tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV August 13, 2024 10:02pm-10:31pm IRST
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marsia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us. it appears that the western hegemonic front thinks that there is one rule for them and their allies like the zionist regime, and another rule for everyone else. for example, we continually hear that the israely regime has the right to defend itself, but what about palestinians, the occupied people, do they have the right to defend themselves? well, the western hegemonic front remained silent as the israeli regime assassinated. the political bureau leader of hamas, ismail hania in tehran and fuad shokra in beirut, but now that iran has promised retaliation, it is quite worried and wondering when, where and how, and telling iran to restrain itself, we're going to look at all of this on the spotlight. i'd like to welcome my guests to the program. out of glasgow, mcna, co-founder. scottish palestine solidarity
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campaign and richard becker, anti-war activist from the anser coalition out of san francisco, thank you both for being with me, i'm going to start it off um with mick, i mean mick, your perspective, how hypocritical is it that the european 3, the uk, france and germany is now warning iran about retaliating, um, while it's same time it continues to support the zionist genocide and the regime's assassinations. well, this, i'll try to add something to what you've said, but i, i agree with every word. i, i guess i would say that of course there's hypocrisy, there's good ranging hypocrisy. um, but there's also a tremendous consistency um in the part of western chancellories, because essentially um, if you're allied with with the usa. ritten in the eu, then you can do no
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wrong, and any crimes that you commit, any massacres, any exterminations will never cross a red line, but if you're opposed, if you're not part of, if you're not signed up to to imperial domination of the region, then you really can do no right, and it comes into the most sharp and and and un unambiguous relief when they say that israel has a right to defend it. but nobody else has, actually, um, international law isn't the highest arbiter, i think there's also basic morality, but israel doesn't have a right to defend itself in the commission of terrible crime, and in order to prosecute that crime to a conclusion, so the idea that israel has a right to defend itself, it really translates in reality into israel has a right to commit genocide. i mean, i i really have to apologize. iranian viewers that uh uh uh
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prime minister starmer from britain had the temerity to phone uh one of the top either the sorry the the iranian. president or prime minister uh to ask or to demand uh deescalation, at the same time um, this is a man who has supported israeli genocide and still has to pay terrible price in britain for doing so. he officially on air said that israel has a right to deny water to the people of gaza, which is genocidal language, and this man phones tehran to say, we will continue to support israel uh, but iran please don't escalate, it's really like somebody with a with a can of petrol and setting fire to property and asking everybody else to not escalate, it's uh, it's not only um very consistent with the west over time, but it's also an unprecedented level
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understood by people around the world, and that includes in britain, to be simply disgraceful, to be illogical, to be committed to escalation while asking the victims of that escalation not escalate. yeah, indeed. mean, richard, your thoughts about this. mean, do you think that the israeli regime miscalculated in killing hanya in tehran? um, or has it been very well calculated, and perhaps they thought that iran would not respond, because it's basically in a situation of right now. just waiting quite nervously to the response, i mean your thoughts about why did they target him in tehran? well, i agree, first of all, thank you for the invitation, and i agree very much with your other guests and what he has said,
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you know, the this is uh, without any doubt, without any equivocation, an extremely provocative act, and extremely provocative act meaning that, "it was designed, it was planned, it is what the israeli government wanted was to try to widen the war, the netanyahu government, and it's it's the others in the cabinet, the fascists, the semi fascis and the other extremists who are running the show now in israel, who are unvarnished fascists, i should say, they have, this is designed, the murder of the two individuals is..." assassination of these two individuals within 24 hours uh was uh was clearly meant to to be a provocation. i would like to add in talking about the history of germany, france, britain and and iran, the
