tv Iran Today PRESSTV July 17, 2024 6:02pm-6:30pm IRST
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the question of palestine and on the illegality of the colonial annexationist and suprenist israeli occupation. i'm referring to the international court of justice. this expression of the law should serve as basis for our collective action in the days to come. the law, nothing less, nothing else. all your nations refuse to forgo rights, the palestinian people will never. accept to relinguish theirs. peace will not be achieved at the expense of our rights, but by upholding them, the right to life, to liberty and to dignity. that is the only path to peace. let us finally collectively embark on of that journey. and thank you very much, mr. president. you listen to the palestinian envoy mansor, speaking at the un, chaired by the rush, the... russia and sergey lavrov,
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the foreign minister, as you see there, he talked about how israel is committing a genocide so un unapologetically that it is committing crimes openly, the soldiers are recording those crimes, this is the most documented genocide in history, palestinians need protection, for nine months israel has bombed schools and he went to talk about all the different violations, he also talked about the icj decision, it should be binding and that there is a global consensus for the right to... determination and that sanctions need to be imposed on those who colonize, he did say lot more, but that's just of what uh the palestinian envoy did say, thank you so much for being with us, does for our news coverage as well, this goodbye for now, crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby crackdown, diplomacy, israel
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made hell on earth, the lugurious ambience of muharram has already descended upon the streets of iran where the soulful beats of drums intertwine with mournful chance, casting a somber spell of contemplation over the nation. citizens adorn in black attire gathering processions, their faces etch with expressions of deep sorrow, paying humage to the murderdom of imam hussein and his companions. with the arrival of muharram, the entire country has transformed into a canvas of grief, where the echoes of lamentations and side of self- flagelation seats to keep alive the sacrifice. made for the sake of truth and
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justice more than 13 centuries ago. muharram is the first month of the islamic calendar, a time of profound significance for muslims worldwide. it is the beginning of new year, a time of introspection and commemoration of pivotal events in islamic history. this sacred month serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who have held the values of justice, faith and unwavoring devotion. in the early days of muharram in the year 680 ad imam hussain the grandson of prophet muhammad alongside his loyal followers face
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the overwhelming forces of the omayat kaliff yazid in the desert of karbala. despite their of numeracal inferiority, imam hussein and his companions stood firm in their principles, refusing to compromise their beliefs and choosing sacrifice their lives for the preservation of justice, truth and the legacy of the prophet. tajabadi, a religion researcher for over 20 years. teaches us that imam hussain refused to submit to tyrany to demonstrate that we have the ability to resist tyrany and oppression with courage and dignity. he illustrated that we can oppose oppressive authority regardless of the size of our or their forces. the crucial message is to not stay silent in the face of injustice and oppression. this is a significant lesson that can be learned from the events of karbala. this event marked by immense courage. wavering faith and
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unparalleled sacrifice has become a testament to the enduring spirit of resistance against oppression and source of inspiration for muslims worldwide. in the words of the english novelist charles dickens, if hussain had fought to quench his worldly desires, then i do not understand why his sister, wife, and children accompanied him. it stands to reason therefore that he sacrificed purely for islam. centuries have passed, yet imam hussain's name continues to resonate with shia, non-shia muslims, even those beyond the confines the islamic faith. his marterdom has ignited numerous uprisings against unjust rulers throughout the islamic world with the...
