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tonight on expos a western and israeli entity broadcast media falsely claim that zionist israeli warplanes targeted weapon day post belonging to hizbullah in south lebanon when in reality they targeted residential areas. now zientist mainstream media deceitfully claim the islamic republic of iran cautioned hisbullah not to spark full-scale war with zionist israel, when in reality, us media openly reported that a large-scale israeli entity campaign against hezbulah is the last thing the us wants right now, and an opinion poll revealed that 90% of the lebanese hold the united states of america fully accountable for zinist israel's continued attacks on lebanon and the gaza strip. welcome to expose, the show that leaves no stone unturned.
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relentless effort is what we are seeing from the israeli occupation regime to conceal its army's daily losses, restrict information related to its cultures and continue spreading media fabrications concerning the lebanese islamic resistance hisballah's advances on the northern front with lebanon. let us hear from foad itayim, our broadcast expert and writer at the cradle for more about it in fake news expose. thank you for being uh with us, fuad. now if you follow closely western and israeli entity media, you find numerous news reports expressing
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confusion and loss when reporting about south lebanon and the open front with the lebanese resistance uh hazbulah. now if you can help us out here with what kind of strategy is that is being used by the zinust media or the uh western media for that matter uh when of reporting about this open conflict with the lebanese resistance on the northern port with border with palestine. yeah so the main of strategy is and always has been portraying lebanon as a terrorist stronghold. so let's begin with how the open front in south lebanon is rarely ever reported on inwestern media and when it is uh they fail to mention that israel is actually targeting residential areas, industrial sites that have nothing to of do with hizbullah. so our first report for today is wall street journal report, which basically implies that israel targeted a weapons depot belonging to hizballah in the town of gaziye near saida which is like 30 kilometers away from beirot. so let's take a look. let's see that report.
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so before we see what the zionists really targeted, let's take a look at some other similar reports by the sun and by tbn news, so here the sun claims that hazballah terror cells were taken out in israeli strikes, but it's clear from the israeli army footage that's provided that these are residential areas because you can see the homes, so let's take a look, let's see what the sun had to show us.
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"you could see even if you don't know the area foad that it is a residential area and you could see the mask at the end of the footage as well and the color of the rooftops of the homes resid it's clearly a residential area uh so the next one we have tbn news claiming that israel targeted hazballah's vast underground tunnel network which they claim has been built with the help of the north koreans now western and uh hebrew media has been reporting on this lot lately but honestly we don't really know where they got any of it" from, so let's take a look, so
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you're telling me that hizbullah has built tunnels in south lebanon with the help of north korea, and they have footage to show us this, that's what they're claiming, let's take a look, let's see the report. for more than 30 years, hispalah has dug hundreds of kilometers of tunnels through the stone bedrock in southern lebanon. some of these tunnels are 40 to 80 meter deep, cut and developed with the help of north korean technology, published a report this week giving some details of this problem. this included assessment that the tunnels were... so extensive that if some of them were blown up, it could cause earthquake and possibly landslides. this would lead to humanitarian disaster which hizbala would no doubt exploit to its own advantage. began as early as the
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1980s, but gained momentum in the late 1990s as a possibility of an israeli invasion loomed larger in the minds of hizballah leader. the report goes to say that israel dropped bombs in southern lebanon in order to burn the vegetation and discover the tunnel openings. 12 such openings were discovered using this method, which is entirely legal under international law, by the way. these tunnels openings were subsequently bombed and will not be available. that is beyond, i mean. hysterical because even let's say hez actually has tunnels for underground, we as southerners i've never heard them dig tunnels, second, what kind of footage, they didn't say where they got that footage from, i'm pretty sure that's not a hizbullah person, and of course they have to use cgi because exactly building that tunnel, and the the thing that really caught my eye at the
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end when he said that israel was using weapons that is internationally allowed, but they show they literally showed us white phosphorus which is inter internationally banned from being. used even in wartimes and that tells a lot about even the uh the the theory or the hypothesis that there are tunnels which they weren't even able to cross and investigate to begin with. mean, that's fake news, isn't it? definitely. um, so it's completely unfounded. now back to the strike, so not 30 minutes after the strike happened, lebanese media was at the scene of the bombing and they were talking to the owner of the electrical generator company. that israel claimed was a weapons depot for hazb allah that they destroyed and the guy the guy is from the town that was hit and he tells them that these claims that this is was a this was a weapons depot are outride zionist lies so we have the zionist lies just like the tpn which is a zionist israeli uh entity channel that says uh that it is legitimate to strike
