tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV March 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST
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gaza stripped of life soon unpressed tv. of in the midst of the war between the arab and israel. june 8th, 1967. unidentified attackers target a us navy warship in the mediterranean. operation sign up, if i had about it, if i had, so what was it? i suggest we stop the interview here. what do you say? why you want it? the attack on the liberty was part of a covert operation by the... cia
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and musad to destroy the power of arab in military forces in the 6-day war against israel. stay with press tv as we take a look at evidence from this operation and listen to eyewitness accounts. depressed coverage of this assination. now entering its uh uh fourth day, we're looking at some uh crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby. crackdown, diplomacy, usraeli
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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marsia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us. the holocaust on palestinians in gaza continues by the zianist regime. there will be no ceasefire for the beginning of the month of ramadan, and there seems to be no pressure on the zionist regime. united states and its cohorts have not only given the zionist entity the green light to continue
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its genocide, but these countries are complicit, inflicting as much pain and suffering as possible seems to be the goal of the zionists and their western backers. we're going to take... look at uh what happened today and what has happened for the last five and a half months on this uh program. i'd like to welcome my guests to the program. harley schlanker spokesman international schiller institute out of germany. and john phoenix journalist and international relations expert out of london. thank you both for being. with us. well, harley, let me start it off with you. did you expect this genocide to still be going on five and a half months later? well, i think anyone who's listened to joe biden can realize that whatever he says about being more humane and
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stopping the killing of civilians, it means nothing, because if the united states wanted to stop the killing, they could very quickly by cutting off the money. and cutting off the weapons and cutting off the diplomatic cover, so regardless of the fact that biden said he wanted to cease fire by ramadan, that the us is putting out these messages, blincon travels there, jake sullivan, the national security advisor, all of them are saying that this is unacceptable, they know that that's not going to stop netanyahu, and the problem is that the us is giving, as you said, a green light to the uh lionist regime, the netanyahu regime, to slaughter palestinians. now, the other aspect of this is, what about europe, what about the european allies, the nato allies of the united states? there have been a few voices raised, but on the whole, the europeans remain fully in the camp of of
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netanyahu. obviously, many of them believe that the solution to the problem in in the region is to drive the palestinians out of palestine. "they won't say it, but that's what they're letting netanyahu do, and so i'm not surprised that it's continued, i'm horrified that it is, my organization is working to do everything we can to build a movement to stop it, but so far the biden regime is totally committed to defending netanyahu despite his statements today on msnbc that he's upset with with netanyahu, yeah stay with me on that, i'm going to get to that a little bit later in the program, now john, did you expect that?" " a cease fire would be in place by the month of ramadan? well, i believe that the the issue of ce fire before ramadan, which was just l service by the biden, i believe that the know the ramadan is starting tomorrow, and the
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israelis for several times refused after meeting with the katari mediators and the egyptian mediators, they refuse any proposal. proposed by hamas, which is the simple proposal is that they will obviously israel had to draw from gaza and see fire you know will be the same. time and then the first week they will start obviously going through exchange of prisoners and then from the from there they take it for second phase which is the israel would have to be out of gaza completely now they rejected that okay okay they because they wanted to give the palestinians a break in ramadan so after ramadan they will be ready to come back and slaughter them, they are refusing fire the... go to the seesfire only for ramadan, this is not acceptable for the palestinians, right?
