tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV July 28, 2024 2:02am-2:31am IRST
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7:28. hello and welcome to press tv, spotlight, i'm marsia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us. holmes sees, land confiscated, water supply poison or heavily curtailed, no electricity, little food and clean water, murder of infants, the elderly, special needs a people, kids who were playing, bombing tensewhile. people sleeping, burning people
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alive, kidnapping and killing doctors, bombing hospitals and schools, torturing people with hot rods and so many other heinous crimes have all been done by the israeli regime, and these are just some of the crimes that the regime has committed in just the last nine and a half months. all of this, while the so-called international community spews of nice slogans such as of israel needs to take great care to minimize harm to those innocent civilians when they know the reality is far from that. stay with us as we take a look at the latest in gasa. i'd like to welcome my guest to the program. subshath author and west asia expert out of belfast and rick sterling, investigative journalists out of berkeley. well, thank you both for. being with me starting it off in
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belfast and sab on saturday another school was bombed and we know the schools uh there are serving as living quarters for displaced civilians, at least 30 more palestinians have been killed, at least 100 more injured at the khadijah school in darah, why does the regime continue to target schools? let's start from there, the uh the regime targets any school, especially if it's... united nation school honora school in in a challenge to the international community that they are carrying their own criminal acts while they are immune and nobody can't touch them since the united states of america chiel them diplomatically and shield them from the international communities r this is why you notice any any location with there is a united nation feeding center, united nation
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hospital, united nation schools always been targeting, since the united nation honora, which is the agency looking after the palestinians there, it represent the rights of the palestinians for their land and the rights for those people to be looked after until the fulfillment of the international united and international rights of return and united nation security council ' resolutions of which supported the palestinian people to return home like 194 and others, so that's why they targeting these establishment, but at the same time in this third phase as they claim of the zinis entity, in their frustration at achieving their goals in 10 months against few thousand freedom fighters in from the palestinan resistance, they are just going for a revenge campaign and against
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the people which they think these people are the incubators on the of the resistance and they want to achieve as many killings among those people as they can, since the this is the issue these evection orders to the people in eastern khanis the last three days and this morning as well and they tell them to of move safe area called almwasi in the west of hunyus as in sirat as well that area supposed to be safe. area and they target the people while they are on the move and they targeting them in the area which themselves they designate as safe safe area right right what about that rick mean uh as sh was as sab was talking about khan unis mean the un is reporting that hundreds of people are trapped there uh as israeli regime assaults are intensifying and rescue teams have been denied entry by the iof to enter the area to
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you the injured, and i mean, not only are people experiencing physical torture, as he said, they've been told to move from here to there, but it's also the psychological games, the mind games, the mental torture. also that that uh they're experiencing, i mean your thoughts on this overall, and again once again, it is actually the united nations that is reporting this, but appears that they can't stop it. yes, yeah, in indeed, and i think it's a very good question, why does israel attack uh schools? well, i think a big reason is because that's where people have gathered, where they are in the past have felt safe. so you've got um hundreds and sometimes even more than a thousand people gathering in a in a a courtyard and a building that house as many rooms as as the unraw schools do, and israel attacks it because there's a lot of people there and
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they might claim that there's one terrorist and they're going to kill 40 50 uh people as result um so the uh uh the and regarding the regarding the united nations and unra, unra has just reported that 90% of gazins have been forcibly displaced, that's their calculation, so over two million gazens have been forced to move and many, in many cases multiple times and regarding the the united nations, there's a a growing campaign in the united states to suspend israel from the united nations. just as the un did with south africa in the early 70s, this is a this is a campaign that has very solid chance of succeeding, the the because the un security council or cannot block the resolution, the
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un general assembly needs to suspend israel because of its because of its crimes. okay, well, let me ask you, mean as the... palestinian and now this genocide has been going on nine and a half months and you see day in and day out this type of torture that's being inflicted on the palestinian people and yet you see the impotence of the so-called international community, i mean what's your thoughts as a palestinian and looking at the so-called international system, is this a system that can work to free the... palestinian people are your overall assessment? my own take on that, it's gaza exposed everyone, they being all along, the one who founded this world order which we live in, especially after the second war that
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they they created this this entity to protect them and those people who survived from the holocaust and they may... the palestinians especially the i'm talking here the western elite and the ruling elite in the west from united states of america the uk and the rest they made the palestinian who have no import in such world order to pay for the crimes of the western europe which committed against the many many people along with the the survivors of the holocaust and they the end the day it was very clear and very clear today, all of that was smoke screen to create an entity in their a military base, advanced military base in the region to serve the imperialist goals of the united states of america to control the people of the middle
