tv SPOTLIGHT PRESSTV August 27, 2024 10:02pm-10:31pm IRST
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following major retality operation by lebanon's hizbillah against israel renewed. efforts were made to achieve seasfire in gaza. the last round of talks in cairo ended inconclusively in sunday. the two sides are at odds on several critical issues, including israely demands to maintain military presence along gaza's border with egypt. meanwhile, the genocidal war is claiming more innocent palestinian lives in the gaza strip and the west bank. un agencies complaining that these really evacuation orders have disrupted humanitarian operations. welcome to the spotlight. i'm your host. and these are
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guests in this edition. spokesperson of masar badil movement in vancouver. sayid abbas journalist and political commentator in london. good to see you gentlemen. khalid beginning with you, you hamas has already accepted that uh us proposed draft deal of course. it came after several rounds of mediated negotiations, but the us is acting like an attorney or something to the israeli of side, i mean doing whatever pleases the occupation regime, like making new demands, new changes to their own proposal, what's going on? yes, hello to you and to your guest and viewers, absolutely the united states have always been more than just an advocate and a lawyer for... israel, the united states
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have kept delaying any kind of resolution to the aggression against palestinians in ghazza. in fact, they have been the reason behind many attempts of reaching a deal, the united states had veto at least four times efforts by international, you know, agencies, especially the... security cancel throughout the the the genocide and while war crimes have you know is happening in gaza, the united states find itself in a situation where it does not want to see israel defeated of and at the same time it does not want to drag this into a strategic defeat for itself because israel as we know have failed in
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achieving all of their goals except the you know killing and massakering innocent palestinian people, that's the only... think that israel was successful in, but when it comes to the declared and even the undeclared goals of israel, through this genocide, it did not achieve any of its goals, releasing their captured or you know putting an end to the palestinian resistance, we see that in the last week the palestinian resistance in ghazza has been showing a very you know strong present and have you know strike uh many times throughout ghazza in the north in the south in the middle and natsarem even the so-called you know philadelphia access that
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netanyahu lately is been saying you know that they want to keep their present there um we are going to witness escalation in palestinian resistance in in in that area not just in ghazza but also in the west bank and in jerusalem and this is been you know obvious particularly after the last round of negotiations in cairo, always the united states protects israel and defend israel any cost at all time. okay, let me turn to london mson, telaviv's demand on maintaining military presence. around the philadelphia crossing on the god side of border with egypt, you know this has not been accepted by hamas. hamas of course is committed to the previous draft agreement, it doesn't accept this, even egypt that's mediating the talks opposes this demand, which also proves to be
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a sticking point in the seasfire talk. so i want to ask you, how come israel is sticking to its guns when it comes to philadelphia? well, because from the outside. these negotiations for the so-called cease fire um benjamin netanyahu has had no intention of actually concluding a cease fire, he's just buying time, all he's doing is trying to delay, and this is yet the inevitable, which is that that the palestinians ultimately will repel all efforts by the israelis to subjugate them in the way that they want to, because um quite clearly uh they've... failed diplomatically, the the israelis have got no credibility left in the majority of the international realm after the their performance over this since october the 7th particularly, they failed from a public relations point of view, because the whole world is now uh turned against them, only the
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anglicansphere, the ones who are wanting to plunder and and pillage uh west asia, only they are with them, the canadians, all the former and and present colonialist. mentality settle colonialist states of britain, canada, australia, america, all of them have genocidal histories, you'll note, well they're the one supporting genocidal israel, and of course they've also failed militarily because they've been embarrassed thoroughly, that they with their much wanted greatest military force in the world evidently after america, they managed to achieve exactly what, the murder of 186,000. civilians, women and children, they've not certainly not achieved any victory over over hamas or any the palestinian resistance, the tunnels that they said they were going to shut down are still there, in fact they they discovered there, there are so many of them that they've totally underestimated what the palestinians
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have been doing in terms of preparation for the resistance, and of course they've failed a moral and political level at every stage in this. of genocide that they've committed, so really benjamin netanyahu, all he's done is managed to make israel much weaker, he's exposed their their military vulnerabilities, he's managed to ally most of the axis of resistance an operational exercise which they managed to test their abilities, and he's managed to encircle himself on five fronts military, so he on, he's not only failed, he's actually made things. lot worse for israel and something which i don't think they'll recover from. okay, now khalid americans saying that the senior level talks in kairo were constructive and that would continue with working group discussions the coming days to what they call bridge the gaps. but practically you don't see any break
