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tv   Iran Tech Titanium Implants  PRESSTV  August 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:19pm IRST

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بعد از جنگ ۳۰ روزه استراتژی هجومی رژیم صهیونیستی آرام آرام تبدیل شد فقط به استراتژی دفاعی. hello and welcome to this live coverage on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the 2006 victory. on august 14, 2006, the 33 day israely assault on lebanon came to an end after israel and the lebanese government accepted the... missions of the united
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nations resolution 1701. the statfastness of the lebanese resistance throughout the war and its ability to fight the so-called strongest army in the region to a standstill is seen as a divine victory by hazballah and its supporters. the israeli inability to put boots on the ground in most hard battlegrounds and the fact that it could not retrieve its captured soldiers, except through a prisoner swap deal is also seen by analysts as well as the israeli vinegrad commission, a historic defeat for israel. now the israeli war crimes led to the killing of some 100 lebanese civilians, 4,399 injured and an estimated 1 million displaced. however, the fruit would be a balance of power, no arab army had realized since the establishment, بنا بود جنگی با سرعت و با
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غافله گیری انجام میشه که در اون غافله گیری حزب الله منحد. آقا فرمودن که من تصورم این است که اسرائیل این طرح را از قبل آماده کرده بود و می خواست همین طرح را در یک غافله. گیری کامل به مورد اجرا بذاره و حزب الله را در غافل گیری نابود کنه. المفاجاات التي وعدتكم بها سوف تبدا من الان. الان في عرض البحر في مقابل بيروت البارجه الحربيه العسكريه الاسرائيليه. التي اعتدت على بنيتنا التحتيه. وعلى بيوت الناس. وعلى المدنيين.
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"the main eyewitnesses during the war were the journalists, but one that stands out and perhaps the only war correspondent on the frontlines was ali shaib, local television al manar's correspondent. now throughout the war, earlier we spoke to ali shaib and this is what he had to say about his experience in the war. حسيت حال طيب طيب ما هذا الاعلام هو
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سلاح بنقدر نقول له للمقاوم ارمي سلاحك وفل ف قررت اني اقبى بناء على رغبه شخصيه يعني بناء يعني مخالفه لرغبه التلفزيون ابرز قصه صارت معي هو لحظه مطالبه الصحفيين بمغادره المنطقه اللي صدرت بدايه من السفير الامريكي باتجاه نصيحه لاحدى القنوات اللبنانيه بسحب مراسلينا فتعممت وفعلا انسحب صار في مفاوضات كثير كبيره بيني وبينه انه ما بدهم يخلوا حدا هون انه لازم انت كمان تروح تروح معنا هلا قلت انا بهذ الليله انا بروح معهم لمنطقه قريبه هون اسمها قبل الساقه قضينا ليله سريعه ببحصبيا شعرت بلحظه انه انا سحبت انا هربت من المعركه ف والرانجلي معي علق بين غارتين يعني ما ما بيقدر يرجع بلحظتها استجمعت نفسي وقررت اني ارجع مشي وهذا الامر اللي صار رجعت مشي باتجاه منطقه مرجعيون
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والخيام بصراحه ما كنت لاقي مطرح نام فيه يعني لاسباب عده ما لقيت مطرح نافيه. برغم كل الظروف وكل الضغط وكل حالات الخوف نتيجه الغارات الجويه يعني مئات الغارات الجويه الاف القذائف المدفعيه على المنطقه الشيء الوحيد اللي ثبتنا بهذه المنطقه هو ثبات المقاوم. today on the 18th anniversary of the end of the 2006. while we analyze with our guests the military and intelligence defeat of the israeli occupation forces. how was hazbull able to defeat the israeli occupation forces and what did this mean for the future of the israeli threats on lebanon? allow me to welcome professor ibrahim musa, member of the lebanese parliament, member of the loyalty to
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the resistance parliamentary block. we are also joined by ali hami, strategy analyst, they are both joining me here in beirot. let me begin with you, professor ibrahim, where were you? on the 14th of august 2006, what were your feelings, what were your thoughts then? well, to tell you the truth, during the war, the onslot of the israelis, the 33-day war on lebanon, i assumed the responsibility of talking to the western media, and i did hundreds of interviews during the 33 days, more than 300 and whatever, usually, maybe a day, more than 10 or 12 interviews in different places. some in beirut like in almanara, others in the dah itself when it was bombarded in different places, so and we were following up different things actually, that has to do with media in general, but basically i was assigned this position of or
