tv Simorgh : PRESSTV February 5, 2024 9:02pm-9:31pm IRST
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proposals to conclude a ceasefire and the captives exchange deal. we also go over the differences between the occupation leaders and the members of the netanyahu administration, regarding the negotiations and the possibility of dismantling the netanyahu administration. this episode also touches upon washington's decisions against settlers in the occupied west bank, while the occupation army has failed to control the situation in the gaza strip. on these issues, i welcome mr. saleh abu aza, the researcher and analyst of israeli affairs. welcome dear.
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שנקודת המחלוקת צפויה להיות בכלל לא המספרים of האלה, אלא איכות העסירים שישוחרו, וזה מאוד משמעותי, כמובן שאם יש בעסקה מסוימת יותר אסירים פליליים, היא הרבה יותר נוחה לעיכול גם ציבורית וגם פוליטית אלמול עסקה שיש בה הרבה יותר רוצחים, ולכן הדיון יתעסק לא רק בשאלה כמה עשירים משחררים, אלא איזה רוצחים משחררים או איזה עשירים משחררים, וזה דבר. first of all, there were disagreements about the issue of the number. i mean, they did not want to release a large number of abductees because it could display an image of victory for the palestinian resistance. now after they got over this issue. and got along with
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the condition of the palestinian resistance and settled down on the issue of the number, they moved to the issue of quality, especially because they are very sensitive to the term, quote prisoners whose hands are stained with blood, unquote. this is how they always describe them, but compared to previous deals conducted with hisbollah in lebanon, conducted with the general command of the popular front in the 1980s, conducted with the palestinian resistance, we find that the israelis have often. exaggerated about the issue of the quality of the abductees and its impact, and eventually they yield and get to the point where they release the abducties who have even participated in commando operations against the israelis. any captives exchange deal that coincides with the cease fire in the gaza strip will lead to the dismantling of the current zinanis administration. this is what itamar ben gavere and smotric say to netanyahu, who is still clinging to...
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of ישוחררו בה נתניהו צריך להגיד לא מזניח במרכאות את הקואליציה שלו אנחנו מפרסמים הערב שבשבוע האחרון הוא מקיים שיחות עם ראשי הקואליציה שלו לפחות עם חלקה ובשיחות האלה אומר נתניהו אין לי שום כוונה ללכת לבחירות אין לי שום כוונה להביא לפירוק הממשלה. however all of word prompted to warn the prime minister that he would not be allowed to conclude an exchange deal.
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מספרים מופרזים והזויים של מה שישראל אמורה להעניק לחמס לאותו ארגון נאצי במסגרת עסקה לשחרור חתופים. זה ככל הנראה היה אז שהתכלית של השחרור עז הזה להכשיר את הקרקע לעסקה חמורה פחות, אבל עדיין עסקה מופקרת בכל קני מידה. אני רוצה לומר מעל הבמה הזאת, באופן חד משמעי, אדוני ראש הממשלה, מאות חללי צהל איןם מיזים, בני משפחות החללים אינם מיזים, אלפי הפצועים
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ונחת צהל איןם מיזים, תושבי הדרום שחיים שנים כל כך רבות, אינם מזים, אזרחי ישראל אינם מיזים. goats arous the ear of opposition activists on israeli social media who made number of comments including you are not a goat, you're a disgrace to animals, you're just a characterless racist, also the captives and
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their families are not goats, ben giver is fool, how can he compare himself to soldiers, he has not served the military for a single day, adiata, it is think that this person who was on the margins is making central decisions for all of us, how desperate this is, or a despicable man without a shred of life, consigned to the dustbin of history, sharon, you're not a goat, you're a criminal with no values and no responsibilities, professor, a criminal without standing, this is the response to ben gave and his words about goats, do you think that his ties with netanhu will end? first, the israeli leadership is now behaving more like candidates than like real leadership, meaning many of the statements that come out are tightened to the nerves of the right more.
