tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV March 26, 2024 2:02am-2:31am IRST
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probably came because there are some preparation for the second, don't know whether you came from. hello and welcome. now, the only effective and efficient way to deliver heavy goods to meet gaza's humanitarian needs is by road, and that includes an exponential increase in commercial deliveries. now, these are not my words, but the words of the united nations secretary general antonio gutieresh, who made the comments during his visit to egypt on sunday. he also warned of the impact. of
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israel's monthlong war on gaza that was having around the world, and this is exactly what we will be talking about in the next half an hour. i am your host gisumi shah ahmadi and you're watching the spotlight. and to delve into the issues i just mentioned, we have with us ali salam, editor in chief of basira press, who is joining us live from tehran and also romero funes. there he is, romero funes, activist and commentator who was joining us live from los angeles. thank you very much to both of you gentlemen for joining us on this edition of the spotlight. now, the daily assault on the human dignity of palestinians is creating a crisis that is undermining credibility of the international community in general, the entire world seems to be silent. uh, mr. salam from. tehran:
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what do you have to comment on this one? the latest massacres are absolutely barbaric. it's incredible to just see what's coming out. it's not just for example in the ones that we've seen in the past where they kill a bunch of people flat out. this time they're in resorting to very sadistic acts of torture and revenge, specifically in the siege of al-shifah hospital. the the we've all seen the reports about how they've been raping women raping. pregnant women, beating pregnant women and then killing some of their victims and forcing the men to watch it, that's you know while being, it's one thing when they kill people, which is obviously brutal, but to leave people alive and then to subject them to this kind of physical and psychological torture is absolutely unimaginable, it's it breaks the human heart into million pieces and the fact that they were able to get away with the lies saying that hamas was the one who did this despite no proof. "and in fact, many of the israeli
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outlets backing away from their original claims because not because they care about telling the truth, but because they realize their lies were too absurd to stand the light of day, um, but this is this is their sadistic and very satanic uh sense of revenge, and these types of massacres as well as the terrorist attack in moscow occurred around the time of the holiday of purum, which is actually quite racist and genocidal holiday, which basically celebrates uh the genocide of..." persians in the book of esther in the old testament where the king of persia was married to a jewish queen and she suspected that one of the people were trying to kill all the jews essentially, but turned out not that's not the case, but she still ordered uh basically a mass murder spree of of innocent people suspected of being the enemy of the people of esther, and so every year this holiday is celebrated, and it's not just extending to persians, but anybody who they view as their enemy, this is... like
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celebration of revenge, it's very, very, very sick stuff, and it's it's the invasion of iraq in 2003 happened around this time, so these types of vengeful acts, these bloody acts happened to happen around this type of this time of the year, so this is very sick and twisted army, and their terroristic acts should be condemned by the whole world, and the fact that the international organizations are just sitting there shows how useless they... are no matter, no matter what kind of statements they make, a statement is not going to make a difference, the only thing that is really hopeful for the palestinies to end this absolute my merits i've described is the is the armed resistance uh and and their allies in the world, well you're absolutely right and the whole world recognizes that it has uh it is passed time uh to be silent and there needs to be some effective measure taking place, so let's bring in our guests from los angeles. to explain and elaborate
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more on that, as our guest from tehran just mentioned, uh, we need more than just rhetoric at this point in time, we need some action on the ground, so what do you expect from these international organ? organizations basically the international community to do, like brother ali said, the international organizations are completely useless, the united nations and lot of the western led multinational institutions are not doing anything to rectify the situation, because they're never going to fundamentally get to the core problem, which is the existence of the settler colonial state of israel in general, lot of the dialogue has been presented as two states of solution or how do we calm down the israelies, how do we get them to pacify a little bit to relent from gaza, from to relent from the west bank expansions, but the problem is israel in and of itself, the very nature of its existence, the very foundation of its creation, going