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true, it dates back over 13 centuries, yet his movement sparked an extraordinary discourse of resistance, even esteemed leaders like mahatma gandhi, who himself inspired movements for civil rights and freedom worldwide, following his successful anti-colonial struggle in india, regard imam hussein as their spiritual leader. imam hussein's movement was truly a revolution and a well spring of inspiration for generations of revolutioner figures across the world. in iran, the observance of muharram hold a particularly meaningful and profound place. the country's deeprooted connection to the shia tradition is evident in the extensive commemoration of this month. morning rituals, processions and spiritual gatherings are prevalent throughout iran as the nation reflects on imam hussein's legacy and his
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struggles against oppression. hujjatul islam dr. sayad jalal rajar who teaches both at university and seminary, has more to say about imam hussein's uprising rests on three pillars: the first pillar involves intellect, making a rational decision to resist oppression and challenge the pressure from the wealthy, powerful and armed. the second pillar is bravery displayed in the deserts of karbala, a true epic tale of having the courage to confront overwhelming power without fear. the third pillar is love and compassion associated with the story of karbala. in our religious literature, there is a well-known saying very in the hearts of the believerss a love for imam hussain that will endure forever. this saying has stood the test of time even after more than 13 centuries, people still commemorate the
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morterdom of imam hussain with love and unwaving enthusiasm, regardless of circumstances. the morning ritual celebrated with remarkable grandure hold the revered position. in the collective consciousness of the nation. each distinct ritual conveys messages of self-sacrifice, relentless pursuit of justice and steadfast devotion to god. throughout the country, iranians gather in mosks, josenias and public spaces to participate in these religious and cultural practices. in iran, passion plays known as taziah are performed during muharram to reenact the events of karbala, while processions and morning rituals are observed with deep reverence. the these rituals and traditions have become integral parts of iranian culture passed down through generations. they contribute to a sense of national identity and heritage, connecting iranians to their religious and historical roots. the symbolism of imam hussein sacrifices often invoked in political discourse to inspire resistance and mobilize
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support for causes deemed just and righteous. through this commemoration, the iranian people reaffirm their commitment to these four values which continue to inspire. indeed a school of life, his noble life should not be limited to a specific reading, the lesson he imports is relevant throughout life, his love and care for his family, relatives, followers and society is unparalleled, it could serve as a model for all of us, imam hussein had a black servant in karbala when they army founded imam hussein and his companions, he said to his black servant, you are free to leave, you should have been with in times of joy, not at times of war. go and save yourself, it is time to fight, do not want you sacrifice your life for my beliefs. meanwhile, the practice of providing free
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meals known as nazri has become a commendable tradition amongst various communities during muharram. these meals are primarily distributed amongst the under-privileged members of society, exemplifying. the spirit of compassion and charitable giving, while some benevolent individuals prefer to outsource the preparation of these meals to restaurants or catering services, the act of coming together with relatives and neighbors to cook and distribute the nazri is considered lotable gesture, fostering a sense of community and strengthening social bonds. moreover, muharram is not merely a time for individual morning, but rather period that encourages the unity and cohesion of the entire society. it serves as an opportunity for people from diverse backgrounds to come together and reinforce the significance of social unity. this collective observance of muharram transcends sectarian divides under. scoring the importance of harmony and mutual understanding within the community. crisis,
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devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, israel made hell on earth. we have lot more to cover today, but let's just moment to catch up on the latest headlines. hello everyone, welcome to the news section of this program here. we'll go over some important news headlines: tehron times, open air theater, hosting tadia performances in muharram, the utaki open air theater in tehran. is hosting performances of tazia, a traditional iranian passion play, starting from sunday and continuing
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throughout the first 10 days of the lunar month of muharram. this significant event marks the comment of the martterdom anniversary of imam hussain, the grandson of prophet muhammad, who is morned by millions of muslims during the muharram rituals. the sayyaduhada taziya group directed by ahmed azizi will perform every night at 8 pm for 10 consecutive nights. the iranian pashion play tazia. was registered on the unesco list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity in november 2010. tasya represents religious events, historical and mythical stories and folk tales. each performance has the four components of poetry, music, song and motion. however, stories about the upprising of imam hussain and his companions against the oppressive omaya dynasty in 680-ce are more highly regarded by tazia troops and audiences. performance are always made. and female roles are played by men, most of whom are amateurs to gain their living through other means, but perform for a spiritual
