tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV February 23, 2024 2:02am-2:33am IRST
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support that palestinians have been getting from hezballah to yemen, to the resistance forces in the west asia region. meanwile of deliberations of icj at the hag are highlighting the illegality of israel's occupation and apartite practices on occupied palestinian land. in this edition of the spotlight we will look at how the israel regime has been defeated on so many fronts from the battlefield to its economy and even its international standing, no matter how hard the us has supported this illegal regime, while support for palestinians and resistance has only increased. first let me introduce our guests for this edition of the program. steve bell, activist that stopped the war coalition, joins us from coventry in the uk. also joining us is chairman of the a isamic human rights commission who joins us here, the capital tehran. okay, great, welcome to you both gentlemen. steve bell, let me first start with you. uh, we're looking at regional resistance groups. are
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unified in the position when it comes to the of um israeli regime and obviously in support for the palestinians. um, i'm going to start out with hisbollah which has been militarily engaged with israeli regime on almost daily basis, if not a daily basis. i'm wondering as to why it is that israel wants to continue this uh targeting of hesbollah and intern lebanon um this in this form of manner a daily basis while it's carrying... out is israel genocidal war on the gaza strip? well, i think the reason it is doing so is because it wants to um extend the war um because um it hopes to draw in the united states. um, it's not actually in a position for example to invade lebanon at the moment, but it is in a position to uh act in provocative manner. um, "and for the netanyahu government,
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anything which extends the war um and involves uh the united states means that there is less likelihood of his own domestic weakness um coming into play um so i think that's why for the israeli uh government it's a case of um maintaining the dynamic that it has uh established in uh" and it wants to uh further involve the united states by provocations in the north. well uh taking a look at another uh country here and that's yemen, master shajar, we just had um announcement uh that they had targeted another uk vessel. of course that's being construed in the public uh domain out mainly western once that uh here you have a violent entity uh that's uh that's executing violent uh actions in the red sea and uh affecting
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the world economy, but at the core of this, the only reason is for the carnage and the genocidal war in the gaza strip, they actually have announced that they will use advanced weaponry, even submarines in order to, because there's nobody else doing anything to stop this war, i mean that's what the yemen army is doing, um, what do you make of the steadfast support that they're giving the palestinians, and uh, in turn, why do you think the us and the uk are targeting them, because we know the us has actually targeted. yemen along with the uk on several occasions inside the country. yeah, you're absolutely right. mean, mean, the core heart of this matter is sort of aparite genocidal um system of apartide, so occupied palestine regime. the reality is that the regime of apardid and genocidal action, needs conflict, it cannot
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survive within harmony, so it needs to create conflict, it needs to create fear, he needs to create fear among his own supporters to just... justify themselves, the regime and people to behave in this sort of barbaric way, and then when that is happened, that is unleashed, their supporters with united state or european governments coming aiding this genocide, and we see what we are seeing, we are witnessing day in day out, now at the same time there are those from access. of resistance who have right risen up to stop this genocide, to make it difficult, to make a statement to act take action, be it sort of lebanese resistance or be it the resistance in occupied palestine or in iraq or in syria
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or in yemen, what is really shocking is why isn't anyone else standing up uh doing, what international community needs to do under his commitment standing against genocide, genocide that we haven't experienced in our lifetimes, in the way that we are doing day in, day out, in front of our television, the death and destruction being brought to innocent people, men, women and children, it's unbelievable, and the question is not why yemen... have risen up to their responsibility to stand and do what they can against this genocide to stop this gen side, the question really should be asked why isn't anybody else doing anything and indeed why are they supporting the genocide rather than
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trying to stop it? well that's the whole thing uh this uh direct action uh needs to be put under the microscope here, mean you belong steve bell to stop the war coalition uh and you guys have been uh active. in terms the different causes throughout the years and uh the really kudos to you uh because i know you've been involved with the as an organizational uh peace behind some of the largest european protests in solidarity with the palestinians. we spoke earlier um um in the news to somebody from palestine action and and we're looking at how this has become politicized when we look at for example what happened in parliaments when it comes to the smp making announcement for um immediate sease fire but the labor and the...