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back to theodore herzel and the world zionist organization, just as allie pointed out, very brilliantly as well, the zionists are very much portrayed as in western media. at least they portrayed as secular, democratic, they're not these crazy religious fanatics as unfortunately muslims are portrayed in western media, but if we look at the people who are running israel, they are very much religious fanatics and lot of these attacks coincide with puram, with with the book of esther with ishtar, which is the actual meaning of esther, ishtar, which is one of the canaanite gods that they worship for fertility goddess uh, if we go into the avenue, but lot of this stuff goes... deep into um their mysticism and their religious extremism, they view palestinians as animals, they don't see them as human beings, they don't see them as equals who they can coexist with, they see them as obstacles to their complete expansion, at the end of the day we know that the two blue stripes on the israeli
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flags represent the nile and the euphrates, they want to expand as much as they can, and for them they see the palestinians, the arab peoples, the muslim people in general as the... biggest obstacle because at the end of the day the biggest resistance to israelionism uh is islam and the access of resistance because the access of resistance is firm in its faith and it rejects the lifestyles and appertenences of zionism of commercial banking of usery of of loaning money on interest and all these horrible things and it is the muslims in the access of resistance are giving the the best fight to israel because they are guided by ideology that promotes humility and subservience to god and fear of god alone, and i think what we're seeing, i'm very actually very optimistic about the prospects of change against israel, it's not going to come from the un, it's not going to come from the us or europe, it's going to come from the uma, it's going to come from the axis of resistance uh
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in actually defeating israel, not just fighting for to say solution, not just ending this uh current struggle that's going on, but completely and totally freeing palestine and leaving israel in the... of history where it belongs, but that is going to take just as you mentioned, very long time, so uh, considering the situation on the ground, what do you think would be the best solution for at least a short term humanitarian ceasefire to get aid inside the gaza strip? let's see what mr. ali salam from tehran believes we should be doing, well, as as our uh... ramiro pointed out that they want to expand to the nail and euphreties, but you see they're so fragile even within the borders that they have, they can't capture the west bank, so i'm optimistic as well, and they have been militarily humiliated in the past, two times
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in lebanon, and even now we can consider this a big humiliation, um, buse, never before has hamas are the islamic... resistance in palestine been able to do these kinds of feats, um, if they expected anything around the time of last year, they they didn't expect something of this magnitude, um, they wouldn't have expected anything that would have humiliated them because the battles in the past have just been exchanges of rocket fire and air rocket fire on the side of the palestinians and air strikes on the side of the zianist occupation. perhaps i thought it was going to be something like that again, few days cleans up, now this is some... thing that has caught them by surprise, nor do they expect lebanon to get in, i mean the the north is practically empty, there's no people in northern occupied palestine, and if you look at the statistics of how many so-called israelis have left palestine and gone back to where they came from originally, like europe
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or america or wherever, and people who say that they won't come back, more and more people are packing the airports and and getting out of there, so this will actually eventually break the the regime, the... the global shipping blockade imposed by yemen, which is making the entire world pay the price for these horrible atrocities, there's at least some sense of justice here and the optimism that our guess los angeles spoke about it, this optimism is that they're they're they're paying a price for what they're doing, they're not just sit standing there killing all these people, raping all these women and getting away with it, that's that's the thing that we should be proud about, is this is the achievement of armed resistance, if it wasn't for this resistance they would do what they want to do and they would get away with it, that's that that would be the biggest crimes that they would get away with, but now they're paying the price, eventually it will break them and eventually they'll have to declare military defeats, probably their biggest military defeats since 2006 uh with lebanon? well, mr.