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rewards. it is kind of drama that depicts the event of ashura and is performed in mahu, charga and shur baghdad radifs of iranian music. ekna imam ali shrain covered with red carpets ahead of ashura. as the day of ashura approaches, the courtyards of the holy shrine of imam ali in najaf iraq were covered with red carpets. ashhura marks the martterdom anniversary of imam hussein and the color red sizes martterdom. heydarul isabi, an official with the ostan custodianship of the holy shrine in nazaretf said over 25,00 square meters of the courtyards have been covered with red carpets, he said, an integrated plan has been implemented at the misulium of imam ali to host morners in the first 10 days of the lunar hijri month of muharram. he added that more than 100 mokebs booth providing foods and drinks to pilgrims. have been set up to serve the pilgrims, the oston has equipped the mokibs with air conditioning and
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provided drinking, water, detergents and etc. he stated. according to ali savi, the oston seeks to provide the pilgrims and morners with the best services. iran front page. najafies in iran's come mourn imam hussein's martter them by torch carrying rituals every year on the 8th, 9th and 10th of the month of muharram on the islamic calendar, najafi residence of the iranian shrine city of com. carried torches as a symbol of morning for imam hussein, the third imam and the grandson the prophet muhammad who was martered along with 72 of his companions on the plains of karbala. the black clad morners who hail from the iraqi city of nazaretf gather at imam reza mask and the morning procession moves towards the shrine of hazrat masume, the sister of imam reza the eighth she imam to offer their condolances. they carry the traditional torches that symbolize the fire that burned the tents of imam hussein. means loved ones and companions on ashhura, the 10th day of muharram in karbala, iraq. shia
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waves. imam hussein holy shin launches free internet access during muharram and safar. the communications department affiliated to imam hussain holy shrine has announced it is providing free internet service for visitors in the area between the two holy shrines and the surrounding areas of the holy shrine of imam hussein aaround the clock during the months of muharram and safar. it is worth mentioning that the holy shine of imam hussain has mobilized all efforts to receive millions of morners in addition to intensifying its technical and technological efforts through the communications department, which is working diligently to secure various services for the department. the holy shine of imam hussein and the visitors. abna: 100 quran exhibitions to be held across iran during muharram. a total of 100 quran exhibitions will be organized in leading gatherings of morners during the lunar months of muharram. this year and officials said quranic exhibitions will be held over hundred leading gatherings of morners during the months of muharram and
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safar. islam majid babani, head of the organization that overseas the morning gatherings told the press conference on. these exhibitions titled quran and resistance present quranic concepts through art, pictures and posters, he added. we cannot mention the ahlul bait without also referring to the quran, nor we can discuss the quran and ignore the ahlul bait, he said. programs have been organized for mohara morning processions to be immersed in a more coronic atmosphere, noted the official. this includes both the aesthetic use of koranic themes and art and engaging with koranic verses and concepts to help learners become more familiar with select. adverses, he added, and thank you for joining us in this section, please stay tuned for the main narrative. the 10th of muharram known as ashura is a day of profound significance in the islamic calendar. it marks the murderdom of imam hussein, the grandson prophet muhammad and his companions at the battle of karbala. this event is point and reminder of the importance
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of standing up for justice even in the face of overwhelming adversity. in ashhura of 680 ad. imam hussein and his 72 companions were slain by order of yazid, the despotic umah ruler of the time as they refused to swear allegiance to him, whom they considered corrupt to the bones. the family of imam hussain was taken captive and brought a tour around kufa and damascus. hujjatul islam dr. mehdi muim, a religion expert who also teaches at the university of judicial sciences and administrative services, put the story of.
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financial corruption, the officials were misappropriating public funds for personal gain. this resulted in a widening wealth gap in society. the affluent were becoming wealthier while the underprivileged were becoming poorer with each passing day. in reference to the second point highlighted in a letter addressed to imam hussain, the residence of kufa lamented that the ruling regime at the time lacked the support of the people. the governing system. was in place without obtaining their consent. in essence, the rights of the people had been violated in both financial and political aspects. commemoration of ashura has been a key element in shaping the identity of shia muslims, emphasizing principles of sacrifice, resistance, and standing up against oppression. dr. muntazar qaim said, although
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there were many reasons for imam hussain to rise against yazid, there was one special issue that had made so determined to do so. yazid's way of ruling was problematic in various aspects: firstly, it lacked legitimacy. imam hussain was the rightful ruler of the muslim community, yazid. therefore yazid was considered userper. however, when imam hussain chose to oppose yazid, he did not site the illegitimacy of yazid's rule as his reason for. uprising, similarly, he didn't cite yazid's corruption and immoral conduct as a driving force behind his move, what truly motivated imam hussain to confront yazid was the absence of social justice in society, his action aimed to champion the rights of the people. to commemorate ashura is to honor the courage confront evil in all its manifestations any
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cost. as the renowned scottish historian and essayist tom. as carly ably observed, the best lesson which we get from the tragedy of karbala is that hussein and his companions, rigid believers in god. they illustrated that the new miracle superiority does not count when it comes to the truth and the falsehood. the victory of hussein, despite his minority, marvels me. meanwhile, the annual commemoration of imam hussain's murderdom in carbala, iraq holds great significance for millions of muslims worldwide. despite the swelter. temperatures, many iranian devotees, along with others from the rest of the world, have been converging upon the sacred side of the imam hussain's burial place, which is reveared as one of the most hollow destinations over in our life to... the un security council, well the chair of uh today's uh meeting is russia and the foreign minister lavar speaking. the independent international commission of inquary
