tv Iran Today PRESSTV February 8, 2024 7:00am-7:30am IRST
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of the islamic revolution of iran in 1979 under the leadership of grand ayatullah komeini was a turning point in the history of the region. it put an end to the tyranny of muhammad riza shah who had been underthrown for. almost four decades. at the same time, the revolution brought down the curtain on years of foreign interference in the country's domestic affairs. as a result, the americans lost their main bastian in the region as they were expelled from the country in the aftermath of the revolution, but it didn't stop there. the islamic revolution that gave birth to the islamic republic of iran brought about seismic shift in the geopolitical configuration of the region. the newly
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established government whose red line was now national sovereignty and territorial integrity was upsetting the regional status quo. hegemonic powers were treated by tehran as unwanted guests who had to pack up and go of as soon as possible. at the same time the rise and rise of the islamic republic as major power in the middle east, which was independent of the eastern and western blocks had baffled the world. was the islamic republic supposed to grow stronger? overt as an influential actor in this corner of the world, how could it affect the trajectory of power politics in the region, and did the region have to prepare itself for new order, of or on the contrary, was the islamic republic just a flash in the pan, footnote in the history book of the region. these and more on this episode of iran today. this year, the iranian people are celebrating the 45th.
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anniversary of the 1979 revolution which resulted in the ouster of muhammad riza shah. the revolution was however more than domestic affair as it had impacts beyond the country's borders. shortly after mohammad reza shah left the country for good, imam komaini came back to على iran on february 1st, 1979 after years of being an enforced exile. with the arrival of the leader of the revolution, the national movement against the pahlavi dynasty gained momentum. 10 days later on february. 11th,
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commanders of the armed forces attended the imam's home, submitted their resignation and pledge allegiance to him. the pahlavi regime collapsed, resulting in the abolition of the monarchy in the country after 2,500 years. unlike the shah, imam komaini was not going to count out to the americans or to submit himself to the will and wim of imperialist powers. the resulting system he founded was in fact the pol opposite of the shows monarchy. the octogenerian leader was not going to be puppet in the hands of the americans. the 1979 revolution was an unprecedented phenomenon. back then, revolutions were mostly related to left this ideology such as marxism or communism, but iran's revolution was first and foremost of an islamic nature, a revolution of its own stemming from islamic civilization. up until
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the victory of the islamic revolution, it was hard to imagine a revolution with no affiliations to the so-called left. in fact, the word revolutionary had become synonymous with the left. revolutions in russia, china, and those in latin america were all endebted ideologically to the left. in this sense, the 1979 revolution was the first of its kind, drawing totally on islamic teachings. "the revolution was not just after the auster of the shaw, but also sought to prepare the ground for the foundation of new system that could construct an independent political identity for the muslim country of iran. as key principle in islam, domination over or by another country is not accepted. so after the victory of the islamic revolution, this principle soon found its way into the country's foreign policy. this..."
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among americans who consider themselves as a superior race, they want to dominate the whole world and expect all other people to be at their service. we did not believe in this racist point of view neither before the start the islamic revolution, nor after its triumph. we did not believe that iran should be dependent on the united states or the soviet union or any other power. we believed as we do now that all nations should be independent and free. we have always... challenge this hegemonic viewpoint. we do not want to dominate other countries and don't allow others to dominate us. meanwhile, islam urges us to support the oppressed and fight the oppressor. we defend ourselves and at the same time, we don't recognize the order that the americans want to impose on the world.