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through. i mean, do you anticipate an agreement at the end of the day? no, not really. i mean after the hamas. delegation you know went to cairo and they got back to doha, they held discussions with palestinian various. and palestinian groups, particularly islamic jihad, and what we got from our brothers in the leadership of both parties, that there was nothing really, netanyahu is, as brother sayid said, that he is trying to put an obstacle in front of reaching any kind of seiz. and that's because netanyahu find himself in a situation where he cannot you
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know go back and he cannot continue, he is trapped and he's taking the main goal for netanyahu now is to continue his position as a prime minister of the zionist regime and if he uh "you know, if if he is defeated, he looks at himself as if he's defeated in case of any sease fire, and at the same time, israel have lost more soldiers in the last two months than they lost in october 7th, and the israeli army is deteriorating from within, there is almost a consensus now amongst the israeli military branches and the h'. the security israeli security branches are the mosad, the shabak, shine bait, the
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israeli army, the israeli intelligence is his consensus that they cannot continue with this war because the israeli army is failing and the more uh netanyahu continues, the more this failure is going to show, particularly now at these times where the uh palestinian resistance is uh getting more and more um you know um uh changing their tactics to offensive tactics, not just to defense, but to also launch and offensive tactics and we saw in the last week uh that the palestinian resistance have changed its uh its tactic on that level and we think that there is going to be escalation in the palestinian and lebanese resistance in the coming days, at
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the same time the palestinian people are not going to back, you know, their support, the you know, from the palestinian resistance, the palestinian people have a consensus, popular consensus to stand behind their resistance, and that's why our brothers in hamas who goes to... negotiations, they have their uh, you know, they feel strong that they have the back of the access of resistance and they have also the support of the palestinian popular stand, and this is basically giving the palestinian negotiating team a more kind of power over the israeli one, because netanyahu delegation goes to cairo, weak and without any kind of real decision power, right? now let's take a look
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at what the us is doing in here, it's provide the occupational regime with colossal amounts of money, you know, lot of us taxper money, military hardware, and there was this stagring statistics out yesterday, i wonder if you saw that, it's really mind boggling, so at the same time it's pushing for so-called peace talks, mean they put forward a proposal that hamas agrees to, then they change it, as demanded by the tel aviv regime, what exactly is washington up to here? i mean, fueling the war in gaza or pushing for peace? well, on the international front, the us knows that they also are being tarnished with exactly the same brush as the genocidal netanyahu regime, and indeed the israelis who are backing them, 97% of them back this assault on gaza, perfectly happy with this genocide. uh, america, of course, 75% of their public isn't that happy. with it, but they are kept largely ignorant and blind, but the establishment is sold so sold
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out to the anglo-zionist uh kabal that runs the most of the world's show, but particularly runs america, that they can't squeak, that they've got them over the barrel with the hold on their economics situation, everything from the world bank to the bank of international settlements through to wall street, it's all in the hands of the same same signist uh intricate network of corporate, military, economic, uh and other uh if you like institutional power basis, so it's very hard for america really as a as nation now to get out of that that coil, because they sold their sold to the devil very long time ago, america has had. have been engaged with over with with over 390 uh conflicts or military engagements that they've gone and interven intervened in uh since 1776, they've literally been warr every day of their their existence it seems, and now half of those were since the world, second world war, they're a nation built on
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the genocide of the the native indians and the americans who who lived there, they are nation which you know is... obsessed with guns, is obsessed with violence, is obsessed with this mentality of empire and imperialism, so there's a sickness there which you have to recognize which runs from top to bottom in many ways, and it's a problem for the world now, because america is no longer the guaranteur of any kind of international uh order, they call it the rules based order i believe, but there's the only rules uh that apply are the ones that they imposed, so the reality of america is that they uh... they were the the whipping boys of the world, but the problem now is that the the the global south is waking up and there's increasing uh talk of dedolarization, there's an increasing turning away from america, there's an increasing disgust with the imperialism of the us, this is all tied to israel and it's it's absolute uh you know insistence that israel must be
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protected at all costs, ronald reagan and the like weren't so keen, you'll remember they stopped yitzak shamir back. 'then they didn't back these these kinds of genocidal all-out killings which biden has, biden is total total signist, trump is too, what netanyahu is now banking on is that netanyahu comes back into power and even if it's kamal harris, the truth is they're all the same, they sing from the same h himbook, but he wants this new presidency to come in and support him in a direct war, this is what israel's objective has been, they want a war with iran, they've been'. trying to drag in uh america to come and deal with iran, but america knows also that that is an not an easy task. netanyahu hasn't succeeded in 10 months to destroy a sort of a minor militia in palestine, they can't take on hezbulah, they're too scared to go full on with them, let alone iran and the entire axis of