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recent history, and that we remember that in 2018 when the jcpo the joint agreement, was ratif was it had been ratified few years earlier and it was abrogated unilaterally by trump by the united states and afterwards the uh after the abbregation of it and new sanctions being placed against iran, france, germany, britain all made appeals to the iranian government, oh we'll will help alleviate the situation, don't start up the nuclear, your nuclear program again, you don't advance it in any way. will help, will help, they did nothing, they did nothing, and and so we have the same three again here, and here they don't even seem to be offering anything except you know, don't don't do it, we're warning you, don't do it, and of course this is on behalf of their nato ally, which has positioned massive forces in the region,
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and they're there permanently, but they've added to those forces, the to the fifth fleet uh, to the to the aircraft carriers that patrol the region, uh regularly and and the us has proclaimed that the so-called right to defend itself that israel has means that the us defends israel, it treats israel as if it's the 51st state of the united states. uh, this is really uh has to be seen by the world for what it is. this is a provocation, this is the israeli government seeking uh to widen the war, and at the same time the absurdity that should... reviewed as as insult to humanity that you have the us uh the world's number one power then saying oh we'll step in and defend israel after it commits these gross provocations. yeah it is absolutely mind boggling um mean mick mean the reality
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is that in the post world war i world there was one rule for the liberal block order and another one for the rest of the world to abide by, but of course that seems to... be ending as the unilateral world is shattering as we speak, and other powers do no longer will just simply acquies to the west as global bullying, and do you think that that's what we're seeing? in the middle of all of this, for example, it the regime, the us's mainly kills commander, hezballah commander in beirout, less than 24 hours later, kills, hannah here in tehran, they do not expect or say we iran should not retaliate, i mean, is it that there um, basically not in the loop the reality of what is happening in the world? because there is no way that the uh actually the resistance front would not
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respond to such a provocation? very much so. i think it's worth pointing out that uh, you mentioned, since world war ii, you know, the hanging of um some nazis in germany after the war and the promulgation of some international uh law and statutes, that... really never applied to africa or asia or south america, it was really a shock and horror that this could happen in europe, but you know france killed 1 and a half million algerians, britain instituted a reign of terror before it was driven out of south yemen, um, several million, three million indo-chinese killed uh, bill clinton apologized at some stage, i think a decade ago, for the fact that america turned central and south america into a into a charnal house
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where governments were installed to who used germ warfare against their own people in guatemala and elsewhere, reigns of terror, butchery, the killing of tens of thousands of of of citizens, i mean the horror goes on and on and on and international law was never invoked by uh, was never seen as a constraint by the usa, britain. or france or whatever, um, i mean, i, i look at their role in the world and i see continuity. the fact that france is now wearing an eu hat, um, and and britain was a nato hat, if you look at the history of each of these countries, and the terrible suffering, conquest and dispol you, pillage and robbery that they've visited upon the whole world um, in the last couple of centuries, nothing is much changing, what they're doing in the middle east is is a continuity. "and what they want now is for everyone in the region to be intimidated and
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to submit to to imperial domination or suffer terrible consequences from aircraft carriers, the most most um high-tech means of delivering death, um, and of course israel has has has has nuclear weapons in the background, but i would just say one thing, it seems to me that taking the long view, this this really is america trying to prevent..." the end of the zionist project, and and in the in in trying to protect israel, they seem to be saying that zinanism has failed, because zionism sold itself to britain and then to america and as as attack dog in the middle east who could be relied upon to chastise any government that america or britain wanted chastised from 56 in egypt, but now we see not that israel is is is able to intimidate and crush all oppos in the region as they as they almost did in 1967, but that in order to attack israel cannot do
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it its own, but needs america to supply money, an air bridge of bombs and weapons and so on, aircraft carriers, submarines, so it seems that israel is not such an asset any longer to the collective west, and the zionism is is clearly failing in along that line, and perhaps this could be the begin. the end for the horror that israel has visited upon and design his project has visited upon so many people in in across the middle east right, well richard, for now panic is the word of the day for the israeli regime and its settlers as they are waiting for iran's retaliatory response and the secretary general of hazbullah said hasan nasulah has said that this is part of the response having the regime to wait and anticipate.
