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tv   Documentary WA Rmericas Fate 2  PRESSTV  August 14, 2024 4:02am-4:31am IRST

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the 70-year armistice. the most horrific war among all wars that occurred in the 20th century. the war on the korean peninsula had the highest casualty. rate per unit area of any war in history, more bombs were dropped on the korean peninsula than the entire pacific war during world war ii.
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전 세계에서 차지하는 미국의 지위 급격히 격화되고 있다. 모든 수치가 증명하고 있지요. 가장 빨리 세퇴하는 제국으로 역사에 기록될 것이다. 지금이 그 초입에 있고, 그 폐권을 구성하는 양축, 군사 패권과 달러 패권의 몰락을, 그 몬락이 가속화되는 것을 지금 우리는 실시간으로. superpower in the
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shortest time in history, why has it found itself on the fastest path of decline as an empire? the usa's history begins with columbus's landing on the continent in 1492. while europe called it the discovery of the new world, there were already native americans living there, cultivating their own civilizations. the missionary bartolome de la casas, who landed on the american continent with columbus. said this about the indigenous
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people of the americas. the indians are so pure that one cannot believe it without seeing it. they have no desire for possessions, so if someone wishes to have something of theirs, they never refuse it. as expressed by bartolome de lakas in these words, the indigenous society at the time was very cooperative and peaceful.
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industrial complex sold military supplies to both nazi germany and the allied powers without discrimination. ford and gm at one point produced more than half of the tanks used by the german army. standard oil supplied more than 90% of the petroleum imported by germany. and without this support, the world world war ii would not have occurred. jimmy carter, president of the united states, said the united states has only had a period of 16 years without war in its 242 year history. the united states is the most belligerant country in history. now this conjunction of an immense military
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establishment and a large arms industry is new in the american experience. the total influence, economic, political, even spiritual. in 1961. president eisenhower made a shocking confession in his farewell speech, that is, the military establishment leading us foreign policy and leading corporations in the defense industry have formed a symbiotic relationship exerting influence over the united states. 미국의 특징적인 것은 군수 자본이 그 과정에서 엄청나게 발전했다는 것이고, 이 군수 자본이 그야말로 국가를 다 먹으면서 소위 군산 복합체, 그러니까 군대와 군수 산업분야가 결합돼서
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scorching the place with nepal and we go in
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or this is korea, chums, this is korea. 미국의 역사 자체가 전쟁 범죄의 역사예요. 남미의 수많은 나라들이 그 모든 쿠테타에 사실 미국의 cia라든가 미국 정치가 다 다 그 관여했지 않습니까? 다 개입했잖아요. 중동의 역사는 어떻습니까? 중동의 수많은 문쟁들. 미국의 석유 지배를 위해서 1차 중동 전쟁 2차 중동 전쟁 그 모든 전쟁은 사실은 미국이 다 중심이 있지 않습니까? 그것뿐이겠습니까? 베트남 전쟁 어떻습니까? 통킹 사건 사실 다 전쟁은 날조했잖아요. 기만 거짓 술책으로 자신들이 자작극을 해 놓고 공격받은 것이라고 발표하고 전쟁 쳐 버리고 수십년 이후에 사실은 그것이 미국의 날조 조작이었다.
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지금 들어나면 뭐 합니까? 그 전쟁 속에서 수십만 수백만들이 희생됐는데 아유 수도 없이 많은 어 전쟁 범죄를 자행을 했죠. 뭐 여지가 없는 거죠. 수도 없는. 그런데 전쟁 범죄를 다루기 위해서 일제 형사 재판소를 만들잖아는데 미국은 반대했잖아요. 그러니까 어떤 범죄를 서질러도 미국은 예외입니다. 범죄가 성립이 되지 않아요. 왜 관할 건 인정하지 않기 때문에 한 번도 인정한 적이 없습니다. 그렇기 때문에 어 세계인이 다 알고 있는 전쟁 범죄에 대해서도 어 미국이는 예외라고 생각하는 거죠. 아주 황당한 논리인거든. 저희 아버지도 나는 미국 사람인데 총사를 당했거든 아침에 날이 세기 전에 이제
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피랑 간다고 나가는데 예 그만 무조건 그만 총을 가면 갈게 버린 게 말로서는 그 뭐 다 할 수가 없지 뭐 어떻게 뭐 해야 그 뭐 그 뭐. 분을 뭐 풀어 주겠어요 그거 예 그 뭐 그 뭐 억울한 그 뭐 지금 그 이 이야기만 해도 나는 지금 말을 못해요. 주가 있는 거 찾아보고 어 내가 뛰습니다. 들어가서 보니까 우리 식구들이 죽가
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이신께는 내가 통공을 하고 운겨네. 어떤 어른이 네가 울면은 우리까지 죽은게 넌 이 콩그리 밖에 나가라 이거라. 그런 그리 참 에 내가 얼마나 그런 것까지도 내가 참 지금 생각이 나요. 말로 못했어요. 해야 돼 두 개다. 어떤 놈이 그래? 그 뭐 어떤 사람이 그런 걸 알아? 미국
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사람이 그랬다는 것만 알지? 어떤 사람이 그런 걸 알아요? 모르지? 형님, 형수, 어, 어머니, 조카? 그 이후 사람 둘이 하고 6시 죽는 데서 내가 하나 하고 우리 아버지 눈 하나 빠져뛰고, 그래 이 다리 저 일곱 군데 맞고 이래 놓었다 이가 아이고 그 말도 못 하지 말도 못 해 그 참 요식 눈때.