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salom, that is absolutely right, and i believe our guests from los angeles also agrees and i agree as well that the israelis are now in a situation where uh the uh they really have no way to go and eventually they will be defeated uh both uh on international scale uh as far as international community uh is concerned and now uh their true colors uh have been known to the entire world, so uh, they have been practically defeated on all different fronts, but uh, what i'm more concerned about in our discussion right now is the situation on the ground in gaza, the situation that our muslim brothers and sisters have uh, as they desperately need aid to get in, and the trucks are there, uh, the aid is there, but the israelis won't let the aid in, and i would like to quote antonio guteresh, who just said that, they desperately uh need what's been promised, but they need a flood of aid, not trickles and
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not drops. so uh, mr. funes, in your opinion, what can be done to get that uh humanitarian aid inside, and uh, that would definitely require at least a temporary cease fire. i think crucial to this is understanding the geopolitics of gaza, gaza has a large coastal front and access to... that coast is very crucial, so if we were to bring aid to gaza, first and foremost pressuring israel to allow other countries, other forces, no matter what political tendency or ideology, to just bring aid from the coast, because logistically that is the best option. another option is obviously the elephant in the room egypt, which shares a large border in the rafa crossing with gaza, but unfortunately egypt in many ways has been difficult and has not been cooperating with the... movements toward opening the border and allowing palestinians in and bringing in aid and it's very much
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unfortunately compromised by the zina so i think uh logistically in real time now on the ground the best situation would be some sort of massive aid delivery through the mediteranean onto the gaza coast because that is its biggest coastline uh perhaps the us mentioned building pier obviously we don't trust the us and any of their plan but i i don't think the pier in and of itself is a bad idea i would just like to other nations or countries uh be able to be part of that, perhaps china or russia or iran uh to be able to airlift uh products and goods and aid through the mediterranean, but i think definitely egypt would be a tremendous help being able to bring aid through the rafa crossing, but again unfortunately egypt is very much compromised, so i think those are our two best options now, and i think any anything that uh iran would try to do would be perceived as a threat to israel, and we know at the end of the day that israel wants war against iran uh and so it's very much iranian people want to do more and are doing
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lot as it is now uh but unfortunately it's one of those situations where we also have to tread lightly and delicately in the region because any site of an iranian you red cresent ship or aid from iran is going to be perceived as uh they're supporting terrorism and and this and that so uh i think those are realistically the two probably best options right now but again very difficult so mr. salom and you're... opinion, why do you think attempts for humanitarian ceasefire, and i'm emphasizing on this ceasefire to be humanitarian in order to get humanitarian aid into gaza, despite the geneva conventions and everything that the western world is so proud of, calling itself the civilized world, why is it so difficult for them to get humanitarian aid inside, and why is this cease fire so impossible? this is really exposed their hypocrisy, as you as you stated, they're very... these types of things, there are declaration of human rights, geneva convention, we see how it falls apart, we see what it truly means when
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the rubber really when the rubber meets the road, so like our guest said, the the egyptians have the capacity, mean it's don't they control their own country, aren't they a sovereign government, apparently not, the they have ties to, they normalize, they were one of the first governments to normalize with the israelis and they have huge ties to the us, in fact their current leader was installed by the us, so we can really, you know, to to open up the to create a scenario for at least humanitarian sease fire. "as much as the israelis will violate those terms, but they're going to be forced to the table, the israelies will be forced to the table of doing this for the sake of their their uh military defeat, that's what will pressure them. um, just as the first cease fire happened because they were really uh getting hit very hard and they were, they were essentially humiliated, so they have to get hit more and more hard, um, but i think
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they don't want to get embarrassed a second time around, they don't want to get like the full embarrassed like when the full war ends." they'll be totally embarrassed because they can't guarantee the safety of their illegitimate settlers. um, but on the diplomatic side, at least when it comes to the untrustworthys and the untrustworthy egyptians, we can hope for the equation of the declining and weakening us and the increasing strength of iran and to lesser extent uh russia and china, because iran is the most bold in support of palestine uh compared to the latter two uh who uh do not exert to the full capacity that they could exert, but still better than what the position of the west is, and in fact we see this in the agreement that ansar allah of yemen has had with russia and china and that basically russia and china will let go will have no problem with ansar allah and ansar allah because the russian and chinese ships are not participating in this genocide, they
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let the free flow of russian and chinese in any ship that's not participating in this genocide, they act like a... to all global trade, no, they are very specific in who that they are targeting, anybody else who's engaging ethical business, free to go. so uh, the pressure of this, i think, this increasing political relations will allow iran the diplomatic strength to put to basically push qatar and egypt and all and these other countries in a certain direction. now these countries will always be corrupt, the they were born out of cyco, they were born out of british colonialism and zinanism, but in their less for power and their less to want to stay in... power and to be relevant in the region, they're going to have to move a little bit and play a little bit of ball with with iran in order to survive politically in the future, so the the hope is in the increasing diplomatic strength of iran, coinciding with the weakness, the increasing weakness of the united states, and we don't have much time left, so mr. funes, let's uh focus more on the situation in gaza
