tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV August 7, 2024 2:02am-2:31am IRST
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in continuation of its retaliatory attacks, lebanon's hezbollah resistant movement performed series of drone operations hitting several areas and targets inside the occupied territories, but that is not a revenge of the movement that promised the israeli enemy. in a speech today, hezbollah secretary general sasan nasara said that israel is anxiously awaiting revenge by iran, hezbollah and yemen. he also warned muslim states not to of heat the israeli plan to eradicate palestinians. and dominate the whole region,
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in which case everybody will be facing a grave danger. welcome to the spotlight. i'm your host najafi, and these are our guests in this episode. marwa osman, host of frest tv stream joining me from lebanon. evengler, author and activist is also joining me from montreal, canada. welcome to the show. now let me begin uh with marva. hez chief, as you in definitely heard, admitted that the assassination of fiker definitely was a big loss for the resistance, but fact of the matter is that the resistance is still standing strong, and he argued that what israel achieved by assassinated, he questioned actually the achievement of israel من in assassinating hania and shook her, he said that nothing has changed on the ground, as you and i very well know. their captives are
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not released, no military gains on the ground. let's have your take on this aspect. thank you for having me. um, i absolutely agree with you, because um, if you look at the access of resistance and the losses that they have been incurring ever since they declared that they are an open struggle with the uh existence of the occupation of the us occupation in the region and the israeli of entity occupation as well. we have lost a lot of fine leaders, prominent leaders like for example, leader martter hash qasim sulaimani, brigadier general qasim sulaimani, that was the biggest loss for the access of resistance, because he worked so hard from the 80s up until the liberation of certain towns in syria and certain big cities in syria from the um bangs of terrorism which are uh basically uh funded and armed trained by the united states of america and israel, so when sayid hasan nasullah says that the loss of uh sayid muhsin uh commander fuad
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shuker was a great boss, he means it because it his position was delicate and he was a mentor for hundreds of thousands of of men, not only in lebanon but across the axis of existence as well, but that does not mean that the resistance will be affected, we've been talking about the assassinations that have been basically the routine that zinist israel turns to when it wants to uh maybe hurt the resistance wh knowing that it really cannot do any change, it's basically spoken in uh very clear words, crystal words in one of the most important books that designist entity ever published, and it's called rise and kill first by one of the masad agents who was part of many of the assassination attempts and the assassination operations that happened all across the world, not only in the region of west asia, so we know that this is a uh maneuver that designist israel always turns to when it cannot really...
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change things on the ground, now zionist israel tried to use this assassination along with the assassination of martter leader ismail hanh in tehran to try to tell its people that look, i'm bringing some sort of success, some sort of achievements, but those achievements were never part of the list of objectives and goals uh of the genocide going on in in gaza, and i think the uh settler community realizes that hence why we're seeing lot of protests against netanyahu, but maybe not against the war or assassinations or genocide. because this entity with its entirety is an entity that does not want to see peace in the region. okay now evah has a well chief also said that the the fact that the enemy is just waiting and they're waiting while warming a lot that they're this this retaliation is going their way sooner or later and uh the whole uh israel is a high alert uh the military the officials the people they are all anxious and they are waiting for this. retaliation from hezballah
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and chief is saying this perse is actually part of the punishment, so so do you also agree that this is some kind of some sort of psychological war? yeah, well there's obvious psychological element to it uh, and this is causes uh israelis to uh worry and it has uh spill over economic effects, you see lots of flights and stuff like that, i forget what a airline i just saw stopping all their flights from new york to uh to tel aviv until i think september 1st uh something like that um so there is there are real effects economic effects. of of this type of of policy. um, you know, there's probably also, i would assume from hezball standpoint and iran standpoint, they do actually, they do need time to figure out exactly what they want to do and to calibrate, what they can do uh, with what the political result will be of of
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of of action, because i think the the preference still from iran and it has is to is to not uh you know go into an all-out regional war, i think netanyahu wants that, netanyahu wants to uh draw the us into a full regional war, um, so so there's you know many considerations probably with the with the timing uh, from the psychological impact to the to the consideration of exactly what is possible and what um what you want to do, because uh you want you, "you need to respond a way that's sufficiently um strong to deter uh israel from you know who knows what they'll do next if you don't if you don't deter them um uh but but also you don't want escalate too much that um you ensure a you
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know full-on uh full-on uh regional war right now uh marwa regarding this uh punishment that uh was talking it said this will come" "there it could be a multi-prong one, it could be joint operations, it could be from one single uh front of the uh resistance, it you know hezballah, iran, yemen, iraq, they could act in a joint way, they coulduh act independently, so in terms of uh scale and the type uh, what do you expect to happen? well, i think this is 100% some sort of psychological warfare that syd hassan masters all the time against the zionist entity, and he said it, he said that..." the the the time that is being spent without a retaliation is in itself punishment and now saying that we might do it on our own, we might have some sort of a collective sharing opportunity to uh retaliate from yemen, lebanon, iraq and iran, that uh its own also really puts
