tv Documentary WA Rmericas Fate 3 PRESSTV August 15, 2024 3:02pm-3:31pm IRST
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the 70-year armistice. the most horrific war among all wars that occurred in the 20th century. the war on the korean peninsula had the highest casualty rate per unit area of any war in history. "more bombs were dropped on the korean peninsula than the entire pacific war during world war ii. the intense three-year war came to a halt with the signing of the armistus agreement on july 207."
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fire. the usa's history begins with columbus's. landing on the continent in 1492. while europe called it, the discovery of the new world, there were already native americans living there, cultivating their own civilizations. the missionary bartolome de la casas, who landed on the american continent with columbus, said this about the indigenous people of the americas. the indians are so pure that one cannot believe it without see.
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it, they have no desire for possessions, so if someone wishes to have something of theirs, they never refuse it. as expressed by bartolome de lakas, in these words, the indigenous society at the time was very cooperative and peaceful. jimmy carter, president of the united states said, the united states has only had a period of 16 years without. war in its 242 year history, the united states is the most belligerant country in history. now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the american experience. the total influence, economic, political, even spiritual. in 1961, us president eisenhower made a shocking confession in his farewell speech, that is, the military establishment leading us foreign
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policy and leading corporations in the defense industry have formed a symbiotic relationship exerting influence over the united states. 미국의 특징적인 것은 군수자분이 그 과정에서 엄청나게 the terrorism, the us declared the war on terror and entered the afghan war on october 7th, 2001. november 13th, 2001, occupation of the capital kobul. on december 14th, 2001, the official declaration of victory in the afghan war was made. the us-afghanistan war
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seemed to come to an end rather quickly. 들이 있어야 되는데 게릴라들한테 엄청나게 시달리니까 견딜 수가 없어서 결국에 철수했단 말이죠. 116년 역사에 크레디 스위스가 없어졌죠. 음 합병당하면서 그 누리엘 루비니 교수 같은 사람은 지난 4월 초에 사실상 미저녁의 은행들은 지급 불능 상태에 있다. 그리고 수백군들은 이미 사실상 파산했다. 이렇게 보도를 낸 바가 있습니다. 또 jp 복은 사장도 어 은행 위기는 끝난 게 아니다. 지금 이렇게까지 지금 표현하고 있죠. the us is an extremely unequal society where the rich get richer and the poor continue getting poor. the top 1% in the united states owns over 31% of the country's assets amounting to $36.8 trillion dollars.
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the assets held by the bottom 50% of the us population amounts to just 1% of total assets. in north korea, which has been in a state of war with the united states for over 70 years, a military parade is held. the military parade features the appearance of the huasong 17 missile. the huasong 17 is an intercontinental ballistic missile with maximum range of 15,000 km, putting the continental united states within its striking distance. chairman of the state affairs kim jong un, even issues a warning that the dprk (
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해기업을 가하고 있는 미국과 그에 맞서 나라와 민족의 전험과 자주권을 지키려는 우리 공화국 사이의 대결입니다. 미국은 이 세상에서 제일 처음으로 핵무기를 만든 나라이며 이 세상에서 유일하게 핵무기를 실전에 사용하여 수십만의 무거한 민간인들을 대량한 나라입니다. 조선 민주주 인민 공화국은 철두 철미 미국 때문에 핵을 보여하지 않으면 안 되었으며, 미국 때문에 핵무력을 오늘의 경제로 강화 발전시키지 않으면 안 되었습니다. 우리의 국가 행무력은 미국의 군사적 침공을 맡기 위한 전쟁 옥재력이며, 최종 목표는 미국과 힘의 규능을 이루는 것입니다.
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ever summit with the us, unlike with nations that resisted the us, this time the united states differed from the precedence where military means were always employed. the world would be most likely to witness significant the chairman of state affairs who stated that changes agreed with president donald trump on establishing a new dprk us relationship. and building a peace regime on the korean peninsula, starting that process very quickly, very, very quickly, absolutely.
