tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV August 8, 2024 10:02pm-10:31pm IRST
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welcome everyone, now the israeli regime continues to be the leading authority when it comes to violating international laws and norms. the entity in tel aviv has committed so many war crimes in gaza in the last 10 months, it can keep prosecutors busy for decades adjudicating, from a wholesale slaughter of civilians withholding food and medicine as a war tactic. targeting health,
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sanitation and education infrastructure to killing kids, doctors, medics and journalists, carrying out attacks on sovereign countries in the region, and pitting arab leaders against one another, and targeting top resistance leaders, both military and political figures, has sent ripples of insecurity and instability throughout west asia, region that is truly fed up with washington and tel aviv's adventurism, and is about to push back in a very decisive manner. this is the topic of this episode of your press tv's spotlight. joining us is don dabar, radio host and journalist from cpr news from osening new york and zakir ahmed mayath, attorney activist and political analyst joining us out of johannesburg. gentlemen, i'd like to welcome you both to the program here. i hope you're both safe and doing. don debar out of
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new york, we're going to start with you, the iran's new president said that why are we, iran always expected to reduce regional uh tensions due to israel's adventurism, exercise restraint when israel uh uh behaves recklessly, why is the owness always put on us instead of them? this is actually something i know something about, 'i'm the oldest of six children, and this was my question to my parents most of the time that i was growing up, they would, say they're going out to dinner or something, and they would leave me in charge, my next oldest brother and i, of the other four children, we would have to work basically and maintain them, well they got to scamper and play and do whatever crazy reckless things children did, you're the grown-up in the neighborhood, um, there's a responsibility that comes with that, there's also a destiny'. that comes
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with that, israel, such as it is, is a passing flash in that area, with the mythology of it being eternal it is actually rather momentary phenomenon that has very short life, and what iran has to do and the rest of the region really has to do is survive it, period, wait it out, it'll be gone soon enough, there's no need to risk anything larger than you have to risk in order to get past israel because of... will be gone soon enough of its own design. all right, good stuff uh don and zack here, welcome to the conversation, your your initial thoughts and and i love don's um analogy there and his comparison, just lacking one thing, and that's the fact that family unit, there's a lot of love involved and and so guess what, you kind of you you you sacrifice out of the sake of kinhood of love, but the israeli regime only loves itself and basically despises the region with everyone in. most definitely, i agree with
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mr. debar that the israely entity is a temporary entity, the problem is that it is backed by one the earthwhile superpowers, hyperpowers i would say, but now a superpower, and the field is now no longer unipolar world, it's a multipolar world, and we see this within the context of the empire, when we talk about the empire, it's very clear to see right now with the number of assets that are coming into the region, us assets, f22 rapters coming into alludate air base, the... nato, awacs are all airborne, the e3 centuries are all airborn, french planes are airborn to protect israel, so what we are talking about now is the entire structure of imperialism coming to bay to protect the illegitimate state of israel,
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israel has committed genocide, i don't think it is questionable any longer, and i think the grotesk nature of this genocide has been exposed in the most recent videos that have been leaked from the prison where it clearly shows how israeli soldiers are raping palestinian prisoners. in fact the survey was done on an israeli channel and 47% agreed that it is okay, it's legitimate to use rape as a tool uh during this particular war. this is very disturbing fact, but it lens creedence to the version of my fellow panelist that... "entity of this nature can only be temporary, it cannot continue and much like the apart reg in south africa, so too does the apartate regime in israel have limitation and has an expiry date, however the problem with these types of regimes is
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that towards the end of their life they become extremely violent and the difficulty here that we have is that south africa had few nuclear weapons, it was meant as the final..." hard, funny enough given by israel, the nuclear triggers came from israel, but in the case of israel they are willing to exterminate not only themselves, but everyone in the region, and this is under the samson principle, and we've already seen how they've used the hanable directive, so extremely dangerous and the the owners, i agree, should be on israel right now to restrain itself, in fact i had the conversation with a colleague this afternoon, why is it that israel goes ahead, assassinates leaders in different capitals of the world, violating diplomatic protections and then the rest of the world have to restrain their responses, but i guess it's what my colleague says is that responsibility, a long-term vision, and iran is a responsible nation, but violation of