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and they welcome a wider war, they're looking for a wider war, and this goes for and the aspirations of the israeli government are not limited. to those characters, these horrific fascist characters who now control the prisons, which in the united states would like be having the grand wizard of the cooklux clan presiding over a prison system mostly made up of people of color as as it is in the united states, the but what they're
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doing, even the other side, the so-called moderate side represent i mean served to call that but represented by the defense so-called defense minister galant, he says today that they have again, he restates this again that hezbulah must be pushed north of the latani river in lebanon. what does that mean? that means that the us leadership and and what what he is aspiring to is taking over southern lebanon again. the aim of the israeli leadership as a whole, is to rid the country, to rid palestine of palestinians and to annex part of the adjoining a journing country, lebanon, and to use this war as as means to so call justify that before the world, so that that's what they're really aiming to, they want to, they want to clear
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the population, and you if you see what's going on in the west bank today as well as the horrors of the genocide. being inflicted on the people in in uh in gaza, and you listen to the leaders and what they're saying, you cannot really turn away from the idea, the understanding that what they aim to do is to expand their state, expand their territory, and to drive out the palestinians and this can be, the way that the war, the annexation, the or before it was annexation, the take... over of the west bank and gaza and golen, east jerusalem and for a while sinai took place was under the conditions of a war launched by the state of israel, a surprise attack its neighboring countries in 1967 and the way they gained the original 78% of palestine was by a war of terror against
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the palestinian population in 1948 and 49. those that might seem like oh what are we talking about that? long ago, it's not long ago, and i think that the the aspiration of the zianist leaders, the leaders of the state of israel is to be much larger country, to be much larger state. okay, well mick, of course, as richard said, that the more extreme elements of the regime would definitely want to have a wider war, however, at the same time, iran says that there's no way that it cannot respond, because it would just..." create and allow them to uh increase its aggression uh on the palestinian front in general, the resistance front in general, but we have many speculations about where iran will target um from various military sites to musad that was involved in the assassination um to various airbases um or intelligence uh
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agencies, i mean your thoughts and just the moving towards that attack that we uh actually we over 10 days right now uh in anticipation are waiting, how that affects the regime and the the importance in your perspective or not of this retaliatory attack by the resistance front? well from the comfort of my uh my room here in scotland i i hesitate to um to make certain key to make certain points but but i think everyone can accept our guest um opened up with repeating the word provocation several times, this is a planned provocation by israel, and i don't see that israel can do very much of this nature in the middle east without american agreement, and america is now moving in very powerful uh military forces in order to
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defend israel. how the iranians respond, well they don't ask, they don't tell me in advance, but um... 'i think israel has committed such an egregious crime by assassinating somebody in a foreign capital, following on from their assassination of people in the in the syrian capital, in the the iranian embassy, that they're trying to give the iranians very little choice indeed, so i think yes the iranians have have have very little choice, but they have one choice, i they have two choices, either to respond or to allow or to allow israel to carry on'. in the future and commit even greater crimes against the the people of iran, so how how iran responds, i don't know, but i think they need to intimidate israel because... israel only responds to force, it responds to absolutely nothing else, and the whole record of of israel has been that there is no limit to their readiness to kill and assassinate
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people, mean people may not remember, but when israel assassinated some people in in london in palestinians in the streets of london, even margaret thatcher who was pro israel kicked mosad and other israeli officials out of the british capital, starman. seems to be saying that kind of behavior's okay, as long as it's committed against the against the iranian people, so going forward, it looks very dangerous indeed, but i think israel means war, it's always meant war since it was implanted in the region as a kind of latterday crusader state, 56, 67, 73, 82, the list goes on of israel attacking its neighbors and killing large, large numbers of people, not just palestinians. so now we see a lineup in the middle east, the pro-genocide elements on one side, britain, america, israel, anti-genocide elements on the other side, iran, uh, the the