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violations of international humanitarian law, approximately half of gaza's population consists of palestinians under the age of 18. this means that they were born and raised under total blockade, and in addition to the current escalation of violence, they have lived through other israeli. military operations such as the submarines and autumn cloud 2006, hot winter and cast lead of 2008 and 2009, the pillar of defense of 2012, operation strong clift of 2014 and guardian the walls of 2021, today lies in ruins, housing, schools, hospitals have been almost completely destroyed and key civilian infrastructure has been rendered inoperable, infectious. these epidemics, whitespread hunger and genuine humanitarian catastrophe have unfolded in the gaza strip, safe and sustainable access to all those affected in a
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need is simply not existent as fighting continues. the number of casualties among un and ngo humanitarian personnel is nearing 300 people already, and this is the greatest one-time loss of life for the un and modern history. many humanitarian workers were killed along with their families. we express our condolences to the relative, loved ones and colleagues of the deceased. on may 7th, an operation was launched clear rafat, which is the last remaining refuge for one and a half million palestinians who have fled here from all over gaza. the rafat crossing was shut down, the strip has once again become, and i quote, the only conflict in the world in which people are not even allowed to flee, and of course that was said by our secret. back in 2009 when he was the un high commissioner for refugees. nothing has
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changed since then. the situation has only deteriorated further. the burder crossings on the israeli side are functioning intermittently and with severe restrictions. far less cargo is being allowed through than was the case even before the current confrontation when needs are far lower. the situation is also become a die in the west bank and east jerusalem. where israeli military raids and settler aggression continue unaabated with casualties on both sides. contrary to the demands of un security council resolution 2334, israel is not only not decreasing, but is in fact accelerating the construction of illegal selments. in addition to the expropriation of land, the demolition of palestinian homes, it is retrospectively legalizing settlement outposts, the construction of which has been... recognized as illegal, even under israeli law. such unilateral actions to create irreversible facts on the ground,
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which is something that was addressed by mr. ratre, our grave violations of israel's obligations as the occupying power. these obligations, i note this stem from the geneva conventions adopted 75 years ago. "an irony of history, they were largely adopted to protect jews from the inhuman treatment and suffering inflicted upon them during world war ii and to prevent any future persecution on the basis of nationality in the future. the current unprecedented explosion of violence in the middle east is largely a consequence of failed us policy in the region. it is a consequence of the very diplomacy, the effectiveness of which us representatives have been telling us about from 10 months now as they demand that we draw down our efforts in the council to give way to their individual efforts, which was said by my colleague anthony blinken, they
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use their veto power time after time to block calls for immediate, permanent and comprehensive ceasefire. when resolution 27/28, with its provision a sessation of hostilities for ramadan was adopted, the us immediately declared it non-binding. in return, we received the infamous biden plan, which the u.s. intended to approve even before receiving a response from israel, when everyone knew the response would be negative one, because israel was not interested in any plan with a hint of peace, which something that we were able to see one again once again today, and i would like to ask the us representative in this regard, in listening to the statement made by the representant of israel, did you not get the impression that you were perhaps in the... wrong room and you were not in the right discussion, not in the discussion that was announced, i hope you understand what i'm referring to, that is why
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we... abstained from voting on resolution 27/35 knowing that it had already and tasly been rejected by israel. by providing diplomatic cover for israel's actions and supplying arms and ammunitions. washington, it is clear to everyone became a direct accompance in the conflict just as it has done with the situation in ukraine. if the us were to end it support, the bloodchead would stop, but the us is either unwilling or unable to do so. what matters to them, it seems not saving human life. but various maneuvers that would help to score more points during the election campaign, i would like to once again outline the key principles of russia's approach. we condemn the terrorist attack of october 7th, which, however, cannot be used as a justification for israel's current actions and to undermine the very idea of the establishment of palestinian states. we advocate a permanent and comprehensive fire which will make it possible to release the 120 israel. and
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nearly 9,500 arbitrarily arrested palestinians have been arrested since october 7th. we call for safe and sufficient humanitarian access to all victims in those needs. we reaffirm the key mandate of unrise unique body for providing assistance to palestinians in the occupied territories and in neighboring arab countries. we insist on immediatation of un settlement activity addressing. these urgent issues would create the conditions for a return to peace negotiations a universally recognized international legal basis in the interest of establishing an independent sovereign palestinian base state coexisting in peace and security with israel, only then will the historical injustice done to the palestinian people and their fundamental right to self-determination be redressed.
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