tv Documentary Companions 2 PRESSTV August 25, 2024 9:02am-9:31am IRST
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of america because they are lying, this source, i mean, the united states of america is not a realable sources, so they everything they talk about, it's lie, always lie, so we don't believe them just for media, just to let the others to say, oh, look, united states of america is caring and wants peace and... something, they don't want peace with us, they don't want peace with the palestinian, they they just want to take take over all the area, so now they are okay and relaxed toward egypt, because they have a peace process, they are relaxed to relaxed toward the jordan, because they have this peace agreement with them, and even some gulf
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countries uh unfortunately some of them uh they believe that israel is peaceful country and they shake hands with them and they make a relationship with israel, but uh till now they didn't know, they didn't learn the lesson even after 10 months of killing of this genocide, those people who they made of peace agreement with israel, they didn't learn the lesson, they didn't see the massacker, they didn't see the genocide, they didn't see how netanyahu is a dracula, as we we can explain it or describe him, he is thirsty of blood, he wants just blood, blood, blood, and even in their torat book, i think this tatat book, not the real tarat book, that they did it, with the zionist era when
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they start the movement of zionist, they they always recommend to kill, kill children, kill women, any city you enter, kill everyone, everybody, blood and blood and blood, so those people, those this ideology, how can we do with them any peace agreement, so everybody should, i say everybody, mean, the those who they did the agreement with the israelies, they should restudy or reconsider the agreement with israel, this regime cannot be in the region here, because this is like a cancer, it's like a cancer in the region here, we should do do an operation and take it out from the body, it's it's that yani as imam. said that and imam said musa sadr said
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that uh from the beginning that this region is a disease was built our put input inside our region here in our countries here well uh the whole point here is something that uh is maybe not highlighted is the core issue is this genocidal war against palestinians. i mean, if israel were to stop that, then all of this would stop. israely lives would not be in danger, there would be perhaps a some kind of solution to the obviously ceasefire talks and uh the region may um take a rest from all this violence where at the source of it is not only the israeli regime, but the genocidal war that is waging against palestinians. but yet israel is opting to
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endanger itself in every uh way possible by continuing this genocidal war. um, i don't know, i don't know how how you how much this idea, will work with the with the israeli, because israel will never stop killing, because it it was built on killing. israel, since it was built on 1948, started with killing the people in palestine and throw them from their villages and their cities, that's why we see lot of refugees in lebanon, in syria, even in in egypt and jordan, this is because israel was making massacers since 1948, even after 1948 and this regime, this zinus regime was established, never stopped.
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link the palestinian even when the palestinian didn't have any resistance, even when they didn't fight israel, when nobody fight israel, it was like as the the western media say it was peaceful or something like that, it was never peace was never there in inside palestine, israel every day, every day used to kill, demolish houses and the throw people from their houses and before there was no cameras to to show this, but now in these days of cameras, so media, not the western medias of course, but the social media now it it works, you it helps a lot in showing this in palestine, how the israeli are attacking always the palestinian, throw them from their
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houses, demolish their houses and they bring people from united states and from europe and to put them in their houses, they just thought we can see these things on camera, on camera, everybody knows, that's why we see lot of movement in the in the world against what's happening in in palestine, nobody was with the israelis after the october seven, everybody was supporting the palestinian, because everybody was aware of what's going on in in palestine, and they know that israeli or... always attacking and killing, they kill children, even in the in the courts, in courts in jerusalem, in masjid alaqsa, they don't let everyone go inside the mosk, they just choose the very old people to go in, yani the young under 40 or under 50,
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they don't let them to go, if they don't let them pray, they don't give them a freedom for religion, and this is an... international law, you can see it in the united nations, everybody should have the freedom in religion, and there is no difference between color or religion or or race or something, but the israeli always those people who they they came from all over the world and they took palestine as a as the country for them, they they steal this country, they will never have a peace, never, never, even if now everything, everything stopped, even if now hamas stop and hizbullah start and stopped and iraqi, even this everyb, everyone will
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say, we will stop now and let's go as we can, israel never stop, but the problem that not everybody knows that... the truth because the western media always show the israeli side of story, they don't show how they are the palestinian living inside palestine, the oppressions there and how they are living in miserable, even gaza, gaza, not only now israel is killing in gaza, always always israel killing in gaza and even killing in west. west bank, there is no hamas, there is no war, there is no operations, and there is the plo there, but with that they killed a lot of people from west bank. all right, thank you for that. let's bring in our correspon ramala. who joins us, good morning, tell us what you have for us, what is going