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than welcome to come and investigate and inspect the area to see that it is actually a privately owned company in the area hit in thank you very much for the extensive investigative reports that you showed us and is uh for this ladies and gents, now we move to digital mainstream media. now the hebrew media coverage of the ongoing fighting on the northern palestinian front between zionist israel and the lebanese islamic resistance hisbollah over the course of 20 weeks coinciding with the war on gaza indicates that the picture portrayed by the western and zinus israeli mainstream media is very... limited and its margins are narrow to the point of being almost nonexistent as it is detailed to the scale of a military sensor. with us is miss julia qasim, our nation media expert to tell us more about this. thank you for your efforts, julia, with us every week. what do you have for us today? thank you
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marwa for having me. the complete lack of coverage by both uh zionist uh israeli media and western mainstream media on the situation in the north of occupied palestine is... heavily based a complete gag order that the zionist occupation military has put on both the media alike and this uh gag order is essentially based on three specific prohibitions uh the prohibition from from approaching the borders, the prohibition from filming soldiers and the complete prohibition from filming locations and vehicles. so the result of these prohibitions is that it's made the image non-existent in hebrew media outlets, but the shocking part is even information seems to be uh non-existent. so in many cases, the israeli occupation army itself delays announcing uh hezballah's rocket attacks, as huzballah themselves uh have published very clear uh information on. operation, resistance operation, we do actually see those reports, even video reports about it every now and then,
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specifically every day now, since over the past month, i think of the operations that resistance is doing against a sinust entity, yeah, yeah, you could see the the just position in the consistent reports and the footage that hazbillah has been showing of its operations against zianist sites from day one, in contrast to the zinanis entities claims that they're hitting hezballah sites uh on grainy footage and uh the reality of them just hitting civilian areas or open fields, so for example the times of israel published a report supposedly inspired by the washington post that iran cautioned hazballah to not spark a full scale war with israel, claiming that the islamic republic fears risking alleged gains it believes and made in the region since the october 7th al-aqsa flood operation in the gaza enclave, so according to the times of israel, iranian representatives told hazbollah of officials on their last visit that netanyahu is squeezed in the corner now and hazballah should not give him a way out by launching a
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wider war because this would make him a winner. i keep in mind this dialogue was completely made up, so just 24 hours after the long, the last uh iranian hazbullah meeting, according to zyanus media itself, not even announced by the resistance yet that hazbolah had killed a female israeli soldier and injured eight other soldiers in the rocket attack targeting israeli military bases in the occupied city of saffid. in the upper galilee in northern occupied palestine, so even the zionist israeli minister of national security, itmar benvier, considered this an actual war weiged by hazballah against israel. well, talk about being so late to talk about this war, it's been going on for the past 20 weeks, i mean ben gavir is delusional man, but i think uh you have more for us on what mainstream media was talking about uh concerning the uh lies about uh the front between lebanon and zianis israel so... so in addition to that marwa, the chicago tribune published an opinion piece by danielle depetres, so with the title a war
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between hazbil and israel is the last thing the us wants. so in his piece, patreus claims that, i quote, a large scale israeli campaign against hazballah, even if it were warranted, is the last thing the us wants right now. so he also claims that the biden administration has invested significant diplomatic capital into containing the fighting to gaza and preventing it from spreading to other fault lines in the middle east. reminding us that austin, secretary of state anthony blincan, cia director william burns, chairman of the joint chief cq brown jr. and president joe biden himself all flown to the region in hopes of tamping down the flames of war. well, thank you very much, miss julia qasim for being with us and telling us about how mainstream media, whether in the west or in ziness israel was reporting about this front. now, ladies and gents, let us move to social media expose. well, western and zionist media were able to run from the responsibility of truthfully reporting about the reality on the
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ground in south lebanon, facing the resistance of the lebanese resistance hisbullah, but they were not able to hide from social media users who opted to expose their lines and in specific the concealment of damage caused by the strikes of the resistance in northern palestine in specific. now with us today is our own social media expert miss sima itayim who is also an editor at the cradle to showcase how... social media reacted to the lies of western and zionist media. the floor is all yours. sima. thank you, marua. well, regarding the zinast strike that took place last week, just 30 kilometers away from the lebanese capital beirot inside the southern lebanon, in the town of grazie. users on social media were split between those who condemned this blatant attack a a residential area, a private own company in a residential area, and then there were others who ridiculed. the video that was released by the israeli occupation forces on their official media attempting to justify why they