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according to article 152 of iran's constitution, the foreign policy of the islamic republic of iran is based on the... rejection of any kind of domination, both its exercise and submission to it, the preservation of all inclusive independence of the country and its territorial integrity, the defense of the rights of all muslims, non alignment in relation to the domineering powers, mutual peaceful relations with non-aggressive states. mr. mohammed reza bahonar, an iranian politician and former member of parliament had more to say, and published under the supervision of the leader the revolution. in the document it was stated that we should be role model for the oppressed nations of the world. it was also
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stated that we should establish ties with the whole world except for the israeli regime, because it's an illegal occupation regime and we don't consider it as legal entity. we are required. to have relations with other countries, relations which are based on mutual respect. there is no win-win phrase in the document, but it says that we should seek relations with the rest of the world whereby each side can be the winner. meanwhile, iran's leaders called on all muslims across the world to rise for their own freedom. according to the founder of the islamic republic, my advice to all muslims and oppressed people of the world is that they should not wait for their... rulers or foreigners to come and give them freedom as a gift. you should rise up and take your rights tooth and nail. in this sense, the islamic revolution has become a source of inspiration for many freedom-seeking nations in the region and across the world. tehran after the
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revolution helped the downtrodden across the world, from countries such as sudan and ethiopia, to china and afghanistan, helping other countries to stand on their own feet and encourage. urging them to fight for freedom were not what imperialism would welcome. at the same time, iran was major country in the middle east, the world hub of energy and raw materials. for years, world power stuck to their mantra that, if you dominate the middle east, you can dominate the whole world. and now they had lost iran, an indispensable country in the middle east with profound geopolitical importance, which had control over the hormostrate, the most important. choke point in the world, the straight provides vital shipping route for oil to be transported from the middle east to other countries. if iran decided to close the straight, the world would brace itself for a doomsday scenario. iranian politition, told
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us about the islamic republic's ideal world order. the ideal world order for the islamic republic is a multiolar order. all the countries important to the world economy and politics should have equal status in the international power structure. why should just some countries be entitled with veto power so as to misuse it to their own benefits? this is serious problem and has to be fixed. all the economic powers that play a crucial role in world trade and investment should have equal opportunities. the dollar hegemony should come. to an end and the us should not impose its will on the rest of the world, misusing its currency. this kind of power structure should be dismantled. at the same time, the downtruden, the oppressed nations should be allowed to have a proper decent place in the world order. their rights
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should not be trampled on merely because they cannot defend themselves. the ideal world order should be based a fair distribution of power in the world should be based. on pacifism and win policies in trade, politics and so on. such an order can secure a more peaceful future for all humanity. in this week's episode of iran tech we've come to bucher city to the south of iran to tell you about what happens under that dome which is bucher's nuclear power plant uh and explain to you how we use a process called nuclear fision uh to generate 100 megaw hours worth of electricity that is fed to the national power system thanks to the 80 tons of uranium that is stored within this facility. stay tuned. times are listed below,
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there's plenty more to be said, but first a quick media review to give other outlets a chance to get award in. hello, welcome to the new section of the program, we'll go over some news headlines. iran marks. islamic revolution anniversary as 10-day faj begins. as the 10-day faj kicks off in iran, the iranian nation gets ready to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the victory of the 1979 islamic revolution. shagd writes 10-day fat starts on february the first, 10 days before the victory of the islamic revolution, marking the return of the late founder of the islamic revolution (ayatollah ruhullah komeini) to iran. on february 1st, 197. the late founder of the islamic revolution, returned to iran after 17 years in exile. the
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road to war with iran is paved with good intentions and serious miscalculations. middle east institute right, 45 years after iran's february 1979 revolution and 71 since the us government overthrew prime minister muhammad musaddiq, american officials continue to struggle to understand this nation. of almost 90 million. american policy toward iran has vacinated between maximum pressure and the threat of military force to accommodation, incentivization and by some standards appeasement. the trump and biden administrations, while adopting these antithetical approaches, did so while seeking to further withdraw the us from the middle east, rather hopeless pursue so long as the world's economy depends on oil and most of it moves through the region. iran takes a step closer to the middle east venture. the conflict between israel and hamas has
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extended into the broader middle east, escalating the likelihood of a confrontation between the regional power and the global power. modern diplomacy writes, the conflict between israel and hamas has extended into the broader middle east, escalating the likelihood of a confrontation between the regional power, iran and the axies of resistance, and the global power, the us and its allies. israel's continuous unlawful bombardment of gaza results in new estimates of tens of thousands of palestinian casualties every day. iran's gots force has engaged in highly dangerous strikes with israel and its patron the us spanning from the red sea to iraq, syria and lebanon. this situation is contributing to the evolving political discourse surrounding the right of the palestinians to live peacefully. the us isn't the biggest power in the middle east. is anymore, iran is. according to simon tistel, foreign leader writer for the guardian, after 45 years of trying, iran is
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finally the big kid on the block. sanctioning, ostricizing and threatening tehran hasn't worked. the us, britain and israel face a formidable opponent, a part of a triangular global alliance, backed by powerful militias and economic might, a fresh diplomatic approach is urgently needed if a wider conflict is to be avoided. a titanic. geopolitical struggle is underway. there are many ways to explain the two biggest conflicts in the world today, but my own short hand has been that ukraine wants to join the west and israel wants to join the arab east and russia with iran's help is trying to stop the first and iran and hamas are trying to stop the second. thomas friedman add in his article for the new york times, the middle east resistance network came into being on february 1st 1979 when ayatollah ruhullah komeini flew into tehran from is capping an iranian revolution that gave birth to the iranian islamic republic
