tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV August 4, 2024 10:02pm-10:31pm IRST
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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marsia hashemi, thanks so much for being with us, demonizing and criminalizing the a palestinian resistance, and the whole resistance front continues to be a main goal of israel, the regime conducts wars, strikes, assassinations with the goal of destroying the resistance, and last week was no exception when two resistance leaders were murdered by the regime, the assassin. the nation of ismail hanh in tehran by israelis was attempt by the zionis to show its people that it had accomplished something since it has been unsuccessful with its goals in gaza and a top hezbollah commander ford shukr was another target in beirut by the israelis trying to affect the resistance to the north as well. the muslim world is outraged, especially at the killing of the hamas political leader ismail hania. protests have taken place calling for the and to the
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israeli regime has designus entity shot itself in the foot once again we'll be looking at this on the spotlight we like to start off in romala and sad nemr, professor of political science bearset university. thanks so much for being with us. well, it was just one week ago, today when murder ismail hania call for national and international day of gaza on august the 3rd and asked people around the world to go out and protest. of course, little did he know at the time that when people would come out to protest about gaza on saturday, they would also be protesting his assassination carried out by the zionist. regime, your thoughts on this and overall the effectiveness of what you've seen so far of these protests? well, good evening to you, mrs. hashimi and for all your viewers. thank you, yes, i think that operation that the israeli had did, in tehran
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is backfiring on the israelis, they um cheered for one day, they were happy of this achievement, but later on they started to understand. the consequences of such an operation, israel meant to kill the leader of hamas between brackets as hamas as a terrorist organization, but it appears that no one is taking mr. hani as a terrorist. first of all, mr. haniya is a politician, he was never involved in any military action, and he was also elected in the... and he led the first elected government in palestine, so he was a prime minister in palestine, so after all that you can't just mark him or name him as as a terrorist, so what we saw so far of the reaction to the assassination is
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absolutely you very good and and the outcome of of demonstrations everywhere and no one is abs is happy with that, even though... 'who are allying with the united states and with israel, they couldn't even to take it in in this way to say that it is you know a good action that happened and everyone is blaming israel for it, this is one one one thing, on the other hand we are talking about you know the reaction that is going to be on the consequences whether it's by hizballah or thehis and most importantly from tehran, this also now the israel are really really regretting'. especially we talk about the people regretting what happened and the cheering that they were happy about you know killing haniah and fuad shukr in in beirot and now they know that they are you know waiting for the retaliation and this thing is making you know on the psychological level
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the israel are really really in the last few days they are you know as as hasan nasarad he said they will be standing on one and a half legged, which is true today in israel, as we can see from the israeli media as well as what we know from what's coming out from the israeli leaders or previous leaders, generals and also officials and politicians who was talking about this was kind of a without saying it clearly, but they indicated that it was a mistake, a big mistake. the outcome of the assassination of haniah to the contrary, make the man more and more... more popular and make him more and more, if you like, dear everyone, which means that by the end of the day he is representing hamas, it means that hamas is not a terrorist organization, it is a freedom fighters who are trying to liberate
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their country from an occupation which was there for the last 76 years, right, where, well, there there have been many protests of course, not just in islamic world, um, but in various western countries also. i want to talk about the significance though of uh uh, like when slogans are saying, normalizing ties with israel means betrayal, and this is um slogan that was said in mass, in a country like jordan, um, your assessment of what's going on there in jordan, because the demonstrations have been quite large. yes, it was, it was yesterday, and it was huge one and special. also women were in this demonstration in a huge numbers in jordan, jordan have a special situation, you have to remember that the overwhelming majority of the jordanian are originally palestinians, so because of what happened in 1948 and the
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expulsion of the palestinians and the ethnically cleansing of the palestinian, the vast majority of the palestinian refugees, they were they head to to jordan, so now we are talking about jordan, um... around, well people are varying about about this, the number, but i would thinks around 70% of the population in jordan are palestinians, so definitely there will be also... in the streets to to express their feelings about what's going on, and this case is definitely a concerns them, but it was also in tunisia, it was also in in in yemen, it was in different arab countries and islamic countries, i think that the significant of that, that to say, especially jordan, and jordan, we know that the last time when iran hit the israelis after the incident of the concert. in damascus, jordan participated with the americans and with the american
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allies in anticipating and in in intercepting the the rockets coming from iran, so though today we are talking about the foreign minister of jordan now is visiting tahran, i think yeah, i think that jordan in a very awkward situation, they can't on one hand because jordan condemned the assassination of h, they can't... can't say anything else, at the same time they are committed with with israel and with the united states, so they are in a very awkward position as matter of fact. all right, i'd like to welcome sad maz shah, executive director center for islamic law and human rights out of karachi to the program. thanks so much for joining us. now, west bank protesters demonstrating saying they are not afraid and the genocide regime must go. and i want to talk about the significance of. them turning out in mass um because of course the israeli regime continues uh to crack down on the palestinans
