tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV February 2, 2024 10:02pm-10:31pm IRST
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mainstream news outlets conveniently leave outs, with breaking news from around the world, we are here to bring to you, we fill in the blanks. we are the other side of the story, the less represented side of the story, we are tellers of inconvenient truths. while they continue to silence our website, our live broadcast, and our social media platforms are persistent, always perseveres and it makes you wonder what is it we're saying that they don't want you to hear? we are the shadow band, we are the censored, we are the voice of the voiceless. we are press tv, the press of coverage of this ascination of b suleymani now entering its uh... uh,
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fourth day, we're looking at - of hello and welcome to spotlight. the death tool from the israeli aggression on gaz has topped 27,100. that's an average of 230 palestinian lives lost every day for 120 days. a war of aggression that has killed more than 12,00 children and thousands of women, a war of aggression in which the aggressor keeps getting armed and supplied by the world. biggest military industrial
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complex, while the people facing the aggression are denied basic humanitarian assistance in their struggle to survive bombings, famin and starvation and the cold weather. stay with us as well discuss the situation in the besieged gaza strip with our guests tonight. from montreal, we have author and political activist eve angler. and human rights activist movi is joining us from houston, texas. gentlemen, welcome to the program. let's start off with mr. angler in montreal. the total death tool from israel's 19 days of incessant bombings and attacks has passed the 27 mark. in our intro, we just covered that that's an average of 230 palestinians killed every day for the past four months. over 66. thousand people have
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been injured, schools, mosks, churches, hospitals and ambulances have been frequent targets of the strikes, which have left only few medical facilities partially operational, now please share with us your... perspective on the horror that gazen have been enduring for the past four months, it's beyond belief, it's it's hard to wrap one's head around just how barbaric israeli policy is, obviously those who've been the luckiest in gaza, those who haven't been killed or have haven't been seriously injured or haven't had family members killed, they will be traumatized. probably for their whole life uh over what's taken place and what they've seen and what they've been in the middle of um so it's it's just a incredible uh collective trauma, a collective abuse of 2.2, 2.3 million people
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uh, it's just remarkable that this can happen an age of of instant um video, instant communication where we we see... the horrors so easily, yet they um, they continue. mos in the beginning of the enslot on the israel by the israeli regime, they've sought to dismantle the resistance groups in gaza, but after 19 days of the deadly attacks, the resistance groups we see are fighting back strong both inside and outside of gaza. hamas representative in lebanon has also said that israel has failed to achieve any of its objectives and in gaza, so what have the israelis achieved all together other than being record holders for murdering children? the israelis have miserably lost this this war, may that be diplomatically, may that be
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um the media war, the war of narratives, and more than anything the they have lost the military war, there is absolutely no doubt about that, because... "not a single military objective of the zionist regime has been achieved up to now, the the one military objective that they have spoken about from the very beginning, which they use as a pretext of this war, was the dismantling of the resistance forces in palestine, was the dismantling of all palestine freedom fighters, including hamas, they have failed to do that, we are seeing videos on on different groups on different channels." on telegram, on media outlets like the electronic intefada, breakthrough news and it is quite clear how proficient the fighters in the al-qasam brigade are, it is in the alaqsa brigade are, and how these different factions
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of freedom fighters in palestine are collectively, systematically and strategically defeating the the zianist regime in gaza. um, it honestly, now in today's day and age, it doesn't really matter how conventional media portrais the success the resistance, because people know the truth, the truth is on social media, so it doesn't really matter what israeli newspapers or or mainstream media funded by the zianists is saying, because the world now knows the truth. mr. angler. uh, is israel in your opinion using the excuse of eradicating hamas, something that our guest in uh houston also agrees with that, it is failed to achieve, to just to continue to kill palestinians. the un special rapporteur on palestine has said in the past just a couple
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of weeks, what israel uh is doing in gaza is the monstrosity of our century, and now we see israel is even bombing areas of gaza that it has designated as being safe. wiping out entire families. there's much more intent to this than just being collateral damage when the scope of death and destruction is considered. yeah, i it's definitely not just collateral damage. um, this is, this is a policy of collective punishment, a policy of driving people out genocide. um, now i think there is a interesting question about whether the the aim of of israel is really to eradicate. hamas, i don't know that they the the more soberminded people in the israeli establishment would believe that was a realistic aim or that they could have success in in fulfilling that, so the question then
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becomes is that is the rhetoric about uh we have to eradicate hamas, is that rhetoric really just a way to justify genocide? and i think there's there's... certainly uh significant amount of of reality to that, um, i'm not sure if the if you know netanyahu himself is so deluted that he believes he could... he could eradicate hamas, kill everyone in hamas, um, they clearly, as my uh co-panelist has pointed out, the the the hamas is still able to fight and still able to blow up israeli tanks and still able to kill israeli soldiers, so israel's ability to keep keep control of gaza is is is um is you know seriously in question, it's not, it doesn't look very good, so from an israeli perspective, so so uh "you know that that dimension, but but no, i mean, i think that it's it's it's very clear that um, israel's
