tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV August 3, 2024 1:02pm-1:31pm IRST
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welcome to spotlight: the genocide of palestinians in the gaza strip and the occupied west bank, and the frequent deadly strikes on syria don't seem to be enough for the israeli regime. now the regime who has failed miserably in gaza, seeks to create more havoc by assassinating resistance figures in the region. heswella says that it will avenge the death of its recent fallen commander. and iran has pledged to punish uh the zionist criminal ring for assassinating hamas leader ismail hania while he was guest in tehran. western countries, however, only call for restraint from the side that's affected by the israeli crimes and refuse to take any action to reign in the aggressive regime. now the question is, so will these latest events become a turning point in the history of the region and unite west asian nations in giving. a collective and decisive
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response to the israeli regime, we'll try to figure that out in tonight spotlight. daniel, author and researcher is joining us from the lebanese capital beirot. and also we have spokesperson of the masar baddle movement, mr. khalid baricod, joining us from vancouver. well, gentlemen, welcome to the program. to the both of you, let's start off with mr. yegic and beirot, tell us about the repercussions of this uh uh terrorist act and uh the assassination as iran has vowed a crushing response. yeah, so the israeli actions in the last days have once again shown that there is no logic in israeli behavior uh beyond the log colonial logic of elimination trying to set on fire the entire region and kill, assassinate everything that
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stands uh in its way, um, and it is one more of many escalations that the israeli regime has incited in the region, but um killing um high ranking leaders of the resistance throughout the region in addition to of course its broader aggressions beyond palestine against lebanon, iran, syria, uh, yemen, and the entire region, and uh, it really just shows that there is no red line for the israeli regime, and it is itself taking risks and always going a step further, but eventually there is no strategy in uh israel's approach, than destruction and the latest events of course have sparked another uh will lead to another response from the access of resistance of several responses in retaliation uh in order to of course show the israeli regime that it cannot continue this
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aggressive violence across the region khalid barakot the israelis have revealed their true nature that nature is destabilize destabilize destabilize. the assassinations back to back in beirot and tehran further show that, share your views on the implications of the israeli actions which threaten to engulf the region in further conflict and by many accounts is also endangering international security and global order. yes, i think that the zionist regime is in chaos and divided and they're not thinking straight. "this is strategic and fatal mistakes that they have been doing, and this fascist government of netanyahu will not be able to win this war through assassination. if we learn anything in the
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history of the conflict with designist regime is that assassination was always a constant pillar and policy. in their behavior, in their you know relationship with the palestinian people, hundreds of leaders were assassinated at the hands of the musad and the israeli agencies, the same in lebanon, the israelis have killed the founder of hizballah, sayid abbas musawi, they have assassinated the founder of hamas, sheikh ahmed yasin. and this did not weaken the resistance, in fact these kinds of operations only makes the resistance stronger and the popular support of the resistance uh goes higher and higher. now of course, you know
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israel was successful in assassinating and brother ismail hannah, but on the calculation of... the on the ground, what did they really achieve? did they defeated anyone? did they, you know, weaken the resistance in lebanon, is the region more more stable or less stable now, is israel more secure or less secure now, all of these questions, they don't think about it, but now they are, they are thinking about the uh that not only israel is going to face a retaliation, but israel is pulling all of its western camp into a strategic defeat, we know that these kinds of assassinations does not happen without us and israel allies
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approval, and some of them, if they don't know, they didn't, they didn't know in advance, but they didn't condemn. the crime, i did not see any condemnation from you, britain, from canada, from the us, from any other western allies of israel, which means that they are complicit in the crime. also, israel, we know that it depends its aggressions on intelligence and information provided to them by their backers and by their allies, especially. and agencies. mr. yegit, about a response, at the un iran said it reserves the right to give decisive response to the regime and to this aggressive act against its sovereignty and territorial integrity, the white house national security advisor john kirby, uh, he said that the
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recent warning by iran's leader ayatollah khamenei regarding the revenge for the assassination, it must be taken seriously. what kind of a response do you envisage will come ? from iran, from hamas and from the resistance front in the region? well, it is difficult to speculate and predict, but i think there has been a very clear communication from iran that there will be... response and i think the also reactions to that in the west show once again how nervous uh israel's western backers are about this expected response, one also has to say here that as we mentioned there is never any condemnation against these israeli acts of terrorism and the violation of the sovereignty of iran and other countries in the region, but whenever any movement or people or government in this case iran um identifies that it has the right to defend itself against israeli violence, then we hear
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reactions of concerns and warnings uh from the west, so that very much fits very clear uh pattern of western support uh and complicity uh in this genocide and all of this again is to say that uh if there were no genocide at this point if the israeli regime would not uh continue its uh aggressions we wouldn't be in this current uh situation and if we look at iran's communication in the past months, it has shown lot of restraint and patience and we we can say throughout the decades actually lot of patience and restrained uh when it comes to uh reacting to this because uh at the same time iran has been a factor of stability uh in the region so um we can of course it's difficult to speculate what kind of a reaction uh there will be, but there will of course be a clear uh response because i think the... axis of of resistance is also interested in of course