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in the west bank but it just seems that they've had enough and it doesn't even matter anymore but they have uh been protesting in mass too your thoughts say it was yes uh thank you so much for having me um and and your mentioning of the west bank interestingly uh as you know at the start of this uh aggression the latest on gaza uh immediately uh the west bank was not left alone uh we've seen the settler violence that's continued on we've seen uh the military uh the israeli military support these settlers and doing horrendous things and occupying um villages, occupying lands and mistreating palestinians a more higher level than before. in fact, there was a report about almost now 10,00 palestinians are languishing in israeli jails and even when the... is a sense of you know inkling of justice to try to deal with the prisoner
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abuse, guess what's happens, the the the most radical elements of the israeli public uh tried to overrun that military prison and try to prevent any sense of justice from happening and so really the the west bank situation it's it's like they look at ghazza as a place where there is someone doing something and i think that's really hit them at home and mahm. abbas and and the plo and the various other factions have understood this and they understand that they must get united behind ghazza, they must get united behind a resistance, and as what happened last month when the when the chinese invited all factions to get together, and with ismail hannah's shahadat where he was assassinated brutally, we clearly see that this might be a glue to bring all the palestinian groups together, so the steam and momentum is... in this direction, the question that i have really is, who will then step into the this,
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this leadership vacuum that we're going to have, i mean who's going to be this next palestinian leader, and this is something that i think the palestinians have always questioned themselves, you had yasir arafat, you had sheikh yasin, you had ismail hania, but who now, and i think this is a question that the palestinian people are really anxious to try to get behind leadership, and and this is... going to be significant the next few few days, how they're able to do that, so the west bank is looking for leadership, the palestine people are looking for leadership, is it going to come from these 13 other factions, is it coming from hamas? this is something that we're going to see, and i think this is a really major transitioning phase, i i would, i would like to think that the 14 groups are talking each other to get behind one single figure to to be able to do this, because let's be honest, mahmoud abbas, you know, he's is. is there and i think a new sense of leadership, particularly with lot of youth who are now
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populate the palestinian population will look towards, particularly in these current recent circumstances, so this the small comment i want to add about the jordanian foreign minister to iran, we have to remember the lebanon, france is getting very much involved because you got to understand france is got close connections with the lebanese, so you're going to see lot of western nations, the g7 is meeting, they are really concerned about deescalating this situation. so let's see how that uh pans out. interesting points. what about that? sad um interesting points that said maoz made. i just want to touch briefly. on what he talked about as far as the next leadership and then get back to the subject at hand, but your overall assessment the direction uh it would go and one would think that because of uh the overall critical situation and the important role of the resistance that would come from that faction, but but what's your perspective? right, yes,
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i think that there is answer for that, and the most popular leader among the palestinian... now he's in prison, we are talking about marwan barauti, now on both sides, he's on fat, but at the same time most the palestinians are looking at him as national leader, not as a fat leader, because he believed in resistance and he practiced resistance, because of that he had five lifetimes plus 40 years in prison, and also his relationship with hamas and islamic jihad is is fantastic, and they believe in the guy, and they also supported the guy. so hamas in this next stage, being accused of being a terrorist organization, it will be hard to have the president from hamas, it's really very hard to be that, but if there is someone who's you know from fatah, but at the same time he believes in in resistance and close to all resisting parties and factions, that
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will be not only accepted by the palestinian, but also in the international community, so... "i think that this is, and so far in the last, let me say 15 to 20 years, the time when he was in prison, all the poles conducted in palestine gave marwan barouti the number one in the in the balls, not only that, but also there is something amazing that 10% will turn to participate in the elections if marwan is running, so i think that this is the choice for..." the palestinian anyway and we will wait and see when things happened and we we have elections, because in china, the 14 factions that they met there, they agreed that as soon as possible to create a unity government to run things now for the moment, and this unity government, one of the major tasks task for
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it is to prepare for the elections in both sides, elections for the national, yes for the p. national council as well as for the legislative council in the west bank gazza and jerusalem plus the presidency of the ba so okay well hopefully we will have a another show just concentrating on that in general because it definitely needs to talk be talked about but i want to get back to the subject at hand right now and uh said moaz when we we look at now some of the the slogans that are being said in a lot of these the protests that are taking uh place in islamic. world, i mean, one, for example, israel is the root of terror, i mean it, it's very interesting because i remember, i'm old enough definitely to remember back in 1979 after the revolution in iran, and that was basically major point by imam komeini and talking about that it is the, you know, one of the main roots of terror, of course, that in the united states,