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rhetoric about hamas is is uh, is part of basically justifying genocide, and and and with regards to the genocide even, i mean it's horrible what they've done, but i don't, i think that there was and there still is, the israeli government that wants to drive palestinians out of gaza and want to put a whole lot of pressure on egypt." and some other countries to you know to take palestinian gaza, that's also they haven't succeeded on that front um either um, so they they seemed to be caught in this pattern of just you know killing children and women and random men and and not succeeding militarily. right uh mohen nag in houston, how important has the unified response been from the resistance. fronts in the region, there's lebanon's, hezbolah, there's yemen's ansar resistance movement and the armed forces of
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the country, resistance groups in syria, and iraq, which have also carried out operations against israel and the united states positions as well, do you think that the israelis in and washington were not considering uh the repercussions of a coordinated and unified response from all resistance fronts in the region? i think the the the unique... the unique strategy and the unique aspect about the resistance is that element of surprise, time and time again, the resistance has surprised its opponents in in war, we saw that, we saw how hisbullah surprised western proxies in syria, we saw how hashal shahbi surprised western proxies like isis, the empires proxies like isis in iraq, and and i think once again in this... conflict, we see resistance forces constantly
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surprising the their opponents, no one expected the ansarulah, the the legitimate government of of yemen to enter this conflict in the way they did, they've they've really gone head first into this conflict by targeting us cargo ships, by targeting cargo ships of of of any country that is in any way supporting, israel: hisbullah obviously was, it was expect that hisbullah would involve themselves in this conflict, but i think the fact that they are, they have limited their their involvement to the extent of lebanese borders and as said himself that they are strategically attacking the facilities of the zinest regime. this was also something that the zionist regime did not predict, the they predicted a more heavy response from hiz. which was also it added up to that element of surprise and then the we see uh we see the
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hash the factions of hashat really going head first as far as their involvement in this conflict is concerned by by attacking constantly attacking military bases of of the us in iraq so definitely and and i think more than anything and to say the least the fact that resistance freedom fighting forces within palestine in gaza in west bank, we see them fight as one unit, which which we haven't really seen before, so the the way the strategy that the resistance front has adopted is something that it is without a doubt was unexpected of of its opponents, and that is one reason why we we are seeing the resistance resistance front victorious. against uh the us empire and their allies.
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mr. angler, condemnations are pouring in over uh some countries suspension of funding to the un agency that supports palestinian refugees (onra) also 28 aid ngos have voiced deep concern over the decision taken by the likes of the us and the uk and some other countries warning that the reckless decision may lead to the complete collapse of humanitarian response that will impact the assistance for over two million civilians, what was your initial reaction to hearing this decision and what do you think are the motives behind such move? well, i think the first..." element was that the this was israel trying to uh take away from the discussion around the international uh court of justice ruling that they're plausibly committing genocide and what was essentially saying that they need to cease their genocidal uh policies which was relatively you know considering the court relatively strong uh strong ruling um and so they they
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announced that this business of 12 uh unrow employees and this was a way of involved in october 7th and this was a way of of shifting the the discussion away from the icj ruling so i think that was quite clear, i mean the timing was was was and then the americans immediately suspended funding, canada followed within you know hours and number of other countries uh followed suit, so this was there was i think a very important public relations element to this from israel's perspective, the us effective, but i think that also a bigger picture they, they want to make life so miserable in gaza that it's you know uninhabitable, and and unra is important in delivering services and getting some food in, and the basics and and so obviously undermining anra or destroying anra or destroying the ability is is, serves israel's
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purpose. israeli officials have been pretty open about this in recent weeks going back. multiple weeks before this, the funding was suspended that they wanted to destroy anra, and and so that's part of it, from the standpoint of someone sitting in canada though, or the us, as a canadian, when the reaction of the canadian government to the world court saying that israel basically need to cease its genocidal policies, the canadian government didn't even say, not even a perfunctory statement saying, well... israel's bound legally by that ruling, instead, the same day, the same day they severed uh money to to unra, so i mean they just basically made it absolute crystal clear that they are part of enabling israel's genocidal policies, um, it's an outrage beyond, i'm quite cynical of of the canadian
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government, i've seen canadian foreign policy being brutal in many different places, but i was myself stunned by being so crass that on the day the international court of justice ruled at israel's plausibly committing genocide that the canadian government's reaction was to okay well how can we help uh that genocide by by um by cutting off funding to uh refugees movi same question to you uh in reaction of course to the icj's ruling uh the israeli prime minister beniamin netanyahu called the order a disc'. and vowed to continue the onslot, but that was to be expected because the israelis they've been a rogue entity since day one. what about the western countries that back the israelies? these self-proclaimed beacons of democracy. the ruling should have brought them in check to stop their support and stop their arms deliveries to the israelies. they had to be thinking twice about the pressure that this
