palestinian resistance. hamas says the alaxa flood operation was necessary step and normal response to israel's plots against palestinians and the us says it is taking the recent missile strike its major military base in iraq extremely seriously and attack claimed by the islamic resistance in iraq.
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