tv Expose PRESSTV February 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am IRST
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tonight on expose legal proceedings at the international court of justice expose western media bias and israeli entity propaganda. social media posts mocking the court for stating it cannot decide yet whether the israeli occupations actions in gaza amount to genocide. by contrast. tv reports, articles and posts celebrating icj ruling on gaza genocide as a historic victory for the palestinians that zionist israel vows to defy. welcome to expose, the show that leaves no stone unturned.
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ladies and gentlemen, welcome to expose. now, the 17th judge panel at the international court of justice in the hague is series of rulings about the israeli occupations conduct during its war against gaza that constitute a failure to order hult to the israeli entity military aggression in gaza. now media coverage of the icj hearings and verdict varied between optimistic, describing the proceedings as a victory for palestine which had inspired hope of accountability for the israeli entity, and disappointed, describing some proceedings as stopping short of ordering a ceasefire as requested by south africa, which brought the case. let us begin our exposition with fuad it time to uh showcase broadcast media productions covering this historic court order with fake news expose. now on friday january 26, the world's
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eyes were on the hague as the international court of justice, icj granted some of the orders south africa requested against the israeli regime, but most notably declined to order the israeli entity to immediately suspend its military operations in gaza. for what do you have for us on this matter? thank you for having me. so there have been a lot of reactions to the throughout the media to the icj's order or partial order in this case, so let's start with the israeli narrative. we're going to play an msnbc interview with the israeli consulate general in new york, alone pinkas who claims in this interview that there was no evidence provided by south africa at the icj for genocidal intent. wow, let's watch. let's see that. it's it's like this like yellow card in soccer in football. um, it was a stern warning. and um there are two ways of looking
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at it or or two uh takeaways: the first is the court said that well the court refrained from asking israel to cease fire and to immediately halt any military operations. um, had it chose to do so, it would have vindicated the uh the argument that there could be a genocide or that conditions for a genocide uh um for some form of genocide um exist. the court did not do that. on the other hand, as matt bradley, your correspondent accurately put it, the court did issue provisional orders for israel, all of which amounts to a suspicion that those conditions for genocide uh could be met. now, this is not genocide from legal point of of view, because you need to prove intent, and intent is very difficult thing to prove, and i'm i'm pretty satisfied that there's absolutely no... no intent on israel's side,
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however, if you look at the humanitarian aids and the medical aid that is stipulated in the ruling, you see that, even though it's not mentioned specifically jose, the court is essentially saying there should be a c fire. now tie this, tie this now to the possibility of a hostage deal that is being discussed, deliberated or... negotiated, mediated by qatar and indirectly by the us, and that also includes a an extended sease fire. so take those two together, um, we're looking at the possibility of sease fire. in and of itself, of the decision was less than what israel feared, but it's a major, major - slap on the race. yeah, and ambassador, you signed letter along with 40 other former israeli officials who are. now calling on prime minister
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netanyahu to resign, what do you think needs to happen, what needs to change? but look, to be honest, jose he should have resigned on october 7th, and then on november. 7th and then december 7th and then january 7th and he's probably going to get to february 7th without resigning, so this letter is more an expression of will and and and wishful thinking rather than a prescription or a plan of action. he needs to resign, now if he doesn't resign, i mean resignation is nothing that i expect him to do, what he needs to do, what the political system needs to do is to call an election, obviously there is heightened level of frustration with him in the us and the biden administration, obviously he has not cooperated on american visions of the of post war gaza, and obviously he's not a partner in americanized
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to a uh what what's called a reconfigured um lease, so the pressure, the domestic pressure and the international pressure, particularly that of from coming from the us, will i think in the... next two three months uh force him into um calling for early election, well so the consulatate general in new york, his name is alon pinkas, so he's saying that the icj did not have evidence of intent of a genocide, hence why it did not call it a genocide, doesn't he have point in that? well uh, no he doesn't, and it doesn't really make sense, it's a contradiction of what happened essentially, because throughout the... procedings, we saw south africa provide countless instances of evidence, numerous examples of israeli soldiers filming themselves calling for resettling gaza, reconquering gaza. we saw official statements by official people in the government, including the prime minister himself, like netanyahu, for example, netanyahu's amalec