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carried out this attack to begin with, so let's watch a video uh, which is practically what looks like just a bunch of images downloaded from google earth street view and inserted as though they were obtained via some kind of special intel operation. oh wow, so uh sma, i don't know whether to laugh or not, because it was very uh tough target on the residence of razi, but i mean this is the video that they are opting to give excuses and pretexts for their targeting, literally
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this is the streets in 70% of lebanese uh areas and neighborhoods, exactly, exactly, actually a tweet by war monitor. uh a renounced account that we all uh know on x, it perfectly describes this video, so war monitor says, the the zinanis terrorists proof that they struck hazballah target in the ghazia area of lebanon yesterday is flags and posters, while knowing there are thousands and thousands of these flags and posters across the south pretty much on every single street, that's the truth, it it is, and it's so funny for me, because if this is what kind of propaganda, the zianist entity shows its people, it's like "i mean, sorry, that's a berated movie from bollywood, not even hollywood, we we shouldn't be surprised, i mean everything is proof of a stronghold now, yeah, and as usual, you have the regular zionist accounts who always blame the victim just for merely existing, hence why the zianist regime had no choice but to target and kill them, ah, sorry, we existed, zianist israel, to go ahead, kill us, anything is
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proof, so um, another tweet, a disdainful post on x by uh, m whose handle is at jutastic sharing a video mix taken by a man from his balcony and another by university students were returning home in a minivan at the end of their day just as the air strike took place and they filmed it in horror uh so let's watch the video and then we'll see what mr. ju tastic had to say about it. let's see the video from the students. so this footage was actually a given evidence of being is okay to hit, i mean, is this a reality pretext for hitting residential
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areas? so he captioned this video by saying hizballah have turned south lebanon into a terrorist fortress into. these are idf strikes on hezballah terrorist sites in residential zones. look at the massive secondary explosions as rockets and ammo explode. look at the destruction hazballah will bring to lebanon soon. wow. mind you, the lebanese authorities investigation concluded that both strikes targeted a privately owned motor generator manufacturing company and a wholesale tires company in, yet for no reason other than wanting to be intentionally dishonest, ron mclaimed. that it was a weapons depot and that rockets were flying, not that bombs were being dropped from rockets being fired or flown from the explosion site, where did he see those? mean it's like blatant lying and the audacity of this hypocr described the impact as you know the impact was big so it must be that they actually hit a depot because there's impact and yes according to him weapons were there
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and then there were anti-zianist accounts on the other hand who pointed out the risk that the zianist regime is taking by deliber. striking civilian areas in lebanon like daniel f. prinslu who shared the video of the strike and said israel is now entering the phase where with confidence i can say they will be destroyed. these attacks in lebanon are to allow a ground invasion by the idf into lebanon. hezballah is an organized and well-trained military. i am glad israel's arrogance led to this. israel's destruction will begin once they enter lebanon. by these actions israel will lose northern israel. well, thank you very much, miss seima, itaim for being with us and giving us the latest from how x was reacting to uh targeting residential areas in south lebanon. now, ladies and gents, we move to figures expose. now, an opinion poll revealed that 90% of the lebanese hold the united states accountable for zinus israel's continued attacks on
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lebanon and the gaza strip. a survey conducted by the consultative center for studies and documentation, a beirot-based research institution on strategic and development studies was conducted four months into thesign aggression on gaza and included a sample of 400 people from various lebanese sects and regions. when asked of the united states of america is the main reason behind the continued escalation and the failure to end the israeli aggression. the poll found that across all sectors of lebanon, 94% of shias agreed, 92. 4% of sunnis agreed, 83.8% of christians agreed and 92.9% of the drus sect agreed. the poll also found that two-thirds of those poled agree. read that the islamic resistance in lebanon hisbullah takes into account lebanon's national interests in its support for the palestinian people. now, according to the poll, around
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60% believed that hesbolah's demonstration of strength would deter designist israeli entity from carrying out a comprehensive war against lebanon. now let us move to the most notable expos voices for this week. you can find anything you want on tiktok, any commentary about any topic in the world on instagram, facebook or on youtube, right? wrong. i personally spent two days doing a thorough research to find truthful, honest and detailed information, or even analysis from content creators to see if anyone mentioned the ongoing war in south lebanon between the lebanese resistance hisballah and the... israeli occupation forces and i honestly found nothing except a couple of western social media influencers who actually tackled the issue. here is our first expos voice for