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ruling would pile on them as well as if they continue to support this massacre, and as our guest in montreal just men uh they turn around and cut funding to to honora, which is a un agency that supports palestinian refugees. the first country that comes to mind is of course the united states. what's your take on that? it's it's absolutely despicable, when when icj came out with their landmark judgement, majority within the congress called were critical of of the icj. saying that that this that this judgement was was without any merit, and so that in itself reflects upon the the con the kind of representatives we have in congress, but it also goes to represent the the power of zinist, lobbyist groups who who who literally
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control the and how they control the the us government, the likes of apac for instance, the... kind of influence they can pull on on i'm us senators, representatives and congressmen, so it's when we talk about fairness and justice, we don't see that reflecting upon the us congress, and that's why there was a, forgetting his name, but there was a congressman who who was questioned by a protester and activist, in which when when he was asked as to why, how can he pull out his funding or or can you vote for for pulling out funding for honora while their kids being being killed in in gaza to which he said no there should be more restrictions he said "i will fight for more restrictions, we shouldn't everything is about hammas to them, they're almost blinded by the massacre that us tax dollars are are committing in in gaza,
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so it's it's quite clear that when it comes ethics or basic human morality, that does not exist, when you are a politician here in the us, it is all about pleasing your zionist, lobbyist financiers over representing the will." the people of your country, and this is issue that needs to come in the forefront of us politics where there needs to be limits on the actions of lobbyist groups, lobbis should not control the policy of this country, but rather it's its representative should reflect upon the intent of the people they represent, because it's quite clear millions have come out in solidarity for palestine, millions are coming out protesting against elbet systems, against the the role that the us government is playing, there there have been strikes outside blincon's
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office, there are people doing protests outside outside government representatives because of their direct involvement in this conflict, and mean i wouldn't be exaggerating if i was saying that the us is a direct party in the genocide of the innocent palestinians. mr. navy, i'm going to stay with you for this next question. the yemini army uh, it says it has targeted a british commercial vessel in the red sea which was bound for israeli ports. the eminess pledged to continue its operations against israeli linked vessels until the regime stops its war on gaza regardless of uh the attacks by the usa coalition uh in the red sea. talk us about the yemeny response to the gaza onslot and the defiant message that the yemenes are sending to the us and its allies, i mean, think about it, yemen is a country that has been under famin, that has been under saudi bombardment for years, right, it's it's
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fairly new government, it's an unstable country, yet when it comes to resistance against the science regime, they are at the forefront, we we if if the countries of the gulf, the arab, so-called muslim countries of the gulf took similar actions. we wouldn't see um the genocide that is happening in gaza today. i, i, i, in my opinion, the yemanies are doing everything within their power and beyond to try and limit any kind of support that the zience regime is getting or receiving. when you limit support to to zinast israel, that is how you force them or corner them towards. them, weakening them and calling for a cease fire. right, so the yemani actions are are are actions that are are commendable, these are heroic actions,
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that everyone else should follow, looking at what they've done. okay, i'm sorry to jump in there, mr. nav, we're short of time, i want to get one quick final word from mr. angler as well, briefly, if you may, sir, spite of all the efforts to weaken the resistance in the region and efforts by uh and co, to demonize the resistance, why is the resistance front still thriving? buse israel is massacring people and people are appalled by that, and obviously different organizations for many years, us imperialism in the middle east is not new, so there's groups that have had many years to to organize themselves, to to prepare for these. types of moments and obviously the same thing goes in terms of hamas, they they've known that the israeli government's not going to
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concede modicum of justice to palestinians without a need to be militarily prepared and and they have they have done that and uh you know israel um continues with its barbarism and uh the government in in yemen, takes actions in solidarity against that barbarism, and uh, that those are the those are the dynamics. all right, let's leave it there. author and political activist steve angler joining us from montreal, and thanks to human rights activist mosan nagvy uh, speaking to us from houston, texas, and of course a special thanks to you our viewers for staying with us on tonight spotlight. it's good night for now, and see you next time.
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the headlines a death tool from israeli aggression on gaza's top 27,100, that is average of 230 palestinians killed every day for the past four months. russells has summoned televive's ambassador after a belgian agency was targeted an israeli strike in gaza. the incident follows belgium's bit to keep funding on rule. and also on our headlines iran's president says his country will not start a war, but will respond decisively to anyone who bullies it.
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