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palestinians, it creates enormous pressure upon uh governments and um that in turn reflects itself and pressure um upon the united states government, which is after all the decisive government in this, if they wanted to they could stop this war uh tomorrow simply by cutting off um aid and arms to israel, they're not about to do that, so the mobilizations that have taken place in britain and... of course throughout the world have been of great um assistance and their expression of this is that in today's times, for example, most recent poll indicates that 66% of the british public support cease fire and 61% support uh believe that israel should
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enter into peace negotiations with hammers. this is despite the bipartisan position in parliament against such ' a stance, so i think that the mobilization, that there are a whole range of tactics and activity which people um take part in, and all of these add weight to this international movement of solidarity with the palestinians. well, since you mentioned the us, we need to talk about that, master shajar, maybe you can, maybe you can lead me as to where and how and in what respect we should talk about the us, because we are looking at the entity that has actually been able to... help israel continue to do what it's done throughout the years and decades, something that has been discussed in the in the icj. um, this is costing uh joe biden, though putting genocide next to joe biden's political career, i think is wrong, but uh, isn't that making an impact, however, this uh people power, like in the us and even
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in the uk and maybe other countries? yeah, i think i think really one has to sort of really appreciate, and and i don't... want to be little, the civil society and and the ordinary people, beat in britain, europe or in united state, bravely have come out ' in support of palestinians and against genocide, this is fantastic, but having said that, i think on other side we are seeing that the international institutions are almost you know bankrup, they are really are not fit for purpose, and indeed the democracy, be it in europe or be it in united state is actually bankrupt and overwhelming majority of... people in the west, let alone around the world are are for immediate seasf, and then
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those who claim to be the voices and the will the people, the establishment are supporting genocide, and you know this is outrageous, i mean really what we are saying is a damnation of humanity. and the damnation of the policies of so-called democracy, and what we are seeing is sort of a dictatorial dictatorship of those who are in power are not going according to wishes of the majority or indeed the interest of the majority, there is no political, social, economical benefit for united states or europe. to support this genocide, this genocide brings no benefit to
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anyone, to any citizen around the world, but the fact of the matter is that these so-called democratic dictators are pursuing the genocidal policy against international law, against the wishes of the majority, and it's really brave of many people from different background, from muslim community, christian. community, the jewish community in very large numbers and indeed people of all believe and non coming together and vigorously supporting to try to stop this genocide, but i i think we need to really evaluate what has gone wrong with our systems, that our systems are set and and fixed to support genocide, this... despite the fact that majority of citizens want immediate seas fire. well, is there something
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wrong with the system? uh, for example, steve bell, uh, is there something wrong with the un that has brought the icj, the highest court into the picture? you have 53 countries, you have all of them coming out making deliberations and all of them are criticizing and opposing the way that israel has conducted itself in terms of human rights violations and in terms of just... an apartide regime to the max almost, um, first of all, what do you make of the fact that that has happened, and obviously israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has totally dismissed any of the statements that have been made and leveled against israel? firstly, it is evident that the global majority, both expressed through uh the united nations and in the activity of people around the world, the global majority is... with the palestinians and uh demands justice and peace uh for the palestinians, however
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the institutions reflect the um balance of forces in the world, the fact that the um united states is the most powerful state, has a military budget 11 times um um higher than um most other um uh states and um is the reason that um it's able to exert that power in support of israel at this point in time, that's why there isn't a solution, because the united states having registered serious setback in ukraine two years after in um supporting the a war against russia, it basically has failed to break through and is um having to face. de facto partition of that country, having failed there, the united
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states is doubling down in support of israel, that's why we've had three vetos uh in the un, that's why it's apparently making um no um serious efforts to restrain israel, of course it does not agree with lot of what netanyahu is doing, but at the moment it isn't applying sufficient... pressure um because of biden is weak and he's concerned about losing his presidency, however um, the reality is that the failure. the international institutions is a reflection of the real weight of um power in in the world today, which doesn't unfortunately reside in um the united nations, but does uh reside in the force measure of um the united states um leading number of other um nations who represent a minority in the world still, well
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i guess there um talks about the us uh how the president is some week and maybe can't exert pressure on israel, but um there's the other um point of view where the us is playing double game here out in the public is saying we're going to do our best, we're going to see what we can do, etc. there's a piece uh there are peace talks that are happening in egypts uh and the us is there, but at the same time i see you shaking your head so i'm just going to let you go ahead let let us be frank you know this is not an exceptional time that is "exceptionally we're going down this route because of a weak president etc etc. the fact is this that our international institutions have failed to stop all genocide and all genocidal act you know bosnia, rwanda, what happened in afghanistan, what happened in iraq, what happened in syria, what happened in in libya,
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you know, it really has been not fit for the purpose if..." at this particular time when we are seeing genocide taking place so clearly, so visibly, so horribly, day in day out, if we don't wake up and realize that this institutions are not fit for purpose, they are not going to stop genocide, they never going to be doing that, they are, in reality, in practice, there are tools of colonial. and you know they have never meant to do that, their whole infrastructure, veto system, etc. etc. is all fixed not to take any action or to stop any genocidal act, if they can't do it right now, in the way that we are visibly seeing it, and as as she said
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overwhelming majority of the global ' community sees it and ages and and wants to this to stop and they're not able to do that then we need to be you know this should be a wet up call for us that if we want a future for the globe for the world to be in a position to stop this sort of barbaric activities then we have to bring a change the system that we have in place right now is not going to be fit for purpose is not going to be fixed by doing a petition or two or three or demonstrations or not. i'm not against any of this. we are all involved in this day in day out to bring more awareness, but i think already the awareness is there. if that awareness is not going to graduate to the