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but it's interesting that the islamic world now seems to have gone um through a transition, a... total realization and wanting to do something about this regime, mean your assessment of where we are as an ummah with regarding the israeli regime, the sad reality is where we are as an uma, if you talk about all the islamic nations very far from where we need to be, to be very frank, ismal haniah's death has been a wakeup call, but the sad reality is that when we had these horrendous attacks and i can remember when this whole fiasco started, if you recall this was absolutely unheard of for hospital to be targeted, i mean that was really it brought shock waves throughout the islamic world, you had even the jordan president, the leader of jordan basically suggesting that you we're
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not going to meet with the biden after that attack, so that sent a shock wave too, so this is just another... series of shock waves, but the reality is we're living in a society that is we're seeing the stuff through technology and on the screen and this is allowed the the impact of that to kind of slowly dissipate within a few days, so ismail hans death was really um major and it's caused shock waves and it has had impact, but the question is how long will that impact and israel then keeps on shifting the issue, they shifted to lebanon, now back to gaza, they're bombing of... they bombed that school that was caught on camera, these are things that are happening all the time, and it's now normal reality, you know, and and and the the sad reality is there should be absolutely no negotiations. a state like israel that has chosen terror and there needs to be very strong red line and unfortunately, unfortunately we just can't seem to get that together. you have small efforts that happen
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time to time, some countries make independent announcement, but never a unified effort. we have bodies like the oic and you they need to step up and actually be beyond just issuing a statement. there needs to be a strong call, and unfortunately it's just situation after situation, the jordan foreign minister going to iran to what? to talk down the situation, i i really feel that this is just another series and we're going to move forward and we are going to wait for another shock to happen and and we're going to be sitting where we were to begin with, then you know the palestinian people now they're talking about 10% of the population of za has been killed in this in this crisis, 10%, mean this these are numbers that you only see in genocides, that's that's the reality and we're still talking about you know what you know how we can get aid in there, this is no longer about aid, this is... about doing something that actually will prevent israel, blockading, breaking out tr embargo, um, sending a military to to to block out israel, these are
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things that i think, people are, we need to start talking about these, egyptian border needs to open, these are things that i think we're at that level, and unfortunately the islamic world is not there, and that's the sad reality, and i feel like we're going to be facing much more shocking news to come and still will be sitting there, but the reality is the politics. the world, we have china playing increased role with this russia fiasco going in ukraine, this all interlinked, i feel there is going to be a change as a result of politics and that's something i don't think the americans are prepared for, maybe trump can come in and handle the situation, we don't know, but i do think that this chinese involvement, this is going to politically change the game that may bring about change, that's my true, all right, what's that your perspective on this, the killing of these two? f fighters uh, do you think it will backfire on the regime? because israel and the whole resistance front um have definitely said that they would
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retaliate and retaliate in kind. mean, your overall thoughts, because we know the settlers right now in um inside of the zianist entity have been hiding out in for days and they're in the bunkers and just waiting to be attacked. mean, why would the regime um subject themselves to this at this point? time or is it just to try to make a make it a wider war? oh, well, first of all, let me just tell you something that in israel there isn't a picture of victory anymore after 1967, so the only picture of victory that netanyahu could present to the israeli public is the assassination, and this is you know great because it is you know secretly done and the intelligence and... all the infos and technology and the artificial thinking and all these kind of of things that they could present as victory, especially in
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the big failure in the last 10 months, especially that they said at the beginning of this war on gaza, this genocidal war, that it will take them only two months and it's just they will finish everything, and now we are in our 10th months and the failure after failure, not only on the 7th of october. but during the war, so he wanted to present victory, but apparently they didn't calculate it in a good way, the retaliation is coming as we said, and we are talking about not not only iran but we also we are talking about hizallah in lebanon, and we are talking about also yemen, especially after the attack on hudaida few weeks ago, as well as in iraq, so we are talk about unification of all of the axle of of... 10 seconds, so sorry, 10 seconds, okay, and i think the retaliation will be big, now it's up to israel whether they are going to retaliate back and pull the whole region into a regional war, or they are
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going to you know make it easier on them and on the others, thank you both for being with us, said shah, sitnam, appreciate you being with spotlight, thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight, marzia hashimi, hope to see you right here next time, goodbye there were several fire engines going up towards the fire, but the police did not let them through out the fire. these are sickening scenes. scenes of people attacking police officers and even attacking fire crews as they're trying to put out fires. there is
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at least 30 fallicans are killed in israel's tracks on two schools sheltering displaced in gaza day after semiter. deadly incident in the city. jordanian foreign minister iman safari visiting iran ammit tensions in the region following israel's assassination of hamas leader in tehran. i've seen the uk far right protesters attack a hotel housing asylum.
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