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the us military stationed in afghanistan withdrew from the baggroom airbase overnight. the us military hastily departed leaving behind thousands of vehicles and hundreds of armored vehicles. it has been reported that the abandoned war materials amount to over 3 and a half million items. after the us military left, those who collaborated with the united states. and pro-american governments also attempted to leave afghanistan. as countless people got entangled, coble, the capital of afghanistan turned into chaos and the scenes were broadcasted live globally. the president of afghanistan, ashrafghani also fled. he abandoned the people and fled, taking with him a money bag containing billions of dollars.
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center on september 11th, 2001. either you are with us or you are with the terrorists? president george w. bush blamed osama bin ladin and his leadership of al-qaeda as mastermind behind the terrorism. the us declared the war on terror and entered the afghan war on october 7th, 2001. november 13th, 2001. occupation of the capital, on december 14th, 2001, the official declaration
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of victory in the afghan war was made, the us-afghanistan war seemed to come to an end rather quickly. 성공하지만, 버기를 지배하려면 육군들이 있어야 되는데, 게릴라들한테 엄청나게 시달리니까, the first president of afghanistan, said this: before his retirement, the afghan war is a war imposed on us and we are sacrificial lambs for the benefit of the united states. the united states did not want peace in afghanistan.
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가 그 어마어마한 돈을 퍼붙고 또 이를 해할 없을 만큼의 민가인들이 죽고 또 죽였던 결국은 20년 당 뭐 했냐는 이야기가 나올 수밖에 없는데 실제로 뭐 했냐고 물 물어봐야 됩니다.
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years exceeds two trillion dollars. this cause has squarely become part of the us debt, making the us economy even more challenging. the scene in which the united states was forced to flee into the night due to the persistent resistance of the taliban and afghan people, was a clear demonstration of america's collapsing global hegemony. the decline of the us hegemony is making the internal crisis in the us even more serious. in june of last year. "the us government faced a crisis of surpassing the legally defined debt limit. once again, the us is on the verge of bankrupcy. the us government's debt stands at 42 quadrillion one. the debt ceiling is 31.4 trillion dollars, which when converted to the korean one, is an enormous sum of approximately $42 quadrillion. 이렇게
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표현했죠. 미국이 뭐 지금 30조 달러인데, 지금은 버티고 있는데, 그게 50조 달러 가면 못 버틸 것이다. 지금 그 30조 달러 부채에 대한 이자만 지금 이 순간에도 1분에 200만 달러가. the severe debt has led to a paralysis of the functions of state in 2023 in jackson city, the destroyed infrastructure from floods was left neglected. the running water was contaminated and there's been no electricity for almost a week. jackson city had no budget to recover from the floods and due to the neglect of the central government.
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new york is facing its worst homeless crisis since the great depression of the 1930s. the us government has declared a comprehensive policy to reduce homelessness, but despite this effort, number of homeless people in the united states has increased for four consecutive years, surpassing 580,000. these individuals wander the streets. exposed to drugs and other crimes and violence of steep inflation, severe inflation has led to extreme crime rates, and in shopping districts, iron chains have appeared to
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prevent theft, and there was even incident where thousands of pieces of luggage were stolen from a freight train. 미국의 약 60%, 하루 벌어 하루 먹습니다. 중산청은 거의 붕괴됐어요. 초고도에 이런 피라미드 체계가 묘족한 체제예요. 밑에는 거의 대부분이다 극빈청이죠. 거의 하루부러 하루 먹는 삶을 산다. 그 행복 지수가 어떻겠습니까? 굉장히 불행하죠. 내부진 소유 사태 이런 게 너무 많아요. 조금만큼만 개입되면 바로 폭발합니다. american society. in 2022, the number of deaths in the united states due to firearms was 44,290. the number of incidents of mass shootings where
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four or more fatalities occur was 647. there is at least one incident daily resulting in the loss of over 121 lives each day due to firearms. as an anoocracy, an unprecedented situation occurs as trump supporters sees control of the us capital in washington dc. internal
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issues in the us have escalated into an extreme state of division. in this incident, including one police officer, five individuals lost their lives. the political conflict in the us has now reached irreparable point. the united states is experiencing even more severe division as it approaches the 2023 presidential election. donald trump is inciding his supporters by claiming that the previous election was rigged, leading to clashes between protesters across the united states. according to a public opinion poll, 43% of americans replied that a civil war will occur within the next 10 years. retired generals in the us are warning of the possibility of a civil war.
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수 있냐? 전혀 아니에요. 미국이 다른 나라에서 전쟁을 함으로서 얻어든 수익에 대부분은 윤수 산업가들 목치죠. 결국 미국 경제는 계속 내부적으로 힘든 상황이에요. 그 내부적으로 힘든 상황이 미국 위기에 가장 심각한 위기입니다. 저기 가보 농민들이고. this is the incredible story of zenab haula, determined woman who transformed personal
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hardships into a lifeline. for nursing children with special needs in syria during wartime. they have memories of uphill battle with a now executed iraqi dictator. saddam hussein and his now defunct baptist regime and the like who saw to stifle the pilgrimage. today, centuries old arbein walk is still alive thanks to those to serve the pilgrims of imam hussain from across the world.
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your headlines here on press tv. palstines, unvoy slab security councils in action on israel's crimes, calling for urgent measures to stop the regime. impunity. the us approves weapon sales of over $20 billion to israel, including f-15, fighter jets, despite regime's ongoing genocide in gas. and iran strongly condem storming of the alaa. mosk by extremist is really minister saying it proves zionists are bent on spreading tensions across the region.