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level that we see that we need to bring a change in the international structures that are supposed to save us. "these are horrible hours, then we are fooling ourselves and we are fooling the international community and we are endangering the future of globe. indeed, well you mentioned the word wakeup call and steve bell it can't help to uh um wonder who that should be addressed to, except for the us, when you have washington being the only country, the only country that veto the un seasfire resolution, and oddly enough in a sense, and i'm not sure what the motivation was for them to..." to introduce a resolution in the un calling for a ceasefire of be it, i'll be it with preconditions, what do you make of that that the us to be the only country to have done that? well, i think, as i said, the the united states desperately wants to assert reassert its power having taken a setback in the ukraine,
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and that's why it's determined to um get what it sees as victory in. um for um israel, it cannot, it believes it that a ceasefire would be setback uh for the netanyahu government, it understands that um, so the the united states is is trying to formulate a position where it says there will be a temporary cease fire which would lead to all captives being uh released, but the facts of the matter are the united states is engaging in these kind of um contortions because the israeli government and the united states have different war aims, the israeli government wants to drive the... palestinans out of gaza and to maintain a permanent occupation, the the united states wants to get an agreement
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which will allow for some kind of palestinian administration in gaza and and the agreement the the arab states who are allied to the united states, so there are differences and that's why there is some tension between. "we are we know that the united states is pressing on for a type of cease fire and we know that benny gants um the israeli minister this week said that there were promising signs so there is obviously something um substantial underway in the these negotiations which um uh is are being mediated by qatar, egypt and others um but nevertheless there is this tension in the war aims and until that is resolved" "and until the united states puts real pressure upon israel to settle, then the the war will continue okay, this uh uh failure as you
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mentioned, masu shajara of the international organizations, and i believe you're referring to the un, i'm guessing in this case in point, um, it's not going to get solved, right? i mean, we don't, i don't if there's anything that you may know that shows that it's going to, then maybe you can tell us, uh, we're looking at another scenario that's been unfolding and that's inside of..." occupied palestine in the occupied west bank a gaza genocidal war hopefully will come to an end at some point, but the way that it comes to an end is going to be reflective of how what's going to happen there in occupied west bank, that fire needs to be put out before it turns into what the gaza strip is has turned into, what do you think needs to be done here in order to prevent that from happening? well, i think first of all we all agree that this didn't start on. of october, this has been going on for very long time, and what is happening now is is the ultimate scenario of of the zioninism and the policies
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of ethnic cleansing the palestinians and and occupying and taken over their land, and so really what we are talking about here is that if international community, if the world community allows this genocide to chickle down and then no... be punished, no sort of price paid by those who committed this and those who made it possible, then this world will become a very horrible place to live in, and i think that realization is needed for us to take the first step to say that we need some fundamental change. i don't think tomorrow we're going to have a another united nation set up. you know somewhere else or next door, but the fact is this that we need to think, this is the time to think forward
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and the policies that we have had in past of trying to bring tranquility to the world and saying never again, you know these sort of united nation international courts and everything else are incompetent to bring those values it really is utterly hollow empty talk to say never again with these sort of a structures with these sort of institutions be at the sort of un or international court, eu or you know oic, the all are not fit for purpose, and if we are unable to think beyond these institution for creating a society that will be fit for purpose. for our next generations, then we are failing, and and those who are dying innocently, they in, day out are dying in
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vein, not, nothing is going to come off of their suffering and their death and their genocide. 53 countries coming to the icj, many of these countries have made deliberations already, steve bell, and under a minute, if these countries are so serious about what they're saying about the israeli regime, why are they, why have they? conducted business with the israel throughout the years and decades then, if they're so concerned of what's happening, don't you think that that in a sense is hypocritical, in less than a minute, please? i think that this is um a real problem and that the only way in which um a change can be affected in the israeli government is by the strengthening of the boycott divestment and sanctions movement both at the level of a mass movement. and through the action of uh governments, that is the way in which the israeli government will uh register, the action of the yeamenis that you talked of
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earlier, according to... two um uh lawyers of london has resulted in something like a 50% drop of container traffic through the red sea um and the virtual closure of the israeli port of island which is on the uh red sea so such actions are needed okay thank you very much steve bell activist that stop the war coalition for coventry uk pleasure chairman the islamic human rights commission from tehran thank you to you both with that we come to an end for this edition of the spotlight from team, it's goodbye. after the israeli entity air strikes that targeted several towns in south lebanon of the past week, resulting in the martterdom of nine lebanese civilians, hesbullah threatened escalation on the border. hisbullah secretary general sayid hasan nasrullah declared that
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the latest is entity attacks towns in south lebanon constitute escalation because they targeted civilians and killed a large number them hinting at striking the settlement of ilat inside occupied palestine. said nasulah also warned against the role of the us white house officials who often verbally object to zionist israel's mass killing of palestinians in gaza, but continue to send massive quantities of weapons to facilitate it. hisbullah vows escalation this week on the media. stream: few months into iran's official membership in the shanghai cooperation organization, the country has had remarkable rise in its non-oil exports. is tehran's policy of pivot to the east paying
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off or is it going? to be just a short-lived success. these and more on this edition of iran today. your headlines on press tv. israely forces once again stormed the nasa hospital. in southern gaza as a regimes unrelenting the air strikes claim more civilian lives elsewhere across the territory. the doctors without borders tells the un security council the war against gaza is a war of collective punishment which has no rules. and yemen all leader vows intensified operations against israel linked vessels. the country's army announces
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