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showing this really regime that there are red lines because again we are in this situation because the so-called international community continues to watch this genocide unfold and live streamed without any intervention of major powers outside of this region. a former lebanese lawers said israely prime minister ben itanyahu's recent visit to the us coordination between televive and washington concerning assassination operations against senior resistance figures and illegal assassination of this magnitude could not have happened without a nod from the us, could it? no, i think yes, i think the united states is definitely complicit in this, i think the united states have carried itself a criminal act similar to the... killing of ismail hania, we know that they have been complicit in assassinating iranian
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scientists, iraqi scientists, we know that they are the one who stood behind publicly the assassination of qasim sulaimani and abu mahdi muhandis, we know that the united states declared publicly their involvement in the assassination of imad mughnia and many, many other. "the united states is the head of the snake in the region and in the world, it is the head of imperialism and western colonization, and they are feeling that iran power in the region is on the rise, they keep trying to present the relationship between palestinian resistance and iran or lebanese resistance and iran as..." "if they are proxy to iran, because they don't understand the
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meaning of allies, also we see that the west is so ignorant about even understanding the history of and the relationship between iran and the resistance front in the region, they also westerns are ignorant about killing haniah in tahran and the implications of this. on popular level, on historical level, on what it means for muslims to have their guest killed in their homes, they don't understand any of these things, they think that by just killing a leader in the resistance that they can, you know, show some kind of a photo of victory or or a you know victorious. that netanyahu could sell to his fascist society and his fascist government
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and that is not going to happen, because as said hasan nasrallah the general secretary of hizballah said yesterday that you can laugh a little because you will cry you know lot and that everyone knows that the response is coming and it's going to be a united response from lebanon. yemen, from iran, from everyone. mr. gegic, uh, the us had constantly claims it doesn't want a broader war or any dangerous escalations, but its words and its actions surely are in contradiction. describe for us the us's constant inconsistencies regarding the gaza genocide and now israel's uh most recent regional crimes? well we could actually argue that the united states has been quite consistent by allowing israel to do whatever it wants um but as you say yes there is a discrepancy between the official political communication from the biden regime and
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effects uh on the ground we've heard uh quite often from the white house so they are not interested in a brother uh escalation or a broader expansion geographically of this ongoing war, at the same time they're doing everything in their power um to allow the israeli regime to continue this genocide uh while continuing to shield the israeli regime from any criticism or potential accountability um on in this world so israel very much continues to be able to do uh whatever it wants and the united states uh will continue to protect uh israel while it commits this genocide. um, we you can look at the ongoing conversations about the cease fire talks and there has been of course lot of distraction while the situation, the genocide in gaza continues, people are now starving, diseases are spreading. this is an unprecedented situation in human history, and
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yet there has been not even attempt. even restraint the israeli regime from its ongoing aggression even after 10 months and at the same time of course the united states benefits from this network that it has constructed diplomatically and militarily across the world because it also um obviously has seat in a un security council, it has organizations like the european union and nato as its proxies and instruments of foreign policy so has very much... constructed all of these barriers and limitations in within the the the un and the framework of the so-called international community that would allow the israel regime to continue this genocide and the slaughter of all of these people in palestine. khalid barakot, how do you describe the silence of western countries regarding the assassination
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of ismail hannah in tehran, no condemnation whatsoever to this illegal. in fact, russia described it as an unacceptable political crime, and by many accounts, this is a war crime under the geneva conventions. the western powers are very much complicit in all of israeli crimes. we know that they are the powers that establish the zionist regime in palestine, and they are the one who build its nuclear, you know, weapons. like in the case of france, we know that germany constantly justify every crime that israel commits and protects israel and fund israeli crimes and military and even nuclear submarines, we know that the uk is, i mean the list goes on and on of how much these western powers are
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complicit, and even when they sometime condemn an israeli massacer ' they do it and at the same time they make sure that israel gets away with it, so yes israel have committed hundreds of massacers in the last 10 months and sometime when the massacker is very hard to you know cover, they'll some of these countries might say that we're concerned about the developments in gazza, but if one israeli soldier is... "we don't hear the end of it, and that's because israel and the west are actually one front, and that's why netanyahu keeps talking about how he is defending the western interest, and that how israel is part of the west, and if israel is part of the west, then what are you doing in the east? this zionist regime has to
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be dismantle, and the western colonization of the region and the hegemony." the united states has to be stopped and the only power today in our region who can defend the people wealth and resources and the people's right to self-determination is iran and the uh unity of the resistance front and they understand this and that's why they are targeting iran not just by killing brother ismail hania not just by you know these near campaigns, these fabrication of lies against iran, but also a real war against iran that has been happening through the decades with economics. sanctions with trying to isolate iran in the region and worldwide and they have been failing in doing this, in fact iran power is by the day it's becoming more and
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more in the region and in the world and iran have case when these assassinations happened in the in in iran it means a violation of every international law in the book. "and we did not hear any condemnation from the western powers. iran took its case to the international community immediately, this time and the time that the the iranian embassy was attacked in damascus and the vast majority of the people and the states in the united nations condemn israeli aggression against iran and iran have the right to defend itself. it's very important that we always see this relationship between the west and israel as one united front, that's why we need also a united front led by iran. mr.