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this is first, the second point is that i think there is something about always fear, the fear of the left taking. the idea of goats in israeli culture is the idea of a cheap thing. or something that is slaughtered without any price. always when he describes the dead, the wounded, the captives and others in this way, it is as if he wants to convey a message that the palestinian resistance leads them to the slaughter house like goats. but what is striking is the great
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recognition of the numbers of dead and wounded. this is an important issue. i mean everyone was occupied with the term goat and its metaphors, but they forgot to acknowledge that the... he's trying as much as possible to balance between popular demands and who want to stop this war, go to elections and go to deal. the captives exchange deal now is the main challenge. there's no doubt that the entire israeli regime is walking a fine line.
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henjahu's success in curbing keeps this administration in continuity. now i believe that many of the actions of smart rich and bengavir are electoral actions rather than threatening. point that yesterday back down from an idea he promoted, in the media, there's the idea of occupying gaza, staying in gaza and restoring settlement in gaza, and this indicates that netanyahu.
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מוכן שבגלל פוליטיקה לא ישחררו את החטופים, אז אנחנו נעשה מה שצריך. אם צריך להיכנס במקום בנגבר וסמוטריץ' לממשלה, ניכנס לממשלה, אם צריך, אם ראש נתניהו ירצה רשת ביטחון לתקופה מסוימת שאומרים לו, בסדר, אנחנו נשאר באופוזיציה, לא ניתן להפיל את הממשלה תקופה מסוימת, אבל שיעשו עסקה ושלא יתנו לגורמים הכי קיצוניים במדינת ישראל למנוע עסקה, כי אנחנו צריכים לשחרר את החטופים, זה מטרת על של מדינת ישראל, זה חוזה שהופר, החוזה.
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to the israeli society that he is moral man the highest order and that he is ready to give up the political dispute between him and an yahu for the sake of the lives of the captives. this indicates yarpit's approach to dealing with the media. but what yair lapit did, i think, serve netanyahu very well. netanyahu certainly returned to smart and bengavir and told them that you will not be able to topple my administration. there are those who want to replace you, so you must remain in this administration. the second point is that if you topple the
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administration and yarpid enters, we will lose what has been accomplished on the right-wing party, especially in the occupied west bank and jerusalem, and the hundreds of millions of shekels that have been donated. the settlers have the right to serve the smartrich and bengavir project, and thus it will be affected. שם נכתב רוב מוחלט של המתיישבים ביהודה ושומרון הם אזרחים שומרי חוק, רבים מהם נלחמים בימים
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אלה בסדיר ובמילואים למען הגנת ישראל, ישראל פועלת נגד כל מפררי חוק בכל מקום ולכן אין מקום לצעדים חריגים בנידון, כך הודעת לשכת ראש הממשלה טאלי, כשהם לא ברור כמה באמת ההחלטה הזאת של הממשל ביידן באמת אפקטיבית או שהיא רק הצרתית מכיוון שלהבנתי לארבעת האנשים האלה אין באמת נכסים בארצות הברית ולא ברור כמה זה יכול. why at this time is the biden administration issuing these decisions, knowing that everything that was happening in the west bank before and after operation alaxa flood was under american supervision, so what happened? there are many things that you can comment on. about what the bidon administration has done. first, regarding the level of the sanctions, i should point out
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that it is very low, it attributes to people who have no real influence. they do not even have the report indicating that upon their arrival they will be prevented from entering the united states. this is first. the second point is that in the statement they're not described as terrorists, criminals or anything else, but rather they're referred to as individuals who have undermined peace efforts. in contract. when it comes to the palestinians, they're described in the most appropriate american term as terrorists, criminals, murderers and the like. therefore, even in imposing sanctions on the israelis, we see the double standard. statements and biden statement as stated in the report. perhaps there is a clear tension on the surface between them, but the united states commitment to israel's security is indisputable. the united states believes that