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honor cannot be accepted. interesting take, zakir and don, you want you want to away in on zack here's a take there, that when it comes to israel's adventures in the region at this point, it's behaving like wounded and dangerous uh uh animal. i like that analogy, but also uh how do you assess the impacts of uh israel's behavior in the region over the last five or 10 years and the impacts it has on the security and and stability of west asia? yeah, i think the characterization is accurate and and i think that the analogy to that kind of behavior to wounded animal is accurate also, and i think it should be considered in... also in the context of the uh empire, the american or european or whatever colonial empire, it's wounded now, look, i'm looking at china where how china has risen as as against the uh empire against
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the us and the eu particularly uh over the last 35 years or so um and the methodology that's been used to just assemble in. is based on mutual, mutual interests, a win-win. this is the model for the civilization that will survive if we do survive. if we get through this period with the empire collapsing now, where you have everywhere someone has finger and a button, a samson option, and you larger the set of characters, the more likely that the psychopathy of the person with the finger on the button will... caus them to actually push it and take us all down with the temple. if we survive that, however, the model that will replace it and allow us to continue our existence and to thrive, will be one is based on this collaborative model, and i think that this is the strength that we have, all of us, those
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that oppose this empire, this type of world, you know, for whatever reason and wherever we're located, and that includes a responsibility. to look at the material consequences of every action that we take, which is not something that the other side does, and to make sure that even though this might be more just in the short term or might give more emotional satisfaction or honor in in the short term, that the thing that will allow us to survive from one move to the next and enhance our position for the following move is the one that we need to take that we owe that to ourselves actually. interesting and zakir now you very well know 57 nations just showed up and attended this extraordinary session of the organization of islamic cooperation in jetta saudi. called for by pakistan and iran, they all condemned hamas chief han's assassination in tehran and
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said it is within iran's a full right to respond in kind to that martterdom, how do you see things playing out? i think this follows through with what we've been discussing with mr. is that iran has acted in a very responsible manner, the islamic republic is not one that is irrational and no, it acts in a very responsible manner, and by calling emergency meeting of the the islamic organizations, what it's done is that it's taken the entire region into its confidence, they have not retaliated and r an open war with israel, right now it's been wars of attrition, but this would inevitably open up direct confrontation with the zionist entity, and the spillover is not just in the islamic republic, or whether it is lubnan or syria or whether it is in yemen, it's going
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to be the entire near east, that's exactly what the the organization is for, it's all of these nations are going to be affected, and that is what it means to be responsible, to consult, to understand what are the implications of the actions that we are going to take, and after this rendution by the islamic republic, the statement has been quite clear that, that they hold israel fully responsible for the actions, namely the assassination of ismail hania, the political head soil political head of hamas, so this is an act of responsibility, and it also builds off with my colleague has said that the system that is going to replace the imperial system is definitely one that we are going to be seeing one of cooperation, that's exactly what we are seeing now, we see the seeds of this going forward. and i believe that the peoples of these various countries, the
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united states, europe, those in the islamic republic, those in china, those in russia and everywhere out, they are going to build a new set of rules and laws that will be just, not just protecting one group of people or not applied uniformly, and i think this is the the positive action that comes out of this meeting called by the islamic republic. can pakistan, thank you, and don, iran's acting foreign minister at that meeting, at that oic meeting, ali, he called the israel's assassination of ismaal hania in tehran, uh, a quote costly strategic mistake, uh, my question to you, how long and how far did israel really think it's going to push the line uh, engaging in these nefarious actions without having to be held seriously to account, me, yeah, it's for you, okay, uh, well, i mean, i understand the complexities