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yagic, about the double standard and hypocrisy, i saw you notting there, if an arab or muslim majority country did what israel has done over the past 72 hours, how would have uh would have the west responded to it? whether this country uh is a client state of the west or not, but if it weren't of course the west would have responded very aggressively, and i think this uh again shows very clearly that as was mentioned the israely regime is part of the west, and the west has enforced diplomatically at least a global apartite in which and we need to keep in mind that the west, when we talk about the west europe or mostly western europe, the united states, north america. and israel regime and other set of colonies are a minority uh in this world that have a overproportional political power that they used to police and sanction the rest of the
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world and i think the uh example of uh there was also mentioned when the iranian diplomatic representation in damascus was attacked by the israeli regime and when iran responded the west condemned iran for responding and defending itself and imposed additional uh sanctions. so what we can see very much here is that any opposition to this genocide or any attempt to intervene in the ongoing uh western back genocide in gaza results in more aggression uh from from the west so it is of course double standard but it's the only way for the west to keep its um to keep its minority powerful status alive because even here if we go back you know into history there are so many examples we can mention but of course what we see today um is a continuity of colonialism and imperialism and we need to remember that the wealth of the western world is based on the back on the bloods of the rest uh the rest of the world
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and palestine because of that of course uh is also represents all of these um all of these circumstances and anxieties of the west that we see and fold today lot of criticism has been directed at arab governments for the... action and passivity in the face of israel's crimes, most notably the ongoing massacre in gaza. many believe that a joint effort by some arab governments in the form of sanctions and cancelling normalization agreements would have gone a long way in pressuring the israelis. why is that not happened? because most arab governments are complicit with israeli crimes, especially those who have signed treaties with designist. like egypt, jordan, bahrain, united arab emirates and others, they also have, that's why we always say that signing
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these agreements and normalization is not just about having an embassy or a mutual recognition, it means in the case of the zinist regime that those who have signed these treaties are now in the camp of israel and the united states, they are in daily. coordination with the zionist regime on the security matters, financial, military, so on and so forth, and so for palestinians, these regimes are part of the enemy camp, palestinians understand that their enemy is the united states, israel, and these arab reactionary regimes who wouldn't even blink to commit massacers against the people of yemen, as we see. so in 2015 until today with the siege imposed on yemen, sudis and emaratis regimes were you know massacker. the
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people of of yemen, they are destabilizing sudan, they are trying to divide the muslim nation and the arab nations to be you know complicit and silent, just imagine that arab league until now, after 10 months of genocide and you know these war crimes that israel is committing in ghazza, and we did not hear anything from this arab so-called arab league. from the you know state of organizations on muslim organizations that that saudi arabia is is is is blocking any real efforts to actually assess the palestinian people, these regimes are puppets to the united states. that's all the time we have for tonight's show. thanks to author and researcher daniel yegic joining us from the lebanese capital beirot. thank you mr. khalid
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barakot spokesperson of the mas. battle movement joining us from vancouver and also special thanks to you our viewers for staying with us on tonight spotlight. it's good night for now and see you next time. remarkable life of zainab hamoud, a courageous syrian photo journalist who fearlessly ventures into the heart of conflicts to document the realities of war and shed light on the untold stories in our homeland.
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pressive headlines eron's top diplomats says that toron uses inherent and legitimate right to punish quote "signist criminal" ring over its assassination of top hamas leader in tehran. israel continues piming the gaza strip with air and artillery strikes as death troll from regime's onslot on the palestinian territory nears 39,500. and israeli forces hit a car with air strikes and occupied west bank city of tokaram killing at least five palestinians.
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