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east and destroy them while they're looting their own resources and this is why the zinist entity since creation it was used in war. in 1956 against egypt along with the english and the french, in 1967 with the american air forces and the french all forces destroyed egypt and syria and occupied the west bank and gaz and the and of jerusalem and sinai and in 1973 when the arabs tried to liberate their land, the united states of america opened all its arsenal to support this entity and threatened. that is might be moved to nuclear kind of conflict with the soviet union. in 1982 when they destroyed most of the south of lebanon and and occupied beirot as well to destroy 1500 palestinian fighters who trying to fight to liberate
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their country. when the the the palestinian fighters left with the guarantees of united states of america, this these thugs moved with the protection of the zionis to. kill all the civilians, which is women and children left, because the fighters left in sabra and shatila, and from then these massacers after massacres against the palestinians and anybody who des to resist these zin entity and all of that is done, all of that, all their walls till today is done by and participated in on the ground with the united states of america and the uk as well, the gaza, today gaza can show that and expose, there is special forces from united states of america on the ground in gaza, there is a special kinds of airs spying on the people of palestine from the british aeroplane. there is a special forces from the french, they call them mercenaries, but i
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don't know how sophisticated mercenary can be, which if they are not part of the french forces, there is many many things which shows the palestinians are paying the price for the hegemony of the west all over the middle east to guarantee their dominance in the area, and that's why the palestinian are adamant to stand against imperialism which is manifest. in this genus entity in that region and to fight it and the resistance of the palestinians within the last 10 months is a great example when netanyahu goes and cries to the congress who been apploaded him that he wants more weapons and he wants more participation in the fights against less than few thousand fighters in gaza that shows all of this almighty armada of imperialism of the united states of america is sharir it's as well be defeated in that area. right, very interesting points. what about that? rick?
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mean, sab talked about the various wars that has been initiated in the region due to the zionist regime, but at the bequests of uh the united states. do you think this time around, although of course, the amount of people that have been killed is devastating, but there is a change in the air because... more and more people have become aware and just watching this genocide take place live, that it has awakened the masses, because the palestinians have been oppressed and they have been going through all of this for very long time, but we've never seen this type of reaction, and of course it has to do with watching this live, i mean, do you see that we're at a crossroads as far as people and their reaction and understanding? the palestinian israeli issue? yeah, i think since october,
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the events since october 7 have created a sea change in the perception of israel in the west, i think the mask is really falling off, and the the misunderstanding and the sympathy for israel and the belief that there was some kind of noble cause there, it's it's really being revealed as a false notion. the favorable impression is is evaporating, we can see evidence of that, even even the the fis and the the now recently, canada, australia and new zealand are calling for immediate ceasefire, britain is dropping its reservations on the international criminal court rest warrants for netanyahu and gallant, so the alliance between the... united states, um, the uk, new zealand, australia and canada, the so-called
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anglosphere, that's breaking up, um, i think the the movement to suspend, the campaign to suspend israel from the united nations is very important cause, um, you know, it's we're at the the beginning, the the olympics is beginning in paris, um, it it and uh... we see israel committing uh massacres right uh at the beginning of the olympics, israel is clearly in violation of the olympic truth and the international olympic committee should be suspending israel, but what doesn't that just expose the even more hypocracy, um rick, because of course we see the way uh that the olympic committee has treated for example russia uh and dealing with ukraine and then we see this type of genocide that this regime has. been committing, but nothing has been said officially to try to stop them from
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participating in the olympics, so don't you see this as just another phase of the hypocrisy of the western hegemonic front being exposed? yes, yes, you're absolutely correct, there's a tremendous amount of hypocrisy on double standards here, but what's happening is that the the reality is is breaking through, and in terms of the perception of israel, israel is falling apart internally as well, according to hret's newspaper, 25% of israeli jews would leave israel if they could, um, it was just announced that some of the... most prominent mathematicians at hebrew university are leaving um tonight and tomorrow there are going to be protest through out israel including at vengurian airport where with the arrival of with the return of netanyahu protest at dozens of locations around the country and in in north america um there is a
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the sea change is really seen very clearly that young people all over all over the continent are coming out in uh huge numbers to protest um israeli the israeli genocide to support palestine so i think this is a this is a change that's not going to go away um this the palestinians obviously are suffering immensely um but the i think the uh the the the the the hegemony is really coming apart. interesting points, well uh sah uh, he talked about the palestinians and suffering, however increasingly palestinians are deciding to stay on the rubble of their homes on their land, and when they've been interviewed they were saying, well nowhere is safe anyway, so at least they're on their own land. i mean, let's talk about the this perspective, and do
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you think it shows really who is native to the land and... 'who is not and can the israelis fight with the people really and be victorious when they have this type of ideology? the palestinian people faced this armada of western imperialism which represented as manifested with the zinist entity on the ground from the 70s and 80s with this with the rock with stones, the kids and the men and women face that in the first in the father'. we seen and then we we seen those people as well develop develop that rock to uh to weapons facing in the second intifada the zinis entity and they shocked their own their the whole the whole society and this is why they built walls huge large walls around every palestinian city and town