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so that's why the uh proposal of having ce fire before ramadan or for ramadan is is fair. right, what about that? harley, it's it's actually quite mind boggling that it is proposed, and we saw it earlier, there is a temporary ceasefire, we we have pause and then we get back to the genocide. i mean, it is so mind boggling, uh, so dystopian just to think about this, being even a possibility that they were bringing this up. well, that that just shows the hypocrisy. mean, the idea that you're going to stop firing for a little bit of time to get the hostages back, then you're going to go back in and continue the mass murder. the fact that no one's calling that out shows you the extent to which the west has lost all semblance of morality. now i just was a briefing this afternoon at the south. african uh embassy in in uh berlin, and what they said is they're going to
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continue to go to the the international court of justice with one complaint after another to try and get some motion on this, but you look at what this means, even if the international court of justice rules that this is genocide and it should stop, it goes to the united nations, and the us continues to veto even a ceasefire resolution at the un, so when the us says they want to ceasefire, i i ask, well, what's the evidence that they really do? there's no evidence that they do. they're comfortable with the destruction of the palestinian population. and of course, this goes back to why it is that they supported netanyahu's efforts to break apart the unity of the palestinians, why netanyahu for a period of time was funding hamas, why the israelis uh were so-called caught off guard on october 7th. this is what israel has intended to do. "the ethnic cleansing has not stopped from 1948 to the present. okay, well john, from a military
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perspective, the zionist regime really has not been successful in gaza. are you surprised at the way the palestinian resistance has inflicted harm though on the zionist military? didn't think so, because this is not the first war, actually the only difference between this war and previous war, this is the genocide where..." they now they change the tactic of attacking civilians, bing the schools and hospitals, they know if they went obviously for one to one fight with hamas, they will not really be able to succeed, they tried hamas several times before and they fell, the only different now is they are not attacking hamas per say, they attacking the civilians and hospitals and schools, you know, it is really barbaric. war, not a war, a verperic genocide against the palestinian civilians, so i'm not
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surprised that the palestinians will fight to the last second, the last drug of blood in to defend their own land. right, of course. well, harry, why is the us playing this game as if it wants to help the palestinians and get aid to them, but at the same time it doesn't actually stop the genocide and it actually helps with it. well, let me give you slight. broader perspective where this fits, which is that we've just seen motion with the so-called bricks countries, brazil, russia, india, china, south africa, expanding to include number of nations in the region, including the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, egypt, ethiopia and iran. now the importance of that is that the united states, the the military industrial complex that controls the united states is trying to destroy the... for new financial system and you see that in terms of the attacks, the
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attempt to destroy russia, and now we see the attempt to create a wider regional war for what purp. a tool by the american net. and so and from that standpoint, biden, blincon, they don't care one bit for the murder of palestinian children, we saw that with madelin albright. the former secretary of state who praised the killing of 500 thousand iraqi children by sanctions, saying that it was worth it to get rid of saddam hussein, so this is the blood thirsty mentality of the cleak that controls the government in the united states and the united kingdom, and that's why they keep vetoing these resolutions and they they cry crocodile tears about the children who are
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dying as they give more weapons to the israelis to kill them. yeah, it is quite amazing when you hear this, see what's happening? well, well, john, us president joe biden on american network on saturday said that there is a red line for the israeli regime in netanyahu. later on in the same program, he said, there is no red line for the regime. and what do you make of this? mean, they have to keep in mind one think that the the players here, the person who control the uh whole scene is not is the at design lobby in washington, obviously the uh joe biden throw this... out as obviously election year now and he tried to obviously to distance himself from the genocide by saying you look you know we're not gonna allow the israelis attacking rafah well nearly half of gaza strip in in the city of rafah they still attacking rafah on the ages of rafah yesterday they they kill 30 people
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the what you mean it's okay to slaughter other people in kanyunis brage camp. eight refugee comes, they been you know slaughtered daily and left to start to death, yet he just worried about rafa, you know the issue of the aid which is as you mentioned early you know they are quick enough to bump the hodida in yemen hidida airport, they they can bump anywhere but they cannot drop aids to the palestinians, most of the aids was dropped by the jordanians in the sea where the palestinans have to go to the sea to fish the the aid and the the zinanish navy there killing them on the water, so it's really hypocrisy of the bidon by actually saying you have a red line, he cannot across the red line and rafa, but we don't have red line because we cannot really abandon israel, well he's sending daily supply of military
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equipment to israel to kill palestinians, so why is only you know nearly 700? in the central of gaza and in in north of gaza, they left there to starve to death. well, harley, is the zinanis regime and the regime in washington basically one and the same? well, i, let me take a step back and and make point that i think is important. the american people are starting to turn against this war, there's... seeing the footage, the social media coverage, and we saw the results of even the democratic party rebelling against biden and the super tuesday primaries, it's not enough, but it it indicates that there are people in the united states who don't agree with this policy, and you you see internationally, the the when the south africans brought this motion to the