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statement, which was open call to wipe out women and children, we saw politicians, we saw officials making calls for force displacement, making calls for ethnic cleansing. uh reforcing the population uh of gaza into egypt, it was all displayed very clearly, so it doesn't make sense for him to say there was no evidence of intent. what about the reactions to the court ruling, what do you have on that? okay, so next we're going to show a video of a palestinian official, ammar jazi, he's the palestinian assistant min minister for multilateral affairs and from outside the hag, hijazi tells us that the ruling is a win for the palestinians and we can't see it in the cbc video report, but when they cut to interviews from inside gaza, we see a different sentiment, one of disappointment. let's watch. okay, let's watch. acts of genocide. the court further considers that israel must ensure with immediate effect that its military forces do not commit any of the four
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mentioned acts. outside, palestinian officials seem to interpret that as a win. this is a good day for humanity. this ruling is in favor of international systems. based on law and against exceptionalism and double standards. in gaza though where health officials say 26,00 are now dead and some 250 people are killed every day, there was disappointment. immediately there should have been a ceasefire, add told a videographer working for cbc news and then they can start investigating and see what's really happening here. everyone is expecting that israel won't follow through with this ruling, said omar alsaka, since when has israel followed through with any ruling from the un? it's outrageous. israeli officials lashed out over the fact the genocide accusation still hangs over the country. today the un has become one
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the weapons in the arsenal of modern day nazis against us. a statement from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu didn't specify whether israel intends to... follow the court's orders. israel's commitment to international law is unwavering. equally unwavering is our sacred commitment to continue to defend our country and defend our people. in jerusalem, where support for the war remains strong, some felt this ruling won't change much. and there's genocide going all around the world that everybody's ignoring, the international community is only focusing on israel, and israel is the only country that's not committing genocide, they're protecting themselves. on the political level uh, let's say it was a tie, on the moral level we lost. alan liel is a former israeli ambassador to south africa. look at our television, i'm sure tomorrow
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people will not speak about it anymore, it will be tendency to shelv it somewhere and forget about it, but they said for instance that they... waiting for a report in a month, let's see if the court convince in a month. what do you get from these two contradicting positions or senses here for? okay, so this... uh icj ruling was undoubtedly a great moral victory for the palestinians. it was extremely symbolic. this was the first time israel's been taken to court essentially to brought, it's the first time it's been brought to answer for its crimes and so ammar hj is correct, this is a big win for the palestinians in a sense, but we have to understand the cynicism from the palestinian people living in gaza. we have to understand how they're feeling, uh, the disappointment is expected, we have to understand that because the icj doesn't have any enforcement power. "there's nothing really it can do, it wasn't able to call for a cease fire, and even if it had whatever the outcome of this
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case, it's going to have to go through the un security council, and we know that the united states is most probably going to use its veto power to protect israel as it has throughout this war and as it has throughout history, so the cynicism from palestinians inside gaza is completely understandable. i get that, i see that. thank you very much, fuad, from the uh cradle at the cradle and our expert for tv broadcast for your analysis. now ladies" gens let us move to mainstream media in the digital side. now while the icj's decision did not answer the question of whether the israely occupation is committing genocide, the court held that at least some of the acts and emissions alleged by south africa to have been committed by the israeli entity in gaza appear to be capable of falling within the provisions of the. convention, this allows the case to proceed to decision on the merits. it also puts other states, namely
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those offering support to the israeli occupation on notice. julia, thank you for being with us. julia qasim, what do you think that means putting those states who helps zinast israel on notice? so human rights organizations have already launched domestic legal proceedings against us officials and uk officials um over their aid to israel while they commit this genocide mara. so while distinctly. you now different from the icj case, they're still rooted in the same law essentially. uh, so the former is based on the genocide convention as implemented by us law, and the latter is based on the strategic licensing criteria, which prohibits the export of weapons where there is a clear risk they might be using violations of international law. so should the icj determine that zinus israel is committing genocide, obvious is clear day, so the states that have added it and signed off to it should could also face cases. before the icj for their participation in this genocide and that's the major symbolic uh legal victory of