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to control the movement of palestinians through checkpoints now you can see the... from 2008 till today develop this rocks to uh rockets can reach 100 kilometers a more and we can see that they manufacturing under the ground their own their own rockets their own guns their own weaponry which they fought this uh this entity and we seen the germans the british the french the united states of america the canadian the australian the news. lenders all for weapons at the zinest entity and cash from the taxpayers money to to sustain this entity while few thousands facing the whole entire collection of western imperialism represented by this zionist thugs on the ground and shaken them people around the world start realizing that as my my
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friend alluded to and they start to losing their hegemony in that region the danger of that states of america is severe they see it, it's it's very very dangerous to them to lose the higem and that it means it will lose the control of energy, it will lose the control of controlling what can be supplied to different countries from that region as oil and gas to china or to others, this is will make the united states of america moving from the only superpower to a major power, it's equal to the russians, equal to the iranians, equal to... chinese and this is what they see in gaza, the the the resistance in gaza is inflicting that kind of a price of the united states of america, we see the kids today, university and young ones and even men and women in the street demanding the dismantling the design entity, they are ashamed today in west europe or even in nets of america to see
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their countries being embed was such a... criminal sedatic armies like the zinity and the way right? rick, rick, according to the world health organization, who, every 10 minutes a child is killed in gaza, and yet we recently saw members of the us congress appliding the man who is leading this genocide. i mean, your thoughts about this and where we are in the world, especially from an official perspective, we've talked about people waking up, but when we look at various regimes, mean your thoughts overall, well my thought is the scene of people jumping to applaud benjamin. was disgusting, and i think a lot of people share that sentiment, it was not, the the images didn't
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show the reality, because 100 congress people refused to attend the the speech by netanyahu, so all of so lots of those chairs were taken by staffers, they were not congressional representatives. so it in in one sense it's a uh that was a distortion of the reality because uh the democratic party which is clearly a war mongering party if one looks at their history of the invasions and support for uh for overthrow of countries uh from iraq to libya to uh their efforts in syria the attacks on on iran right um there uh but but it's uh uh it it the population uh um 70% of the democratic supporters uh call
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for a cease fire and do not support netanyahu and even um as i was saying about hundred congressional representatives uh do did boycotted his speech so it was a distortion the reality and i really hope that there are masses of people um uh going on the streets in paris at the olympics exposing uh the fact that israel should not be there, it's in clear violation of the olympic truce, they're committing massacers as the olympics are going on, and and the protests here need to just continue despite the fact that the media in the west is increasingly suppressing and not reporting what's going on in gaza, so so we appreciate press tv. right, well thank you, we try to do our best with all the pressure. that we also have, but so i mean, with looking at everything that we've talked about and the pressure that has been put though on the palestinians, um, do you see
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all of this that it has actually increased the incentive of resistance group to coordinate better, to expand, um, and we have seen them be very active and very effective, do you see any other way for the victory of the palestinians or for them? attain the victory other than the resistance, the icj, the international court of justice when demanded the palestinians in their opinion a few days ago of the palestinian to have the right for self determination, the right for and asked countries and bodies, international bodies to enable and to help the palestinians to achieve that, self determination is means the first thing in that to... use arm struggle, these things are legal for the palestinian under the charter of united nation and with the international court of justice opinion right now, so the palestinian
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resistance is the only way and this resistance is being supported by a wide arabian and west asian support and resistance, and this way we will see intensifying resistance moves and attacks against the des and will inflict more brises because before that they were attacking them, the especially the the supportive resistance from lebanon and yemen and iraq just to show them we can reach and do damage to demand to stop the genocide, but in the the congress pathetic theatrical there showed that the united states of america is not interested in imposing cease fire it its entity and it's supporting it. and they wanted to extend the war because this bathletic netanyahu was there asking them, he's afraid and scared to face to create an alliance called the brahmic
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alliance to face iran and the resistance, and this is where these this is abose and and and salute for him and applaading him, all that came to reassure them to resure netanyahu, i mean that's the united states of america will stand by the... when we notice in the 14th of april iran when it's hit the heart of the zinest entity, who came to defend the zinist entity, the the french, the british, the americans and their puppet in jordan, so wel understand the resistance is effective and will show them how effective it is in the future more and more, and on that note, i think both of you being with me, here on the spotlight, sabshath author and west asia expert out of belfast, rick sterling, investigative. and thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight, i'm hope to see you right here next time, goodbye.
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does joe biden even know that he's gone, did he get an unpleasant surprise when he saw from his twitter account that he had resigned as the democratic presidential candidate? is he even alive, and if he's so unable that he can't run, as president, how can he continue to be the president with his finger on the nuclear button and camela harris? seriously, come and see me have it out with gallowe.
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rocket attack and occupied, goal and hikes kill several israelis, levanon's hezbula movement denies responsibility for the strike. at these 30 palestinians including children are killed and many more wounded and israely bombing of a school housing displaced people in central gaza. and iran once again condemns germany's decision to close the hamburg islamic center as a politically motivated move.
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