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this task of talking to the western media generally, yes, yeah, the feelings when you talk about the feelings, when i reg, when i recall the... images in my mind i i always say the same thing, it's like as if you're watching a scenario, you're watching a film that you know it's end beforehand, mean i was like something, never felt frightened or afraid, i'm saying what i feel, because to to be afraid is natural reaction from any human being, especially bombardment, the kind of horror that were there, but tell you the feeling that i had... the feeling that many had or if you want the majority had as if there was a kind of grace by allah to our hearts that we are doing something very sublime, very august, very sacred, and we are taking our part in the strife in the battle against the enemies, at the same time we are
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having a very important mission of sending the voice to to all the audiences all over the world to know what's really happening around here. so it was a deep sense of peace, a tranquil and did you show this to the journalist, the foreign journalist who spoke to you, did they did you express this issue during the war? did i express what exactly, the fact that you were, you had this ease of mind, this piece of mind to tell you the truth, it's not that i i tell them by words, i once i had an interview with the australian tv and we were doing it on almanara, there was this pillar of almanara and then these... came and bombarded while we were conducting the interview and was in complete ease as if something normal happening and i was surprised myself by myself that i was not shocked or didn't feel afraid or what we continued we conducted the interview we
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continued it i'm telling you that it's not only matter of feeling it was behavior it was something that had to do with our in-depth recognition of what's really happening. with all the str the destruction and everything, you still felt it was victory on august 14th, absolutely, we were only counting the days for the eventuality of having the victory, the divine victory, we were very sure that we're going to attain this victory with the sacrifices and the struggle of our people and of our resistance fighters, now we're going to break that down of course some more, but let me ask mr. ali ham, do you also believe that what we witnessed on august 14th, 2006, was a true victory despite all the destruction, we're talking about the destruction of almost big portions of lebanon's infrastructure, the killing of civilians and the displacement of million people. well, first of all, greeting to you and to his excellency, and i would like to
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say that in comparison between the 82, 92, 96, 2000 and 2006, and maybe later we we talk about the 2024. it was new jump into a big new era by using the c802 missile against the... corvette in the mediterranean sea and destroyed and then the after after that the enemy declared that he had more than 250 tank destroyed main battle tank and he has like more than four helicopters destroyed and one f1 by coincidence they said it was a problem by the runaway and it was destroyed by itself uh so the the military casualties was very were very big in their parts uh from our part
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as usual the enemy uh entity usually they start by destroying all the infrastructures such as hospitals, schools, water tankers, airports, seaports and others uh bridges also uh cut in all the uh the roads around, so in this case we can see that the balance of power started at that time, and we saw condalisa rice coming to lebanon to talk about the creative chaos and to talk about uh talk to me after hizbullah, she was like very sure that hizbullah is finished and after 33 days uh maybe hizbullah will not exist and even "the the environment of hizbillah will not be have any guts to to say that we are
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supporting hizbillah and the resistance. vice versa, in reverse all the production of conduliza rice and american tools in lebanon, were surprised by what the resistance could do, and it was really a big victory when you fight..." for 33 days starting from july 12th to the 14th of august and stand the fast fastness of all not only the freedom fighters but also from the the people on in south lebanon. yes, but since you mentioned that the fact that this was really a surprise, can you also talk to us about the surprises that you noticed as a strategy analyst uh the surprises that had in hand said on the 12th of uh july he warned the israelies that the only way out of this is to go for a prisoner
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swap and he warned them that if they do launch a war, hezballah would have many surprises in the at hand. tell us about these surprises, how significant they are. you're talking about the 2006, right? yes, in 2006. yes, as i said, the big surprise was in by killing and defeating more than 250 merkava 3 at that time, and it was so... easy for hizbullah to make massacre tank massacre in south lebanon and also the biggest surprise was by using the c802 missile against sar corvette in the mediterranean sea and it was totally destroyed uh despite the big at that time the big system german anti-german system and anti- anti-german system of the corvette so it's no way could uh this corvette be hitted by uh uh by this missile, but it