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this uh ruling essentially. okay, what, what did the mainstream media write about that? yeah, so um, meanwhile, the first response by the biden administration immediately after the icj ruling, as reported by the us publication, the hill, was, according to white house national security spokesman john kirby, um, consistent with many of the us's positions, and much of the approach has that it has... taken with israel in his words, but how is that consistent with the us approach? what does he mean by saying that? uh, so that's actually the issue marwa, it's uh not, so the biden administration is earlier rebuffed efforts, notably at the un security council to impose action on the us occupation, mean on the israeli occupation, sorry, so it does not really, so what the court rule does not really go with the approach of the us sionist israel, yeah, so the us at least twice has uh used his feudal power to reject resolutions. that would call for humanitarian ceasefire uh and of course the icj as principal judicial organ of the un
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is going to fall under the same limitations um as institution unable to make any tangible enforcement to punish uh israel while the as you can see the the law is inconsistent with how the us is uh really carrying things out um and then also as you can see uh the they moved on with their excuse to defund the west basically formed this gang-like coalition to move to defund. uh yunerwa uh, which is something they've been doing in the works for years in order to basically extrajudicially remove the right of return for palestinians and you think that uh that will be the case even if the icj ruling will say that zianist israel committed a genocide in gaza? yeah, so unfor uh unfortunately uh of course the the us and the west are going to continue to behave roguely, especially in in terms of the these institutional bodies. that the number
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of civilian victims is zero um completely out of touchness where the us and the west continue to um justify their complicency and and completely sign off on this genocide with this kind of rhetoric, so what he was saying is that the us has not seen indications that the israeli forces are getting up out of the rack every day. putting their boots on the floor and saying that the whole effort is to exterminate the palestinian people, he just itimately denied that and said, no, they're only trying to eliminate the threat that hamas uh folds. accurently now six year olds, four year olds and even newborn babies are hamas and not palestinian civilians, it is bit sad, but thank you for that, julia, for your presentation, for what mainstream media is saying, that's a wrap for the segment, now ladies and gents, we move to the social media expose. social media has been pulsating after
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the international court of justice icj announced its interm ruling in the case filed by south africa against the israeli regime, over the gaza genocide, now sima, thank you for being with us to tell us more about this, but what was the latest abuzz on social media concerning this issue? it's been crazy, madua, there have been a lot of mixed reactions, lot of users have expressed disappointment that the icj didn't call for a ceasefire, or rather a cessation of aggression, and others slammed the level of misinformation pedaled by zionist media, so starting with this first tweet by palestinian journalist based in london, ahmad who has lost 20. three members of his direct family in the latest aggression on gaza said in disappointment, icj to israel, kill the palestinians, but slowly, you still have another month, no cease fire, feed the palestinians before you kill them. wow, so that's basically uh what the palestinians especially inside of gaza are feeling the moment concerning this uh, some might, what,
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some might say a historic move for a palestine, but at the same time who am i to say if it's historic or not, positive or not, it's for the people of gaza to say, many people have interpreted it that way, so for uh, we have another post by palestinian writer and senior policy analyst for al shabaka, dr. yara hawai, posted in disappointment as well, how can the icj ask the israeli regime to prevent acts of genocide and not call for a ceasefire? i think that's a legitimate question, sima, don't you think, especially since none of the measures that have been uh put forth can come into? kind of effect if there's no cessation of aggression, definitely, well the next tweet, edward snowden went further than just disappointment, he accused the us and eu of being accessories to the crime, saying the reason the icj didn't order an israeli cease fire in the palestinian genocide case is not for lack of evidence in my opinion, but for fear they could not yet enforce the ruling,