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on there? yes, good morning, as the as the whole palestine is standing over one foot after hisbullah's response over the... really is really raid yesterday last night, actually let's just start with what the iof had announced that the iof actually has made several announcements about this topic saying that the primit the h that they performed on hisbullah sites was actually a primitive hit in which intelligence intelligence information reached for the iof that hisbullah was actually going. to use uh several uh rockets, they were they were ready to be used as at 5 am this morning, so the iof made a primitive strike and destroyed these rockets as the iof said, and as the as
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the iof official spotsman actually warned in that the north, the north area will will be in high alert during uh this operations as hisbullah is responding to what has happened and to to mention that that hisbullah has announced that uh the reply or the the reply for the assassination of the big leader khalid shukr uh has actually been performed. let's go to the to the side to what uh to to other on ground details announced by the iof that 320 rockets from hizballah side has been has been hit has hit actually lands over here in the occupied. territories in the military base of mayron, military base of niftele,
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military base, another three military bases were announced to be hit and other other looks like we may have lost uh the occupied in the occupied territories over here uh the the the the regimes announce that bulgarians airport is closed until further until further notice and that 100 airplanes, 100 war airplanes have participated and engaged in the ongoing ongoing strikes and as we speak to you we can actually hear the voices of the the military flames flying in the in the... skys of the sky of the west band as the military basis is closes is close actually a
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little bit over here all right thank you for that we do appreciate it uh that's of coursman nak talking to us there i'd like to continue if i may with you uh naziah saleh if you're with us are you with us yes i am with you great uh so this is the whole deal here, we're looking at what has transpired um in the past hours uh from 5 5 a.m. on and uh taking a look at just the intelligence aspect of this where uh you have the israeli occupation um to have been in a state of alert and they had drones that were flying over um southern lebanon and uh they were trying to track down what is happening but yet they were not able to actually prevent uh the barrage of missiles that came from southern lebanon um and that i would think
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should spell um warning uh signs for the israely regime that uh they cannot prevent and stop all these missiles and rockets coming from heizbollah where the capacity of hizbullah overall is about 300 rockets based on one estimate that they can um fire. onto the occupied uh territories uh, what is their incentive then to to do what they are doing? the only reason uh that one can come up with is that the us has given israel the support and uh the guarantee that it can do what it is doing? yeah, yeah, alhamdulillah, this is from allah, the intelligence war, now we can see... now hizbullah is like there's an equivalence between between hizbullah and and
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israel in this matter as we know that israel is like show off it used to be showing off you in front of all the region all the countries and the regions even those though they make agreement with with israel that uh "israel has the most intelligent ideas in war, in weapons, it has the most advanced weapons and very very strong and very dangerous weapon, even the nuclear bonds and everybody used to fear this around israel, but..." here hisbullah uh show another face of this, show israel that he has an
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intelligence, lot of intelligence ideas and the people who they can create these to uh to face israel, so that's why we see now that israel in a lot of uh places couldn't couldn't know in advance that hizballah is sending missiles of drones because hizballah. work intelligencely on this one and in science, so that's why israel cannot know what hizbullah is sending, what hizbullah is planning to do, this is a big problem for
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israel now, even even with all the support as you said with the from united states, all the ships in the sea, all the the planes, the airplanes, the the fight player, you all the weapons and very strong, strong weapons received israel received from united states recently, even those weapons biden didn't agree before to send it to israel, but now he agreed to send it to israel, they said those very very very strong bombs even though israel they couldn't the cannot couldn't before and cannot in the future discover how hizbullah is going to responds where hizbullah the main bases weapons where are
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the the the the main strong main forces? for hizbillah what happened when they they uh they killed the shaheed shukr uh that was shukr was normally moving and going normally because hizbullah didn't think that israel will dare and attack beirot or attack because it was a like red point, it was not allowed, yani this is the the game, in war, so israel passed this this rules, so this that's why shaheed shukr was assassination, it wasn't a a smart movement from israel, because shaheed
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shukr was clearly outside with everyone, in in building in his house was clearly not hiding, but israel till now couldn't reach the hidden places and the hidden thing, the heading what what do you call it operation that prepared from hizbillah? it's a mysterious for the israelis and hizballah. till now succeeded in hiding this and working very well in this matters. so the tali that uh is um as total number of fronts that the israeli regime is dealing with amounts to seven uh from lebanon to iran to the
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resistance groups to syria to iraq to yemen um and of course the gaza strip uh. when you add all that up uh simultaneously, if there were to be barrage of missiles and rockets coming from all of them at once there would be no israel left. um, how and why would uh the israely regime along with the us think of uh doing what they're doing right now without taking that into consideration? mean, that's a huge risk, isn't it? yes, yes, it's a very huge risk for israel, now if if a... joint attack is made by all these allied against israel and even the united states of america cannot do anything to protect uh israel, maybe maybe united states of america now is seeing that israel uh no more benefit for for