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happened at that time israel uh saw that it will not continue that war because uh there there will be more surprises by hizbullah and the new weapons are appearing by the hand of hizbullah and the commander of the uh era uh i'm talking about military commander leader. surprised the the enemy as they said by th two or 300 freedom fighters against about more than 35,000 israeli soldiers and they stand fastness against them and won the war and this is what what vinograt said yes yes and we're also going to talk about more about what we're looking at today as surprises but since you mentioned gondeleza rice you mention in the us plan let me ask professor musawi uh george w. bush back then the us president said he declared lebanon a front in
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the global war against terrorism and gondelise advice gave her famous line we're witnessing the birth banks of new middle east so this this does this mean that the war was actually in reality part of a us plan for the region not only just limited to the israeli objectives. it should have been actually when you talk about the first of all let me greet my uh colleague in the session, mr. ham, thank you for your welcome and i should like to welcome you in my turn as well, and totally agree with what he said actually about the kind of surprises that were prepared by the resistance. and more importantly when we talk about this kind of armament that we have at the axis of the resistance at resistance and that of the israelis we have to understand and and to make a real detashment between the capabilities in in its value like i mean you're talking about for example now and even then the whole western world has throwen its
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weight behind israel supporting israel supplying israel with the high tech weaponry with everything that they need. but in our part you have another armament, it's not necessarily materialistic one, you're talking about the steadfastness that has been alluded to by mr. ham, you're talking about this sense of sacrifice that does not exist at the other side, you have the weapon of martyrdom, that's not that you want to go and fight and you want to fulfill your mission, even if you're going to pay your own life for it, while in the enemies camp they will do everything possible in. order to keep themselves alive, this is gap that cannot be bridged by any kind of weaponry and we have to understand. now to come back to condulisa rice and what has been said, yes it is very sure now that when she comes and says it's the birth bangs of of the existence of new middle east, they have orchestrated, they have planned, they have made their designs
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and they saw that this is the right way to do it, and again we all remember that the israel is from the very beginning, after the fifth day, after the 10th day, they said we cannot continue anymore, and the americans were pressuring them, you have to of the arab retrogressive regimes as well, we're ready to pay or whatever, you have to get to crush the resistance, exactly, you have to crush the resistance, this was the issue, so yes, i believe the americans were uh very decisive and were very keen to see the crushing of hizballah at the time. and they thought, because if you remember at the time they announced here in lebanon the sidders revolution and used to come and visit lebanon every week and as if it was local official in lebanon, every time and now every now and then every time and another she is here, she's giving a speech and i i still remember george w. bush, you alluded to him, he used
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to give a speech every every thursday in the american. radio and the whole thing was about what's going to happen and that lebanon is going to be kind of domino effect for what's going to happen in the whole new force uh what exactly they thought this this is going this is going to be the trogan if you want horse that will open the way wide for the rebirth of new middle east that is necessarily headed by the americans and their supporters in the region but we have witnessed all very... stating blows and defeat for the americans and for the israelis and a divine victory for our camp and this it was defeat specifically for the israel that i think it's a defeat they admitted themselves it's a defeat some libanes didn't accept it like when you talk here señora for example he was weeping and he's saying that we were defeated.