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the lebanese resistance, the his and so on, and i think the whole world is looking at this and seeing, despite america's effort, despite britain's effort using all sorts of of means and tactics to portray the west as the good guys, which in a sense they did for their own populations for quite a few years after 1945, it's almost impossible for people to look at the situation now and not see pro-genocide elements on one side and anti-genocide elements on the other, so however the military situation moves forward, i can only say uh there's a scandal in my own country, scotland at the moment and israely ambassador came here few days ago and we only just discovered because he came here in secret, he asked that his visit be kept a secret, and and and it's leaked out that he came and there's wide spread anger that he even dared to come here and that somebody in the government covered that up, so i think worldwide public opinion is very, very clear
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uh that israel is the is the is the criminal element here. all right, let me get richard back in on this conversation, stay with me, mick, um, richard, even today, tuesday, uh, the palestinian resistance in gaza, al-qasim uh, brigades fired two missiles at tel aviv, this is after being a... of course uh the area being heavily bombed under severe pressure and starved for months um, but they still were able to to do that. i mean, if the regime can't defeat the palestinian resistance uh, which using homemade weapons and under so much pressure, why does it want to take on hezbollah and iran in your perspective? well, i think that israel um, as your gu said, has been a warfare state. since its beginning, it was originally supported by britain, then by france, which gave israel the atomic bomb and since 67 overwhelmingly
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by the united states, and you know this is something that i think as often left out of the picture is that there would be no state of israel without the backing of an imperialist power, and nor can they continue today without the backing of the united states, so they're continuing on on their way. uh and and uh and their expansionist way and uh they really uh do represent a uh a threat not only to the people of the middle east but to bring about a wider war uh which they are now seeking so uh when we look at the when we look at the present situation and look at the the fact that 40 thousand people have been killed and probably it's far far more than that uh and and and hundreds of the uh, the world has seeing what is really thousands of people have been wounded, have been displaced, are being starved, you know,
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going on and seeing that the role of the united states while continuing to talk about israel's right to defend itself, as if israel doesn't have the means to do that, and do you have the the fact that now, here we are 10 months later, after october 7th. 10 seconds, richard, sorry, 10 seconds, go ahead, struggle is still going on, i don't think anyone would have predicted that the that the palestinian resistance could have sustained itself like it has and brought in the support of people of conscience, people who are in solidarity all over the world, and on that note, thank you both for being with me, mcnapier, richard becker, appreciate you being with us on the spotlight, and thank you viewers for tuning in to another spotlight, i'm marza hashimi, hope to see you right here. next time, goodbye.
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a blood thirsty cult, a terrorist group by nature, the mek. it was formed in 1965 with the aim of taking power in iran after the auster of muhammad reza shah. having failed to win the hearts of the... iranian people, the group fled to saddam hussein's iraq to carry out operations against them, and yet that is not the end of the story. quiero decir a todos los responsables del equipo de infancia del principado de asturias
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que son un. dijo: tanto los responsables de la consejería, los juzgados de familia, el equipo psicosocial, ellas y cruz roja, todas juntas forman un cortijo, yo no me voy a rendir, no voy a parar hasta recuperar a mi hijo. لذلك نعم نحن نستشعر ثقل الامانه والمسؤوليه وهذه مسؤوليه لديها اثمان ونحن ايضا مستعدين لهذه الاثمان الشهاده في في سبيل فلسطين في سبيل الله عز وجل في سبيل كرامه هذه الامه في سبيل كرامه هذه الامه.
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headlines at press tv: palestinian resistance fighters fired two missiles at tel aviv, the first such attack on the israeli city since may, as the regime presses on with this genocide of war on gaza. iran slabs western support for israel, saying it reserves the right to retaliate against the regime for the assassination of the hamas leader ismail hania in tehran. and palestinian resistance movements conden.
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