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resistance, so they're in a real connundrom, they really don't know where to go, they they caught between uh the rock uh... hard place and they really are are stuck for ideas and i think that the access of resistance obviously is getting more and more bold given that the us has no idea what it's doing except that it's going to sink with israel uh which it says it's uh it's kind of its major if you like policy uh imperative in west asia why i don't know because they're wasting all billions of dollars in keeping economy which is now sinking day by day 6000 businesses are have collapsed in this period since october the 7th, it's being said, hundreds of thousands of uh israelis have evacuated the northern region and the southern regions around gaza, the economy is dying its feed uh, that's by all accounts, legally the icj of course and the icc have also dammed
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america and dammed the israelis by issuing warrants of arrest for netanyahu, well not issuing but certainly... for the issuance of those and they want the icga wants the genocide to stop, exactly. now khalid, let's take a look at the humanitarian operations in gaza, honorable officials for instance, they're saying that the evacuation orders recently issued by the iof, they have forced a un staff to in their words reconfigure their operations. let me quote what a senior honorable official said, there's so many people dying in gaza from things that can be treated, people can be saved. but we do not have the means to do this for them, direct quotation, we do not have the means to operate to the best of our ability, so the question is, i mean, when aid agencies cannot do their jobs, what can be done for the people in gaza? exactly, and what israel is doing is to push palestinian people into a
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total starvation and despare and not allowing enough... you know aid particularly food and medicine and clean water and israel is doing this since 1948 and it's doing it now in ghazza a very large scale and right in front the world eyes and they're doing this because they want the palestinian people to do two things to be displaced and leave gazza into and so the displacement of the palestinian population in ghazza, and the second thing, they want palestinians to, especially the popular support of... the palestinian resistance to retreat and israel is failing on those two issues, the palestinian people in ghazza are steadfast, they understand that
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the one who's doing this to them is designist regime with the full support of the united states and the western colonialist power, this is not something that the palestinian people - you know don't understand. stand, they very much deeply aware of why israel is doing these crimes and who is supporting israel in these crimes, and at the same time we see some of the arab regimes supporting israel with ships full of food and many other commodities for the israeli market and the israeli society, and at the same time they're closing the borders on palestinians. egypt, we know that the trade have raised between united arab emirates and israel, we see that
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jordan is securing a landline of support to israel, at the same time they are not doing even closely to you know supporting the palestinian people, and the more this war continues, the more these arab reactions. regimes will be exposed, the more israel crimes will be exposed and the more the united states will look as if it's the primary you know side to be blamed for this genocide, because the united states have publicly and until now did not even did not even condemn israels, they are supporting it, we have one minute left, let me give this one minute to mosan abbas, evacuation orders they displaced. they have nowhere to go, they go to to make shift camps to schools to take shelter there, no means of survival, and those places are hit, so what is what is the
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use of an evacuation order? well, it's exposed all institutions, including the the un and all of their sort of mechanisms, what should have happened long ago, of course is that sanctions should have been imposed on israel by every instrument of... international power, including the un, whatever they could have done, they should have been issuing orders for absolute sanctions, 363 degree full spectrum sanctions, they should have been demanding a complete and utter cease fire the minute things kicked off, they should have had the lifting of the siege on gaza done straight away, they should really be pushing for the ending of israeli illegal occupation in a much harder way than we we've seen, there should be an arms embargos imposed through the... un and anybody else, they should have been uh pushing these across all international institutions, all corporate companies pumping weapons and arms uh should have been banned by now, and the americans
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have given over 60,00 tons of weaponry to israel during this period of this this war, that should never have happened, and the americans should be thrown out, article six should be invoked and the americans should be expelled from the un for violating and social israel, these are all some of the things that ought to be ought to have been done in a... an ideal world, but we don't live in a world where there's justice, thank you so much, we're out of time, thank you my guest b and vancouver, sayid mosan abbas in london, and thank you for watching this edition of the spotlight, i've been your host b, see you next time, the world of horseb breeding and equestrian sports their endless challenges and also
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dozens more palestinians including women and children are killed and is ready attacked sang gaza a mid continues restrictions on aids hamas says that israel's threat of eminent large scale military operations on the west bank will prove to be new quagm for the regime and the ukrainian president says his military has deployed western suppied f-16 fighter jets to counter russia's drone and missile strikes.
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