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today coming from preston stewart on tiktok who gave news brief of the situation in south lebanon. let us see what preston had to say in specific about the fire power capabilities of hisbolah. so when we're looking at the threat that hezbulah poses to israel, the the hezbulah. few years ago said that they had 100 thousand people in their military, that's probably on the high side, most estimates i've seen are closer to the 50 to 60 thousand range, but that's a that's a pretty sizeable force, right? i mean, israel just mobilized uh their military and saying they have 350, 360,00 ready to go, so you can't, you can't just brush aside 50,00 coming in from north, even on the low side, and that's not counting the reservis that could potentially join their ranks. additionally, uh, when talking about some of the israeli strikes into has... territory there in the south of lebanon, there's an increased risk of aircraft being shot down, so israel has complete air superiority over gaza, it's not really even
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contested at all, that's not the case when you start looking at lebanon, uh, militant wire did a great piece recently, showing some the hezbulah military capabilities in that parade and in that uh military exercise, they were just showcasing their manpads, man portable air defense systems and they got a lot of those, so no shortage of manpads. at the very least hezbulah has that capability. now there are some rumors about uh some other surface air missile systems that they may have. now if these were well-known, i think israel already would have tried to take these out and they have tried to take these out at times in the past, but things like sa 17, sa22, it's possible that hezbulah has some of those, but either way, even if it's just the man pads, the threat to israeli aircraft when they're moving north and engaging any targets in lebanon is some substantially higher than it is during the war over gaza. another tiktok voice we will showcase here on expose is that of your favorite guy on tiktok. no
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really that is his username that he posted a video about the war between lebanon and the israeli entity back in november speaking about how zinus israel is bombing four countries at the same time. here is your favorite guy. in my opinion, i think that hisball is going to get involved. israel and lebanon had a in 2006 that killed 1200 lebanese people and 157 israel. on top of this, if we look to syria, israel's bomb syria airports of damascus and aleppo, like two times each since october 7th. syria's two biggest airports, so right now we have israel bombing gaza strip, the west bank, lebanon, and syria, four, four different places, four different areas, they really want war, some... ask why are there not enough voices on the western internet speaking up about the zinanist israeli crimes in south lebanon in specific? well, the answer is in this intimidation message by the president of the
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zionist israeli entity himself, isaac herzock. let us watch it together. but the truth is that we are fighting a war for the entire universe, for the free world. always say if israel was not there, europe will be next, because these barbar. jihadists want to get all of us out of the region and want to get all of europe out of its place as well, and united states is next to, so so this war is something of an essential element in the history of humankind. so apparently we here in lebanon are barbaric jihadists that need to be eliminated, typical zionist demonization of an entire region is more than enough to make social media users hold back before comp on zinus israeli crimes in my country, lebanon. ladies and gents, with that we conclude our expose for tonight right here on pressv, follow our handle at expose pressv
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on x instagram. youtube and tiktok. stay tuned for more eye-opening investigations on expose. the truth is just the revelation away. on march 1st, the iranian nation will go to the polls to choose the members of the islamic consultative assembly for the next four years. what power does the iranian parliament hold and what challenges will it have to face in the years to come? these and
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more on this edition of iran today. this is in this week's show we'll be digging into the activities of the right-wing polemicist douglas murray who's an apologist for the gaza genocide and closely linked to the islamophobic henry jackson society think tank. murray was intending to raise funds for zinist soldiers perpetrating the gaza in genocide until his plans came unstuck thanks to a boycott by ordinary shopfore workers, well the heading jackson society uh created around about 2005 is the the leading islamophobic think tank in the uk. it's not surprising is it chris? you look at the background of of rupert murdock in relation to the news of the world and the sun, his links to talk tv, his links to fox news.
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you're press of your headlines, millions of iranians are heading to poll to elect members the country's parliament and the assembly of experts. leader of iran's islamic revolution calls on voters to cast their ballots in their early hours of voting, saying that a high turnout will disappoint the ill wishers the nation, and rights chief warns israel's ground invasion of the southern gaza city of rafa will incur potentially massive loss of life on people sheltering there.
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