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united states, maybe it will reach this point, especially the united states has other countries work as a police for the united states in the region, unfortunately and we have some arab countries around palestine on the region, they are helping more, they are a very important base for united states of america, so is israel in the beginning when britain established this country. and then give it back to united states, as we know, build it, they those they build it as base for them as a the place to torture the countries around this palestine because they knew this this area this area the around the
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palestine uh rich in oil, rich in petrol, rich in gas, lot of natural sources here is very important. for europe and for united states, now if israel will not be this police for the western regime, they might forget about it, because they have another countries like some countries in the gulf, they have egypt, they have jordan, and they have lot of bases in the... military bases in the in the region and they will be afraid those bases might be attacked from iran oruti or
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hizbullah or iraq so if they want to keep themselves inside the in the the region in the region they should let israel go this is my opinion because they have a replacement countries they can ' get benefit from them, okay, i think they they they will not if this uh join attack is made by all the allied, i think united states of america won't do anything against those countries. thank you so much for your contribution, saw that political analys there talking to us from beirot, we are going to uh talk to nak who's been standing by patiently there our correspondent there from occupied romala, thank you for your patience. we do appreciate it, i'm curious as to how this is being covered by the uh local media there in uh the occupied land in particular obviously this really machine media as to what has occurred
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here uh actually these these events are being uh carefully washed out and reported by the media over here second by second as we have been uh as we as as as journalist and for the other side for the regime side has been waiting for. ly for what hizbullah has to say about the this big assassination of the late shuker actually two more details i would like to highlight for uh for your attention one of them is that the america the us army has announced that the leader of the us army reach jordan actually this morning to not to contribute but to coordinate with the iof in in these operation which make which made some analysis believe believe that this strike was made by a us green light and and help of
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course intelligence intelligence and informations help because as as daniel hagari the iof spokesman said that these operat these tries are being made in coordinance with the us government but not with their participation. of course not everything that daniel hagari says most of the people over here and most of analysis does not believe so as daniel hagari has announced that more than 1000 locations for hizbullah has been destroyed until this moment but we hear we have been listening to daniel hagari for 320 days now saying every day saying that the resistance the resistance is now crushed in the gaza strip but day we can see rockets fly directly to tel aviv, that's why we keep a close eye on the media on the regimes media,
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but we we try as journalist to listen for more than one source to give you specific specific information. the last thing i want to highlight over here in these strikes that hizbullah has announced that this that the strikes made by the iof left no casual countries until this moment and all the locations that were hit by the by the iof were cleared before because hizballah knew that the iof would would target and bomb these these locations. also one important information in hisbullah's last statement that reached to us before minutes uh minutes ago that these locations after being cleared these these tries hisbullah was able. was able to make successful strikes as planned and hizbullah will announce later further details about the locations and about the
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casualties that was uh made within - within the regime and within the iof as they have targeted all targeted only military uh military targets. uh based on where you're at, have you seen any rockets or activity in the air in terms of uh missiles or what have you uh anywhere uh based on the location that you are at? over here over here in ramala city uh we can see the rockets as the north the northan front is far away from here, but we can we can see two things, actually we can see we are very close to bingorians airport, we can see the total shutdown of the of the flights to bingorians airport and we can we can hear the the military forces, the military air forces flying over ramallah and the west bank as other colleagues has in but
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regarding to the the the rockets and missiles and military operations, the north is is very very far away from here and let me mention also that it it has been almost a military closed area where even no journalist was able to go there because of since the beginning of the dinosaal war there has been many many strikes over there in in the north in the northern area. yeah, i was just reading uh, what um the spokesperson of the israel regime forces has said uh based on this particular post on x, where he said 100 israeli air force fighter jets were involved in what it claims was attack and destruction of thousands of hezbollah launch pads in southern lebanon, so this obviously was very major operation uh by the israeli regime against hisbollah. yes, it seems, it seems as
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let me let me just uh, let me just make sure that we are only transmitting what daniel hagari, the iof spokesman said, and daniel hagari assured that 100 air force planes participated in these in these strikes and in this operation in the length of 70 kilometers inside the lebanese, the lebanese lands, which makes it a very a wide area and a large area, but if we look at the ground, if we look at the ground, tracing, tracing casualties and tracing whether if there were direct hits to figures or to civilians or to fighters from hizbullah, hizbullah hasn't announced any casualty until this moment neither from its forces or from delibit.
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