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it is more capable than the netanyahu administration to protect israel. this means that the united states starting points are the starting points for protecting israel, preserving israel's image and attempting to present it in a way other than its true image. in addition to the previous points, is there anything you would like to add? it is as if biden wants to gather the dispersed votes of electoral votes inside the united states of america by... presenting to the opponents of the war, that i have imposed sanctions on israel, and in return for that, presenting to those calling for the continuation of the war, that i still stand by the israeli regime, protecting it in its war, and i do not call for a ceasefire, now let us return to benjamin netanyahu, who is reluctant to admit that his army failed to achieve its declared goals in gaza, and yet
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he repeats his promises to achieve absolute victory against the resistance. לא עוד סבב, לא עוד חילופי מעלומות, לא עוד מבצע, ניצחון מוחלט, לא פחות מזה, אני מחוייב לזה, הלוחמים שלנו מחוייבים לזה, והרוב המוחלט של העם מחוייב לזה, ואנחנו לא נתפשר על פחות מזה, אני שומע אמירות על כל מיני עסקאות, אז אני רוצה להבהיר: לא נסיים את המלחמה הזאת עם פחות מהשגת כל יעדיה, וזה אומר חיסול החמאס, הכזרת כל חטופינו, והבטחה שעזה לא תהווה עוד איום על ישראל. אנחנו לא נוציא את צהל מרצועת עזה, ואנחנו לא נשחרר אלפי מחבלים, כל זה לא יקרה,
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time, it gives space to the heads of the shinbat and mosat to meet with the delegations of egypt, qatar, and the united states, in order to complete deal. at the same time, it contradicts the reality on the ground, which until this moment, we see israeli withdrawals from number of territories, dismantling brigades and divisions from the gaza strip and transferring them to the west bank or retreating to rest after the extreme fatigue they suffer in gaza. this is, in addition to the emergence of resist.
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"the obstacles to going to a comprehensive war with lebanon are much greater than the pressures on the netanyahu administration to go on with this war. they realize that everything that's happened on the southern front with the resistance groups of the gaza strip is not considered very small war compared to the war with lebanon. they also realized that the palestinian resistance groups have missiles that can reach long ranges, and what distinguishes hezbulah here is that their missiles are much..." more explosive and destructive than what the resistance groups possess. let us move from the southern lebanon front to yemen. after
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the naval blockade imposed by the yemeni army on the occupying regime by striking its tanks and those heading to its ports in the red sea, the hebrew media revealed that arab countries were delivering goods to the regime by land. מהסחורות דרך היבשה ולא דרך הים. טיוד בלעדי שנביא לכם כאן עכשיו חוסף איך נראה אחד המקומות הכי רגישים בארץ. מעבר גשר הירדן אל המגיעות מסאיות מהמפרץ הפרסי דרך הרב הסעודית במסלול עוקף חוטים. זהו מסוף הכניסה לישראל. כל הסחורות שמגיעות אלינו דרך ירדן עוברות כאן. ביקשנו ממפעיל הרחבן להתקרב לגבול עצמו כדי... שנראה אם יש תנועת מסאיות ענפה בימים האלו שהחוטים חוסמים את המעבר הימי. והנה מה שהתגלה
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siege on the israeli regime, while some arab and islamic countries in return are seeking to lift the sea john, analyst on israeli affairs, professor, thank you very much for your participation in this episode of israel watch and thank you their viewers for your follow up until we meet. again, god willing. libya is a north african country. the country has two competing. governments, the tripoly based high state council and the house of representatives. libya is also at the center of a migrant crisis. this country is also one
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the richest countries in africa in terms of oil reserves. amid the us israeli genocide on gaza. libya has voice support for the measures taken by the international court of justice icj. to prevent genocide in the gaza stream, we are honored to have with us here in the studio his excellency ali jumal ubaidi, the ambassador of libya to iran. it's been a pleasure having you in our program. thank you, mercy.
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