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designist entity uh top of its toes because it means that needs to secure the entire geography of occupied palestine, because when for example on april 14 the islamic republic of iran was retaliating against the sign entities aggression on the iranian consulate in damascus we saw that it only basically uh threw like 300 rockets with sworm of drones and only those rockets completely decimated the defense lines of zionist israel it actually needed the help of three nuclear states the us, the uk and france and the help of regional allies as well like jordan, uae, egypti arabia, but majorly saudi arabia emirates and jordan to also basically put on their air defense missiles against the missiles are sent by the by iran and you had their own level of protection inside of occupied palestine, so this time can you
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imagine what would happen if it was like times two or three the amount of uh missiles sent and not only from there but also from south lebanon, from the southern part of iraq and from the northern part of. yemen, i think that would be first, obviously unpresented, but i would think that that would mean that the entire region would have swarms of missiles and anti-defense missiles and it would be very, very dangerous for everyone involved, because israel is trying, it will try to utilize all the levels of protection that it could put it hand its hands on, hence why we see this level of presence from the united states of america and from the uk as well, both in the... mediterranean and near the the persian gulf, like as much near as possible for them to the persian gulf uh at the moment, because they know that if this option actually is chosen by the axis of resistance, it would mean armaged inside of zinus israel, naive, what's your prediction,
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do you predict uh that this war that uh israel by support the us is waging this genocidal war against gaza and the west bank, is that going to spread to the region? tongolf other parts of the region, do you expect a full fledge war? what's the is really plan? i think netanyahu clearly, clearly wants to draw the us. into a war with iran, there's no doubt about that in my mind, uh, whether he will be successful in doing that, i don't know, uh, the us has its initial signals as to you, dispatch more uh, naval vessels and fighter jets and stuff to the region, um, how far this all goes, i don't know, i don't know uh, uh, i mean, the idea that the us would enter a uh, sort striking in iran or or sort of striking in lebanon to assist uh israel's ability to uh
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kill more palestinian children in gaza uh that seems completely uh uh bankers that this would happen uh there's obviously uh segment the us establishment that would be happy to go with war with iran and they want to do that for a long time right? uh, the more sober elements of the us establishment uh understand that that's a crazy proposition uh, but the netanyahu is clearly trying to to draw a full-fledged war, i mean, what other, what other indication you get then, after you assassinate the lead cease fire negotiator, you assassinate uh top official in beirot, uh, you, blowing up, the new un school, was that 24, 48 hours ago, i think it's three or four schools. "they've they've bombedd in gaza of the past three days or four days, i mean they they want to light the whole region
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on fire. um, i don't think the israeli public understands what might be coming for them if they if this happens. um, i i'm also the whole question of like what happens with the other governments, these regimes in egypt and jordan and elsewhere that are are aligned with the us uh uh with washington uh, how long uh?" "how much support can they give to uh israel, can they do what they did in terms of helping you deter the rockets and knock down the rockets and stuff like that coming from iran? i i don't know, you would think that at some point there be this governments will uh will fall, that there will be enough pressure internally, but at this point uh unfortunately uh the sort of us power, us israeli power in the region has um maintained the the..." alignment of uh of kind of uh geopolitics in a way despite you know however
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many hundred thousand however many is exactly killed in gaza with when you bring in everything uh from the direct killings and the indirect killing um but but yeah i don't i don't know if we're going to go i hope it's not a full-scale regional war i think that's not going to be good for for anybody uh something needs to be done to stop uh what israel's doing in gaza gaza though that's for sure and um "hezbillah has been the main force in providing some degree of of opposition, obviously also yemen, but where it goes, i i don't, i don't really know. okay, now how do you look at this? i mean, netanyahu is insane enough, everybody knows that, he can do anything, but this is what our experts and panelists telling us, different people have been saying, what they've been reflecting what eve said, and maybe you also would you agree with that, that this has been a long uh time uh..." ambition and wish by netanyahu, they he wants to drag the us in and to start this full fled
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war, also uh pushing iran in and and engulf the whole region, so uh we have election, elections around the corner in the united states, so given the situation there and all the support, all the anti-israel rallies around the world, even inside of the united states, uh, what do you expect would happen next? well, i have um, i've been working with, a couple of journalists right here in the root over the past couple of days specifically with all the diplomatic waves of diplomatic people who are coming both to lebanon and to tehran and we've been talking and analyzing the issue and then there's this theory amongst us here in the region that uh because of all the diplomatic efforts to try and um maybe um persuade lebanon and tehran not to uh retaliate they found out that it is near impossible to persuade them to do so the retaliation is 100 and 10% happening, but what happened is that the diplomatic effort led by the united states of america, mediated