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however, the united states eventually broke off the negotiations, opting for military confrontation once again. meanwhile, north korea further advanced its military weapons development and strengthen cooperation with china and russia. now, the situation has escalated to put 주력인 미니트맨 icbm 400기는 어 60년대에 개발된 겁니다. 그때는 엄청난
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states. in response, the u.s. sought to preserve its agemony through alliance strengthening and through warfare. america has been tested and we've come out stronger for it. we will repair our alliances and engage with the world once again. 패권의 해체를 지향하는 이 흐름하고 혹은 세력하고 지금 날카로운 대결 구도가 만들어져 있는 거죠. 그리고 이 대결 구도가 어떤 곳에서는 열전으로 구난의 전쟁. 어떤 곳에서는 냉전의 흐름으로 신냉전 동아시아 같은 경우에 흐름으로. creating a direct trigger for the war. instead of direct
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countries, including the us, nato member countries, taiwan and south korea were among those participating in the sanctions against russia. russia is engaging in trade with countries in asia, west asia, south america and africa, including china and india, using the ruble or various national currencies, which is rather accelerating the decline of
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the us dollars higem. countries using their own currencies instead the dollar in international trade are increasing. the 10 asion countries discussed not using the dollar or western currencies. saudi arabia has decided to settle exports of oil to china in the chinese yuan. india demanded payment in indian currency for trade
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and 18 countries have agreed to settle transactions in rupees. petro oil, 달러를 가져오지 않으면 팔지 못하게 미국의 강요로 산유 부국 1위인 사우디가 71년대 처음부터 그렇게 하게 되면서 페트로 달라 시대가 열렸는데 오늘 제1회 산육인 사우디마저도 달러를 깊이하고 예를 중국 위에 하나 하나의 세계 기축 통화로 달러 패권을 누렸던 시대가 붕괴되고 기축 통화다 the global economy is undergoing rapid shift away from the us and the west centric focus. bricks, which includes china, russia, india, brazil, and south africa, the number of countries participating in bricks has increased to 13. many countries are also preparing to join. 이제
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브릭스 같은 경우가 향호 대한 세계 중핵이 될 텐데, 거의 그, 그 모든 이렇게 지역의 맹주들이 여기에 지금 줄을 서 있습니다. 그래서 지금 상태에서도 이미 브릭스가 g7이나 미국의 생산력을 그 훨씬 뛰어넘고 있는 상태인데 이런 국가들이 합류하고 앞으로 이제 점점 더 그 격차들이 벌려져 나가겠죠. for long time in latin america as a hole where pro-american regimes held power and were under the influence of the united states. pro-american regimes are crumbling and left-wing regimes are coming into power. latin america is now.
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수백만 수천만의 그런 무고한 생명들이 파괴됐던 그런 것들로 상징되는 1국 패권 시대는 미국으로 대표되는 패권 시대는 오늘 명백하게 종말을 거하고 있다고 가극화의 경향성은 대세이고 이건 어떻게 막을 수가 없어요. 거기에 맞게끔 미국적 위치들을 찾는 것이 순리다라고 전 봅니다. armistice: the korean war is technically still ongoing as no formal peace treaty has been signed. the korean peninsula is at a crucial juncture between
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war and peace once again. the us is escalating tensions in asia. the joint military exercises between south korea and the united states are ongoing, and japan's self-defense forces are also participating in the training. the united states often invokes the call for freedom every time it. goes to war, however, freedom was often exclusive to the united states and amounted to nothing more than a different name for violence and war. every people and every nation of the world will know the blessings of liberty. our very freedom came under attack for peace, for freedom, for justice. freedom, freedom. there is no sweeter word than freedom. the us, unable to seize its endless greed. continues to wage war without end, however, around the world, us higemany is being dismantaled, and new world order based on the equality and
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mutual benefit of sovereign nations is emerging. bringing an end to 70-year war on the korean peninsula, signifies the conclusion of an era of violence. and barbarism accelerating the decline of the war driven nation, the united states. it is imperative to transcend the walls constructed by the us and put an end to the war.
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according to statistics, many children born after the first persian gulf war and the years after it were affected with leukemia. the most likely thing, or least that scientifically, is the exposure to the materials that the soldiers were using at the time of the battle, so then you have to decide on what material. were using that could cause congenital malformation and cancer, there isn't anything else, there is only سوينه الاولى هاي قبل اربع سنين وعالجنا
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كيمياوي مافاد الكيمياوي شنا عين الثانيه قبل سبعه اشهر وطلعت هسه ورا مكان عين الثانيه. can you call the people terrorists for defending them on land against the crimes of zionist the making a stand helping such nation is it an act of terror too when the leaders of the world to start the basic truths the world is waking up. and history turns of page, the truth is shining bright in every heart and every age, the resistance but most stronger with courage and with it might
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stand up for what's right in the darkest of the night, they say it's self-defense for the ruthless cold regime, but the ones who fight for freedom are the ones they call extreme. in west asia, the tides are turning, new fate to unfold, people's conscience rising as the truth starts to be told, from american universe to uprising. worldwide, your professor stand with you against the unjust eye, find comfort in the solidarity through the pressures you face, empathize with young hearts in this relentless chase, the commands lessons guide us in humanities fight, be steadfast as commanded in the quest for what's right, do not oppress nor be
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oppressed. let these words like the way, the resistance from advances with god's victory some day, the world is waking up and history turns of page, but truth is shining bright in every heart and every age, the resistance front grow stronger with courage and with might, stand up forward tribe in the darkest the night. stand up for what's right in the darkest of the night, stand up for what's right in the darkest of the night.
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