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international court of justice, 55 nations, including the organization of islamic countries. the african union and others testified against israel, against the zionists as carrying out a genocide policy, so there's opposition to it, but not inside the us military industrial complex, they are totally tied in with the same banks and financial institutions that that run israel, and you the question that some people have is the zionist lobby running the united states, well the zionist lobby is essentially the corporate cartels of banks and defense sector companies and others that want war, they don't care if it's in ukraine or israel, they've done their their damdist over the years to try and portray every palestinian as a terrorist to justify the attack on palestine, and so most americans don't know the story of the colonial occupation of palestine going back beyond 1948 to the whole
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belford declaration and so on, so... as a result, the american people let biden lie and and let him get away with it, although as i said there is a resistance building to that. well, john, um, since the us and israeli policy seems to be so intertwined, excuse me, does it mean that both entities can be charged with war crimes and genocide? well, yes, the those to aiding the genocide under the international law, they should be charged, because they are part of the... side yet physically they are not obviously involved, but we do also aware that there is some military involvement by the american marines in the beginning, 'who listen to lot the locals in canyunis, he was actually talking to some of the soldiers who did say we are from usa, spoke to them in english, so
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the united states cannot just obviously in the end say we nothing to do with us, they aiding the science regime, they supplying them with with the weapons and also they supplying them with all footages which is telling them where is the movement of hamas, if there is any movement'. and they have their own satellite there, so they are actually practically part of that genocide, but the problem is whatever happen in the international court or united nation, there is no mechanism to force israel or to punish israel, you know, they are above the law, and when any any, as your guest said early, any time any resolution go to united states, it doesn't matter how many countries will will will vote for it, one vote, one v so which is a state, so that's what they three times so far they v to the seas fire right, just to stop the killing is not even involving the israel with drawn from gaza and go back to
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the seven of october obviously, they wanted actually to keep the the slaughter by actually being obstacle by stopping of the civilians, well harley, do you think the us has proposed set up of a port off of? is ruse, as many analysts are saying, to basically empty gaza of palestinians and to take control of the strip and its natural resources. well, i think that's a cruel hoax, the idea that you're going to put peer out into the ocean and deliver some food, the us made a big deal out of dropping 38,00 meals ready eat, 38,00 for one and a half million starving people, i i think if it weren't so deadly it would be people would be laughing.
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of genocide along with israel, and the fact that it hasn't been shows the extent to which nations are afraid to turn against the the unipolar order, because there's the seventh fleet or whatever the sixth fleet is in the mediterranean, the us has proven its willingness to conduct killing in afghanistan, in syria with the support of the terrorists there. so you i think the problem is there's got to be a reaction in the united states and europe and it's important what you're doing to get the story out because
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your news does get covered in the united states, they they try to silence it, but the more the the truth gets out, the more chance we have that we can turn this around. yeah, they definitely try to silence this network many times. go ahead, john, you want to say something? don't forget in the beginning of the uh the genocide, their military ship bordering the lebanese shoes and send the obviously written messages to through the libanese government that to involve not only the supplying weapons they meeting any resolution to condemn the zin entity in the united nation they physically actually actually on the sea telling if you involve we had to involve to protect israel so as gentleman just mentioned aiding and financing is part of that, but as i said early, there is no mechanism to force united states or israel, in 1979 the american bump the harbor
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nicaragua, international law obviously decided that the american under reagan should rebuild the harbor, so we've been waiting 45 years now, nothing happened, you need to have a enforcement to make things happen, not only spending time containing this... and condemning that and nothing happened, palestinans after the the the the the united sorry south africa complaint to the court, they still be killed, war never stopped, hospital is still being bombed, schools be bumped, so it there is no mechanism to stop that, unless the palestinians and the other neighboring resistance intensify their resistance to the zienist entity and... that will make a big difference, a little move by yemen, you know, a little poor country, make a big difference, hisb keeping the north area
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of. and we need iraq and syria, the only way counting on united states government, it's not going to make any different, and on that note, i think both of you for being with us on the spotlight, harley schanker out of uh germany smokesman for international shiller institute, john phoenix out of london, journalist and international relations expert, and thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight, i'm marza hashimi, hoping to see you right here next time, goodbye.
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the detroll in gaza rises to more than 31, this while the us exerted genocide rages, most of those killed are women and children. pro palestan ralliers in amsterdam slam a visit by the israel president to the dutch capital calling for the boycott of the israel regime and yemensar movement leader says the yemini armed forces will continue anti-israel up.
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