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by many players in the region, namely jordan and qatar and oman, and at some point we also saw the russians heading towards iran as well, so there is a big theory going on in the region right now that after the retaliation, israel might strike a bit in certain areas that... won't be very much effective just to show the word that it retaliated and then everyone will sit on the negotiation table whether directly or indirectly to end the genocide on gaza and to find away for the day after the war and that would be um implemented and established before the upcoming uh election seasons in the united states of america, so that's only a theory. is that correct? i don't know, but this is part of the analysis that we have been talking together, we've been talking with people from damascus, iraq, tehran, even with yemen over the past two days analyzing
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all these diplomatic efforts that are happening, and this is what we uh got off uh with, but again you said it, yahu is insane and he might go to another level just to make sure that this war never ends and it's interesting then to see what the us will be doing in practice your other than rather than words now you've the chief also talked about the situation in the gaza strip the ethnic cleansing the genocidal war raging there and he said the tel aviv regime doesn't want any land any holy site for palestinians nothing for palestinians. think palestinian should remain, they just want to eliminate palestinians all together, and that it's also the west bank, you know the israeli regime is expanding, get sellaments and line what is land grap policy, they also they're doing this to golan, some parts of golan, so they want no land for palestinians beating gaza or
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the west bank, how do you look at this? well so... moldrat uh said uh 24 hours ago that uh that they should stop all food to two million palestinans in gaza and that would be the moral thing, but the world won't let us, i mean they he just stated openly, minister in the government stated openly we would want to kill them all by starfing them to death, i mean this is after 10 months of following elements of that policy, uh they they clearly the people in charge of the israeli. government, they and much of the israeli public, they want to uh drive out all palestinians, steal all their land and and and then move into other, go further into lebanon and jordan and whatever, you after that was successful, the more messianic ones would want to go even further, um, this is, this is, there's no doubt about it, i mean
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the the openly genocidal uh rhetoric, uh, the openly genocidal policies. again today in the west bank, whole bunch more palestinians killed, uh uh, continued expansion of of illegal colonies and the, the international court of justice just ruled, two weeks ago now that uh, all of this is illegal, all of israeli presence, it it needs to end, there should be reparations, all un member states need to uh uh stop assisting uh israel's colonization, illegal colonization. in the west bank um and yet it it continues where you have the canadian government the foreign minister 24 hours ago she's blaming uh iran for destabilizing the region so israel kills 100 thousand $2000 whatever it is in gaza steals more palestinian land in the west bank uh blows up uh people in syria and lebanon
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assassin the top official in in iran and it's it's iran these. stabilizing region, not israel, mean this is this is the the thinking in the capitals of ottawa, of washington, of london, um, it's it's remarkable to witness. eva, we have one minute left only, let me ask mar this question. said that for 75 years we were displaced, we and the palestinians, israel remain put, our factories were ruined, there is remained intact, but now things have changed, israel is not half of the israel, it used to be, it's powers is wing. and they are now suffering what uh people have been suffering, we suffer, yeah, you have one minute, exactly, well, in one minute i could tell you that uh, it is satisfactory to me as a person from south lebanon that her house, i don't know if my house is still up there or not, but i don't really care, it doesn't matter, it's not even worth the pain that the people in gaza are going through, but to be
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honest with you, the mere fact that we have illegal colonial settlers who have been kicked out of occupied palestinian land all the way to living in hotels, some of them left the country entirely, is satisfactory feeling for the natives of the region, and as resistance supporter, uh, resistance across the world supporter, i think that this is just justice after 75 years of continuous occupation and aggression, and i think that if they are sane enough, they should leave and never return. okay, thank you so much, marva osman in beirrut and eve engler in montreal, and thank you for watching this episode to the spotlight on praise to be up in your host b'. i'll see you next time. perhaps the united states founding fathers could never imagine that the country whose declaration they sealed in 1776 would have a
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long history of atrocities at home and abroad. from the korean peninsula to vietnam and onwards to iraq, afghanistan, iran and beyond, wherever there's been a conflict or strife, the us was... involved. the us is addicted to war as the war machine feeds its economy, but watch in this documentary how the rules of the game have changed as us no longer has the upper hand and has to reap what it souwed.
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم بدايه نوجه من قلب الجمهوريه الاسلاميه في ايران تحيه لشعبنا. فلسطيني ولمقاومته الباسله في غزه وفي الطفه وفي كل مكان. قضيه فلسطين هي على راس اولويات هذه الاهتمام من قبل سماحه القائد الاخوين معنا الاخوه المحررين الاخ يحيى السنواني امضى 25 سنه في سجل الاحتلال الصهيوني وكان محكوم 430 سنه. خداي متعال داره. عظمت مقاومت و ایستادگی و جهاد فی سبیل الله رو به دنیا نشان میدهل المقاومين سماحه القائد قال انا كفيلكم هنا في
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some will say the final act in the decline of the western empire began with the degeneracy, depravity, outright blasphemy and sacrilege the opening ceremony of the olympic games in france, but i date it earlier. in the week, when the united states congress clapped like seals, 50 standing ovations, for a blood stained mass murderer, a child killer, benyamin netanyahu, for whom extent warrants for his arrest exist in the hague, in the heart of europe, for whom in most parts of the world he would...
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