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right now, the north of gaza is practically cut off, so even if there is humanitarian aid in gaza. "it will not reach the northern parts of gaza, femin is looming there for the people who are still there stuck in that region, and also the situation in al-shafah hospital is uh really terrible, it's something that is completely appalling, so uh, but what do you think will take the international community to do something to isolate israel to the point where it will have out of at least fear of isolation uh on the international scale uh to back off?" " "i think what will work the best in terms of isolating israel and bringing international attention and solidarity with northern gaza will be breaking the spell and the idea that israel somehow a victim. this is one of the main ways that zionism functions. it betrays israel and the zionist settlers as victims
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for defending themselves, who are just trying to survive, who are trying to build a democracy and a stable economy." in the region and these crazy people just woke up one day and attacked them for no reason and they perpetrate the spell in mainstream media, they purpose trade the spell in academia, we see all over in the western academic institutions people getting fired for being in any way remotely pro- palestine, and the dominance of zinism over the major institutions of influence of media, of real estate, of banking, of all these key institutions. the commanding heights of the economy, this is crucial to their power, so as long as they control that, they're gonna distract people, they're going to misinform people, and they're going to most importantly make people afraid to call out zionism because if you and anyway call it out, then you're somehow anti-semitic, so crucial to that, just as brother ali mentioned earlier, is destabilizing the israeli economy once
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they are no longer able to maintain their grip over those key institutions and commanding high. once we see the emergence of iran, russia, china and the brick's global economy as the alternative that is not dependent on ziness usury, then we can begin to see the destabilization of the israeli economy, and then these institutions will have more freedom to criticize to actually bring and promote aid for gaza and to change the reality on the ground, but i think right right now one of the the main issues is that the zionist media is making it seem that if you're bringing aid to gaza. you're promoting terrorism and thus they're going to accuse anybody of doing that as supporting terrorism abroad, so once we are able to weaken the israel lobby from within, weaken their economy. and actually create an alternative then it's going to be lot helpful. i know it sounds very long-term and idealistic uh, but that's just unfortunately one of the
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realities that we have to face with today, but first and foremost, i think the actions of antaraw of the access of resistance and cutting world trade and blocking that trade and calling for immediate attention, i think that's the best that we can do direct action leads to direct change, and unfortunately that's what's going to have to take. for israel to understand, they only understand strength, and you have to respond to strength with strength. you're absolutely right, mr. funes, whatever happens at this point in time and history, we do know that right now, the armed resistance of the resistance front, actually is now very justified by the entire international community. i would have loved to continue this discussion with mr. ali salam, editor and chief of basira press, joining us live from tehran, and ramiro. as activist and commentator from los angeles, but that's all the time that we have, gentlemen, thank you very much for joining us on this edition of spotlight. and thanks to
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all of you viewers for watching this edition. the dispute between iran and kuwait over the rs gas field grabs the... lines from time to time, but what's the whole story about? is just another tension underway in west asia? what's the significance of rash gas field? what is kuwait's position? what is tehran's position? why is saudi arabia engage in dispute out of the blue and has there been an attempt to reach deal? these and more on this edition of iran today. whatever
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the shape of the treaty, and with a relative dose of optimism, it seems that the temporary cease fire agreement is now behind us, while the battle is raging in another layer of the war that has become more intertwined and overlapping than before. it's not just about hamas and the resistance factions on one side and the israeli occupation on the other, but also between the two allies, tel aviv and washington, especially regarding the day after phase, either to retreat to sease fire and work on imposing a political and security arrangement, or to continue the war until after the invasion of rafah, ensuring a long delay in personal reckoning, according to netanyahu and his coalitions demands to cover their backs. high hopes for truth this week on the beast stream.
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they enter into rafah. this won't change the situation on the ground, and i believe that the issue of rafa is going to be delayed, because the zionist army is not ready for. for such a battle, and in any case, it won't change the facts on the ground, because israel will not do raf more than it did inus or in gaza or in the north. abu hussein, iraqi intada shabaniah during saddam
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your press tv headlines, the un security council finally adopts a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in the gazel strip skipping a usual us veto hamals welcomes adoption of the gaza seizfire resolution by the un security council stressing the need for a permanent cease fire and withdraw of israeli forces. yemensan leader says assadi lead war was part of a strategy pursued by the us and uk to reshape the region in favor of the israeli regime.
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