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here for sure. first of all, you have the contradiction between uh, the interests of the people that live in the territory, they call israel, they call palestine, whatever, and the interest of the people who are driving the ship of state so to speak, of the uh, state of israel, the contradiction also, not just between the government and people that live in that region, but of the government officials. and the government, particularly the contradiction between the interest personally of netanyahu and staying out of prison, and so trying to stoke this thing for as long as he can, so he can sit in that seat and enjoy immunity, as against the interest of that state, no matter what its intent is, no matter how malevolent, be able to sustain that in the face of him pursuing his own interest instead of the state interest, and of course the people there have been whipped up into a frenzy, the the the europeans, the settlers, what? everyone, the israelis to where they believe all this crazy stuff about having the right to rape
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prisoners and the right to kill children and all these other things are the way for them to sustain their own future, when what they are doing is condemning them, condemning themselves to early death and then hell, and i'm atheist, and the hell, i believe they're condemning themselves to to hell by doing this to other people, because there's no future for humanity there, and yet this is what's... being reproduced over and over under the conditions that exist just in that one country, it has no future, the future lies elsewhere for that land, for the people that inhabit it, no matter where they came. from and what they believe and for the people that will inhabit it in the future and for the rest of us by the way, interesting, and is like here, yemini and hisbullah leaders abdul malik al-huthi and sayid hassan nasulah both have alluded now to a strong, unified and a coordinated operation against israel involving multiple res resistance uh factions
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and iran against the uh israeli regime and your thoughts on i don't... "it just seems like such irresponsible warcraft by the regime to put itself in this situation, unless it did it deliberately trying to pull in its western allies, if it wasn't, because lot of them don't have the stomach to come back into the region for another drawn out protracted a conflict, they've been here before, they've suffered nothing but losses here in the past, so why would they want to come back and not for their own interest with that of israel's? i think there's there's a very interesting point." yeah, is that the united states, despite the fact that they have spoken about deescalation and trying to prevent a larger war, especially so close to an election, the other aspect is that they have been funding israel, they have been weaponizing israel. israel has been asking to do so to complete the job so to say in gaza, which it has completely failed that doing. in
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fact, general david patrius has commented about this and he spoke about the operations in iraq, and and mosul particularly and how it differs greatly from what the israelis are doing, the israelis have demonstrated no win whatsoever, hence we see these reckless acts of assassination both of general commander ford shukr in in bairut and ismail hanh in tehran. there's a second aspect of this, and this is found not on the superficial levels or in the media reports, but you will find this deep within the military analysis from the zianist regime itself and this comes from a senior researcher and professor of the begin sadat center where he says that the only way to solve the problem both in the north and the south is to connect the arenas and to launch a war uh on lebanon. they know that it's going to be painful, they know that the it's going to bring israel very close to
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the brink of complete destruction, but they are banking on the fact that the united states and the international community. together with the united nations will then impose the cease fire both on the north as well as on gaza, that is the game plan, what the wild card was and no one expected was that they would strike the islamic republic of iran as well and draw the islamic republic into this, so this does create the pool that is much larger than originally expected, the problem with this theory on on israel's part is that they believe it will follow a linear trajectory, when you play with fire in the manner. and that they have, it never follows a linear trajectory, and that's the problem with this entire plan, the only way to resolve the conflict is to acknowledge the writing on the wall, as the apart regime did in south africa, that this is an, this is an unsustainable program, designers project is unsustainable, it is foreign entity amongst the people, and the only way to resolve this
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is through the disolution of the state and for full integration with the people, one person in one vote, that's effectively what the solution is, but israel, because of its of its ideology, of its structuring, will not do so, and the unfortunate facts before us is that israel has completely miscalculated, the resistance is now calculating how they are going to attack, and there's going to be leaders in grades of escalation, and unfortunately, because of the arrogance of the of the leadership of israel, i believe that they will draw this into not just a regional war, but we already seeing the makings of a global war. we've seen on the one side general michael korilla, the us general sitting with his israeli counterparts, we've saw, we've seen former defense minister, general surge sho, coming into tehran, meeting with the security councils there, these are big moves on an