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that would attempt to drive america out of the region and israel out of existence. and thank you for being with us and i invite you to go back to our main narrative. the islamic revolution was a revolt against imposed order in the region established after the second world war. the iranian nation did not want to remain under the yoke of global arrogance, neither the east. north the west, the country resented imperialism of any kind. we asked mr. bahonar to elaborate on this revolutionary slogan. in no countries, even in no revolutions other than the islamic revolutions such slogan was chanted, not even in cuba, libya or iraq. they couldn't even
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imagine chanding such slogan. they thought that they had to be either with the eastern block or the western block. but iran insisted its stance and disrupted the status quo. back then imam wrote a letter to gorbachev warning him that the soviet union would collapse sooner or later. the revolution gave voice and agency to the downt-troden nation of iran. the country had long been under the thumbs of big powers. it had been invaded, occupied, interfered with and influenced by countries such as the soviet union, the united states. state and the united kingdom. iran had become a field of competition for foreigners. mr. taraqi told us that the slogan had roots in years before the victory the islamic revolution. one of the prominent slogans that was frequently heard during the islamic revolution was neither the east nor the west, and it also became part of the
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country's foreign policy. how would you put this uh slogan into context? was not a person to accept it and considered it as the source of corruption, war, crime, and so on. back in 1963 when iran was still under the influence of the americans, the imam sounded the alarm and blamed it as the main problem the... was grappling with, he lashed out at the us as power interfering in a country's affairs, power determining the nation's fate, so he expectedly challenged it after the victory of the islamic revolution. he founded the islamic republic of iran to change the rules of the game. his aim was driving the world toward a multipolar world
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order. the islamic republic with no inclination to the east or the west created a... political sphere of its own, wherein national interests were not negotiable. foreign encroachment or interference were no longer tolerable. when it became clear that the american embassy had been turned into a nest of espionage acting against the iranian nation, it was not tolerated, and the americans who wanted to remain in the country, even after the fall of the show were forced to leave iranian soil. the american embassy was taken over in november 1979.
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they can turn into a superpower, so the hegemonic powers have always tried to prevent them from uniting by sowing the seeds of conflict among them. after the victory of the islamic revolution, imam khumaini called on the muslim countries to join forces, he urged them to get united and to interact with each other regardless of their sectarian differences. this is what the holy quran urges us to do as well. another point is that we are not seeking domination over others even if we can since the victory of the revolution, we have invaded no country, on the contrary, we have respected and supported other nations rights. for instance, we have spared no efforts in supporting the rights of the palestinian people in the face of the israeli regime. the islamic revolution was a game changer in the power politics of the region if not beyond. little by little tehran
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secured a strong foothold in the region confronting hegemonic powers mainly in. collaboration with a network of resistance groups that hated to be dominated by foreigners. after the dissolution of the soviet union as a largest country in the world and the end of the cold war in 1991, the united states of america became the unrivaled power in the world. in the absence of its big rival, the us could pursue and expand its colonial projects across the world, exploiting nation's wealth and resources. this is the way arrogant powers behave. if you look at the way the americans have been doing throughout history, you will find nothing but arrogance, selfishness, oppressing others. and imposing their own wishes on other nations. you will never find the americans doing good things with good intentions. you will never find the americans accepting their wrong doings. that's why imam
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khamaini called the us the great satan. if the us stops behaving like this, it will be power like others that consider other nations interest in addition to their own ones, those that interact with the rest of the world a win-win basis. for the us, there is only one way to interact with the world, winning at the expense of the other side. this win lose mentality defines the americans behavior in the international arena. as the biggest us military base in the middle east, the israeli regime helped washington exert its influence over the region, especially after the fall of the shaw. yet, with the emergence of the islamic republic, this hegemony was challenged as tehran began. inviting palestinian groups, pledging them to help, train an arm against the occupation regime. at the same time, iran forged relations with anti-israel states across the world,
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developing what is now referred to as the resistance access, which confronts and challenges any colonial project in the region under any name. since the victory of the islamic revolution, iran has been subjected to plethra of pressures from world powers, from war and assassin. nation to manufactured crises and sanctions, yet the country is still a major actor in the region that fears no powers in the world, even if they are as powerful as the united states of america or as brutal as the israeli regime. the americans should know that things have changed, otherwise they would lose the game forever. if they had respected other nations rights. have served their own interests too, but you know what, leopard cannot change its spots, their habitual criminals and cannot stop committing crimes. they've been hatching
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plots against us since the victory of the revolution. the eight-year war imposed by saddam hussein was primarily encouraged by the americans. they imposed sanctions on us, put maximum pressure on us and did whatever they could to do away with the islamic republic, but they... failed, they failed miserably, and iran is standing before the whole world stronger than ever. that's all for today, thank you for watching from the whole team. please do join us again same times next week and each week after. don't forget to send us your comments and topic requests. you can also follow us on telegram and x. till next time, take care.
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