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for the icj to function, the us and eu must first stop serving as an accessory to the crime, well he has point there, especially the... that the icj court ruling does say that it puts on notice those states that are helping uh zianist israel, so that's uh pretty much fact there. it shows lot of how the westerners especially not only the arabs or muslims who were a bit disappointed with the ruling of the icj, how also westerners who have been looking uh clearly and with a zoom in view towards what's going on uh in gaza in such this... may at this ruling by the icj. thank you very much for giving us the latest on social media reaction, especially on uh ex-twitter uh seema. now ladies and gents, stay with us because we will move to figures expose. now more than one and three americans believe the israeli regime is committing genocide against
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palestinians as a poll published recently. according to the economist ugof poll. equal numbers of adults believe the israeli occupations military campaign against palestinians, which is estimated to have killed more than 25,000 people since october 7, amounts to genocide, where 35% say it is a genocide, 36% say it is not, with 29% undecided. now the polling which took place between january 21 and 23 show that almost half of those surveyed aged 18 to 29, 49% of them say that the israeli regime is committing genocide with 24% disagreeing and 27% uncertain. now the figures are broadly similar for registered democrats who believe that 49% to 21% in the genocide
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characterization, while just 30% are undecided. now republicans. are far more supportive of the israeli regime's actions with 57% of respondents saying that there is no genocide, only 18% saying there is and exactly one quarter still unsure. now let us end off with the most notable voices from tiktok following the international court of justice verdict from two weeks ago. now tik tok users... warned against downplaying the significance of the international court of justice icj ruling regarding south africa's genocide case against israely regime. we have blair from canada with username madame. fuji smuggler emphasized the importance of acknowledging its implications, saying the israeli occupation will try to dismiss the ruling as insignificant despite the court
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finding plausible evidence for genocide. here's blair's expose as per trade on the middle east monitor. please stop spreading this message, it's so dangerous. you are playing into israel's hands by spreading a message that the icj ruling doesn't mean anything. it does, it's so important. the fact. that the icj ruled any provisional measures means that they found that there is a plausible case of genocide against israel. israel's next move is going to be to say that this ruling doesn't matter and to ignore it. instead of agreeing with them, we all need to be stressing that this is legally binding, that every country in the world has an obligation to stop israel from continuing to commit this geneside that the icj found was plausible. now besides blair, there's also... jeff ml with username tito senpei was another voice on tiktok who explained that even if the israeli regime is to be found guilty by the icj, there is an important distinction
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that needs to be identified and that is that the icj has no mechanism to enforce their ruling against the israeli regime. here's jeff's expose. while this is a significant first step. there's an important distinction that we need to understand is that the icj is different from the ic. icc. one being is that they are a civil court between two countries, whereas the icc is actually a criminal court with the ability to prosecute and the ability to send out rest warrants. so what this means that even if israel is guilt is found guilty of genocide in the icj, they could effectively ignore the ruling, especially if their allies such as the us empire and the eu also disagrees with the ruling, but one thing good that could come out of it is if are found guilty in the icj, this means the icc could actually step in and begin their own investigation, which could lead to their own trial, which could then lead to effective
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israel confronted economic appeaval, how did this mortal wound reverberate through the intricacies of its economy? martial sports and martial arts are centuries old sports and are rooted in eastern nations ancient traditions before the revolution in iran martial arts weren't paid much heat but after the revolution different martial arts
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emerged and ended in terms of its global ranking, iran occupies seventh place after russia, china, france, japan, ukraine, and italy. the most successful martial arts in this new era has been taiquando. in the 2000 olympics, prominent taiquando practitioner hadi sai was able to win a bronze medal, marking the first olympic medal for one martial art for the very first time. also, in 2004, sai was able to win an olympic gold medal. in the 2009 olympics that took place in the chinese capital beijing, sai won another gold medal for the iranian athletic team. his name was recorded at the top of iran's multiple medalists list followed by hosen reza zade and gholam razti.
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wushu or chinese kung fu is a blend of chinese martial arts with eastern philosophical backgrounds. competitive bushu is composed of two disciplines. anda, which means sparring, and taolu, series of predetermined movements combined so they can be practiced as a continuous set of movements. in 1991, iran participated in wushu competitions for the first time and caught up with the chinese were the founders the sport. world wushu championships are held every two years and every time in a different country. with 35 gold, 19 silver and 20 bronze medals.
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