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international field, then i think that it will definitely spiral out of control, but the only people that are going to... survive are those of the access of resistance. i can't see israel and the united states surviving in this new world, and that's interesting that zaku should say that don, because iran's acting foreign minister at that same oic session in jetta uh said saying that he said uh that israel simply does not have the capacity right now or the strength to counter iran, but as you very well knowing what zakir said, iran is not alone, it's accompanied by all the resistance basically in... west asia at this point, everyone's on edge, everyone is airate, everyone's anticipating a response, so to zacur's point is this irresponsible warcraft, or is this deliberate? manufacturing of pretex to pull the west into a huge regional conflict, well look, mean that's the dynamic that you
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basically see developing no matter what the intent was going into it, this is danger with the war in um in ukraine, it has been, it doesn't follow a linear path, the other is absolutely correct again, 'there are you know unpredictable aspects, particularly uh with an analysis based you in the arrogance of uh impunity and uh and and the sense of absolute power. um, people miscalculate under normal circumstances, when they're infused with the psychosis of omnipitence, they make more mistakes. when you place people in a condition of an existential threat repeatedly'. on occasion they mishandle that and uh the existence of everyone becomes threatened or or or unsustainable. um, it is
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quite possible for israel or whomever ends up with their hands over control with the buttons and the weapons of that country, to blow them up uh either in a crazy man scenario because they bluffed and somebody didn't or whatever um or... just some accident, these these happen too and that it just causes one another layer, another layer of escalation because they're running them hot in preparation for use or whatever. um, it's also quite possible that uh the scenario that they have uh rolled out for us is going to be absorbed and managed uh and uh in essence uh buried over over short or medium term now by the responsible actions of the players. who see that the future is theirs and uh that the uh future is better one than the one that's been offered for the last or 500 years or whatever to most of us by
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european colonialism uh and that uh you know it is definitely possible to fight back, we've seen that, we've seen that the israeli army for all of its might and power and alliances and and whatever other relationships you want to characterize as with the us military etc. you has been stalemated, it can kill lot of people, i only have about things, but it can't win. thank you, i don't have much time left, let me check the the clock there, but i really want to get this last question out to you zuck here, so if you could, my question is kind of long, but if you could offset it with a shorter answer, the 10 months prior to operation alaxa flood, the news really - quote unquote far right cabinet subsided over daily raids throughout the occupied west bank, a record over 700 reported settler. against palestinians and their property, serious uptake on restrictions at the alaxa mosk, attacks on warshippers inside the mosk and dozens upon dozens of goods trucks being
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held up for record times, weeks a time from entry points of getting a goods into and out of gaza, very aggressive uh plans also for settlement construction, it seems - zack here that this particular cabinet came to work, came to power uh to not work for its israeli population, but strictly against the palestinian population and occupied lands. unfortunately this was the condition of the population when they voted this group in. we must bear in mind that the ideology at the time was that there is an internal threat because of what happened during cypal courts and therefore we need a more extreme approach to the palestinians. hence we have the the pulls that we see now, 47% agreeing that rape is legitimate it. so this gives us an indication that there's a psychosis within the society, and what this does is that it shows that it's a society about to fall
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apart, about to break, and that is why we seeing mass amounts of brutality, these extreme measures, they are pulling out every stop, this is the last battle of israel, i don't see it going further, i don't think we can go back to how the world was on the 5th of october, it's the end of the state, gentlemen, thank you both and stay safe to both of you here, dawn underbard radio hosts and journalists joining us from new york and zakir ahmed um mayat there joining us out of johannesburg south africa and viewers this brings us to the conclusion of the segment near press tv spotlight program. thank you for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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israel intensifies its attacks on han unis in southern gaza with several civilians killed. a missile strike a tent housing displaced palestinians. iran's acting forem minister describes assassination of hamas political leader in tehran as a causey strategic mistake by the israeli regime. and the leader of yemen's ansra movement says no pressure could prevent iran's inevitable response to the israeli regime.
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